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Meeting with the Deans

January 12th, 8:15 AM

Norms for Today:

1. Stay engaged through speaking, listening, and asking clarifying
2. Speak your truth
3. Monitor your air time
4. Consider all opinions when coming to consensus
Desired Outcome(s):
Engage in discussion to create a self-sustaining lunchroom
supervision system that incorporates best practice, builds off of
existing strengths, and addresses identified needs
Learning Targets:
-I can collaborate with others to examine the strengths and areas
of growth for lunchroom supervision here at NEMS
-I can identify a list of "high priority" needs of our lunchroom
supervision responsibilities and generate a plan to address these
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Review of group norms, desired outcomes, learning targets,
and agenda
3. Examining our Practices and Procedures/Developing a Plan
5. Commitments and Next Steps

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