Europe Essential Questions

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Name: Jewel Terraces

Date: March 20, 2015

(Essential Questions)


How has Europe developed as both individual nations and

as a group? And what political, economic and special
conditions exist between European nations due to their
individual history?
Europe has developed both individually and as a whole. There are
many countries within Europe, all in which have grown increasingly
throughout the years. In 1993 Belgium, Germany, France, Italy,
Netherlands and Luxemburg came together to start The European
Union, better none as the EU. The main goal for the EU was to
promote economic and social progress, Speak for the European
Union on the international scene, Introduce European citizenship,
Develop Europe as an area of freedom, security and justice and
Maintain and build on established EU law. The EU has grown from
only having 6 members too now having 28.
One example of an Individual country that has grown in Europe is
Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia became a nation after WWII. After the death
of Josip Tito, the new leader was a man named Solobadan Milosevic.
He forced all non- Serbs to leave the country and if they didnt he
would have them killed. In the end at least 200,000 people were
killed. In 1995 the Dayton Peace Accord was made and divided two
parts, Bosnia Croat and Bosnia Serbs but they had a joint
presidency and free elections. With situations changing for the
better in Yugoslavia it was time for justice to be served for all those
who lost their lives under the rule of Milosevic. The UN Security
Council put him on trial for War Crimes he was charged with
Genocide and Crimes against humanity. Before being sentenced
Solobadan Milosevic was found dead in his sell. Yugoslavia is now a
peaceful country.
On a political stand point the EU is ran by the European Parliament,
which basically means Voice of the People. Currently made up of
785 members it passes laws, monitors budget, and monitors EU
The Economic stand point in Europe is split into 3 categories. One is
the European Central Bank, they set short term interest rates for the
whole Eurozone area. Similar to the U.S Federal Reserve Bank.

Name: Jewel Terraces

Date: March 20, 2015

Second is the European Investment Bank, Owned by member states

their job is to raise finance through financial markets. Lastly is the
Auditors. They monitor legality and efficiency of EU income and

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