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A Guide To Searching

The Web
By Kira Schroeder

Google Advanced Search

Using Advanced Google Search
helps when you want something
Example: lets say you want to
search a specic song lyric you
would click on all these words,
or this exact word or phrase.
But if you want to exclude some
artists that might have a title like
that than click none of these

A domain is the end of a URL that tells you
what kind of site it is
Some examples of domains
are .com, .net, .edu, .gov, .mil
.com is the most common used domain and
the most used on URLs

Tricks and Tips

A quick way to copy is Command + c
A quick to paste is Command + v
A quick way to exit out of safari is Command +
A quick way to search for apps is Command+
Shift+ Question Mark
Using Google Advanced Search is easier and
helps a lot more

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