Vocab 2011

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Andrew Gardner 09.2011

Commerce - VAT, PLC/plc, Ltd, Co., PR, asap
Documents - c, cc, bc, l, ll, p, pp, enc, pto, RSVP, dob, d., e.g., i.e.
Education - BA, BSc, MA, MSc, PhD, MD, Cert., Dip., M.I.E.E., FRS
Organisations - BBC, EU/EC, NATO, UN, WHO, OPEC; CIA, FBI, MI5; CEO, MP, MEP, PM, MoD
Roads - M1, A53, B1405, St (street, saint), TL, TR, SO
Misc - SOS, PIN, AD, BC, OAP, Ms, N/A, FYO, EOM
Types - blast, blaze, collapse, collision, crash, derailment, drowning, pile-up; to capsize/sink/run aground
Causes - brake failure, carelessness, communication breakdown, driver error, drunkenness, icy roads, ignoring
safety procedures, misunderstanding, negligence, poor visibility, runaway train, speeding, tiredness
Results - carnage, death toll; chaos, post mortem, court of inquiry, coroner, inquest; black box
Types - flat, cottage, terraced house, semi-detached house, detached house, villa, bungalow, mansion, palace,
castle, fort, chalet
Verbs - hire, rent, let, buy, sell; alter, redesign, extend, renovate, repair, rebuild, refurbish
Nouns - attic, loft, cellar, basement flat, gutter, drainpipe, hedge, fence, drive, ceiling, study, radiator, central
heating, double glazing, tiles, pond; sofa, settee, mat
Types - amphibian, insect, mammal, reptile; groups - herd, flock
Verbs - bark, bite, buzz, growl, kick, lick, roar, scratch, sniff, sting, mate; breed, migrate, nest
Body - fur, skin, beak, claw, feather, fin, horn, hoof, tail, trunk, tusk, wing
Human activities - domesticate, tame, train, hunt, poach, pat, stroke; guide dog
Wider use - be an ass/chimp/cow/pig/rat/swine, bear/bull market, the black sheep, bull (red rag, take by horns),
a catfight, cats eyes, to chicken out, culture vulture, dogged, eagle-eyed, fishy, to fish for, hen/stag party,
to hound, lions share, loan shark, to monkey around, parrot-fashion, a ponytail, a poodle, sheepish, a
snake, a snails pace, waspish, zebra crossing
People - author, writer, playwright, dramatist, novelist; composer, conductor, musician, pianist; sculptor, artist,
painter, photographer (free-lance); editor, critic, journalist, reporter; producer, director, cameraman, stage
manager, star, co-star, extra
Works - biography (auto), fable, fairy tale, legend, myth, novel, poem (poetry), play; rhyme, fiction, non-fiction;
painting, sculpture, exhibition (exhibit), opera, musical
Parts - ankle, beard, chest, chin, elbow, eyebrow/lash, gums, hip, joint, kidney, knee, liver, lip, lung, moustache,
muscle, nails, neck, shoulder, throat, thumb, toe, tongue, waist, wrist
Problems - ache, bruise, cut, fracture, frostbite, graze, heart attack, indigestion, pull a muscle, sprain, sunburn,
sunstroke, twist; blind, deaf, disabled, bald
Aids - bandage, contact lens, crutch, filling, plaster, stretcher, treatment, vaccine, wheelchair
Parts - ABS, accelerator, airbag, battery (flat), bonnet, boot, brake, bumper, central locking, engine, fuel gauge,
headlights, gear lever, horn, jack, oil, seat belt, speedometer, steering wheel, spare tyre, windscreen,
wiper; manual/automatic
Verbs - change gear, crash, do a U-turn, overtake, reverse, skid, speed up, slow down, swerve, turn
Adjectives - comfortable, luxury, economical, high-performance, second-hand, used
Roads - avenue, lane, square, cul-de-sac; main road, dual carriageway, motorway, bypass, lay-by, roundabout,
flyover, underpass, toll; road works, pile up, hold up, traffic jam/congestion, rush/peak hour, diversion
Adjectives - elegant, fashionable, matching, loose, tight, comfortable; protective, waterproof
Verbs - clash, go with, suit, shorten, shrink, discolour, drip dry, dry clean
Materials - cotton, linen, nylon, silk, wool, synthetic
Nouns - button, collar, cuffs, hood, pocket, zip
Shapes - circular, round, oval, square, rectangular, triangular, spherical; artificial, imitation
Materials - bronze, silver, gold, brick, cardboard, concrete, (fibre) glass, iron, metal, plastic, rubber, steel, wood

