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HSIE: Workers in the Community


Learning Outcomes
Learning Sequence 1: Needs and Wants What Are Our Needs and Wants?
Develop a class display of Needs and Wants. Help students to categorise their drawings into needs and
wants. Add other pictures to the display.

Resources: Brochures from catalogues to add to display.

Ask students about how they obtain needs and wants and who helps them to do so. Introduce the terms
roles and responsibilities. Explain that because children cannot meet all of their own needs, adults have a
role and responsibility
to care for them. Explain that adults also need help from other people to meet their needs, and for this
reason people have different roles and responsibilities within communities.
Add labels, naming the titles of people who have roles and responsibilities in the community, to the display.
Draw students attention to the various roles and responsibilities that individuals/groups have in the
community, eg waste collection services, emergency services, bushfire brigade.
Resources: Students to draw pictures on art paper of community members. Pictures on IWB may help
students draw accurately.

Learning Sequence 2: Roles and Responsibilities of People at Home

What Roles Do People Have at Home and Why?
Create a floor map to show rooms in a home. Question students about what people usually do in each room
of the home. Ask them to role-play the responsibilities that people may have in each room. Discuss what
would happen if people didnt take responsibility, eg What would happen if no one cooked or bought food
for the family to eat?

Discuss the jobs/responsibilities that students have at home (Chores) Graph the results. Numeracy Link.
Discuss ways in which other people are responsible for helping them do tasks, then discuss how students
help others in the family. Have students draw and label themselves participating in one of these activities.
Sort and display the pictures in categories.

Discuss the display and highlight the diversity of people in families taking different responsibilities at
different times.
Question students about what would happen if people didnt take responsibility, eg What would happen if no
one cooked or bought food for the family to eat?
Have each student survey people in their family about how they (the student) might be able to take more
responsibility at home. Home Link
Have students develop a personal contract for these new responsibilities.

Question students about how they are going with their new responsibilities throughout the unit.
Learning Sequence 3: Roles and Responsibilities of People at School Who Are the People Who
Help Us at School and Why?

Have students draw a picture of someone helping them at school and develop descriptions about what they
have drawn. Display these for later reference.
Introduce the retrieval chart (see below) and explain that students will interview some of the people who
have a role and particular responsibilities in the school.
Have students interview several members of the school community. Jointly develop questions that they
could use, eg How do you help the students at school?, Why do you do this?, How can students help you
to perform your role?

Have students identify a member of the school community who has helped them. Ask them to draw a picture
of this person and write who they are, what they did to help, why they did this and how the student felt. Have
students share their texts with the class and add them to the display.

Learning Sequence 4: Roles and Responsibilities of People in the Community Who Are the People
Who Have Roles and Responsibilities in the Community and Why?
Provide groups of students with pictures of a range of people in the community who are responsible for
meeting the needs and protecting the rights of others. Ask groups to identify the role of the person, what the
person does, and to search the picture for equipment that the person uses in fulfilling their role.

Arrange for people who have specific roles in the community to visit the class. Community Link. Jointly
develop questions that can be used by students to interview the visitors. Questions might include: Whose
needs do you help meet?, What do you do in your role?, Why do you do it?, What do you need
(equipment and skills) to perform your role?, How can people make your role easier/more enjoyable?
Record interview information on a retrieval chart. Add drawings or photographs of the people interviewed.


Learning Sequence 5: Culmination Citizenship Appreciation

Have students make Appreciation Awards to present to people in their family, class, school and community,
in appreciation of the work they do for the students and the community.

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