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Personality Characteristics of ADHD Adults Assessed with the Millon Clinical Multiaxial
Inventory-II: Evidence of Four Distinct Subtypes
Hunter C. Somerville
Texas A&M University-Texarkana


Bos and May(2000) conducted a study to determine if adults with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have other personality disorders associated with their ADHD.
They stated that many clinical investigators have called for a better understanding of adult
symptomology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its comorbid disorders.
They identified a need for more investigations as the scientific community accepted the idea that
ADHD persists beyond childhood into adulthood. Many other studies had been conducted on
other personality traits and disorders but not relating to adult ADHD. This study examined
adults with diagnosis of ADHD and sought out to find other, if any, personality disorders present.
Patients selected for this study all had a current diagnosis of ADHD. The study examined
104 individuals (78 men and 26 women) and was determined to have varying degrees of
personality pathology. Patients were assessed by four doctoral level psychologist using seven
different tests.
May and Bos (2000) study used the following tests:
1. Structured clinical interview (Murphy, 1992).
2. Independent structured interview with a significant other (spouse, parent, or long-time friend)
of the client (Murphy, 1992).
3. Retrospective DSMIIIRADHDChecklist (Pine Rest Psychological Consultation Center,
1992b). 238 MAY AND BOS
4. ADHD Checklist for Current DSMIIIR Symptoms (Pine Rest Psychological Consultation
Center, 1992a).


5. Gordon Diagnostic System (GDS; Gordon, 1986).

6. Conners Continuous Performance Test (CCPT; Conners, 1992).
7. Millon Clinical Multiaxial InventoryII (MCMIII; Millon, 1987). (p.238-239)
Results of the assessments divided the adults into 4 distinct categories. The groups were ADHDonly, 26 patients; ADHDcomorbid, 21 patients; ADHD-ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder),
25 patients; and ADHDODDcomorbid, 32 patients. Each of the groups showed different
personality styles. The adults with ADHDonly evidenced mild histrionic traits. (Bos and
May, 2000) The ADHDcomorbid group was more often avoidant and dependent in
personality style. The ADHDODD adults showed histrionic, narcissistic, aggressivesadistic, and negativistic traits. The ADHDODDcomorbid group had a combination of
avoidant, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressivesadistic, negativistic, and self-defeating personality
features. (Bos and May, 2000)
Thirteen different personality scales were used when testing the patients and found that
the four groups varied significantly on 7 of those scales. Adults in the ADHDODD
comorbid group had diagnosis percentages more than twice that of ADHD only group in the
following categories of the MCMI-II subscale: schizoid, avoidant, narcissistic, and aggressivesadistic. In this group 91% were passive-aggressive, 81% were aggressive-sadistic, 63% were
narcissistic, and 59% were self-defeating. Similar results were found in the ADHDODD
group. 76% of this group was histrionic, 71% aggressive-sadistic, 81% passive-aggressive and
57% narcissistic. Among the ADHDcomorbid group, 64% were found to be dependent
personality, 44% passive-aggressive, and 52% avoidant. ADHD only group showed 62% to be
histrionic, 46% passive aggressive, When creating profiles for each of the groups, if the group
showed more than 50% of the members possessing the personality trait it was added to the


profile. Other findings were the limitations of this study to be that most of the participants 97%
were white and average age was 33. Other limitations were that most were insured, employed,
and self-referred. Further research may be needed because of the limitations of the sampled
population and the need to use the newer clinical standards manuals, DSMIV and MCMIIII.
This article was extremely interesting to read. I find it personally relevant due to my
diagnosis of ADHD in 2010 at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville Health Clinic. Finding
the right doctor and one who takes the time to understand as well as listen is rare. So much of
the population does not get proper mental health care due to financial restrictions. Expanding
studies like this one could definitely bring better treatments to people like me. The implications
of this study show that many people suffer from multiple diagnoses and could have been
improperly diagnosed. The interesting statistics with the categories of aggressive-sadistic and
passive-aggressive personality traits being highest in ADHDODD and ADHDODD
comorbid would lend itself to a correlation with people who lose their jobs, substance abuse, and
physical abuse scenarios. I do agree with the statement that further research is needed. Although
this article was written in 2000 and more studies have been conducted, there is a need for more

Bos, J. & May, B. (2000) Personality characteristics of ADHD adults assessed with the Millon


Clinical Multiaxial InventoryII: Evidence of four distinct subtypes. Journal of

Personality Assessment, 75(2), 237-248. Retrieved from

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