Political Manifesto

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James McCulloch

October 7, 2014
Armstrong 1

Political Manifesto

In my opinion, the natural rights that all humans are born with
are life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. The two most
obvious ones are life and liberty, because those two things are one of
the most necessary things for someone to live and be able to be free.
The other one, the pursuit of happiness is important to me because I
think that everyone should be able to have goals that they can try to
chase after and try to accomplish, whether it be happiness, or just
getting a job or having a family. In the end, there is the same amount
of the natural rights, but I changed it to instead of property, say pursuit
of happiness.
A social contract to me is an agreement between the people of a
civilization, who all agree to make a government able to enforce and
put together new laws and rules. The people also agree to give up
what they did in the state of nature, the ability to do whatever,
wherever, they wanted to. In effect of them giving that up, the
government agrees to provide the maximum amount of protection and
security that they can. The right to govern should come from the
consent of all the people, not just some of the people because if only a
small portion of people agreed, and those people were the people who
were asked for their consent, there would be many angry people
stating that they never gave their consent to the decision or tax.
A government is a group of people who pass and enforce the
laws and rules in a certain civilization or place. The purpose of
government is to keep order with their power and to make sure that
everyone is doing the right thing. It is supposed to do what is best for
the people outside of the government, not just the people running it. It

is supposed to protect the people, as well as it helps establish the

peoples rights. It is not supposed to do things that just benefit
themselves, and to not disregard and opinion or serious matter that
the people have. I think that governments are very necessary because
without them, the whole entire world would be without order or peace,
and in a constant state of nature.
I strongly support and agree with the right of rebellion theory
because if your government is not treating you in the correct ways that
you agreed on when you negotiated your social contract, then you
have all the rights in the world to be able to rebel. I think that the only
situations that you can exercise your right to rebel is when either your
government is doing actions that only benefit them, or when the
government is neglecting your rights as a human.

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