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Congo War

I think the war in Congo wasnt justified because many people died due to
the government being selfish. Therefore a civil war broke out in DR Congo.
I think they should of thought about what they were doing before they
started a war.
1. How did this war come about?
The origins of the current Congo War are rooted in the countrys two
civil wars, beginning in 1996 and 1998, respectively. The first civil
war was sparked by the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which led around
two million Rwandan refugees to flee to eastern Congo. The refugee
camps in this area soon served as an army base for the Rwandan
Tutu tribe, who terrorized the local population until 1996, when
Congolese forces pushed the Rwandans out of the Congo. In
response, the Ugandan and Rwandan armies invaded the Congo and
overthrew the countrys decades-long dictator Mobutu Ss Seko.
He was replaced by the rebel leader Laurent-Dsir Kabila, who
changed the countrys name from Zaire to the Democratic Republic
of the Congo. Soon after seizing power, Kabila turned on his
Rwandan and Ugandan allies and expelled them from the Congo.
This led to the second civil war in 1998, when Rwandan and
Ugandan forces invaded the Congo once again. This five-year
conflict drew in nine African nations and killed around three million
people, making it the deadliest conflict since World War II. Despite a
formal end to the war in 2003, there has still been persistent
violence for control over the country, including its abundant natural
resources. This struggle has dragged all of the bordering countries
into a regional conflict and has developed into a major humanitarian
4. Whats going on in the Congo now?
Fighting has continued in eastern Congo at the hands of more than
forty armed rebel groups. A new wave of violence exploded in March
2012, when a group of rebel Tutsi soldiers formed the militia group

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