People - arsonist, assassin, blackmailer, burglar, conman, drugs dealer, hacker, hijacker, kidnapper (hostage,
ransom), killer, mugger, murderer, pick-pocket, rapist, rioter, robber, sniper, suicide bomber, terrorist,
thief, thug, traitor, vandal
Punishment ASBO, fine, community service, detention, suspended sentence, imprisonment, exile, execution
also - compensation, disturbance, riot, rehabilitation
Verbs - breach, break in, break out of, bribe, burgle, counterfeit, forge, kidnap, rob, stab, steal, threaten
Banks - deposit, withdraw, pay in, take out, credit, debit, loan, mortgage, fund, account (a/c), balance, interest
rate, statement, overdrawn, credit card, coin, banknote, cash machine; inflation; estate; franchise; assets
Paying - exorbitant, overpriced, dear, costly, value for money, bargain, cheap, worthless; discount, reduction,
instalment, deposit; customs, duty, tax, VAT; bill, receipt, invoice, voucher; merge, take over, buy out, bid
Adjectives - well-off, hard-up, wealthy, broke, bankrupt, bust, in administration/receivership
Organisations - building society, ECB, Bank of England, insurance company, stock exchange, shareholder
Data - sharp rise, steady increase, gradual decline, drastic reduction; pick up, fall off; level, rate; trend, forecast,
prediction, indicator; lowest, highest; short term; ease, leap, plummet, rally, hike; quid (slang)
People - almost all of us, the majority/minority, over half, hardly anybody, one in ten, per cent
Exams - take/do, pass, fail, grade, resit, retake; assess, mark
Levels - nursery, primary, secondary, sixth form, college, polytechnic, university, academy, institute
People - instructor, counsellor, mentor, lecturer, tutor, professor, head teacher, principal; trainee, student,
apprentice, under-graduate, post-graduate
Subjects - astronomy, economics, computing, computer science/studies, IT, statistics
Cooking - bake, boil, cook, fry, grill, toast; microwave, frying pan, saucepan, tray; raw; blender
Taste - hot, spicy, sour, sweet, sharp, fruity, rich, creamy; greasy; seasoning
Problems - allergy, diabetes/diabetic, overeat, malnutrition, food poisoning
Health - balanced diet, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, preservatives, greasy/convenience/junk food
Types - game, match, contest, competition, championship, tournament, race, cup, league
Verbs - win, beat, take part in, enter, withdraw, disqualify, come first/second, knocked out, fight back, draw,
replay, postpone, put off, cancel, boycott, award, appeal
People - winner, runner-up, loser, finalist, opponent, competitor, champion, record holder, gold/silver/bronze
medallist, referee, umpire, panel of judges, organiser, team captain, vice-captain
Medical - illness, disease, contagious, incurable, symptoms, diagnose, prescription, ointment, lotion, dose,
pill/tablet, check up, X-ray, scan, examination, transfusion, operate on, vaccination
Hospital - anaesthetic, operating theatre, ward, sister, nurse, consultant, convalescence, in/out-patient
General - GP, health centre, primary care trust, surgery, appointment, NHS, General Medical Council
Travel - crossing, cruise, drive, excursion, expedition, flight, outing, ride, safari, trip, voyage; travel agency,
book, reserve; business/economy class, package tour, charter flight, hold, excess baggage, flight
number, brochure, itinerary; resort, souvenir
Accommodation - B & B, half board, full board, guest house, self-catering
Transport - barge, canoe, double-decker, glider, jeep, (jumbo) jet, liner, moped, yacht
Courts - magistrates court, county/crown court, High/Appeal/Supreme Court, civil/criminal law; guilty, not guilty,
innocent, judge, jury, liable, trial; bail, custody; barrister, solicitor, defence, prosecution; overrule, overturn
Other - case/statute law; pass, repeal, ban; Bill, Act; Law Society; arbitration, plea bargaining, settle, tribunal
Newspapers - advertisements (classified), article, caption, cartoon, column, contents, editorial, entertainment,
headline, horoscope; (Sunday)Times, Guardian, Independent, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Sun, Mirror;
