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" 2a sumey ad | Bae te ty toner Oia Hiners® Deer tes Joy ‘Ag you have asked ne on severei occasions for a write up of mg. past ilfe’ Tan at, last coinr to try toveive yous ao,noar ae foamy &R EScoust cr ay past Lifes for woatever It may” be of smtsreet to'yobe {ven born an Belper = Derty counts mnglend of mgieh parent = gn norga'Hfuiy Toy. STRy ccehar goo'yas’ sell gantfnetier waka argo’ vyattons that ned etn Tunzhas in’ ube Faatly”Zer'5 eenesetions lets {08 eau to Mantfg,fatalate + aiout, Som tine ot IMreiving’ shore on Dovouber 20vn, 150, here’ sha" ans’ tae Paaliy of us fererto alge stg hoely rand on samaty"Sety 286s Soee ny theese Wetets gt'13" dnt'uy Gott Srothets dee’ yeurs sf, alseeassteeeia, etn Sieh ou thane’ gity inva, tig epldeade" Ue ie recta aureus at'Lake francts, Worth sast or Tortege Le Fratriey Nanttobe,” ft was, Shout € titgs Shon tne tig ‘nels eee! ontuclio rilasse oF i. lautote, fru ve, iived on, ene agin foed-= to" tanipes, “Aas wees the Hordtwee? Ribetfign'Snet tule tien etarteds oil the breeds Tal"ullane tope travelling ete at try tise of aay or Meat ik ordat dy sottor to'tive ties beaa” tvseok thta.meaae, ent furn gut owratoot oot of ur statis ane pet HEeur borege sn: the'seavise" tof feet then ett asinicg, “ants eiea BF iesstoent Sncpod unellLgite fel neo benvon a6 tie Tisnting cal arrested. AEteretbiou Cie Ue balf Weeden Todians aang eheis"bapa acs bacare 1 vere to achool for a 21ttLe wile at Late Prencte, ont in 1887 sy gther died ans ny enor got aiquatee with tue coustiy)” Got uate Sefomindy Goon wepuenber set, Listy ‘ay crouse, Artin, whe wee 26 yenre ole goit ptond @atsed railed ae Siena achingy tht batt on Septenber Ain, 1000, ant ay Tether stayed on in Kenitoba to settle ap jo SeLt ont one. od Took after eh Fcc: of\ay erotoats ond Siete Seias*non ty urotier sit Eoareisel Le Baleosys ve’ out up'as tent, close to Eee feaak yahia" aol past nes"the stecl-areuse’tnere’ seo Gosasd ten uy 22 SeaL"Es Took Pande nd hoe ac wo had fips nee’ to-seeee Ses Eeca'acter Ge stk wotie‘be"vact todevaral pisces to, Hinf wine hase in plenty Zor‘bay afoual forlert “Wolly bs was assy skeut 20 days Sio"ven fe cae tock to gourd not. find anr,"but bess’ Se sonld get Plenty SP efate to Sht ron ayy scout, £3 alton norte of airanys “ao the"nete 2a) fe feekea uo‘ r tone SE, oran 3a" the vagety aot tie Sow Sud boree if Sus lane; doneaeat vasony ana‘ Grave’ obs sfOGe thest Gf'us;vant of coarse, sasoed an bardag. te Stock st-ndehty {wish to. say het tant nore’ So" Falaroad to. Blaoniol! teen ax sien wore” gust Starting co bade taw'fadlvoas‘Bekaae eves the Biy"aivgr et Soigary.” That got to be toe fey snail contractore were woriin« 13 very few scattered pisces with tess for Senator Pet turns, and thevcontrace to sunsie aot oy Genpr vith beet,,sne f Tavestet oat ctusie Geise’ aha begberta"at s place Eietpte seltcl te Leg’ Fige seh 1'Sooatied sees", ato ad Seats" eld ran "toon S540" es cid fog correla for etictortae, yrt"as 20 She Ptotir ino uaa’ an ola Aa" Gai, File ts cine over and de’ the ghogeiae for Then. Of courer they tnteaged to arive that ous By on cut ans shoot thet, Grogaed thats ‘ieliy ie states sisiett eee ay ae Bay Sues then, the’ ‘rest ef