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Q7) Looking back at your

preliminary task, what do you feel

you have learnt in the progression
from it to the full product?

I feel that I have learnt a lot more

techniques in Photoshop since the
preliminary and I have learnt the layout
and also little features to make a magazine
look more professional and I have also
learnt a lot of the key terms included on a
magazine and key details a magazine
needs e.g. sell lines, cover lines, masthead,
puffs etc. I have also been able to edit my
photos in further detail and also test out a
few extra little editing features such as the
sharpen tool so I could sharpen my photos
a bit extra where I desired them to be
slightly sharper.

I also have much more control over how much I

edit the photos and how severe or normally edited
I make the photographs. I also know how to add
stroke and change colours of many more things to
enable font to stand out and even add borders
around photos to make them stand out further
which helps draw attention and allow them to be
easily noticed, Ive also learnt how to use the
magic wand tool to remove backgrounds around
certain objects like imported text and
photographs. Ive also learnt that a photograph
must be rasterised to enable the use of editing
features and the magic wand tool.

From looking back at my preliminary task I also realise how

much more I have learnt about photoshop even some
features that I havent used such as the crop tool on there
which wouldve allowed me to crop my images to a smaller
size should I of wanted to do so. I also used the eyedropper
tool to allow me to replicate the same colour font to keep it
consistent. Through using the eye dropper tool it also allows
me to ensure that all features that are meant to be the same
colour will be able to stay the same colour. I have also used
the magic eraser tool in areas to help me remove unwanted
areas on certain pieces that I added to my work which
helped me to stop the background from being white and
stand out against everything else through removing it I was
able to make everything in my magazine have the desired
background without having anything surrounding it to show
that its not been edited/altered.

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