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Immigration in Great Britain

Adam Lloyd
Immigration is not only a growing problem in our American society,
but it is a fastly growing problem in the country of Great Britain.
According to the MigrationWatch website in the year 2104 there
were an estimated 543,000 non British immigrants coming into the
country per year. Now that sanctions on citizens of Bulgaria and
Romania have been lifted, 28 million citizens of both countries have
the ability to migrate to the area. As a result of the open borders,
Britain is the most over crowded nation on the continent of Europe.
In some of the urban areas of the country white Brits are considered
a minority race. Immigration is a huge problem. The people of
Britain have overwhelmingly voted to keep the borders more
controlled and have tighter security, obviously with no success. As
the immigration rises so does the level of British anger. Protest
among protest fill the streets weekly to express the issue of
overpopulation and immigration. However the government cannot
do anything about it. On top of the populations anger the British
government is giving the immigrants the right to claim welfare. This
has raised a lot of anger towards the British government as well.
This causes a lot of economic problems as well. For example the
huge influx of immigrants coming into the country which about 91%
of them claim or try to receive British welfare. So the British citizens
that need the welfare either can't receive or have to receive a lower
amount of government assisted money to help support their family.
In conclusion the immigration problem in Britain is growing and
poses a real threat to the citizens of Britain.

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