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Rachel Hults

Dr. Kylah Clark-Gof

EDUC 3320
March 3rd, 2015

Vision Statement

Educator Rita F. Pierson (2013) proclaimed on TED Talks

Education that, Every child deserves a champion an adult who will
never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and
insists that they become the best that they can be. Contrary to
popular belief, teaching is more than lecturing over various content
areas. Teaching is an art educators must awaken a students
creativity and inspire them to learn. Teaching is a science educators
must understand every unique mind in their classroom and distribute
information in a way that will absorb into various intelligences. Lastly,
teaching is an admirable profession that requires ambition, patience,
and faith.
I decided to be a teacher the day I realized the positive impact
various teachers had made in my life and how many of them helped
shaped my future. I considered the students who do not have a good
home life who depend on their teachers for educational guidance as
well as personal guidance. If being a teacher means that I can
positively influence a young adults life then I intend to strive to be the
best educator I can be. I chose to become an agricultural science
teacher because I wanted to help inspire students through agriculture
and the Future Farmers of America like it inspired me. I hope to
encourage agricultural science students to excel in FFA so that they will
have courage that will survive in them for their future endeavors.
It is essential that all teachers possess the determination to
encourage students to succeed, the patience when a student or
students are struggling, and the confidence to be a positive leader. The
Texas Administrative Code of Ethics (2010) states, [An] educator shall
not exclude a student from participation in a program, deny benefits
from a student, or grant an advantage to a student on the basis of
race, color, gender, disability, national origin, religion, family status, or
sexual orientation. All students should be encouraged to participate in
classroom activities and academic programs regardless of their
abilities/disabilities, race, or gender to further their academic future.
An educator should be able to adapt to various learning environments
and be able to manage the classroom in order to achieve curriculum
goals. An excellent educator must always demonstrate integrity and
practice respectable morals.
A learner-centered classroom should encourage students to take
responsibility for their own learning (Texas Teacher Proficiencies, 1994).
The educator must be able to accommodate every learner so that they
are at an advantage to expand their knowledge. Various forms of

technology should be used in a learner-centered classroom to motivate

and encourage all learners. Cooperative learning structures are
imperative to the learner-centered classroom for it changes the
impression of learning through a students eyes from tedious to
entertaining. Kagan and Kagan (2009) insist, Cooperative learning
includes social interaction over content, and literally the brains in a
cooperative learning classroom are more engaged (p. 4.10).
Cooperative learning also diminishes any lines of segregation in a
classroom between race, gender, and social statuses of students.
Engaging students is essential for optimal learning even though a
student may be frightened to participate or if a student is afraid of
making a mistake. These cooperative learning structures are formatted
to improve the social skills of adolescents and encourage positive peer
Bestselling author and recognized speaker on parenting and
teaching Barbara Coloroso said, If kids come to us from strong,
healthy, functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not
come to us from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job
more important. I believe by creating a strong connection with
students and encouraging them to be the best that they can be by
providing several opportunities for success you will have students
eager to learn in your classroom. Students who are eager to learn are
students who have the ability to achieve anything they set their minds
to and I hope to be the teacher to help guide students to those

Coloroso, B. Lectures. Retrieved February 28, 2015, from
Kagan, S., & Kagan, M. (2009). Kagan cooperative learning (p. 4.10).
San Clemente, California: Kagan.
Pierson, Rita. 2013, May 7. Rita Pierson: Build relationships with your
students [Video File]. Retrieved from
Texas Education Agency. (1994). Learner-Centered Schools for Texas: A
Vision of Texas Educators. Retrieved from
Texas Secretary of State. (2010). Texas administrative code of ethics
and standard
practices for Texas educators. Retrieved from$ext.TacPage?

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