Aspca Letter

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Hamiltons 8th Grade English Class, Period 2

Del Mar Middle School
105 Ave Miraflores
Tiburon, CA 94920
February 23, 2015
Outreach/Education Director
6201 Florin-Perkins Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95828
Dear Education Director:
My name is Connor. I would first and foremost like to say that I really
like what you and your organization have done. Youve taken care of
animals that have been abandoned or beaten by their owners. I think
that your organization has done wonders for these animals. I think
what these owners have done is wrong and cruel to their companions.
The reason for this letter is because I want to find a way to help your
organization in some way. I want to do this because countless times I
have seen animals walking on highways or chained to a post and left
there. I want to help them, but a lot of the time, I cant. I always felt
really sad whenever I couldnt help one of these animals. I hope that
some of my ideas might help the problem.
Something that I think that I can do is I could volunteer at an animal
shelter on days that I can volunteer. I could try to convince others at
school to also volunteer. If they dont really want to, the idea of
community service hours might motivate them more. This would let
the animals know that people still care.
I would like to say that your organization has really helped animals a
lot. Youve taken them in when they have no owner or you saved them
from a cruel owner. I think that another step you could take is your
organization could possibly start helping out on the issue of zoo animal
cruelty. Whenever I go to a zoo, it seems as though no one cares what
these animals are going through. They just walk on by to the next
animal attraction. I truly think this would be a great opportunity for you
and the organization you represent.
Your work has helped millions of animals and I thank you for that as
well as a list of other things. I hope that I can help by being a volunteer
or helping an animal on the road. These animals pain has gone on
long enough. Without your organization, many animals would still be

alone and hurting. I think that I can help and I also think that many
others will also want to help.


Connor Lane

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