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Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 1 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 FUNDAMENTALS OF OFFSHORE STRUCTURES AND DESIGN OF FIXED OFFSHORE PLATFORMS NOTES ON FIFTH-ORDER GRAVITY WAVE THEORY by : Prof. Spyros A. Kinnas ( Ocean Engineering Group, UT Austin Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin, April 13, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 2 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 1 INTRODUCTION Analytical forms of two alternate solutions for steady nonlinear waves based on the fifth-order Stokes theory of Skjelbreia and Hendrickson (1], and Fenton [2] are presented. The intent of the notes is to provide a brief outline of the wave characteristics without presenting the underlying theory. Please note the applicability of the models depend on the Ursell Parameter (for a complete description, refer to Dean|3)) DH _ 8m? 96 a a 3 2 NOMENCLATURE Figure 1: Important characteristics of a nonlinear wave 2.1 Wave Characteristics wave height wave length wave period wave speed mean depth of water (distance from bottom surface to mean water line, M.W.L) gravitational acceleration wavenumber = 2m/L Ao Rte me (@,2) + Cartesian coordinates fixed to bottom surface through which waves move at speed © wave elevation, elevation of free-surface above M.W.L velociy potential with respect to (x, z) coordinate system horizontal component of velocity with respect to (x, z) coordinate system vertical component of velocity with respect to (2, 2) coordinate system n(x, t) (a, 2,t) ‘u(x, z,t) v(x, z,t) eees Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fired Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin, April 19, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 3 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 3 SOLUTION I ‘The analytical form of nonlinear waves based on the theory of Skjelbreia and Hendrickson [1] 3.1 Wave Elevation ‘The wave elevation 7 is expressed as a Fourier series kn = Xcos(8) + (A? Baz + A*Ba4) cos(20) + (A®Bgs + A°Bgs) cos(30) (2) + M4 Baa c08(46) + A°Bss cos(50) ct), Equation (2) can be written in a more simplified form as Khost kn = Ss "bn cos(n8) (3) nat where, bb =1 bg = Baa +7 Bas bs = Bss + *Bss (a) bg = Bas bs = Bss In the above expansion, the quantity_A has no physical significance and may be interpreted as a length scale equal to the amplitude of the wave at lowest order (Fenton, [2]). The coefficients Bij are dimen- sionless functions of d and L (refer to Appendix A). 3.2 Wave Potential The velocity potential can be written as k = (AAi1 + A8Ais + A°Ais) cosh(kz) sin(8) + (A? Az + A4Agq) cosh(2kz) sin(20) + (A° Ags + A®Ags) cosh(3kz) sin(30) (5) + (A4Aaa) cosh (4kz) sin(40) + (A®°As55) cosh(5kz) sin(58) Equation (5) can be written in a simplified form as follows A 5 = y= D> "a, cosh(nk2) sin(né) (6) e net Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin,Apnil 19, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 4 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 where, Au + ?Ais + AtAas, Aag +? Aas Au 5 = Ass The coefficients Ajj are dimensionless functions of d and L (refer to Appendix A). 3.3 Velocity Components The horizontal and vertical velocity components are derived from the expression for the velocity poten- tial, as given in Equation (6). k kop SS ,, 06 co" tess x ‘an cosh (nkz) cos (n@) n. a (8) 00 0 = Kw ~ ct), 5 = k. Thus au é = = 0 A" nan cosh (nkz) cos (n8) (9) st Similarly, k kop Sy, ‘: ces = ‘an sinh (nkz) sin (n@) nk (10) or, » & = = So A" nan sinh (nkz) sin (nd) (yy e n=l 3.4 Application For a given H, d and T, the wave length L and the parameter are obtained by solving a set of nonlinear equations of the form us L TE = SPA + a8 Bas + °(Bas + Bss)] (02) d d = = Stann(kd) (1 + AO; + 4Cy) Lo L where Cy and Cz are coefficients that are functions of d and L (refer to Appendix A) and = Lg = ) Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin,April 18, 2007 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 a Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 4 SOLUTION II ‘The analytical form of nonlinear waves based on the theory of Fenton [2] 4.1 Wave Elevation The wave elevation 7 is expressed as a Fourier series kn = [e + Bai — €°(Bgs + Bss)] cos(6) + (€? Bag + €*B4z) cos(20) + (—€5Bs1 +€ 5 Bs) cos(30) (14) + €4 Bas c0s(40) + €® Bss cos(50) where @ = k(w — ct). Equation (14) can be written in a more simplified form as 5 kn = 3 €"by, cos(nd) (15) nt where, by = 14 €?Bsi — €4(Bss + Bss) ba = Bao + ¢?Bag bs = —Bs, + 7 Bsa (16) bs = Bas a bs = Bos my In the above expansion, the quantity(€ = kH/Drepresents the dimensionless wave height. The coefii- cients Bis are dimensionless functions of d and L (refer to Appendix B). 