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Understanding the Adult Learner with Learning Disabilities for College Professors
Hunter Somerville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana


Understanding the Adult Learner with Learning Disabilities for College Professors
The purpose of this project is to develop an online learning program to promote a better
understanding of the adult learner with learning disabilities in the college classroom. This
training will increase awareness of the potential presence of students with learning disabilities in
the classroom, develop talking points for instructors when approaching students, and provide
resources for instructors after the training.
Problem Identification
People with learning disabilities have grown significantly in the past few decades.
According to Cortiella (2011), The U.S. Survey of Income and Program Participation survey
shows the LD prevalence rate among the U.S. population (ages 6 and older) to be 1.8%, totaling
4.67 million Americans (p.7). With this growing number of people with learning disabilities,
educating the educator is necessary to promote awareness and also to abide by laws protecting
individuals with disabilities, invisible such as a learning disability or visible. Students who have
difficulty learning are more likely to drop out of school, especially college. Cortiella (2011)
states, Often students with LD have lower aspirations regarding their own postsecondary
education and just under 11% of undergraduates reported having some type of disability
Increasing awareness in faculty can increase the potential for the student to succeed and
complete a college education. (Quinlan, Bates, & Angel, 2012) As the number of students with
learning disabilities attending colleges and universities increases, it becomes increasingly
important to connect services and accommodations with students with learning disabilities.
Perceptions about students with disabilities cause disconnects between instructors and students.


According to Cortiella (2011), Seven out of ten parents, educators and school administrators
incorrectly link learning disabilities with mental retardation and autism. Half or more of school
administrators do as well (p.24). This disconnect is more prevalent in colleges and universities
because students are not required to attend postsecondary institutions. In order for a student to
receive accommodations they must provide documentation of the disability and their learning is

Cortiella (2011) says, there is a lack of consistency across postsecondary education

settings regarding the supports and services available to students with documented LD, making it
challenging for students to identify institutions that will provide appropriate services (p.27).

Instructional Goal
The goal of this instruction is to increase the instructors awareness and knowledge of the
prevalence learning disabilities in the college classroom. The overall goal of this program is:
1. At the end of this training, 100% of instructors will know the different types of
learning disabilities and the prevalence of each.
2. At the end of this training, 100% of instructors will have knowledge of talking points
and how to approach a student that is having difficulty in the classroom.
3. At the end of this training, at least 80% of the instructors will be able to identify a
learning disability and 100% will know resources that a student can be referred to for


The target audience for the initial learning disability training will be approximately 85
instructors and more than 50 support staff at Texas A&M University-Texarkana. This group will
include all instructors that teach freshmen students, all Success Center personnel, tutors, and
mentors. 97% of 71 faculty members are tenured Ph.D. Success Center personnel hold a
minimum of a bachelors degree. Tutors are junior and senior level undergraduates. Mentors are
graduate students from various programs. Some faculty members do not access the online
learning environment, Blackboard, and this will have to be overcome to facilitate the training.
All other members of the training group access Blackboard daily or have access.

Contextual Analysis
Texas A&M University-Texarkana provides computers in every office and there are
several computer labs. All introductory training modules can be completed independently.
Demonstration modules will need to be completed in a computer lab with a minimum of 10
participants. Demonstration modules will be organized so that each participant evaluates a peer
member on knowledge, attitude, and confidence in identifying learning disabilities. Reports will
generate further learning needs based on group feedback.

Task Analysis
Task analysis for this project included a topic analysis, procedural analysis, and critical
incident method. Topic analysis revealed six (6) major topic areas of learning disabilities and
three (3) sub topics under other disorders. Procedural analysis revealed five (5) outcome
objectives from the training module to be completed. Critical incident method of analysis


revealed the key conditions for communicating with students with learning disabilities.
Cognitive domain analysis identified procedure and recall attributes for defining specific
learning disabilities. Affective domain identified the need for interpersonal skills and application
of knowledge. Psychomotor domain identified procedure, recall, and application for applying
definitions of learning disabilities.

Instructional Unit Plan

Overall Goal of the Instructional Unit:
Instructional goal for this project is to increase awareness of learning disabilities by college
professors and increase student performance through identification and coaching.

