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Key: ii=Adverb


Inadequate Student:
Daniel urgently had to rush to school after he missed the first bus. He recklessly
ran across the road and was brutally greeted by the head teacher ms trenchers.
He sloppily strolled to period 1, thinking he wasnt late. I really dont care, he
rudely replied to Mr Findlay. It was now period 6 and Daniel had realized how bad
he had been he eagerly asked his form tutor how many sim points he had
gathered today worriedly he begged his tutor not to tell his mum. Wishfully Daniel
wanted to be good. His mum knew he would be good on day remorsefully Daniel
said sorry to everyone.
Outstanding Student:
Macy was the most well behaved student in the school gracefully she strolled into
school, eagerly looking for work to do. She was going on a trip to MOSI with
school today. Yearly the school would go .Usually people would win many prizes
sometimes they would even win trophies it was now time to go and healthily
Macy ate an apple. She didnt like oranges nowadays. It was now time to go home
and Macy happily informed her teacher the fun she had had today. Merrily she
skipped off home nicely telling her mum what she saw joyfully she told her
brother Thomas about it.

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