4.2 Wave Potential The velocity potential can be written as 1 [ke y = (€An + € Agi + €°A51) cosh(kz) sin(6) + (€? Aza + €4A42) cosh(2kz) sin(20) + (€9 Ags + €°A5s) cosh(3kz) sin(30) + (€4A44) cosh(4kz) sin(40) + (5 Ass) cosh(5kz) sin(5@) Equation (17) can be written in a simplified form as follows =e h(nkz, 1 a a In: i 8) 9 "ap, cosh(nkz) sin(nd) (18) Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin, April 18, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 6 ©S.A. Kinnas, 2007 where, a, = An +eAsi t+ Asi ay = Ana +P Aaa a3 = Ass + €7Ass (a9) a4 = Aag a5 = Ass The coefficients Co and Aj are dimensionless functions of d and L (refer to Appendix B). 4.3 Velocity Components The horizontal and vertical velocity components are derived from the expression for the velocity poten- tial, as given in Equation (18) [5 f2 coe y €a, cosh (nkz) cos (n6) n. 2 (20) = -O= ke— an, 3 = =k. Thus = Do "na, cosh (nkz) cos (nd) (21 = Similarly, 1 a (22) or, : 23) Va c= 4.4 Application For a given H, d and T, the wave length L can be obtained by solving the dispersion relation Qn Cot PCa + Cy Tek (24) where Co, C2 and C4 are dimensionless functions of d and L (refer to Appendix B) Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin, April 13, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 7 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 Appendix A S = sinh(kd) C= cosh(kd) Au = 1/8 Ais = —C*(8C? +1)/(85°) Asa Ass Aw Ass Bag Bos Bas Baus Bos a C —(1184C1° — 1440C* ~ 1992C® + 264104 — 249C? + 28} /(1536S"") 3/(8S4) (19208 = 424C° ~ 31204 + 4800? — 17)/(7685™) (13 — 4C)/(648") (512C"? + 42240" — 68000% — 12808C° + 16704C* — 3154C? + 107) /{40968"*(6C? — 1)] (800° — 8160* + 13380? — 197)/[15365°(6C? — 1)] —(2880C"° — 724800 + 324000C° — 432000C* + 163470C? — 16245) 71614405" (60? — 1)(8C4 — 11C? + 8)] (2c? + 1)/(45*) ©(272C8 — 504C® — 192C* + 322C? + 21)/(3845*) 3(8C® + 1)/(645°) (8812864 — 2082240" + 70848C7° + 54000C% 21816C° + 6264C* — 540? ~ 81) /(122885"?(6C? ~ 1) (7680 — 448C% — 48° + 48C* + 106C? — 21) /[3845°(6C? — 3)} (1920000 — 2627200" + 83680C? + 2016007 — 7280C* + 7160C° — 1800C* — 10500? + 225) /(122885"(6C? — 1)(8C* — 11C? +3)] (8C4 — 8c? +9)/(854) (384007? — 40960 — 2592C* — 10080* + 59440‘ — 18300? + 147) /(5128*°(6C? — 1)] Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin, April 13, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 8 @S.A. Kinnas, 2007 Appendix B i S = sech(2kd) = cosh (2k) c= An = 1/sinh(kd) An = 3S?/(2C?) Ay = (4-208 + 10S? — 138°)/[8 sinh(kd)C] Ass = (-25? +115%)/[8sinh(kd)C%] Ag = (125 — 145? — 2645% — 4554 — 135%)/(24C°) Ass = (105% — 174S* + 20155 + 2785°)/[48(3 + 29)C%] As = (—1184 + 325 + 132825? + 217125° + 209405¢ + 12554 » $® — 505° — 33415” — 6705*) /[64sinh(kd)(3 + 25)(4 + S)C°] Ass = (45 + 105S? + 1985% — 137684 — 13025° — 175° +5857) /{82sinh(kd)(3 + 28)C°] Ass = (—6S° + 27254 — 1552S° + 852° + 2029S" + 430%) /{64 sinh(kd)(3 + 25)(4 + S)C%] Bu = coth(kd)(1+2)/(2C) Bs, = -8(1+35 +38? + 25%)/(8C%) Ba = coth(kd)(6 — 265 — 1825? — 2048° - 2554 + 268°)/[6(3 + 28)C*] Bus = coth(kd)(24 + 92S + 1225? + 665° + 675* + 345°)/[24(3 + 25)C4] Bys = 9(132 + 17 — 2216S? — 58975° — 6292S — 26875° + 1945° + 46757 + 825%) /(128(3 + 28)(4 + S)C*) Bss = 5(300 + 1579S + 3176S? + 29495* + 118854 + 675S° + 13265° + 82757 + 1305%) /1884(3 + 28)(4 + 5)C®] Co = Vtanb(ka) Cy = Co(2 +78%)/(40?) Cy = Co(4 +325 - 1168? — 4008% — 7184 + 1465°)/(32C%) Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design. of Fized Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Austin,April 13, 2007 Fifth Order Gravity Wave Theory 9 S.A. Kinnas, 2007 References [1] L. Skjelbreia and J. A. Hendrickson. Fifth order gravity wave theory. Proceedings 7th Coastal Engineering Conference, The Hague, pages 184-196, 1960. [2] J.D. Fenton. A fifth-order stokes theory for steady waves. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, 111(2):216-234, 1985. [3] R. G. Dean and R. A. Dalrymple. Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists. Prentice- Hall, Inc., 1984. Fundamentals of Offshore Structures & Design of Fixed Offshore Platforms OTRC/UT Aastin, April 18, 2007

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