Objectives and Presentation Strategies

Learners will be presented with materials in a variety of formats that will result in recall of more
information and being able to apply the knowledge learned about students with learning
disabilities. Learners will apply rules and concepts to understand the different types of learning
disabilities and the effect they have on learning. Learners will also have to become aware of
their attitudes about learning disabilities to overcome stigma and assist their students.
The learner will:
a. Define each type of learning disability.
b. Distinguish between each type of learning disability.
c. Demonstrate knowledge of each learning disability.
d. Model talking points with student.
e. Demonstrate knowledge of resources to guide student.


Instructional Sequence
Sequencing model for this training would follow Reigeluths Elaboration Theory of
learning. First, the learner would need to view the overall learning pattern of the student. Once
and area of concern is identified, the learner will ask questions and make observations to reveal
more detailed information about the student. As the learner investigates and asks more
questions, more details are revealed until the proper disorder/learning disability has been
potentially identified. Learning disabilities can be described in general terms, but in education,
each type of learning disability affects different processes. It is essential that instructors have an
overview and then define more specifically each learning disability and how it affects learning in
the classroom. The sequencing of this program will follow that theory to develop the instructors
awareness and knowledge of learning disabilities. Module 1 will teach basic overview to all
learning disabilities and set expectations. Module 2 will reveal more details about each learning
disability and the implications of each. Module 3 will teach the details of each learning
disability and the signs to identifying co-existing disabilities. Modules 4 and 5 will offer
solutions and resources to the instructor and to the student.

The course modules will be presented in the following order:

Module 1: What are learning disabilities?

Module 2: Identification of types of learning disabilities in the classroom.

Module 3: Communication strategies for instructors to approach students

suspected of having a learning disability.

Module 4: Applying accommodations to instruction for students with learning



Module 5: How to suggest community resources to students and follow up with

progress and improvement.
Module Topics and Media Objects

Objective 1: Learner will define each type of learning disability.

Module 1 Topics
o Definition of learning disabilities (general)
o Prevalence of learning disabilities in college students
o Statistics of learning disabilities (general)
o Statistics of specific learning disabilities
Module 1 Media Objects
o Examples of work completed by students with learning disabilities
o Charts with statistical data
o Laws and legislation regarding learning disabilities
o Comparison chart of differences in definitions of learning disabilities

Objective 2- Learner will distinguish between each type of learning disability.

Module 2 Topics
o Definition of specific learning disabilities
o Body language cues from students
o How learning disabilities can be masked by another disability
o How to recognize work by students with LD
Module 2 Media Objects
o Examples of work completed by students with learning disabilities
o Power points with body language cues
o Handouts on body language and sample work
o Comparison chart of differences in definitions of learning disabilities

Objective 3- Learner will demonstrate knowledge of each learning disability.

Module 3 Topics
o Demonstrate knowledge of learning disabilities (general)
o Demonstrate knowledge of specific learning disabilities
o Recognize work submitted by students
Module 3 Media Objects
o Examples of work completed by students with learning disabilities
o Videos or pictures of students with known disabilities
o Sample work with known learning disabilities


Objective 4- Learner will distinguish between each type of learning disability.

Module 4 Topics
o Demonstrate knowledge of learning disabilities by reading or hearing
o How to recognize the learning disabled student in the general classroom
o Develop working knowledge of learning disabilities
Module 4 Media Objects
o Distinguish types of work completed by students with learning disabilities
o Demonstrate accommodations to assist student
o Review Laws and legislation regarding learning disabilities
o Comparison chart of differences in definitions of learning disabilities

Objective 5- Learner will demonstrate knowledge of resources to guide student.

Module 5 Topics
o Learn major resources for students with learning disabilities
o Learn who to call on campus
o Learn who community resources are for testing
Module 5 Media Objects
o Power Point slides showing all major learning disability websites
o Handouts of campus and community resources
o Handouts of how to talk to students with probably learning disabilities
o Comparison chart of differences in definitions of learning disabilities

Instructional Unit
The purpose of this unit is to give details of the training that will take place in the
Understanding the Adult Learner with Learning Disabilities for College Professors modules.
College professors will come together for specified and agreed upon training sessions. Multiple
sessions for each module will take place to make the training available to all professors. This
instructional unit will cover Modules 1 and 2 of the training plan, detail the training to take
place, and cite sources of information.


