ES9 4Pg1Cloze

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EARTH SCIENCE 9-4 What are rivers and streams?

OBJ: Describe the three stages in the life cycle of a river or stream.

I. What is a River? - a large, natural channel containing _________ water.

- river water flows ____________ because of the force
of _____________.
- ____________ from rainwater
- ____________ that flow into it.
- ______________ from spring
- melting ________

II. The Stages of a River - ____ stages of development.

- ____________
- ____________
- ____________
- it depends on how _________ the water is flowing
and how ________- the slope is that it is on.

III. Youthful Rivers - has a __________ slope and _______-moving water.

- these rivers tend to __________ the riverbed, or
bottom, and __________ a narrow V-shaped valley.
Features - __________ and _____________
RAPID = part of a river where thee current is __________.
WATERFALL = _________ fall of water, as a stream, from a height.
Example - _____________ River and __________ River

IV. Mature Rivers - waters move ___________ than a youthful river.

- is on a __________ slope.
- _____ rapids or waterfalls.
- ___________ widens the river and the valley floor.
- this river tends to ___________
MEANDER = to wind ________ and _________ in loops.
Example - ___________ River and the _________ River

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