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Ability Awareness Day Table Activities


Students will have an opportunity to explore

braille, how it is learned, used, and how it is
generated. A vision specialist will lead this group.

Visual Perception Visual


Students read a grade level paragraph with no

spaces between the words. This reduces their
fluency and comprehension. Follow-up questions
help them discover the impact on their reading,
and how it might impact their confidence about
school. They also ask kids to consider other
someone might get the same information, and if,
in fact a student with this deficit might still be a
capable learner.

Visual Motor Integration

Students will write by looking in a mirror (reversed

image) not at their paper. A student partner will
block the students vision of their paper with a
card. Follow-up questions help students consider
their frustration level when writing this way. They
will also consider whether or not this deficit
changed the quality of their thinking.

Gross and Fine Motor

Students will attempt to fasten buttons, zip

zippers, and tie bows while wearing socks on their
hands to simulate fine motor deficits. They will tie
pillows to their shoes and attempt to walk. Followup questions are designed to have kids consider
how fine motor deficits might change someones
life, and how one might learn to do every day
things anyway. They will ask students to consider
if their physical deficits made them think
differently, and how they might be able to include
a student with these deficits in sports and
playground activities.

Visual Impairment

Students will wear foggy goggles and try to do

everyday activities. Follow up questions will ask
students to consider if they were still able to tell
who their friends were, if their ability to think had
been compromised, or how they might get around
school and their home. They will consider how
they might still learn despite the lack of vision.

Ability Awareness Day Table Activities

Social-Emotional 1

Students put on headphones and are asked to

point to a picture every time they hear a given
sound, but have lots of distracting sound in the
background. Follow-up questions will help
students consider how hard it might be to
concentrate when they have other noisy activity
going on in their brain. They will consider the
impact on their schoolwork, friendships, and
energy level.

Social-Emotional 2

Students are asked to consider situations that

have made them feel mad, sad, or nervous. They
will share how difficult it might be to focus on their
work, or show patience with others when they feel
that way. Then they consider what it would be like
if they just felt that way without the trigger. They
will start a task, but will have to spin around twice
each time the leader says one of the emotions.
Students will share their experiences and consider
what it might be like to have little control over
their emotions. How it would impact their
schoolwork, friendships, and confidence. They will
consider how they might respond to someone
whose emotional response doesnt match the

Ability Awareness Day Table Activities

Day 1: Grade 4; 8-10
Table A

Table AA

Table B

Table BB

Table C

Table CC

Table D

Table DD

Table E

Table EE

Grade 5; 10-12
Table A

Table AA

Table B

Table BB

Table C

Table CC

Table D

Table DD

Table E

Table EE

Ability Awareness Day Table Activities

Grade 6; 8:00-10:00
Table A

Table AA

Table B

Table BB

Table C

Table CC

Table D

Table DD

Table E

Table EE

Grade 3; 10:00 12:00

Table A

Table AA

Table B

Table BB

Table C

Table CC

Table D

Table DD

Table E

Table EE

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