tabloid, gutter (press); reporter, journalist, correspondent, critic, editor; freelance
Verbs - announce, broadcast, censor, edit, highlight, replay, print, publish, televise, transmit
Vocabulary - affair, allege, bandwagon, entitled, target, claimant, cover-up, damning, disclose, drag, emerge,
far-reaching, flee, full-scale, fury, gang, grip, handful, label, leak, packed, praise, quango, ram, robust,
rocket, scope, scrap, slam, slash, soar, spark, spiral, string of, surge, undermine, wield, wipe out/off, yield

Disasters - avalanche, earthquake, flood, hurricane, landslide, plague, tornado, tsunami, typhoon; drought,
famine, epidemic, outbreak
Reaction - emergency services, insurance claim, rescue/salvage operation
Features - desert, estuary, forest, volcano, waterfall, glacier, tide (high/low), tropics, North/South Pole
Descriptions - good-looking, well-built, left-handed, well-behaved, short-tempered, over-indulgent,
easy-going, narrow-minded, self-centred; frail, handsome, skinny, shortish, neat, plain, scruffy, smart
Feelings - annoyed, anxious, ashamed, betrayed, confused, desperate, embarrassed, envious, excited,
excluded, foolish, furious, grateful, guilty, humiliated, irritated, jealous, lonely, miserable, rejected
Life - birth, marriage, death; abortion, civil wedding, divorce, euthanasia; widow/widower, in-laws
Wider use - to elbow, to foot the bill, fingerprints, a footpath, footsteps, hair-raising, a handful, to hand over,
handy, a header, a loud-mouth, nail-biting, nosy, to raise your eyebrows, to stomach a problem, two-faced
Convenience - air conditioning, humidifier, central heating, hair dryer, toaster, microwave, spin/tumble dryer,
fan, answering machine, shredder, double glazing, vacuum cleaner/hoover; hose; remote control
Tools - chisel, drill, file, hammer, nail, pliers, sandpaper, saw, screwdriver, spanner, tape measure, vice; weld
Electricity - switch, plug, socket, fuse, cable, wire, mains; transformer
Weather - breeze, blustery, gale, storm; mist, fog; drizzle, shower, downpour, torrential rain, sleet, hail stones,
thunder, lightning; heatwave, cold spell, blizzard; overcast, dull, bright; cloudy, icy, rainy, sunny, windy
Verbs - appoint, engage, employ, promote, interview, suspend, fire, sack, dismiss, make redundant, lay off,
transfer; also - appraisal interview
Nouns - job, occupation, profession, career, employment; task, labour, business, trade, commerce;
People - supervisor, manager, director, boss, secretary, technician, chief executive, chairman, senior, principal,
assistant, owner; disciplinary/grievance procedure
Pay - wages, salary, increase, incentive scheme, bonus, productivity, commission
Accommodation, advice, baggage, equipment, evidence, furniture, information, help, knowledge, luggage,
machinery, money, news, proof, shopping, technology, work
Character: absent-minded, aggressive, argumentative, arrogant, brave, callous, careful, cheeky, compassionate,
conceited, conscientious, considerate, cooperative, courageous, cowardly, deceitful, decent, dependable,
determined, devious, disciplined, disorganised, envious, forgetful, forgiving, gentle, generous, greedy, gullible,
honest, impetuous, kind, lazy, likeable, manipulative, mean, modest, moody, nave, obstinate, overbearing,
patient, peaceful, quarrelsome, queer, rebellious, reckless, reliable, rude, self-centred, self-controlled, selfish,
sensible, sensitive, sincere, stingy, stubborn, temperamental, thoughtless, trustworthy, vain, warm-hearted.
Personality: active, adventurous, bold, boring, calm, cautious, cheerful, conservative, defeatist, devoted, dull,
easy-going, emotional, energetic, excitable, extrovert, fascinating, friendly, inquisitive, insecure, inventive, mild,
obliging, optimistic, outgoing, passive, persuasive, pessimistic, pleasant, proud, reserved, secretive, selfconfident, self-conscious, sentimental, shy, talkative, uncompromising, unconventional, unimaginative,
unpopular, unsympathetic, zealous.
