Prt3320-Leadership-Final Project

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Vanessa Gregory

Spencer Jacobson
Jeanette Murugi
Section A
Organization and Program description: 5 day international educational adventure tours
Outdoor activities/guided tours ranging from zip lining, snorkeling, hiking, biking,
and swimming.
Educational environmental tours through visiting national parks, beaches, rainforests
and learning about sustainable environmental practices.
5 night stay at a beautiful ecolodge with great staff and amazing accommodations.
Mission: to provide educational eco-tours in foreign lands while focusing on sustainability,
building group dynamics and character development through adventure outdoor activities.
Resources: transportation, local guides, set lists of tours and adventures, participants, hotel
involvement, recreational program involvement, and equipment.
Vision: To ensure that travelers leave with a greater understanding of sustainable practices
while also gaining a memorable outdoor experience. We want our travelers to take home
certain memories, experiences and knowledge, and then share those with their friends and
family so that more people will understand the importance of our earth. We would like to find
more hotels in other countries where we would be able to safely send our travelers and give
them this experience of knowledge. Only time and constant feedback will tell where our
organization will go.
Education, Exploration, Sustainability, Respect, Enjoyment
We believe that everyone should learn about the world around them therefore
Education and Exploration are important to us. We need to Respect the world,
ourselves and others therefore Sustainability comes into play so that we can help other
learn how to take care of our world. We want to do this in an exciting and fun way so
that people Enjoy themselves.
Population served and Location:
American middle school students up to college age students, groups of at most 8 per
traveling adult supervisor.

International locations around the globe, eco-friendly hotels close to natural resources
and national parks are preferred.
Time Frame: "5 days in your destination" seems like we will have a few drop in facilities
where participants go to connect with nature but still see the hospitality side of things.
Students will be able to observe a new location in the world while learning new skills and
learning about the stability of ecosystems around them.
Section B
Needs Assessment
As a group, we decided that an online survey would be the best way to conduct a needs
assessment for our student and teacher population. The surveys will keep us green while
collecting the data that we need. Emails should be sent directly to a teacher in order to
extricate exact information about answers the population returned. Students and hopefully
teachers as well, should be able to understand our online survey and return solid information
quickly before their trips. Our website will include green locations (including hotels, parks
and nearby attractions), that our intended populations will be able to travel to. We have also
compared pricing with other tours. Below are some examples of destinations and the pricing
associated with those areas. These prices also include flights to and from the countries. Prices
will be adjusted as necessary.
Australia and New Zealand
Tour Length: 12 to 15 days
Total Price: Starting at $4,100
Tour Length: 7 to 14 days
Total Price: Starting at $2,200 to $4,700
Tour Length: 9 days
Total Price: Starting at $3,700
Survey Questions
Personal Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Status on Trip: Student/Teacher/Parent/Other

Do you have any health concerns? I.E. allergies, disabilities, accessibility issues
If yes, please go into more detail.
Which tour(s) are you interested on going on? Why?
These are next available tours for that area. When are you interested in going?
How many people will be joining you on this tour?
What are their email addresses so that we may contact them about this tour?
Your Interests:
Our tours offer many activities. Which of the following are you interested in? Check all that
A) Nature walks
B) Hiking
C) Biking
D) Horseback riding
E) Zip lining
F) Snorkeling
G) Kayaking
H) Fishing
What do you wish to see while on your trip?
What do you wish to learn or accomplish during your tour?
What can you tell me about ecofriendly practices right now? (before tour)
How likely are you to use ecofriendly traveling practices throughout a trip?
a) Always
b) Frequently
c) Sometimes
d) Never