eae sveck Sook Sorrel, ‘ani toe dnisshe fort ett ofl aod boot eipelled to ay trotuer to shbet ony aod get ee seat i ate, Soh ent tnkand onthe nepenttneVagrancer fie" au set SGio" on the fun anyeherey” ahd" ue Zoe the 9 sivagat wet of course they iE eats Ge nce Geta Sos Eloronety Lda atagtolene ef tar ovfotes” f'aisia luis le ony tars erhue chivas atcy looking for'e goos ice te eettier thd Tuas naates 4ahL olone ot the stook yards tn Galgary, I vas quite at hou tn the day Eigey out as it-case near to Aieht Dunes to get raccer panioky, ee 1 vee so youes ani porsisiy not endowe with sli tye soseseary seuraze ‘Shan gobe ts auko'up's reel here, “T uaes to get the svosk Loskea Se early'asd cook my Supper and’ tie up the tont door and_zet ante. che Shanktete ty tne tie tne sun wont down ‘gut sivayapuitins esr 2 Picles visr a 22, cals ana the Winowester cepeating Au. tai" slonseice sy’ bedy [ny aleo ay"axo ane 2"tutoner nite alone side me" tea; nen get kn bed td Gover dyssit up head and’ all aml stay there stilt efter sunrise Bent aoreanee ett, a0 T cata petore ‘rere afd Gent on'l0 piles sore to mat atter beoae Zanlefeil wer SEQ Boni ogee! 22 ot foe” oo we ovpae te S"houses thers and voth were wont toey celled then stopping Di Jou raid $0 conte. for Toon on’ ths flosr te sleepin four om Ela fs “ne house. was cmos ty"a'tateholor French o ai/i ofalatle farchar on wa She'd youre artor narried ay widest stator fr Wretiebsinctay, "yell, ny brother rented tne Contett houes Tor the Finbar Sud ary Gntent wont, bask fora plait to tie relotives in Kontresd, and WhetWoShune’ anf o08°Tbe Ctoek slao' eli the perce teaffie Soet ee S2oaSTCMMESNNe da‘ e guite s Elt of sony beeen ey Erotner end Ze “T forest’ to say there nde opay 5 otesr faniiiee sbgue 1 sila aways Phelr feuds vere Ratph Cook, 3/4 Atte Soute, East, ane Cuarlee hurrary 2/4 alle sth Bast, and ohm Bosde, stove latie lgren, So you sve T cleia Tan Pgh the’ town of Tanisfeil, Alberts, 75 niles north of ‘Dinosten and Calgary fosd, ‘Wells in’ tne. apeing of Gadgery en tho TBof'ny feusor end sisters ans your tfotuer Walter’ Joined us) there. ana REED WF SASS" AS alate"Cbad"aeDfelucd us snoe Snagos” ange tock op inti There and‘ny Grover, drSiuey went ia partnership wiea,eroanen nee ty brother fan for 2 or 3 years.” Aod Were 1 wish to say that Ln the. Raser'eP"aEST Sy'areties XPthte woe/nttl becly fy's sthaway tote reize SL STORES EeSoe'iectr ‘nb eofcared « sravens canine Paipts 2 BIS, “Weal Pindekadl SNIE SporeEy ful baler tent te" gitotn Share’ e'e hort Eder "hades bare Hlethg’sde'GheMlan Ufore'Snd’Ponetary cont STEN ince epee Pheer PERE SM onay profgntin, tel cule, fdle nag funny odes “a EF Second prissse “T'rote actinat she crack joskeys of both Galgary ty. Binoaton, ineivding von toe then eplobretes Aiton Field aus Bia Hodbeo, fad anf went to Hontana with sy brotner Sn 1896~""Of coures T-only Followed EMG Se Bonde UE Sh Lat Gatling ia ta ‘post of our own with the Stony Indians st Guck Lake sh the Saskatohewan “se Horie sal ad Botti of the Siusams'rlvers abort 100 sion forift sites of busggeage i°uoed’ wo etal tare ut th iif brands tn! f nilane end him (my brother) and anoti a an used vo go cut to tovn and aell the’ Bonu flv da Deane’ Intoreoupplton ond iz't Sic"Roe