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Year 3 Newsletter

16 March 2015


Unit Five Curriculum Outline

Important dates for

Year 3
10th April Songkran begins
May 1st Student Led

We continue to encourage our
students to remain balanced.
For families to consider:
7-12 year old children need
approximately 10 - 11 hours
sleep per night.
At these ages, with social, school
and family activities, bedtimes
usually become later and later,
with most 12 year-olds going to
bed about 9pm.
Childrens growing bodies and
developing brains rely heavily on
the regular intake of food.

Dear Parents,
Last week we began our How the World Works
unit. The central idea of the unit is Simple machines
can be used to make work easier.
We will look into the concept of form by
investigating different simple machines (inclined
plane, wheel & axle, lever, screw, pulley, wedge).
We will explore the different ways simple machines
work through the concept of function.
We will also investigate causation and see how
humans use simples machines in everyday life and
whether they in fact help us to make our lives easier.
Through the course of the unit we will also identify
which forces (push & pull) simple machines use and
how they manipulate these (change the force or
multiply it).

NIST International School

Year 3 Newsletter

16 March 2015
Students will have a chance to do experiments with
simple machines in order to develop an
understanding of forces. Additionally, students will
have the opportunity to apply their learning to solve
real life problems.
Ms Jennifer, our librarian will add support to this

Other Curriculum
The following is a Mathematics
and Language outline.

Within the Learner Profile we will concentrate on

being inquirers, thinkers and risk takers. We will have
many opportunities for students to explore and work
in groups so our Attitudes focus will be on
cooperation, curiosity and creativity.

Individual teachers may need to

alter or change this outline
according to the needs of their
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication & Division
Ratio & Proportion
Weight & Length
Determining important ideas in
text, inferring
Make text to world connections
and activate schema
Explanation text, using scientific
vocabulary and structure
Words Their Way
Word Sorts & Activities

NIST International School

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