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Yal,/Ilunni l'ta'1'

"The AmericanuniveEity

the worst placein the world to
learn a moden language..

Lam languagesi,| 5r.tu

The looeDiry of disbiburion requireDe.ts
('Building . Bettu Yalie," Je{arylFebrnary)
is a welone dflelopmenr llrcy shoutd be
abolished entirely. Di5tlibltion !quiment!
dBt 4 a complomise dnoDg $ou!6
wiihin the feulty to et)ft
that a.h grcup
ha moryh rlam bodia in the cldsbohs.
It is a paodox ofltE ADeri@ eo@my thar
the cultoDd is alwi! lighi whd buyibg a
merl clothing, o! a @-yet aleys vmrF
wh{ spddint hudr&
of thouwds of dotraa on a sivmity
The foreig,larsuaAe requiEnelt ir pF
ticukr is . misrake lhe Amdi@ univeGity
i5 the woEr pl.ce in th *odd to leM a modeF languEge. Stldetrts want to lem a EoiI@ language to @nvers, yet the Ame.i@
miveGity expd*s thetu to fhe bsd eents
of then inst(rctoF ed thi! fellow sruildts.
They spend how le@iDg wolil odinss
ud gndd, gm,
dd slrta; tt n.tiv
s?@kes elid the ddings, s ungffiaticd slmt, dd sp.dr in sdtence frments.
SLds ed iilios in tstb@lG @ out ofilat
before thy d printeil. vid@s dd taps
nder @Nq the diEEity ofnatire spalB'
alqts, which va.y @ldiDE to EgioD, clds,
duetio!, ethdc o4g|a lge, gmdd, md
@n ebriety. &ndic&
who hd studid
. ldgu% in @Ugede al$ys noti@aue
by the w?y they Mrstls
word endinss
dd dticle., s!e,k h a llat Donot ne mihd
tho the nsiclf bnguage of th natire, drl
costruct sentene withaerbs whft a native
would @ a senten@ftaftnt.
oDe @ lee
norc by spendiEs four
morths in the @utrtry where the leguatE
is spokd th;
t shldyins tnat bnsla
for fou )a.s at Yrle, By i$isting on a ldglage requiErlot,
Yale ha! m$red thst the
world wil be ffIed with nore genddtio4 of
spe..k!g foreign bnsudg6 psi!-

tuIy ud badly.

|.d f.ll, the faculty approwd a serl4 of

ch.nses ro the foeign.lantuage Eiurreg.nt
by th. Cohnittee onYala
colleS.Edu6tlon.On. ofthesechang6allowt
EtudEntsto use .n .pp'wd study..bbad pbgEm to fullill the fin.l seme{er of th. Equlre-

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