ave’ auch t0"thade PORN tap HineS, Pay Orn aed inekdonestay S losrte Satie’ afte Efown EiMEgE SESYEte Geol SP treet gay tae nthe wiser or Le EAP otet the top of tus antler Mitis fron 6 efcioce in the worming amedl Ee tie winds weed ts Plow all tee snow olftne mille sxe leit love a doatiag tos unien'd receives fee f0Pte sic PBsto per soneh, PTE SRE se ze"U98 1 efed ay Shae ap ganna fore guna Bitga GMERRERE URL Poets tel don sete tae bon Sieger ad etigy op Bight oflaleys fornten po secovger tla ray 1086, aft foslagSil"ahy cont to caiSsty and gots fob Srtvinges Snore feat tot fneldns’ ott Hee HEARSE Ect Goan "kine ebove'és wires scum TOL SP cMSAA" SPennona ls Litese"Setuae'Rgerve’ aod sonestnee era Artscape Sealtee tad Eo i aol ioed else col and oeat fe o°tbont omg toed far gett for tev ans van ony ives ‘board. However, Jack Nel was 8 good fellow an ‘gave me the 46.00 Shape . etl, T stayed there until the fret of May ston ay brother, APtMD, aa arrived vith ule satdle bores and mine and qaMr. loleen vanted ue to Stay ‘on a otfares ‘we (20:00 per mouths “E'guit ano) brotier eae E Get all the foca we ooule Gerry Or our sadl2se en! etartes te rice to [8p fo Dupuyesy « seal ahesp tovn 1s Montana, where ne got blenty of Work S¢ Fi, 00'per dep ane soars pEtayeds Bight at the Houtied Police post of Stantoft. Wy Loshen got a sop eo cook ops Tesot a fob on tne sine renche for Frank Leschs, Ge, 2 teauccer. “ho Lesch Gfotoere had over’ 22,000 heed. leit, werworkes. shore until Sertsaber when wp quit so. Pode tock to. Hinoter Creek, Alberta, me we beard. ine Crovte lest Ratlresd was started fe"bulla spa vo thousht ve Could tet povetiing pretty goed. thors. Bue vee wore tasly sireaken, inc'so welwert. ¢2 vor fer ah 613 tier gazes Joun'ierson a0 the sorth forks of" the G13 ten River, sell, toe alent ie'hared"un in Factor Greek be cot Sts olésst gony vilisoy aut of the Plnover Creck Hospital spe waa tale hip out hones Bot fe died ao, ve fad’ just forded the aladie York of the Gua lian River, of tubereuloas ‘bout 0 alles tres Sie hones Yell, ha died in our trey while 1 and Sis" father vere ruvjng tua with brandy. folly we took Gia tone and Ger thers stove 10 eteloak'et mote ere wen wo oseried tin Sn ene Novae. Go whole Heatly eet up sucha well that ay tether ent Traot te other ised eh {Sch Sul buatcote ot"an' be ay’ chgideare dictance fron the House ao we could sleeps f worked around’ on different rancbes areund the Hoftn fore oc the big Han iiser fer abeut 1 1/8 years ena Ln fact Pent up in the chow's Hest Tas, and. tried ay band! nt ratlrcadine sth" tne! conuresversy Strsinghad nd) oitrey mw ico on ene Petron nade, tut becosine deny disgusted uith she very heavy lead of live stock Ghat aversone carried ih thelr bede and clotdng abt Snlen segned one Be peg bart of the nodrond Seeeit, 2 very soon eot cut of tg eo f could fy sieeers kre, ep, Reulilard, bas dled in Sandon, I tefe"sy brother ge’ dabende ged cane ove fe foun ey Metiarslactaw, Hep aoptiiarg na ny youne.staver Aay ‘nt Your brother walter, wao wore staying wit ep BARRE GR helptog tah to 'auok after aie & Shitdven at Binean Gliy, ten Bony ot, gee rr she nes age eeicsee ae tam ecneauectie a tena ote iat, crane tar ot te aie ate ae Bae Bie SS Sari Si ast ge aes oe