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2-3 PE


Day 1

Students will be able to stop / freeze when the music stops or they hear a whistle (Stop Signal).
Students will turn and face the instructor and listen for instructions. (Stop Look and Listen)
Students will wait till they hear the signal "Go" before following instructions.
Students will demonstrate various locomotor skills.
Students will explore Recess games and strategies for resolving conflicts.
Class Rules & Expectations
PE Shoes and socks.
Respect Rules:
1. Respect Yourself Work hard everyday to improve your skills and fitness.
2. Respect Others Encourage and include others.
Motto #1: Win without bragging and Lose without complaining or blaming.
3. Respect the Equipment It be longs to all of us. Lets take care of it!
4. Respect Our Time - STOP, LOOK and LISTEN when someone is speaking.
Compete well. Play to win then accept the outcome. Play hard, do your best and have fun!
Be a great teammate: Encourage each other!
Motto #2: Don't cry that its over be glad you played.
Solve disagreements by talking it out. When you cannot agree quickly play Rock, Paper,
Scissors to decide. IE. Play R.P.S. to decide whose turn it is, who goes first, Whose ball
it is out of bound...
Energizer Activity
1. Name Game - Stand in a circle - one student at a time steps into the circle an introduces
the delve and acts out one thing they like to do. We all say Hi and repeat the action.
PE is ___? - walk and talk about what PE is to you. We will share and record you ideas in 1
Lesson Focus Activity:
1. Super Starts and Stops (Use R.E.S.P.E.C.T to start and stop) ) Stop Look and
Have students move throughout the area using a variety of locomotor movements. On signal
(whistle), they quickly freeze. Try to reduce the response time by reinforcing students who stop
quickly on signal. The primary objective should be to teach students the importance of
moving under control (without bumping others or falling down) and quickly freezing, ready
to listen to upcoming instructions. When the students freeze quickly have them practice listening
for directions and waiting for the "Go" signal to follow the instructions.
Locomotor movements Gallop, walk, march, run, skip.
Practice Procedures:
1. Lining up to leave the gym.
2. Entering the gym.
3. Forming Partners
4. Getting out equipment Play catch or roll with a partner.
5. Putting away equipment.
Fitness Development:
1. Dynamic Stretching
2. Push-ups
3. Sit-ups
4. Side support
5. Jumping Jacks

2-3 PE


Skill Activity:
1. Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) Tag - everyone find a partner and meet at the half court
line. Winner of RPS chases their partner to the far white line. If the winner Tags their
partner before they cross the white line they score a point otherwise the losing partner
scores for being able to avoid/evade the tag.
2. Switch - Form groups of 6 players. Set up 4 Corners much like 4 Square and a person in
the middle and a waiting line. The person in the middle says switch and all four players
move to a new spot including the person in the middle. The last person to reach an
unoccupied corner is out and must go to the waiting line. All ties are settled by playing
Rock Paper Scissors.

Closing Activity: Discuss

We Can use Rock Paper Scissors to quickly decide ties or disagreements.
Encouragement - encouraging others is a sign of personal strength and confidence. See if you
can make at least one encouraging statement every class.

2-3 PE


Day 2
and Intro to Recess Games

Students will be able to stop / freeze when the music stops or they hear a whistle (Stop Signal).
Students will turn and face the instructor and listen for instructions. (Stop Look and Listen)
Students will wait till they hear the signal "Go" before following instructions.
Students will work cooperatively in small groups and partners.


Review Class Rules & Expectations

Have a change of shoes
Play hard, Compete well and have fun!
Energizer Activity
Name Tag Three four people are IT. If you are tagged you must come tell me your name
before you can enter the game again.


Fitness Development:
Dynamic Stretching
Side support
Jumping Jacks
Lesson Focus Activity:
Review - Super Starts and Stops - (Use R.E.S.P.E.C.T to start and stop) Stop Look and
Practice Procedures:
1. Lining up to leave the gym.
2. Entering the gym.
3. Getting out equipment Play catch or roll with a partner.
4. Putting away equipment.
Skill Activity:
1. Switch - Form groups of 6 or more players. Set up 4 Corners much like 4 Square and
a person in the middle and a waiting line. The person in the middle says switch and all
four players move to a new spot including the person in the middle. The last person to
reach an unoccupied corner is out and must go to the waiting line. All ties are settled by
playing Rock Paper Scissors.
2. Four Square - Set another maker in the middle of the big square used in switch
Name the four square A B C and D
How to Play:
1. Play begins when the server drops the ball once into his/her square then hits it into a
different square (serves the ball).
2. The server must keep both feet in the service box until the serve is completed.
3. The ball can only bounce once in any square.
4. Each student needs to hit the ball with any part of their hand into an opposing
students square after it has bounced only once in their own square.
5. If the ball lands on a line, or goes out of bounds before it bounces, the student who hit
the ball needs to return to the waiting/cheering line for another try.
6. If a student hits the ball and it bounces again in his/her square, s/he also needs to

2-3 PE


return to the waiting line.

7. If the ball bounces more than one time before it is hit into another square, the student
who let the ball bounce needs to return to the waiting line for another try.
8. If the ball is returned before it is allowed to bounce, the student who returned the ball
early needs to return to the waiting line.
9. Anytime a student moves out of the game into the waiting line, a square is left open.
The person in
10. front of the line advances to square D or 4, and the remaining students advance to
close the gaps
11. between A or 1 and D or 4.
1. Two players can cover one square, working as a team.
2. Use two 4-square courts next to each other for 8-square.
3. Use Volleyball hits and same rules but no bounce. Or Beach Ball.

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