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How is our WebQuest based on Social Constructivism?

This WebQuest demonstrates an example of using the learning theory of Social

Constructivism in the classroom. Students spend most of their time participating in
learning and have very little explicit teaching from their teacher. Although all students
will have the opportunity to have the same learning experience, it will be up to them
to make it personal. To a degree, students will be responsible for their own learning.
It is an active process rather than passive. Students will be problem solving, raising
questions and working with others to arrive at conclusions. The teacher is merely
there to guide the students through the process. It is specifically social because
students are encouraged to work in groups and collaborate in teams. In this process
they learn from each other instead of directly from the teacher.
Knowledge is acquired in this way through a discovery. Students follow instructions
on the Weebly but have a degree of freedom in how they find information and
comment on their findings. It is a safe place where students will feel they can openly
ask questions and share ideas as a class. The process of learning from each other
provides higher achieving students the opportunity to help remedial students. This is
a great way of bridging the gap between learning levels.
Using the Kidblog, students are encouraged to reflect on their learning experiences.
This develops a deeper level of understanding. The activities the students will
engage in allows them to relate their own experiences and have a personal
connection with content.

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