LS9 4ClozePg2

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LIFE SCIENCE 9-4 What are worms?

OBJ: Compare the different phyla of worms.

IV. SEGMENTED WORM - most ____________ of all worms.

- classified in the phylum ____________.
ANNELIDA = type of worm with a ____________ body.
- segmented worms are sometimes called __________.
- more than ____________ species of segmented
- live in water and on land.
- most popular species is the ____________.
- _________________________________________.
- like all worms they have a head and tail end.
- each segment except for the head and tail have 4
SETAE pairs of ____________.
= _________________________________________.
use their setae and sets of tiny muscles to move.
- complex ____________ system.
- food passes through a _______ and
____________ , where it is stored and then
ground up.
- food is digested & absorbed in the intestine.
- closed ____________ system.
- blood moves through vessels, or tubes, in the
- In the head end, two large vessels meet and
form 5 hearts, which the blood throughout.
- ____________ system.
- nerves run along the body and connect to a
simple brain.
- ____________ system.
- Have male & female reproductive organs.
- A single worm, does not mate with its self.
- Reproduces sexually.
- NO ____________ system.
- gases pass in & out through the moist skin.

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