Formative Evaluation Plan

The purpose of this formative evaluation is to ensure that this training program meets the
needs of the target audience. This program must meet the needs of the learner to develop the
skills necessary to recognize the student with a potential learning disability. This evaluation
process will ensure that the training will meet those needs. Evaluation of the instructional unit
and supporting materials will be conducted in phases as described below.
1. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Review- A design document will be created based upon
research and diagnostic materials used in creation of the program. The SME review will
assess the use definitions, statements, and assumptions about adults with learning
disabilities. The SME will review training objectives and compare to the instructional
program for alignment and attainability of goals. The review will ensure that all
definitions are current and have been used properly throughout the program. The review
document will rank the overall program for content and usage and also allow for
comments, concerns, and suggestions.

Subject Matter Expert (SME) Evaluations will assess overall design and delivery of
content in a logical manner. The evaluations will also assess content for accuracy and
proper placement throughout the training sequences. Please see Appendix F for SME
Review questions.

2. Target Audience Review-After all training materials have been produced and approved
from the SME Review process; a sample audience will go through the complete training



program. This group will complete all modules and assessments. At the end of each
training module, the participants will complete a module review. After the program is
completed, the group will complete an evaluation of the training and provide comments,
concerns, or suggestions. These evaluations will be analyzed and perform any necessary
or recommended changes after SME approval.

Target Audience Review will assess the learning materials from the learners perspective.
These questions will evaluate content delivery for clarity, continuity, and flow. Each
Module will be evaluated on content in terms of length, understandability, and


American Psychiatry Association. (2013). Specific Learning Disorder Fact Sheet. Retrieved
Cortiella, C. (2011). The State of Learning Disabilities. New York, NY: National
Center for Learning Disabilities. Retrieved from:

Learning Disabilities Association of America. (2012). LDA Position Statement: What are
learning disabilities? Retrieved from:
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing Effective
Instruction (7th ed.). Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities. (1990). Retrieved from:
Quinlan, M. M., Bates, B. R., & Angel, M. E. (2012). What can I do to help?: Postsecondary
students with learning disabilities perceptions of instructors classroom
accommodations. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 12(4). 224233.
http://doi: 10.1111/j.1471-3802.2011.01225.x
Texas A&M University-Texarkana.




Photo Credits



Appendix A
Goal Analysis
Goal 1
At the end of this training, 100% of instructors will know the different types of learning
disabilities and the prevalence of each.
Enabling Goals
1. Instructors will demonstrate knowledge of different types of learning disabilities.
2. Instructors will demonstrate knowledge of how to modify curriculum to accommodate
each type of learning disability.
3. Instructors will demonstrate knowledge of prevalence of learning disabilities.

Goal 2
At the end of this training, 100% of instructors will have knowledge of talking points and how to
approach a student that is having difficulty in the classroom.
Enabling Goals
1. Instructors will show a positive attitude toward approaching a student that is having
difficulty in the classroom.
2. Instructors will demonstrate positive and sincere attitude when approaching a student and
initiating conversation about classroom difficulties.
3. Instructors will demonstrate confidence when suspected learning disability is present or
student admits learning disability.

Goal 3
At the end of this training, at least 80% of the instructors will be able to identify a learning
disability and 100% will know resources that a student can be referred to for assistance.
Enabling Goals
1. Instructors will demonstrate knowledge of resources available to themselves and to the
2. Instructors will be positive and confident when referring students to outside resources.
3. Instructors will demonstrate confidence in identifying each type of learning disability.


