Buisness Letter 2

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Lex Von Klark

Ms. Hamiltons Per. 6 English Class

Del Mar Middle School
105 Avenida Miraflores
Tiburon, CA 94920
January 12, 2015
Martha Jarocki
Publicity Director
Marin Audubon Society
P.O. Box 599
Mill Valley, CA 94942-0599
Dear Martha Jarocki:
Hi, my name is Lex Von Klark and Im an 8th grader at Del Mar
Middle School. I am 14 years old, and I love nature. I have always been
interested in the Audubon Society, and I started going to the summer
camp you have when I was five. Now that I am older, I have some
suggestions I would like to give as well as a question or two.
As someone who lives in Tiburon, I see your center almost every
day and I always smile to think of the good youre doing. I went to your
summer camp for about five years, and it really shaped me as a
person. I learned so much about the environment and our effect on it
that I try to be as eco-friendly as I can every day. I love that you have
put so much time and effort into not only teaching kids about the
importance of the environment, but also being a great example of how
to be eco-friendly yourselves.
If I were to recommend something, it would be that you might try
more school related outreach programs. I think it would be really
beneficial for kids who are busy in school to have a way to learn more
about nature and being green other than just from a science class. An
assembly or two every few months could be really fun for all grades,
and it could let people know what the Audubon Center is in case they
didnt know it existed.
I would like to ask if you have any programs that would let
someone my age come volunteer. I love the organization and I would
like to be able to help in any way I can. I remember hearing about a
councilor in training activity a while back, but I am unsure if that still
applies. I would also be willing to participate in any cleanup activities
or events you may be organizing as well. Any opportunity to volunteer
is greatly appreciated.

Overall, I would really like to thank you for everything youve

done over the years for the environment, the community, and me.
Please look into more school outreach programs, it would be truly
fantastic. You will eternally have my support as a fantastic learning and
conservation organization.

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