sets ae teiehot Pale Sati Me thar la fats oe hae eevee: Seediresae avecea aces ene stata SET eee etl coat te tin oe fetta aera rai rial ate rake Sr teh ean Hair mach aca tape ena tau, dna’ that vas ay first viett co Neloon, ani I must say-1 wan really Bent per i Labeiit ar tet oe tia ST Sh Erie mae seid Sige at ay gente ant Eon eke toraany ane the Grint Cano beak ino. sane way Of hand 1b hand Ena Bei ee ele a tg hee Se ELSmHL I rn perme eee aang eee eres Ma petee ome cates EainG SESH Se el eae eters elt, T started to work tn 2 or 3 Saya for Xrs hme at the south of 5 atte sreth on ootensy lake, bi: ta sre sine could ot set's cook in ‘Conn he" pot ua on se sock aerinet aywitl and cel tao 95 sen fag ned tehwork Sey Soo°nipes. But of oute be exve ao a helpers Jeli, hegot scosk abot a veel tatery aml be gaverne'a gore lob helping. the Exgeaoitn sod Setting ‘covder and farving defile aoe Goole, whiten Z ‘eld down and ve flaksnes” the fous tn Gotooer and T vost puck to Slovan City fore month mere f mat West. Taylor who bad etaret the Joker Claim Hake under’ the Sov Tooth Aange ni the Hous of 10 ale aad eigstores he sountain non Sho Holly Sttaan Wines fell, ne. talted ne. into gokag Ebs‘be ants Sian gotms baok tontet® and you go-An an! Sela Laster frup wented and’ vill take 1t beok to Slooas Clty." Lut T looked et a row ae Denzing aout « 100 yerds over our sabln, and cectded that soo woute'ge bach ani sof Gate fa aoe "ive wecest se ado oah2 te vovls abt tot"ae or 80 41 sowses T aatisa. ental’ ne tet bor ties t muovtSered ar pect and"Eittoved suas i/2 craite Gotindy ang ae be nea" enon ance ene Told"pot"t salied Foal ia Gightsacke tee soe clone Hoes’ Eaeeleet mee dovn to inter tise Lanitar uo Weck the font tot te fa wt Sea. “Vealy Caan tac to, te, Gro, Toveelte fr rot a E8'neny and Totsyes'on thare until Artis. when tney Shut down asi quit © Che! ope tau" ar ne guer 75: thoungae Dollars enc teeur atasp eAlsyttay etsy oni bees) got {506-08 tn gelat 20rd weue“enee to"sfoean She, Sha’ Zy"daher bration, oe Rea Jolaes ay eheter” toerey ne Ts teas sp gh Slee e"ctcts ar femoy 1h aren of ons hn oloen ety tn"tote Cathie weaspm sn zientes 1¢ ali Yo" Sousudee uns setanien Lbs ery ou Sebriy wets ets talee aren sitsioa rot EheTZeoTaa°ets ones ls Weer Sette sake S0,"ve bea bev Selrer"tstione “OSt (be: wooaver ortgo any of" te Tots eolld fave’ tall for toe holicny snd f toox dt vt aisvt to veteon to met work ais on ity fray srost suterivey {set deange,lotton asi the fire vile, uno tae E2sSle Ee Samitd tet, onthoe reste fees oe, Tiucotnas kage’ ites beta Ferro in es tog “seo to 1031 Ocoee esover fur gun thar Lee here eit pr went in fos tear aay Sees voltae ig snarl feed Bieinees an? Geo, Sotie. started a erasing bustabesy now the weet Tfanefer Gon, Niclas tnie yar the ohrhur or Uppy nes T voted oC ate eral Note fe" nelson’ ont Entthe! with fon or fhys Stet snsed.feryNeceetty 0 bleed Hiatin’ahe"Uie Shcther” bimeee eSbusie" See Sahat ehceds? a Soveantet an HHe"Phule, toc" youn! Reiter sone! ater Hedi Noy cer"'y Cette Pented one'rooe’ caer opeoshts whenwthe court hoses tame: treed Torney te Nermoge savers Tueldy tse’ fer ean foees fofine Naday! Re Eileyelete She tatrfar's gle G0jt'anGeoleo'tee'oel itl fie tes” Sraketie Snbeehs