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By Mr. Wuiston Medina

1. Three Common Level 2 Student Behaviors
1. They start to use the target language applying some words or phrases learnt by heart.
2. They develop begin to use academic language no matter how many errors they make.
3. They try to communicate their ideas by going farther.
2. Why Teachers Need to be Aware of their Students Level
Because if their students are going to be promoted to a higher level, those students will be challenged to
develop new demands of knowledge that take for granted a curriculum base.
3. Comment on the following quote and give examples used in your classroom.
On page 133 says "Through developing creatively inventive assessments that separate content knowledge
from language production, teachers gain more accurate insight into the learning of level 2 ELLs"
Yes, teachers must be creative in the invention of no formal ways of assessments to make students
produce the target language. What I usually do is have them give specific short answers to some questions
where they apply what have learnt. Sometimes I use a poster with a dialogue and ask them recreate it by
changing some words they know. I demonstrate how a sentence is grammatically correct by providing
some context clues and then they produce some. I also ask the students to create posters or drawing to
produce a piece of writing.
4. The Most Relevant Practices in Each Domain
1. Simplifying , using correct language, repeating or paraphrasing as needed
2. Employing think-alouds to model both processes and language
1. Formal or informal discussions by using a picture to elicit phrases and sentences, asking for opinion.
2. Building confidence by rewarding all attempts to communicate
1. Visual supports like pictures, posters or videos
2. Teaching pre-reading skills like phonemic awareness, phonics, etc.
1. Modeling content and guided writing activities
2. Accepting phrases or sentences by providing Venn diagrams, T -charts or any other concept map.

For discussion: Can a teacher combine several views of learning for an environment of multiple level
groups? For example, social learning, cooperative learning, meaningful learning and all others.

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