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Room: Nursery

Child: Cooper
Educator: Poonam

Date: 16/09/2014

Cooper was discovered printing fun on his feet on a Canvas. He was pleased
to contribute himself in painting fun. When I was painting on his foot, he
became quite upset because of tickling sensation. I said Cooper, its
ok..Dont be upset. If you want your nice footprint like your friend. I painted
his foot with a brush by using different colour which is mentioned for uv-alert
such as light green, yellow, orange, red and purple. He seemed to be a very
serious. When I finished his printing . But when he saw his footprint, he
seemed to be happy and gave me a big smile on his cute face.

Analysis of Learning:
Cooper felt secure and with enough confident to contribute his own
learning experience and he was much focused. She needed
prop up with regards to print his little foot for our uv-alert project.
Cooper was wondered when he saw that his little foot is making prints
on the canvas. He learnt tactile and sensory skills from touching the
paint and feeling how paint feels on his skin and in between his toes. He
also develops language skill because of educators guiding at all times
and engaging him throughout the activity. Words such as wet, squishy,
cold, gooey can help him to learn language skill and connect him to
what he is experiencing.

Learning outcome :
Outcome 1: have strong sense of identity.
feel safe, secure, and supported.

develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence,

and sense of agency.
develop knowledgeable and confident self identities.
Outcome 4: are confident and involved learners
develop dispositions for learning.
develop a range of skills and processes.
transfer and adapt what they have learned.
Resource their learning through connecting with the world.
Outcome: 5: are effective communicators
interact verbally and non-verbally.
engage with a range and gain meaning from text.

Whats next? :

do foot printing on mural paper along the ground

show how spray painting can create a different type of
print (negative or shadow)
do colour mixing with primary coloures and pallets

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