Bound by Laws

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Contemporary Topics + Bound By Law

Kristen Evans

Cyber Bullying
The effects of cyber bullying on the person getting bullied
- It could cause depression, which could be handled by cutting themselves
or even committing suicide.
- It could cause them to not trust others and develop hatred toward people,
even people who are not bullying them.
- It could lead to them becoming a bully, because that is how they have
been treated, they might feel as if that is how they should treat others.
The reasons the bully might be doing this
- They have been bullied before.
- They are depressed, and feel as if the only way to handle their anger is to
take it out on others.
- They get satisfaction from treating others this way, and it might be more of
a psychological problem that they need to be seen for.
- They want power, control, and domination. Meaning this could expand into
something bigger and more serious than cyber bullying.
What happens when one responds to cyber bullying
- When one engages with the cyber bully things get a lot more serious;
therefore, one should not respond back to the cyber bully, after all they are
seeking attention.
- Once interacted with the cyber bully, the cyber bully knows it got a
response and attention and will keep sending more and going to further
Signs for teachers to pick up on about cyber bullying
- decline in school work
- changes in personality
- becoming more secluded from others
- sleeping more in class or lack of focus
Strategies for one to use in the classroom
- make sure students are connected to at least one staff member, and that
they are involved in extra curricular activities
- have a class where one talks to the students about cyber bullying

Digital Divide
Lots of resources are now available online and if students do not have access to the
internet it is not fair to those students.
- Some resources are only online or mostly online, such as encyclopedias
which are big resources for students when doing research.
- Resources are now easiest and fastest by finding them online, and when
the students have computers at home and in school they can do their
homework in multiple places.
Teachers can put material on a website for the students to see, and if a student does
not have access to a computer or internet at home they could get behind.
- If a student missed class because he/she was sick the teacher would be
able to teach the student through email or even send him/her a video of
the lesson. The teacher would also be able to send the assignments to
the student.
- Also on snow days, recently teachers have been holding skype classes to
students where the students did not get behind or have to go extra days.
Computers are a huge part of the social interaction between students these days,
and if a student does not have access to them they could feel secluded.
- Social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, are how a lot of
students interact when at home with their peers and if one kid does not
have access to this they might feel unconnected from their friends.
A lot of current events are now most quickly available online and students need to
know what is happening around them.
- Current events are relative to school work and it is imperative that the
students learn about these. The best way to get this information is to learn
from the internet because it has the most resources.
Students need to learn how to use technology at an early age, because if not learned
at an early age it becomes harder for them to learn if they are older.
- Almost everyone uses technology in their career, and students need to
come familiar with it at an early age where they are comfortable with it and
not trying to learn it and other skills while training for their job.
Flipping the Classroom
A. What flipping the classroom is
Gaining knowledge outside of the classroom about the topic before coming to class.
During class the students would discuss, debate, or applying the information to the
real world.
This means that the lower levels of thinking are done outside of the classroom by
themselves, and the higher levels are done inside the classrooms by everyone
The student is assigned to do homework outside of classroom to prove that they
actually learned and studied the material assigned.
B. Pros
Students can discuss the topics and any questions they had during class time,
because time was not wasted learning the material for the first time.
Students have access to each other and the teacher when doing the harder material.

Students get a higher level of knowledge because they can apply it to real life

situations in the classroom and discuss it with other, versus just doing worksheets
over the material at home.
C. Cons
Students might not actually understand the material, because they are teaching it to
Students who are more shy, might feel uncomfortable working with others or speaking
out loud might not get as much from the lesson, because they do not want to ask
questions during class time.
Students might think that they know the material, but they actually do not know it
because they are not good at it teaching themselves or got the information from the
wrong resources.
D. Applications now
Use it while teaching the beginning of a lesson as like an introductory thing and then
teach the later material in the classroom.
Use it to predict what the student will think of what the information is going to be and
then at the end of the lessons the students can reflect and see how well they taught
themselves the material.
E. Applications for the future
The students of the future could use this while at home, and could talk to their peers
about what the material is.
Students could teach themselves the material, and then only meet in the classroom a
couple times a week versus five days a week. It would be more like college and help
transition them into college.
F. Resources
Bound By Law Graphic Novel
A. Copyrights making it hard for people to use them
People can not use things because they are protected by so many copyright laws.
Copyrights protect even the little things, such as thing playing in the backgrounds
- This means that people have to blur them out or take out the clips, because
people want so much money for these things to be used; however, sometimes
these things are essential to the piece of art and the artist gets upset about
either having to pay a lot of money to use it or remove it.
- Trouble also comes when blurring out logos, and they have to find ways either
to pay for them or properly blur out the logo.
Copyrights are not only expensive, but they are also hard to find the people to get
ahold of to pay or ask permission to use.
- Because copyrights are now good until about 50 years after the author or
producer has died sometimes it is impossible to find who to go for the rights to
the copyrights.
Copyrights has protected almost all of the 20th century for about 100 or plus years.
Copyrights prohibit people posting them on the internet without ones approval
B. Copyrights protecting ones material

Copyrights protecting ones material is a great thing, because it allows the owner of
the work to get paid for what they have worked so hard for.

Copyrights also allow the owner to decide where the work will be distributed and how
often it will be aired.

Copyrights also give the owner the right to when it is publicly performed.
Copyrights also give the owner the right to make adaptations and translations.

C. Copyrights allowing the use of some things, but not others

Fair use is a big issue when it comes to copyrights and there has been big debates
and court cases over this.
Fair use is in play when something contributes to the work that is in place and is not
the main use of the material it was originally in.
Or if the material is used as a parody for the new material
Copyrights do not prohibit one recording them or dvring them to watch them at their
own conveyance.
D. So should copyrights be allowed, or not. Or should they be allowed; however, not
as restricted.
I would personally go with the last choice, that copyrights should be in place;
however, they should not be so heavy.
- Copyrights should not be so protective that it would cost so much money to
show the Kodak logo in the background or play the Simpsons on tv in the
background of a movie scene.
- Copyrights should allow the owner of the material to get paid when their work
is aired or greatly used in another work.
- Copyrights should be used to allow owners to get paid when their work is sold.
- Copyrights should allow the owner to choose when the work is aired or when
they want to make changes or what the changes they want to implement.
I believe copyrights should help the artist more than inhibit them or make it more
difficult to express themselves how they want; however, I believe that in the present
times copyrights are making it hard rather then better/easier.
- Because obtaining rights to something can be so hard it inhibits the artist to
truly express themselves and might make the work appear differently than the
artist intended it to.

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