These start sentences and tell us what to expect, helping communication and preventing misunderstandings.
Examples: additionally, all in all, alternatively, anyway, as a result, as well as that, at the same time, besides, by
the way, clearly, equally, for all that, for this reason, furthermore, however, incidentally, in complete contrast, in
conclusion, initially, moreover, naturally, on balance, on the other hand, subsequently, surprisingly.
These words have different meanings [n=noun, v=verb, a=adjective]: tank (n,n), party (n,n), ball (n,n), hamper
(n,v), grave (a,n), discount (n,v), mean (a,v), conduct (n,v), sink (n,v), catch (n,v), current (a,n), round (a,n), tip
(n,n,n), complex (a,n,n), contract (n,v), club (n,n), gear (n,n), sound (a,n,v), execute (v,v), nail (n,n), trust (n,n),
coat (n,v), deposit (v,n,n), exhaust (n,v), race (n,n), stick (n,v), study (n,v), mine (n,n), bridge (n,n), fan (n,n), tap
(n,n), plug (n,n), plain (a,n), plaster (n,v), class (n,n,), stall (n,v), bow (n,n,n), turn (n,v), row (n,n,v), leave (n,v),
beat (v,v), horn (n,n), trial (n,n), even (a,adverb), court (n,n), stone (n,n), wind (n,v), pound (n,n), found (v,v), cut
(n,n,v), matter (n,v), lighter (a,n), match (n,n,v), tie (v,v), lie (v,v), fine (a,n), will (n,n), fair (a,a,n), lead (n,v), refuse
(n,v), chair (n,v), fire (n,v), sack (n,v), wound (v,v), late (a,a), bar (n,n,v), hang (v,v), coach (n,n), recover (v,v),
ditch (n,v), suit (n,v), fly (n,v), train (n,v), house (n,v), let (v,v).

These pairs sound the same but have different meanings: hall-haul, queue-cue, saw-sore, dual-duel, floor-flaw,
site-cite, tire-tyre, due-dew, dam-damn, heard-herd, seas-seize, tail-tale, seam-seem, scent-sent, die-dye, roleroll, fate-fete, sole-soul, anyone-any one, everyday-every day, cheap-cheep, genes-jeans, morning-mourning,
lead-led, dependant-dependent, seek-Sikh, air-heir, groan-grown, aloud-allowed, moan-mown, toe-tow, sale-sail,
waist-waste, sort-sought, wait-weight, feat-feet, pray-prey, profit-prophet, made-maid, band-banned, saucesource, vain-vein, board-bored, straight-strait, key-quay, councillor-counsellor, pole-poll, higher-hire, leak-leek,
heal-heel, stationary-stationery, lightning-lightening, sweet-suite, fair-fare, fined-find, break-brake, bare-bear.
Correct these mistakes: overpayed, wheather, iresponsable, hight, strenghten, ilegaly, voleyball, diferently,
dissapearance, passangers, apointement, imaturity, lugage, unbelivable, enviroment, arhitect, mayer, noisest,
qualificated, forgoten, proffession, historicly, foriegn, misterious, tempory, receit, eventualy, bussinesmen,
releaved, ocupation, mispelt, personnal, determinated, displaid, dispair, thiefs, recommandation, committments,
imigration, unexplicable, councilor, improuvement, sistematicly, truethfull, unecesary, unemploiable, stresful,
atractive, achivement, understuffed, weeknesses, priveliges, resorcefull, aplication, oportunities, noticably,
lenghtened, unhappyness, marrige, arguement, ilogicly, negociator, unmanagable, paniced, succesfuly, destroied,
refference, defense, yourselfs, developement, suvenir, unrelyable, dissapointment, entusiasm, canceled,
discription, exausted, volcanos, seperate, occassionally, independant, electricien, advertisment, inpossibility,
machinary, anouncement, american, ensurance, beggining, broshure, collegue, confortable, couragous, greatfuly,
incidently, jurnalist, mecanic, brakedown, faitfully, sincerly.
Add, admit, advise, answer, apologise, appeal, claim, comment, complain, confirm, deny, doubt, enquire,
mention, object, offer, order, promise, propose, protest, question, refuse, remark, reply, report, request, respond,
state, suggest, threaten, warn, wonder.

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