Appendix B
Topic Analysis
Learning Disabilities





a. Language processing disorder
b. Affects writing, spelling, and sometimes speaking
a. Learning disability
b. Involves math
a. Writing disorder
b. Affects spelling, handwriting, and thought patterns
a. Disorder that affects motor skill development
b. Usually coexists with other learning disabilities
Executive Functioning Disorder
a. Disorder that affects ability to plan, organize, and manage details
Other disorders that affect learning
a. Behavior Disorders
i. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
ii. Attention Deficit Disorder
iii. Autism Spectrum Disorders
b. Visual Processing Disorders
i. Difficulty in distinguishing between similar shapes or objects
c. Auditory Processing Disorders
i. Difficulty in distinguishing between similar sounds
d. Giftedness
i. Exceptional talent may overshadow underlying disorder

Procedural Analysis
f. Learner will define each type of learning disability.
g. Learner will distinguish between each type of learning disability.
h. Learner will demonstrate knowledge of each learning disability.
i. Learner will model talking points with student.
j. Learner will demonstrate knowledge of resources to guide student.




Critical Incident Method

1. Conditions before, during, and after.
a. Student has no apparent difficulties, student is having difficulty in one of the areas
described by a learning disability, and student is unsuccessful with assignment.
2. Leaner will communicate with student
a. Ask probing but non-intrusive questions
b. Document communication
3. Learner asked questions that resolved student issues and student work is improving.



Appendix C
Instructional Unit Sequencing

Module 1: What are learning disabilities?

Objective 1: Learner will define each type of learning disability.
o Define learning disabilities (general)
o Define Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, and Executive
Functioning Disorder
o Define Behavior Disorders that affect learning
o Define Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Attention Deficit
Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorders
o Define Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders
o Define Giftedness and relation to learning disabilities
o Explain statistics and prevalence of learning disabilities
Instructional Strategies
o Pre-instructional Strategy
1. Pre-test on learning disability knowledge.
2. Motivation Ask learners to describe students that had difficulties
learning in their classrooms.
o Initial Presentation
1. Show slides with prevalence data to increase interest in learning about
learning disabilities.
2. Show slides of examples of work completed by students with learning
3. Discuss instructors thoughts on work presented and statistical data.
o General Strategy
1. Learners discuss their reactions to the data and comparative work
2. Discuss anxiety present in students with learning disabilities.
3. Administer module quiz.
o Media and Materials
1. Power Point Slide presentations
2. Handouts on statistical data, definitions, and law
3. Pre-instructional and Post-instructional quizzes
4. Data recording sheet for answers on quizzes and in-class questions
o 10-question multiple choice test on concepts and data about learning



o 10-question mix and match definition test on specific disabilities.

o Sample paper with multiple errors from specific disabilities; learner
identifies each error in paper.
o Assessment will provide data to be compiled about professor initial
understanding of students with learning disabilities.

Module 2: Identification of types of learning disabilities in the classroom.

Objective 2- Learner will distinguish between each type of learning disability.
o Identify signs of possible learning disabilities
o Observe body language cues from students
o Review sample work of different types of learning disabilities associated
with relevant body language cues.
Instructional Strategies
o Pre-instructional Strategies
1. Pre-test over definitions of learning disabilities.
2. Ask instructors to identify possible work turned in by students that
could have signs of a learning disability.
o Initial Presentation
1. Slides with specific body language cues of students that are
struggling in the classroom.
2. Slides with additional examples of work by students with learning
disabilities presented with body language cues.
3. Ask instructors to give feedback on cues and sample works, first
o General Strategy
1. Learners will discuss and collaborate on findings from presentation
of body language cues.
2. Learners will discuss and collaborate on finding from sample
3. Administer module quiz.
o Media and Materials
1. Power Point Slide presentations
2. Handouts of sample work and body language images
3. Pre-instructional and Post-instructional quizzes
4. Data recording sheet for answers on quizzes and in-class questions
o 10-question multiple choice test over body language and cues that a
student may exhibit that has a specific learning disability.



o Sample work test with multiple errors by students with learning

o Data will be collected for summary report on knowledge of body language
cues of students by professors.