He eacred hevete lan’ arschann fa” koer_cor}"en Gente bust fog vers” avant bapa "cts" oy be east fariaae"Us Seat fant Keer in oreer ‘the road to tc onaalte Rine eae the Peat te, toete aL tine" Ghty wore toakalar aeainet snore now atecoe ue darhoe ST1dee setts eed the’ uoster sng tlnvete ne abe rauistaces yal 1 corked teats anal Sie" ealh ant then went task to Stocen @ity uci t' Lined en the fey" the Seve Atetenn ter wae Qoctens an’ tae: the pot tehiane, “elf, Geo. ater solieted sit Bout So 23 over to Staah Sableaten ee ifsatas Gort’ tnevact bed fed snot une yond cnston ns ecre of booskecrar'#t Keed’s Say fit Sloscta"voeecore,"rm shen tae Let carla arr Boke opt. ne detne® wp st the golet evan'a"fieer ‘am woe niet or wotcr geen of erin'in eof ttier “ebaln’ tark to elgonn cLiyy se, oeare. tisk. 0 tie weet sige’ cf the StSeon tiger ot suave ste tear is! tnore wags }'z amr’ So oF Eheim nh esl” fit eneineer, kle” Dew, to neoy ee atiace 15 here ve ot SUE gov epg. ty emote beth onap fir‘r niche fait wee aiail? Se SGrorgehtne sory aos sy'ano'aliried sn "aul of foots Solve were “arsed SERENE perio ceeer ot’ tien vos ennrles tor ebtve avrieee oy i, SGobbadn' at 1'une aEstd'alle to Toor"over lt tor tie do. the write oe ORE A fee WMCet Leeder Pn eon Sieg “ace fo BS TE vee cony"to thy wielaul" cur jaote’ue ede Ic oservem Se kod eur Fenene fn" the nent nj fo Taft beck i enund Ue teed orks for Slows etige se \fere,we fixed up ond rans skating rink for tog winter, ent im Horeh, 1900, Sror'a'Se‘an'wont Sonn" to anni ie fov Miassiad Sufaiedo! tne Seales fo Sciuge over" he Siocan Aivcl to" Gu der Feaehe anf thie Slot” ated se°the Fonehe inv elvared sat Sruitel tee antes cf'raod 4a an. less tt fe [eletbes!uath'hee at then fyonfedrarcuns 6 tg abneon rtvecor te Hench forthe sea or mht clenred sore iupi and éttshed a lot me it vas very Set ale ovordlon fron a Sree aft Ai: "wn oll nved dover igen st $e Tonnes" (abt ee tne fei"ar 1963.) "antag eaotery ave SSteten of eure, Bin turtenay, exaneg-acsheee of fas" aust tao Ene ons bis yoper nepnewy charlie famey enc above bocerbers sa ny urvttar setiop nm etre oops iain tty ea aden Beton ht son, to THAD Roustsiee"onr aettins brotcer et irs fiereeta dostitate to yey treat etaln' Furs fafat vectint ind oe, 2 verge of veretovice one, cuecria tans Eitat an’ ble “Lor house anf vont to work t tic Ureer. rise Mine of 10.4ile Shore Tvarked fo" Srersa\your nh cecrned machine ainiigy ai” then f quit work rain tn” sent book’ go woxk on th reqebe arsine fhe van io 190i, Epi, Seb Tanlaw ‘bopshe owt Shook aay arget'e Sew RIL at Levon cheek ta’ BBbpites sonal Ae te Sash Beas NaN E8S8 waet he hope Keven ime for, cout of See otha‘ pton Shae Fe Sera ga we lay ton fee Relfanasore wolen wer galled Park Siding ant shen uteltaa.rne then Pawson dent Faye ge Sandals Sor glee ierunn Sao. ianiahefiwht grees on Pune 3ouhy" 05 ay slater vas dsavned in ¢° boat ine ockdent willy cfencins Bsn farlietaen who worted for We naned thation Rorens. "te eeved all the Feats but were unalte to seve ay poor sisters hay) ce'ahs vas sitting inthe Sea'Ge he" oe." eaaiing Sod the eite hice water’ ctefod, the Sonia her Sr'ewurte, we ei veut framtio wut eouls 0 nothing cn’ wien, the neve {fine hor Eosy on: "ont shw her het Tose