Section C
Program Theory Description and Leadership Style
The theory we chose for our program is flow. According to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, flow is
completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the
ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. We
chose flow as our program theory because the participants of our program will be partaking
in various outdoor adventure activities that will be challenging and require skills. In addition
to physical activities, travelers will also partake in cognitive activities. Many of these
physical and cognitive activities will cause the travelers to work together and demonstrate
teamwork. The participants will experience boredom or excitement depending on their skill
level or interest in the activity. This programming theory will help us achieve our goals and
vision because in the long run, our expectation is to ensure that our participants/guests gain
an understanding of sustainable practices while also gaining a memorable outdoor experience
and also enhancing group dynamics along the way. Flow is not experienced by everyone at
the same time therefore by using it as a programming theory we will gather different
information since the activities we offer will cause a varied impact.
Leadership Style
Our organization's leadership will be a form of collaboration since we will be operating the
tours. We will be partnering with organizations such as hotels that have a board of directors
and strict hierarchy.
This is an example of our leadership structure.
Board of Directors
Director of Operations
Human Resource Manager(s)
Tour Guide Trainer(s)
Tour Guide(s)
Hotel Staff
5 important leader and follower traits
1) Communication: there needs to be dialogue between the participants, hotels and tours
guides as well as the tour locations for anything to be executed.
2) Organization: this skill is important because without it no form of order will exist,
confusion will be the order of the day.
3) Respect: the participants and guides should learn to respect the people taking part in the
trip and also the environment they are in by taking measures such as the Leave No Trace"
principals. This includes minimizing environmental impact by leaving the site exactly how
you found it, disposing of waste properly and being respectful to wildlife as well as other
4) Knowledge: the organization needs people who know how to arrange tours and are also

knowledgeable about their surroundings and are constantly thinking of ways to make the
activities inclusive.
5) Oversight: A leader should have a clear idea of why everything is happening. With goals to
guide, a leader should help the group learn and grow throughout their experience.
We believe that the above list embodies our important traits for our organization. We need
every single one of these traits in order to bring a good experience to our participants.
Communication has to be strong from the first initial contact with a group so that they
understand what they are getting out of the program. We need those same strong
communication and organizational skills to book flights, rooms at hotels and time at each
activity. Respect definitely helps with throughout the process too. Knowledge and vision are
important to make sure that the students are learning while out of the country.
Group Leadership Traits:
Spencer: I feel that my leadership comes from my attention to detail. I may not have a whole
lot to say but when I do, it comes down to the details of whatever we are doing, be it a paper,
a group activity or a program. I want things to work out so I pay attention to every question
asked, to every section not mentioned, and to every child left alone. I am also very task
orientated. I want to always be doing something, otherwise I get impatient and move away
from what is going on. Sometimes I am misunderstood for this behavior and thought to be
angry or annoyed. Really, I am just ready to keep going and am waiting to spend my time
doing something. I should probably try to be more involved when there are slow times
instead of just doing my own thing.

Section D
Age Appropriate Considerations
Middle School up to College students.
Middle school students range from 12-14 year olds
High school students 15-17 year olds
College students 18-25 year olds
Since our groups consist of different age groups the cognitive, physical and social-emotional
characteristics are different. We will have three distinct developmental stages to deal with:
Early Adolescence, Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Physically, all groups will have high
energy and activity levels. Motor skills and coordination should be well developed as well.
Cognitively, all three groups should be well developed. The middle school and high school
students might be a bit more egocentric than the older college students though. Socioemotionally, peers are the most important support to the middle school and high school
students again. The middle school students are just now beginning to find their identities but
expect moodiness in both groups as high school students probably have barely settled into
their identities. Mixed sex activities are not uncommon for the high school and college age
students though the college age students are more likely to pair off or go off by themselves.
(See Kohlbergs Moral Development Theory: Stage 3 through 5)
Leadership wise, both the middle and high school students need a lot of attention and
communication. The leader needs to talk to them and involve them in some sort of decision
making even if it is small. Be a guide or mentor to these age groups. Activities should be
varied and groups will almost always work well together. The college group needs some
direction so include physical and cognitive competition along with many social activities. A
purposeful laissez-faire leadership style might work best for everyone here. Beware of but
allow some moodiness of the younger groups. Try to engage each individual in physical
activities. Being a democratic leader will give the participants the opportunity to give
feedback and you should be able to continue with other activities when needed. Doing more
physical activities will help move everyone into flow to pass the time by. Completed surveys
before the trips will help determine activities that might need to be modified to include
individuals with special needs.
Being a positive role model and open communicator with these students will help us to gain
their trust and respect so that we, in return can teach them about sustainability at these ecofriendly resorts and other locations during their trip. Physical group activities in the outdoors
will enhance their learning by appealing to their energetic and social nature. This follows our
mission and vision perfectly.

