Test in English - Module 3: Continuous Tense (+, - , ?)

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Test in English - Module 3

I. Translate the following words into English:

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. -

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II. Put the verbs into the correct form Present Simple Tense or Present
Continuous Tense (+, -, ?) :
1. Once a week, I ________________________ (go) to an art class.
2. He ______________________________ (listen) to music at the moment.
3. She ____________________________ (have) lunch in the cafeteria every day.
4. __________ you _______________ (like) ice cream?
5. We ______________________ (not play) tennis very often.
6. ________ she _________________ (watch) TV now?
7. They ___________________________ (not play) football at the moment.
8. He usually ____________________________ (go) to school by bus.
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III. Write THERE WAS/THERE WERE (+, -, ?):
1. ________________________________ a church next to the bank.
2. ________________________________ some eggs in the fridge.
3. ________________________________ any money in my wallet.
4. ________________________________ any skyscrapers in your town?
5. ________________________________ a dining room in the castle?
6. ________________________________ any factories in the village.
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IV. Translate the texts into Macedonian:
1. Twelve thousand years ago, our town wasnt a town. It was a camp for people of the
Stone Age. The people were hunters. They lived in tents by the river. There was a forest
round the camp. Four thousand years ago, our town was a small village. The people were
farmers. There were some simple houses, but there werent any streets.
2. Help! I called.
OK, OK, dont be scared, were here, a policeman shouted.
The policeman came into the house and unlocked the dining room door.
I couldnt get out, I said.

It was just a joke, said the heads boyfriend.

Really? , asked the policeman. He played the tape and the boyfriend went very white.

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