Cooking A B'day Cake .!!!: Room: Nursery Child: Tennyson Educator: Poonam Date: 17/09/2014

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Room : Nursery

Child : Tennyson
Educator: Poonam
Date: 17/09/2014

Cooking a Bday Cake.!!!

We had made a special cake for Noahs Bday. All the kids were
very excited to join and start this interesting fun. Tennyson
Fervently sat down and waited for his turn to add ingredients and help Lee to
mixture plain Flour, coco powder, sugar and water together. He was having
fun to stir the entire constituent. All the kids explored their skill by making
dough for cake. Throughout this time, Tennyson was eating that dough to try
how it tastes it yummy........!!!

Analysis of Learning:
This experience was amazing for the children to learn about
alliance and as a sensory play bustle. Tennyson develops his fine motor skills
to squeeze the dough by using his fingers and palms and also to practice the
skill of rolling the dough. He felt various textures during this process.
Tennyson is learning about the process of cooking and how textures change
when ingredients are mixed together. Moreover, he learns how to contribute
to group experience and all about sharing and turn taking. Tennyson was
involved in this cooking with curiosity.

Learning Outcome:
Learning Outcome 1:
He broadens his understanding of the world in which he lives.
HE explores identity through dramatic play
Learning Outcome 4:
Tennyson develops dispositions for learning such as curiosity,
cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm,
persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

What next?
Continue encouraging Tennysons communal contribution with other children
through more cooking, group painting and small group play spaces and also
indoor & outdoor fun.

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