Section E
Goals & Objectives
Goal: Increase travelers' awareness of sustainable environmental/tourism practices
throughout the five day adventure tour
1. Give travelers' a tour of the ecolodge on their first afternoon and show them at least two
specific examples of ecofriendly practices the lodge conducts and how they do it.
2. Two educational environmental site visits to places such as national parks, beaches,
rainforests, or eco farms during our guest's stay.
3. Give travelers a short survey at the conclusion of their trip assessing what they learned
regarding sustainable environmental/tourism practices.
Goal: Promote/enhance teamwork and group dynamics throughout the five day adventure
1. Set up an initial group bonding/"getting-to-know-each-other" activity at the start of the
2. Have varied activities that cause travelers to interact with each other to reach an intended
goal or learn something new. (These will include physical and social activities that will vary
depending on the age group.)
Goal: Leave travelers with a positive view of the hospitality services and accommodations
provided to them during the 5 day adventure program
1. Provide an exceptional level of service to travelers during their stay. (Including but not
limited to: transportation, accommodations, dining, activities, amenities, etc.)
2. Give travelers a short questionnaire at the end of the trip intended to assess our services,
and to rate their level of satisfaction regarding their hospitality related experiences.
Goal: Have travelers become global citizens so they have a better worldview.
1. Teach, then test the travelers about the characteristics of a global citizen while on tour, such
as respecting and valuing the diversity of the destination.
2. Make the travelers form a habit about knowing the social issues taking part in other parts
of the world by encouraging them to be more knowledgeable.
"Mission: to provide educational eco-tours in foreign lands while focusing on sustainability,
building group dynamics and character development through adventure outdoor activities."
Our goals relate to our mission because our focus is to ensure that travelers learn sustainable
practices during the five day program while gaining valuable skills such as teamwork that can
be used in multiple environments. The goals are also an extension of our mission statement
due to the fact that as an organization, we strive to provide educational elements to our
travelers while also incorporating a sense of adventure through outdoor recreational activities
such as hiking, snorkeling, etc.

Section F
Group Management:
How will you facilitate movement through the stages of group development?

Forming - Give time and space with some structure for students (and staff) to become
associated with each other.
Storming Conflict needs to arise in order for progress for each individual. With
continual guidance by staff members and chaperones, the group should be able to
move through this stage of group development and continue with all planned activities
with few complications.
Norming - People should feel part of a team and achieve work if they accept others.
Performing Participants and staff members should work together to accomplish set
tasks and goals of the program.
Adjourning A closing activity will be provided so that everyone can show their
appreciation towards each other and talk about their accomplishments. (Feedback
would also be highly appreciated.)

How will you handle group conflict?

It is likely that throughout the five day program group conflict will arise. Often times,
if a couple people within the group have conflicting interests then it causes conflict
within the whole group. Thus, as program leaders we will encourage any problems
within the group to be discussed and worked out amongst each other. Groups or
individuals that are experiencing conflict are encouraged to bring forth their issues to
us (group leaders). We will act as mediators, trying to help resolve any problems that
are occurring between individuals (or groups). We will not change the groups even if
students are experiencing conflicts (unless there are extenuating circumstances, in
which students absolutely cannot work together) because we want students to be able
to resolve conflict on their own as it often brings groups closer together. If worse
comes to worse, which we do not hope for, we also have the adult chaperones that
should know their students and help facilitate resolution among students.

How will you facilitate shared goals and equal participation?

There will be many activities throughout the 5 day program in which students will be
working and recreating together. These will include outdoor recreation activities as
well as fun games such as "steal the bacon," that we will play as a group, as well as
snorkeling, zip lining, horseback riding etc. Students will spend time together during
these outdoor recreation activities. These activities have been chosen so that the
students can all participate together as a group therefore they will all have equal time
to participate. We hope students will encourage each other throughout these activities
and promote goodwill towards each other throughout their experience. A strong group
dynamic and sense of teamwork will promote students to work together in order to
achieve common goals. Some students may not like every single activity but that is
okay. Hopefully there, they can participate in other activities or just participate to the
extent they would like without hurting the other students experience.
Specifically, how will you work to build relationships among your participants, between

participants, and with staff members?

On the first day of the program we will have participants and staff members take part
in a couple "ice breaker" activities. Example of activities: (Boom chicka boom,
charades, sit down game, etc.) We also wish to have time to verbally walk them
through our program offerings, give them time to see the hotel facilities and amenities
and then build relationships with the students and chaperones by serving them dinner.
The goal of all these activities is to cause students to get comfortable with one another
and with staff members. Staff members will continue to participate in activities with
the students throughout the week. This will help build trust and continue to build
relationships amongst the students and staff. In addition, staff members and
participants will eat meals together in a big dining hall. This is important because it
demonstrates that there is not a hierarchy occurring. Staff members and students
interact with one another on equal levels. This also helps in building relationships
between staff and students. Furthermore, throughout the 5 day program there will be
many outdoor recreation activities that students and staff will be participating in
together. This will help facilitate relationships between students, and between students
and staff.

