Bulletin March 22

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Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:
Cassburn, Kirk Hill, Riceville-Pendleton,
Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Unless a grain of wheat falls onto the earth ...

Worship Leaders Today

Trinity (Vankleek Hill)
Kirk Hill
Riceville-Pendleton (P)

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich
Sandra Osadchuk
Carolyn Ruda

We Gather to Praise God

Welcome to our worship service today.
We pray you will feel God's presence as we worship together.
If you are able, please stand where indicated with an asterisk(*).
You are invited to join in reading the responses and prayers, printed in bold.

Greeting and Welcome
Life and Work of the Church
Lighting the Christ Candle
*Sung Introit:

In the Bulb, There is a Flower

VU 703

In the bulb there is a flower, in the seed, an apple tree,

in cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free!
In the cold and snow of winter theres a spring that waits to be,
unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.

*Passing of the Peace

*The Call to Worship:
People of God, gather here; in this sacred space, in this
sacred moment, away from your daily concerns and
Here we recall the stories of faith, here we see the God
who is constantly loving, here we are offered
forgiveness again, here we remember whose we are.

*The Opening Prayer:

Lord Jesus, lead us, we pray in our worshipping of God this
day. Mighty God, it is through Jesus that we are bold to
approach you, through the covenant established forever in
his name that we are assured of your nearness and your
desire for our chosen response. Unite us by your Spirit that
the praise and petitions we bring may delight your heart,
glorify Jesus and serve the world in his name. AMEN!

Eternal, Unchanging, We Sing

VU 223

The Good News Time


Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

VU 357

The Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

We Listen For Gods Word

Scripture Lessons:
Jeremiah 31: 31-34 I will write upon their hearts.
Psalm 119: 9-16 VU 838-839 Finding joy in God's commandments.

Psalm 51:1-12 VU 776-777 Put a new heart in me, O God.

Hebrews 5: 5-10 Christ did not glorify himself.
John 12: 20-33 Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth.
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Thanks be to God!

O Jesus, I Have Promised

VU 120

We Respond to Gods Word

Offering Invitation
*Response: Your Work O God Needs Many Hands

VU 537

Your work, O God, needs many hands to help you everywhere,

and some there are who cannot serve unless our gifts we share.
Because we love you and your work, our offering now we make;
be pleased to use it as your own, we ask for Jesus sake.

*The Prayer of Dedication:

We send these gifts into the world with love and the desire
that they will flow and flood where they will do good and
bring about justice. AMEN!
Prayers of the People and The Lords Prayer
The Sacrament of Holy Communion: Trinity & Kirk Hill
Please refer to your bulletin insert.


I, the Lord of Sea and Sky

VU 509

*Commissioning & Blessing

*Sung Blessing:

Go Now in Peace

Go now in peace, never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of everyday.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know he will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love and show you believe,
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above,
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Our Worship Ends Our Service Begins

March 22, 2015


Prayer Corner
John Allen, Al & Ardie Baars, Reg Beaudette,
Ryan Beaudette, Joanne Boss, Dytha Dixon,
Hailey, Sheila, Sheila Elliott, Lloyd Howes,
Tony Martin, Mary Matte, Willard Orr, Joye Oswald,
Evan Rodger, Wilma Scott, Boris Woloschuk

Question of the Day:

What has been your Lenten journey,
planned or unplanned?
March 22: Deadline for Cassburn Easter Newsletter is
TODAY! Please e-mail any submissions to Stephanie
Anderson at bandsanderson@rogers.com or give directly to
Stephanie or Bryan. Call Stephanie directly at (613) 6781681.
On March 29 voting by secret ballot will take place at each
church asking our membership the following question: Are
you in favour of extending a call to Rev. Phyllis Dietrich
to the Genesis Cooperative effective July 1, 2015?
The conditions of her contract will be available before the
voting takes place. The ballots will be counted at the next
Genesis Council Meeting on April 2 under Presbytery

follow the fish


Nursing Homes / Seniors Homes Services:

Champlain, Wednesday, March 25, at 2:00 pm
Community Nursing Home, Alexandria, April 7, at 10:30 am
Prescott Russell, Tuesday, April 14, at 1:30pm
Heritage Lodge, Wednesday, April 15, at 1:30 pm

April 5, Easter Sunday: Don't forget to bring your bells Hallelujah!

April 12: AMARYLLIS WOMEN'S and MEN'S choirs are
thrilled to present "THE CREATION" by Haydn, a work that
rivals Handel's "Messiah" in beauty and majesty.
Accompanied by a 30-piece professional orchestra, this
promises to be an event to inspire! SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 4
pm at Knox Presbyterian Church, VKH. Limited seating so
"first-come first-served". Advanced tickets are available to
churches until March 29. Adults $25, children 12 and under
$10. Please contact: Diane at 613-632-8942 or Rosemary at
525-1336 for tickets.
April 18: Anyone from our Genesis Congregations wishing
to participate in the final work of the Comprehensive
Review can do so by contacting our Presbytery Reps or the
Minister to attend the meeting on April 18th from 1:00 t0 3:00
pm at Knox-St. Pauls United Church in Cornwall.
April 19: Genesis Cooperative Joint Service is being held
at Kirk Hill on Sun., April 19 at 10:30 am. Communion.

follow the fish


GO FISH: Between April 5th (Easter Sunday)

and May 24th (Pentecost Sunday), help
your congregation provide the needed
protein for our FOOD BANKS over the
summer months. Cans of tuna, salmon, chicken or ham
would be greatly appreciated. Each church will have a box or
a basket to collect the items. Lets see if we can break the
record again this year!
Thanks for participating in this
Genesis Cooperative Project
Check your bulletin boards / Genesis website for events
this Spring and the April - June worship schedule.
Want more? Why not visit these websites . . .
United Church of Canada www.united-church.ca
United Church Resources www.ucrdstore.ca
Riceville-Pendleton www.riceville-pendletonunitedchurch.ca

The Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada
42 Mill St., Box 689, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
Phone: 613-678-5499
Genesis Cooperative Community

Minister: Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Administrative Assistant: Gabrielle Becker
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am 1:00 pm
Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon

Minutes for Mission

March 22

Global Mission and Service

Come and See

In December 2009, after more than a year of prayer, discussion,
and reflection, Palestinian Christians released a document called
A Moment of Truth: A word of faith, hope, and love, from the
heart of Palestinian suffering.
In what came to be known as the Kairos Palestine document,
they spoke to the global church and to the world about the reality
of life under occupation, urging people of faith and good will to join
them in Gods redemptive work for a just peace in Palestine and
Israel. Kairos Palestine is now also a global movement with more
than 20 groups worldwide. The office of the organization, based in
Bethlehem, coordinates a Palestinian-Christian response to
The writers of the original document stated, We believe that
liberation from occupation is in the interest of all peoples in the
region because the problem is not just a political one, but one in
which human beings are destroyed. As the living stones of
Christianity in the birthplace of Christ, Palestinian Christians invite
Christian pilgrims to come and see the reality first-hand:
This journey will revealin contrast to daily headlines that
make us feel helpless and inured to suffering and violence
that there is hope for bringing the fruits of peace to all.
What is yet needed is the momentum and commitment of
people of faith and courage. This pilgrimage of
transformation will show us how each of us can be a
peacemaker in our own small or large ways.
Come & See: A Call from Palestinian Christians (2010), p. 5

There are numerous opportunities for United Church people to be

part of a pilgrimage of transformation in Palestine and Israel. Our
gifts for Mission and Service support the ministry and witness of
Palestinian partners as they seek justice.
Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church to
do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.

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