Prayer Walk

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C2b Prayer Walk Sunday 8th March 2015

Before we went, we spoke about the parable of the sower and the need to be preparing ground
spiritually so that their would be more fruit as people lived and witnessed in the community. We
also prayed for anyone who was conscious of things that would distract or prevent them from
participating. In addition to praying for healing for some folk, Simon Ingmire asked us to pray that
there would be a release on his voice; he often has words etc, but has often felt prevented from
sharing them more widely. Having prayed, Simon was able to share a couple of words that he had
received. We then split into three groups, one that went with the children to the park partly so that
they could have fun, but also to allow them to see what prayer walking was about. Another group
went more locally whilst the final group stayed at the Sarjeant's to intercede for those going out.
Here's a summary of what happened next.

Intercession group
Without knowing the specifics of where the local group was going, the intercession group back at
the Sarjeant's had a word about a spirit of despair on the estate next to Ramridge Baptist Church.
(where the local group had a separate word to go to) They also had words about protection and
'bubblewrap' both a means of protection, but also of fun again, in line with what the local group
was experiencing and praying.
In praying for the 'park' group, they felt there was likely to be the feeling of a blockage at the start
of the walk, but that as they continued it would become easier they prayed into that, and indeed,
the 'park' group reported that things had become easier towards the end of their time.
The group felt that God might be opening a door for us to do other prayer walks around the areas of
other c2b folk; that just as we had spoken at the beginning of preparing the ground, that we should
be preparing the ground wherever we live.
What was even more encouraging was that several of the words were brought by more than one
person, in different forms and only when combined did they have the full clarity.

Park Group
Simon had a picture before we left relating to a red car, which he believed was for the 'park' group,
and as they entered the park, a child was riding in a battery powered red car. The group prayed a
blessing on the family. In general the park felt a good place; safe and happy, however there were
two areas where this was not the case. Firstly, an area within the basketball court, where young lads
tend to gather after school and the pathway into the park nearest to the two schools. The group
prayed against a spirit of intimidation for both these and for that to be replaced with the Spirit of
Peace and for there to be protection. They prayed that this protection and safety for all using the
park and for those working at the fire-station.

Local group
Mihaela had a conviction earlier in the week, that as part of our prayer walk we should do some
litter picking. In our planning we had felt it right have one group local to the Sarjeant's home
somewhere around Morrison's. As we prepared to go, Liz asked if there was a park nearby where
we would be. We said 'no' Liz said 'oh, I had a picture of a green area with a low fence all around it.

This gave us a more specific destination; just behind Morrison's is a large green with just such a
fence. On arriving, Catherine and Mihaela felt we should walk round it as an act of worship and
warfare, as with Joshua and Jericho. Having done that,we gathered onto the middle of the green and
prayed into what God had given us: The need for community, to breakdown isolation, security and
safety in place of fear and edginess, a spirit of welcome to make it a place of fun and invitation.
Mihaela then reminded us of her word about litter picking and we agreed that we should have come
prepared with gloves and bags. We determined to return and complete this, as a prophetic act of
clearing away the things that were hiding the true nature and potential of the place.
As we were praying and considering these things, people were coming out of Ramridge Baptist
Church and leaving, so we prayed for their witness and role in the community, praying for people of
peace to step forward. David then said that he needed to do some litter picking, even if it meant
getting hands dirty, and everyone began to join in. Within a few minutes, a man leaving the church
came and said he felt compelled to join us. We were able to pray with him and he shared that the
sermon had been on not being insular as church, but to reach out and be visible in the local
community. Shortly after, we introduced him to the rest of the group and he recognised Catherine as
someone he knew via Matt & Charlotte Deaves from the Faith Community days. A truly remarkable
connection as the Deaves' had tried unsuccessfully to reconnect him with the Sarjeants.
As we continued to clear the green, another man came over from the local houses and thanked us
for what we were doing. The day before, he had organised a football match with the local kids on
the green and had been horrified by the amount of litter, commenting that it made it very
unwelcoming. He had lost a platter that he had used to provide the kids with bacon butties... we had
found it and were able to return it to him another simple connection, breaking down barriers., two
men of peace.
Finally, two young lads were just finishing some drinks, and having seen what we had been doing,
came over, thanked us, and carefully disposed of their empties in the now overflowing bin. We were
able to thank and affirm them as we left.

Diverse people coming together to seek God. Specific words of knowledge, given in different ways,
to different people. People stepping out in bringing the words, responding to the prompting of the
Spirit. Amazing fruit from simple stuff. Thank you Lord.

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