How will you motivate participants? Rewards? Praise? Punishments? How will you foster
intrinsic motivation?

Prior to the trip the students will take a survey, (which we discussed in our needs
assessment) that will give us an idea of what outdoor reaction activities they are
especially interested in. Then throughout the 5 day program the top ranked activities
amongst the students will be implemented throughout the trip. Because students will
essentially be choosing what outdoor recreation activities they are interested in and
will be participating in, we hope that their intrinsic motivation is already there. They
are picking these activities based on what they enjoy, so we hope they are selfmotivated to take part in, and complete them. However, it is understandable that
students might become discouraged at times. This is where strong relationships
between students and the staff are especially important. Students and staff will be
encouraged to motivate and be there for each other as they conquer these outdoor
recreation activities together. The staff will be there at all times to guide and
encourage the students. The staff must have positive attitudes and outlooks on the
program if it is to succeed. If the students feel that the staff is not interested in what is
going on, then the students will pick up on this attitude and the program will fail.

Rewards? Praise? Punishments? How will you foster intrinsic motivation?

Physical rewards and punishments will not single students out, but instead will be
given to the whole group. If students do something that deserves a reward, (such as
working particularly well together and demonstrating excellent teamwork) then small
rewards will be given to the whole group. On the other hand, if a group does
something to deserve a punishment, (such as demonstrating poor sportsmanship, or
two team members fight) then punishment will be given to the whole group. (An
example of a punishment is kitchen clean up duty for the night.) On an individual
basis, verbal praise should be given for accomplishments that were difficult for the

student to achieve. By giving both rewards and punishments to the whole group
instead of singling people out, teamwork and group dynamics will be promoted. This
will also facilitate shared goals amongst the students because they will be working
towards common goals.
What considerations might you need to make for working with people with mental and
physical disabilities? How will you adapt your program to work with people of all ability

As before mentioned, surveys will be completed by students and chaperones alike

before arriving at their destination. We hope to be able to assess each individuals
needs before their arrival. This means that we may need to have extra staff members
for people with disabilities during physical activities.
We feel that students in our age range are all fairly similar in their cognitive abilities.
The activities will not only vary depending on skill level requirements but also on
how much "space" is given to older students who need time to build relationships with
each other and the younger students who are more focused on achieving their goals.

Section G
Activity Plan
Daily theme/title/activities
Day 1: day of arrival/Sustainability and Outdoor Recreation
Goals and Objectives
The goals and objectives that will be addressed on this day will be:
Goal: Increase students awareness of sustainable environmental/tourism practices.
Objective: Give the students a tour of the ecolodge and show the specific examples of
ecofriendly practices the lodge conducts.
Objective: Educational nature walks will be conducted to places such as nearby
conservation sites such as the rainforest and national parks.
Objective: Provide a quiz after the activities about sustainable practices and outdoor
recreation to know what the students have learned.
At 9:00 AM the participants will gather in the lobby of the ecolodge. We will be on the
premises of the ecolodge. Participants will take a path that goes through the property. Then
we will move to other parts of the ecolodge: Laundry room, hallways, conference room, and
individual beach huts, for tour of sustainable practices in the hotel. Next we will stop by the
garden which is north of the lobby. Then we will walk to the dining hall, in the center of the
ecolodge. After lunch participants can recreate as they choose, and will probably retire to the
beach, their rooms, the garden, etc. We shall then meet in the main lobby and proceed outside
the front of the ecolodge to the preservation trail. After the walk, lead participants down the
hallway connected to the lobby and to the rec. room.
Special arrangements
Electricity to run ecolodge, permits (previously obtained for the ecolodge), and preservation
trail to loop through the neighboring rainforest.
Inclusion plan

As before mentioned, surveys will be completed by students and chaperones alike

before arriving at their destination. We hope to be able to assess each individuals
needs before their arrival. This means that we may need to have extra staff members
for people with disabilities during physical activities.
We feel that students in our age range are all fairly similar in their cognitive abilities.
The activities will not only vary depending on skill level requirements but also on
how much "space" is given to older students who need time to build relationships with
each other and the younger students who are more focused on achieving their goals.