Module 3: Communication strategies for instructors to approach students suspected of

having a learning disability.
Objective 3- Learner will demonstrate knowledge of each learning disability.
o Learner will confidently identify each type of learning disability.
o Learner will observe communication strategies for students with learning
o Review communication plans for addressing issues related to poor
performance in the classroom.
Instructional Strategies
o Pre-instructional Strategies
1. Pre-test over body language of learning disabilities.
2. Ask instructors to scenarios that students have presented that may
indicate a possible learning disability.
o Initial Presentation
1. Slides with talking points to engage students that may have
learning disabilities.
2. Videos with examples of student/instructor communications about
learning disabilities.
3. Ask instructors to give feedback on videos and talking points and
their first impressions.
o General Strategy
1. Learners will demonstrate confidence in talking points to engage
2. Learners will role-play student/instructor interactions to build
3. Administer module quiz.
o Media and Materials
1. Power Point Slide presentations
2. Handouts on questions to ask, media websites, and resources
3. Pre-instructional and Post-instructional quizzes
4. Data recording sheet for answers on quizzes and in-class questions



o 10-question multiple choice test over communication strategies and
talking points to engage a student that has a specific learning disability.
o Video test with specific body language cues and possible learning
o Data will be collected for summary report on knowledge of
communication confidence indicator by professors.

Module 4: Applying accommodations to instruction for students with learning

Objective 4- Learner will distinguish between each type of learning disability.
o Learner will be able to apply accommodations after demonstrating
proficiency in identifying each type of learning disability.
o Learner will discuss options for accommodating students in the classroom
once a learning disability has been identified.
o Review example modifications to curriculum and instruction models that
are compliant to state and federal regulations.
Instructional Strategies
o Pre-instructional Strategies
1. Pre-test over what an accommodation is and might be.
2. Ask instructors to identify possible accommodation that might be
applied to a student with a learning disability.
o Initial Presentation
1. Slides with examples of accommodations for students with
learning disabilities.
2. Slides demonstrating proper use of accommodations and when
they are appropriate.
3. Ask instructors to give feedback on how they would apply
accommodations and when they might ask for help.
o General Strategy
1. Learners will discuss the proper use of accommodations to
curriculum for students with learning disabilities.
2. Learners will discuss and collaborate on proper use of
accommodations when applied to students with learning
3. Administer module quiz.
o Media and Materials
1. Power Point Slide presentations



2. Handouts on accommodations and sample curriculum

3. Pre-instructional and Post-instructional quizzes
4. Data recording sheet for answers on quizzes and in-class questions
o 10-question multiple choice test over accommodations and proper use and
state and federal guidelines for specific learning disabilities.
o Data will be collected for summary report on knowledge of
accommodations for students with learning disabilities.

Module 5: How to suggest community resources to students and follow up with

progress and improvement.
Objective 5- Learner will demonstrate knowledge of resources to guide student.
o Identify community resources inside the college and outside the college.
o Learner will demonstrate how to suggest resources to students.
o Review procedures for identifying learning disabilities and applicable
Instructional Strategies
o Pre-instructional Strategies
1. Pre-test over resources that are available to students with learning
2. Ask instructors to identify known college resources available to
students with a learning disability.
o Initial Presentation
1. Slides identifying various college and community resources
available to students and instructors.
2. Slides with additional resources available by internet and phone to
students with learning disabilities.
3. Ask instructors to give feedback on resource knowledge.
o General Strategy
1. Learners will discuss available resources to themselves and those
available as a referral source for students
2. Learners will demonstrate proficiency in communication of
available resources for students with learning disabilities.
3. Administer module quiz.
o Media and Materials
1. Power Point Slide presentations



2. Handouts on resources for students and instructors in the college

environment, contact personnel, and outside contacts
3. Pre-instructional and Post-instructional quizzes
4. Data recording sheet for answers on quizzes and in-class questions
o 10-question multiple choice test over community and college resources
available to students and instructors for a specific learning disability.
o Data will be collected for summary report on knowledge of community
and college resources by professors.



Appendix D
Training Session I
[Welcome Power Point slide]
Download from Dropbox:
Welcome everyone! We are here today to cover a subject that many have only heard about or
may have encountered, but been unaware they have met a student with a learning disability. As
we go through each of these training sessions, you, the professor, will learn to understand,
define, and recognize students that may have a potential learning disability.

Pre-instructional quiz
State: We all know how students hate pop-quizzes; so lets test your knowledge.
Administer quiz, then grade, discuss, and retrieve test for statistical data collection.

State: Do not answer out loud, just reflect on your classrooms.

