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Manpreet Singh (1238838)
Mehak Ashwani (1238840)
Ravinder Singh (1238868)

What is an encoder?
Anencoderis a sensor of mechanical motion that generates digital
signals in response to motion. As an electro-mechanical device, an
concerning position, velocity and direction. There are two different
types of encoders: linear androtary. A linear encoder responds to
motion along a path, while a rotary encoder responds to rotational
to determine position and speed. An absolute encoder generates

Block Diagram for Encoders

Types of Encoders:
1. Incremental linear encoder
2. Incremental rotary encoder
3. Absolute linear encoder
4. Absolute rotary encoder

Incremental Linear Encoder

This encoder has a transparent scale with an optical grating. The
thickness of the grating lines and the gap between them is made equal
,which is in the range of microns. On one side the scale is provided with a
light source and condenser lens. On the other side there are light sensitive
cells. The resistance of the cells decreases whenever a beam of light falls
on them. Thus a pulse is generated each time a beam of light falls on
them. Thus a pulse each time a beam of light is intersected by the opaque
line. This pulse is fed to the controller, which updates a counter.
Incremental rotary encoders are not as accurate as absolute rotary
encoders due to the possibility of interference or a misread.

Linear encoder

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