ovt soe down thy Fiver ani af oourae Sorting for hot a ter the sich water ted gone and for tinee serve we bert ae Fogs Took outs an) ‘thon ta 8o,ts 1906) a helsnrouy sd bes Lover eon Pelton nic"tode' ny She"etvee in" neste Inve sen ber on suet EDere aarp iments, 0 ne pulled anncre’ ent took 20K sr seal, "So'of covrer we know it nn part of Het. Sore sil yest. to vor not HiSred upalevns an asovelied the shole ena bar touch the elev Spiy“tosnaIi'or 25 rio bone afl ont Sor 6 ;tesce. or cackbones Soltar titton ve'si\ Ianta fied aa coe the wae veceine nu" we sine f gear elt toc rones ve Coole fiasesnd cut‘ tre! hata's ct tact eofede and Gece’ srattyeote'on thr'Fanene one Pooked fi ieare taimtiny setts HIS." Gros’ Wot'we’perer foune-angacte-aos ty Sbua hen ee pols. te 35 Se dotep terely Veceley Poel the geey etine cute toca oto I nino turked ey brotiuer, Arthur, wto dies in i913, aso also ny Jiree wife, Eodatgoy ta aoa" Sight, SHGEE Wega ste ole Geaeefanane io Tataree. pili for" tie sie auc, Gali Grew of etuvt 2 or 8 Lo 8 or aie rebiae see tire one Goo Sontiene ae” itcaPstt es clone tie creche bucht of tay at ture tt Bcd SSE oetn ob susce Cnty gett py cue el fy‘ tn" ene ees ees Go'constoet tn” tore ave tote of Low for fey Geis" Roah for ake faved HE Slpsan Tot! nnd" d elaoteuie’rnt’Sontrreted for"x690 to’ tae fonayn faurtek SSSHEN"De"hahtor USHER Gnmlian ager” oye tot av, te or var. Un suenet, 1314, everythin~ stut. Gove cirkt ant I finkehed up thet feud tt at cee on 85,006 thee conurset fat ele Butts ote seeee SiS, beotiory Arua, Clea tm the bosfltat. in Holean bere. ny tettee cakes we metaeh Efe sea Ulva with ty gout urotbery fetter, dn Sant, cry ster V'aostted'® widows « kines Denny aed ve Loft oa 8 honeywoon peesoms BMML tera v'on Snekeany seere thers were 40°81 5 kd Saree ee eae, Grist 8 Sgcitce Skser in ritaee'fn"Ghe"Tetel es abet emt oot Press Sone arr sen gemntne ee sue 27828 So'f auayed on tt AU fea Fcee abc attne the coc epinteisort tol Feracen' ye tgbSe oe Stag on nes ace" ap gv eo gute et oo eo an saeee eames oe Elate e eir or v85, the wary “aa 46 sony’ e 89) ‘Uracere Soke 3 Sern FHS tee Bo Gut CE 2 lear 89 Join thes” ont davde a0, Tihes to foi the Ges (oie ea reret te, Feceemerent Fro" ofGs "att ubay wane aeretent sero 2H, BSEYGERER? coe terete et yeahs sige Ete tin egg Borah vette Ve thee ence en toithvge n atoeten oe Set fei Scnifani fo: Og dibs dete urttead tte” ackY . where go Frtel ler othe wily orate eee wee ye tine ors We rot 2 Saye tnt 4:2 Soot ts ‘nbeneaes eo ap creet iteine gen Ligh iol oh GF fo tee pe sot hoe glam aaenees oo te Eerdgn aband of ce one I'visitee csr tevore 1 deft. £ orks st eugennss Fo tot Samoan chr Sel fests He, yotkee tre: Theo Fue. at mime to 160 Ts «stb hoceete It treo towic ovary at tarinedentercoF. abet ane seat te BERLE teen Fld Seabee cc ITA hoe EofataT gy ene ane “oeh ay oN te E08 19ihy 1949, a Beepasth Clesiarees ei't og any ene Tieet es" tmnig cit tee eae co" SE wipe oh Stemare cote une SP ectamise tees Pe eater folned the: tm Rovester, 1916 co te teeter wiers io roftct into’ Seton Srerntcst cr "ore dotsy‘1aie ase vege oetsh Votre go [2st Amv La gree Pit Wheto var ted, he Eattnoe i'eSce’ nce Lotepe Ba hehe! 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