Equipment, supplies, and materials needed

2 liters of water, sunscreen, suitable clothing and snacks among others are mandatory
requirements that were addressed in our participant package sent out to the participants prior
to their trip. We will also need paper and pens to give to the participants for their selfreflections. Also, staff will carry a first aid kit on the nature walk.
Outline of staff needed

Hotel staff: They will provide hospitable accommodations to the participants during
their stay at the hotel.
1 or 2 tour guides will be provided by the national park to show/tell us about the
preservation trail.
2 Tour guides: These will be the guides from our program International Educational
Adventure Tours.

Cancellation plan
If the weather, for some reason, is unreasonable on a certain day then we can stay at the lodge
and do our "Global Citizen" lesson in a room set up by the hotel. We can allow hiking during
spans when the weather is okay. If there is something wrong with our water situation, i.e.
sharks or rough waves then we can change to fishing or allow more free time to our students.
Specific set-up
Set up will change with the day. Sometimes we will need buses or vans to take our students to
a different location. Other times they will be able to walk from the hotel to someplace close.
One business room for large group gatherings before and after such excursions and meal
times would be extremely helpful.
Animation Plan:

9am: Participants meet in the main lobby: Here they will be given a brief introduction
to the itinerary for the day (i.e. Tour of ecolodge/discussion on sustainable practices,
lunch, nature walk, reflection)
9:20: We will take the participants on a tour of the ecolodge. We will show them our
water conservation program plans and how we implement these. We will share tips on
how to be green tourists, such as reducing the amount of water used during showers,
having sheets and towels changed after the tourist/guest leaves instead of every day
and buying items in bulk if you are traveling with a group. Also includes tour of the
premises. Showing students how we keep our lodge true to the land by only using
indigenous plants for landscaping. (Easy-to-follow path that goes through the lodge's
premises. Start in front of the lodge, there are signs directing you along the path.) In
addition, how the ecolodge produces its own renewable energy by the usage of solar
panels (on top of the main lodge, and on each of the beach huts).
11AM: Stop and sit at the benches in the ecolodge garden. (North of the lobby, signs
directing you along the path.) Here we will discuss with the participants what they
just saw/learned during the ecolodge tour. Ask specific questions such as, "How do
you think sustainable practices directly affect the local community and environment?"
Allow an hour for group discussion/reflection about the day thus far.

12PM: Lunch. Participants will then meet in the dining hall for lunch. (Choice of
salad bar, fish tacos, and rice/beans.
1PM-2PM: Participants are given an hour rest period after lunch to recreate as they
2PM: Participants meet in the main lobby. Nature walk: To continue with the theme of
sustainability and preservation, the program participants will continue the tour with a
nature walk through the premises to a nearby preservation trail. (Sign directing you to
the preservation trail is outside the lobby) Preservation trail is a 3 mile loop which
goes through parts of the neighboring rainforest, and ends on the beach that is next to
the ecolodge.
4PM: Return to the lobby at the end of the preservation trail walk. Then guide
participants down the hall and to the right, to the rec. room. Have students sit down at
the large tables in the middle of the room, and then give them all a piece of paper. Ask
them to reflect on their day. (What they learned about sustainability, what they
enjoyed most about the day, and any comments/constructive criticism.)
5-6PM free time. Another hour for participants to recreate however they want,
examples: walk on the beach, yoga, reading, napping, etc.)
6PM: Meet in the dining hall for dinner. Choice of chicken/pork/veggies. Rice, beans
and plantains. Salad bar.

Remaining Days
Day 2: Theme: Outdoor recreation - hiking and zip lining
Day 3: Theme: Water fun! - Snorkeling/swimming
Day 4: Educational eco-tour-Rainforest visit/ horseback riding
Day 5: Wrap up- Biking through national park/Global citizen lesson
(Goals and Objectives for the week)
Goal: Promote/enhance teamwork and group dynamics throughout the five day adventure
Objective: Set up an initial group bonding/"getting to know each other" activity at the
start of the trip.
Objective: Have varied activities that cause travelers to interact with each other to
reach an intended goal or learn something new. These will include physical and social
activities that will vary depending on the age group.
Goal: Have travelers become global citizens so they have a better worldview.
Objectives: Teach the travelers about the characteristics of a global citizen while on
tour such as respecting and valuing the diversity of the destination.
Objective: Make the travelers form a habit about knowing the social issues taking part
in other parts of the world by encouraging them to be more knowledgeable.

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