Ask: Does any particular student make a consistent mistake on a test or on assigned papers?
Do you or have you had a student that can write well but cannot articulate in speech the same
How many of you have a student that never focuses on you during a lecture?

[Play YouTube Video You Are Not Alone]
Ask: How many of you have a student in your class that may be like the one that was filming that
video? Do any of you have more than one? What are your thoughts about that student?

[Power Point Slide- What are Learning Disabilities?]



Ask: Can someone give the definition of a learning disability? (Look for right answers but also
address the wrong answers)
State: First we must look at how LD are defined.
[Power Point Slide-Learning Disabilities Defined]
[PPT-IDEA Act Definition] Read aloud
[ Definition] Read aloud
[PPT-APA DSM-5 Definition] Read aloud
Ask: Do you see similarities in the definitions? What could be challenging to you as a professor
when looking at these definitions?
Ask: As a college professor do you know which law or act gives protection to adult students with
Ask: Can anyone take a guess at the number of learning disabilities that we will cover during this
[PPT-List of LD]
Ask: Can anyone describe a student that may fit one of these definitions? Please do not use
names. What are your thoughts about this student now? Can everyone think of at least one
student, past or present, that may fit one or more of these definitions?
Ask: Do you think ADHD is a LD?
Do adults have ADHD? [Mental survey: Note yes and no responses.]
Ask: How many people in the United States suffer from some type of learning disability?
[PPT-Statistical Data]
State: Students with LD tend to suffer from anxiety. This is more prevalent in college level
students and the adult learner returning to school.
[PPT-Module 1 Test]
Ask: Why do you think students with learning disabilities have a higher level of anxiety in the
classroom? [Survey: record responses]
Ask: Does the slide Module 1 Test create anxiety?



Open Discussion: Allow learners to discuss openly their opinions and rationales about students
with learning disabilities.

Administer Module 1 Test: Collect Test

Distribute reading materials

State: Complete the online Learning Disability Checklist and bring your results to Training
Session 2.

State: Do a search of the internet for sites that offer Learning Disability information. Bring a list
of results to the next training.



Training Session 2
Download from Dropbox:
Welcome back! Did everyone have a chance to look over the materials and conduct some
internet searches on students with learning disabilities? (Wait for response)
Ask: What did you learn? (Wait for response)
In todays session we are going to learn to identify the signs that a student may exhibit when
suffering from a learning disability. This poses a challenge when learning disabilities are
considered invisible.
Ask: From your research, why do you think that learning disabilities are considered invisible
disabilities? (Wait for responses)
We will also learn to identify body language cues from students and review sample works that
have been submitted by students with learning disabilities.

Pre-instructional Quiz
Administer quiz over learning disability definitions from prior training session.
Grade quizzes and then collect for statistical purposes.

[Play YouTube Video- I wish Id known sooner]

[PPT-Body language]
(Multiple slides with various pictures of students with learning disabilities)
Stop at each slide and ask for observances.



Ask: What are your impressions from the slides? What questions do you have?
Answer any questions asked.
[PPT-Sample work]
Handout: Same sample work.
Download from Dropbox:
State: Please read the sample work and identify errors or thoughts that may indicate a disability.
You can work together on this. Ask questions.
Give time to read sample work.
Ask: What did you find?

Go through sample and identify mistakes.

Ask: How many found all the errors? What are your thoughts?

Administer Module 2 Test: Collect Test

State: Think about how you would approach a student in your classroom that has exhibited one
of the signs of a learning disability. Write down at least three different talking points in which
you would offer assistance to that student and bring to the Training Session 3.
Continue to review and research learning disability definitions and sample works. Becoming
familiar with each is key to understanding development of the student and development of
curriculum modifications which we will learn later.
[Say] Have a great week!


