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Eastern Europe Task B:

I believe that the most influential leader in Eastern Europe is

John Paul II. He wasnt afraid to stand out and be different, he was
the first non-italian pope in 400 years. He stood up for his beliefs and
did what was right for his people. Pope John Paul II must have been
liked by lots of people because he was declared a saint in 2013.
1. He wasnt afraid to say no to war. During several major conflicts,
such as
Rwanda, Kosovo, Sudan, Iraq and the Balkan wars, Pope
John Paul II wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He spoke for all
people during these conflicts and was supporting against
2. He had pride in the sickness. Meaning he didnt just quit when he
was sick and he didnt give up on his sick people. He remained an
active Pope until his very last days of life. He turned his
experience into a teaching tool for his people who were used to
being known as a throw away culture.
3. He was very understanding. Pope John Paul II understood that
young people needed some extra guidance so he came up with
World Youth Day.
4. Pope John Paul II was very determined. He was willing to move
around and to reach as many Christians as he could. He visited
130 countries.
5. He was willing to branch out. Pope John Paull II was the first
pope to step into a synagogue since the times of Jesus.

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