2015 Opti 340

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OPTI 340 2015

Y. Takashima

HW #4

HW #5: Due March. 13, 2015 (17:00pm)

Problem 1: (10 pts)
Consider an optical system having 4th order spherical wave aberration
W040. Prove that the mid focus position minimizes wavefront error in PV.
Problem 2: (10 pts)
Consider an optical system having 4th order spherical wave aberration
W040. Prove that the defocus of W020=-(4/3)W040 minimizes variance of
spot size.
Problem 3 (45pts, 5pts each)
For a given F/4 optical system with 2 waves ( = 0.5 m) of spherical aberration (W040).
a. What is the spot size (diameter) at paraxial focus?
b. What is the spot size (diameter) at minimum circle?
c. What is the spot size (diameter) at marginal focus?
d. What amount of defocus (z) is needed from paraxial focus to minimum circle?
e. What is the spot size (diameter) at paraxial focus if the system is F/8?
Now implement the system in CodeV by using lens module. Add 2 waves ( = 0.5 m) of spherical
aberration (W040). Plot spot diagram for a), b), c) and e) using the same scale.

Problem 4 (40pts: 5pts each):

Consider an optical system consisting of two positive thin lens elements having power of
p1=0.005[1/mm] and p2=0.005[1/mm] (see Fig. 1). The index of refraction of the thin lens is n =
1.5168. Object is located at Infinity. For simplicity, we assume zero air spacing between the thin
lens elements.
1. Calculate paraxial marginal ray angles, u1, u2. Assume the marginal ray height in the
object space is 1 mm.
2. Calculate conjugate factor C1 and C2, for the lens element #1 and #2.
3. Calculate shape factor B1 and B2 of the lens element #1 and #2, for which the Seidel
spherical aberration of each element is minimized.
4. Calculate radius of curvature R1, R2, R3, R4 of the thin lens element #1, and #2.
5. Sketch the lens system. Cleary draw the shape of each lens element #1 and #2 based on
the calculation. For the purpose of drawing the lenses, add appropriate thickness.
6. Based on the drawing of the lens system, sketch trajectory of the marginal ray through the
lens system. Indicate how the ray is deflected at each of the four lens surfaces. No
calculation is needed.
7. Input design parameters to CodeV. Add thickness of the lens, 4mm and air spacing, 1mm.
Assume F/#. Draw lens layout, rayfan, and wavefan.

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OPTI 340 2015

Y. Takashima

HW #4

8. Explain how the trajectory of the ray is effective to reduce SA.

1 mm


Lens #1, p1=0.01 [1/mm]

(Positive thin lens)


Lens #2, p2=0.01 [1/mm]

(Positive thin lens)


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OPTI 340 2015

Y. Takashima

Problem 5: (10pt: 5pts each)

For the following ray fan plots, = 0.5 microns and F/8:
a. What aberration coefficients are present?
b. How much shift in z axis position is needed for minimum circle focus?

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HW #4

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