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ECE 6397 - Multidimensional Image Processing Spring 2014 Instructor - Saurabh Prasad Multi-Dimensional Image Processing Syllabus: 1. Wavelet representation of multi-dimensional images, Introduction to wavelets Review of basies ~ vector spaces Time frequency representation and STFT Wavelet series expansion Continuous wavelet transforms Wavelets and filter banks g. DWT & Wavelet packets IL. Applications to imagery and other data IIL, Multi-dimensional image analysis a. Feature extraction b. Classification IV. Practical challenges with real-world sensors, and related advanced image analysis approaches The course will lean heavily on the theory of wavelet representation with applications to imagery and high dimensional datasets - ie., a substantial amount of time will be devoted to developing the basic theory of multi-resolution analysis and its applications to multi-channel imagery. Grading policy Homework (10%) Midterm exam (25% Final exam (40 Matlab project (25%) Prior knowledge: The students are expected to have basic knowledge of Digital Signal Processing or ‘material covered in an equivalent course. Studemts are also expected to have basic Matlab knowledge. Suggested Reference Material: 1. C.S. Burrus, R. A. Gopinath, H. Guo, Introduction to wavelets and wavelet transforms: a primer, Prentice Hall 2. D.A. Landgrebe, Signal Theory Methods in Multispectral Remote Sensing, Wiley Note: There is no textbook requirement in this course - I will be providing class notes, journal articles, and handouts ete. The books mentioned above do not cover all material covered in class, but students are encouraged to review material from these sources to expand the breadth of knowledge. Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays, 3pm-4pm, Room N330, Engineering Building 1

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