Appendix E
Overall Assessment Instruments
Module Assessments
Module 1: What are learning disabilities?
Instruction: Answer each of the multiple choice questions below by selecting the most
appropriate answer.
1. Learning Disabilities are: (Objective 1)
a. Mental retardation
b. Autism
c. Biological processing problems
d. Developmental disabilities
2. Learning Disabilities affect: (Objective 1)
a. Listening
b. Speaking
c. Reading, Writing, Spelling,
d. Mathematical
e. All of the above
3. Dyslexia is: (Objective 1)
a. Language processing disorder
b. Thinking processing disorder
4. Dyscalculia affects: (Objective 1)
a. Writing skills
b. Reading skills
c. Listening skills
d. Math skills
5. Dysgraphia affects: (Objective 1)
a. Spelling
b. Writing
c. Thought patterns
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
6. Dyspraxia is: (Objective 1)
a. Thinking pattern disorder
b. Motor skill development disorder
c. Walking pattern disorder
d. Writing pattern disorder
7. Executive Functioning Disorder (Objective 1)





Affects planning, organizing, and managing skills

Affects riding a bike skills
Affects writing skills
Affects listening skills

8. Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a Learning Disability (Objective 1)

a. True
b. False
9. Visual processing disorders result in: (Objective 1)
a. Inability to see color
b. Inability to see at night
c. Inability to distinguish between similar shapes
d. Inability to see a computer
10. Auditory processing disorders result in: (Objective 1)
a. Inability to hear low sounds
b. Inability to hear high pitch sounds
c. Inability to distinguish between similar sounds
d. Inability to distinguish between loud sounds

Module 2: Identification of types of learning disabilities in the classroom.

Instruction: Answer each of the fill in the blank questions below. Each question has at least
one correct answer but some may have more than one. Please write in the best answer(s) for
each question.
1. A student hands in work with letters misplaced in words, this is _________________.
(Objective 2 & 3)
2. A student is having trouble reading the assigned paragraph out loud, this could be
_______________. (Objective 2 & 3)
3. A student gets up and walks around, cant sit still in their seat, this is _______________.
(Objective 2 & 3)
4. A student constantly gets angry when given math assignments, this is _______________.
(Objective 2 & 3)
5. A student tightly grips his/her pencil and the writing is not legible, this is ____________.
(Objective 2 & 3)
6. A student seems clumsy with the easiest of tasks, this is ___________________.
(Objective 2 & 3)
7. A student is very unorganized and has trouble planning daily activities, this is
________________. (Objective 2 & 3)



8. A student cannot tell the difference between a 0 and an O. This is _________________.

(Objective 2 & 3)
9. A student cannot distinguish between seventy and seventeen when they are spoken, this is
_____________.(Objective 2 & 3)
10. A student is considered a Gifted student, can this student have a learning disability? Yes
or NO (Objective 2 & 3)



Subject Matter Expert Review Form



Please indicate a response by circling a rating value. Provide additional comments as necessary.
Content Knowledge (circle one for each item):
N/A= Not applicable
1= Strongly disagree
2= Disagree
3= Neither agree/nor disagree
4= Agree
5= Strongly agree

1. The content is suitable for the target audience.


2. The content is well organized.


3. The content is accurate.


4. The content is logical and thorough.


5. Definitions are applied correctly throughout program.


6. The graphics are represented accordingly with the contents.


7. The design does not contain spelling, typographical, nor

grammatical errors.


8. The content is useful for the target audience to obtain intended



9. The visual design engages target audience.


10. The student objectives were met through the execution of

this activity.



Subject Matter Expert Review Form

Please use the following boxes to write comments and recommendations for the
implementation of the program.





Target Audience Review Form



(Circle) Module:

Each reviewer will receive five copies of this form. Please indicate which module you are reviewing.
Please indicate a response by circling a rating value. Provide additional comments as necessary.
Content Knowledge (circle one for each item):
N/A= Not applicable
1= Strongly disagree
2= Disagree
3= Neither agree/nor disagree
4= Agree
5= Strongly agree

1. The content is clear and defined.


2. The content is well organized.


3. The content keeps you interested.


4. The content is logical and thorough.


5. Definitions are thorough.


6. The graphics represent the program material.


7. The design does not contain spelling, typographical, nor

grammatical errors.


8. The content is useful to obtain intended knowledge.


9. The visual design engaging.


10. The student objectives can be met through the execution of

this activity.



Target Audience Review Form

Please use the following boxes to write comments and recommendations for the
implementation of the program.



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