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YASNAC MRC USER FUNCTIONS MANUAL CONTROLLER FOR INDUSTRIAL ROBOT MOTOMAN Upon receipt of the product and prior to initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain for future reference. YASKAWA MANUAL NO. TOE-C945-404C YU C CONTENTS oni seaeteeeeeeecaeecaecee se SSeSee Section 1 OUTLINE OF USER FUNCTIONS. 14 Section 2 SECURITY SYSTEM 2 2.1 PROTECTING USER FUNCTIONS BY 10 NUMBER 22 24.1 SOFTKEY LABELS FOR[ORG] 2-2 22 REGISTERING USER ID NUMBER 23 ‘Section3 VO SIGNALS a4 1 OUTLINE a2 3.1.1 CONFIGURATION OF JO SIGNALS 3-2 3.1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF VO SIGNALS 3.3 3.2. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS a4 92.1 VO RACK CONFIGURATION a4 822 CONNECTING EXTERNAL POWER ‘SUPPLY 35 8.2.3 YO BOARD (JANCD-MIO 04) 36 9.3. STANDARD ASSIGNMENT a7 9.3.1 COMMON FOR ALLAPPLICATIONS 3-7 9.3.2 ARC WELDING 38 93.3 HANDLING 39 3.3.4 SPOT WELDING 310 9.3.5 GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS 3-11 ‘4 CONCURRENT VO 342 94.1 FEATURES OF CONCURRENT WO 3-12 3.4.2 CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICA- TIONS OF CONCURRENT VO 3-43, 3.4.3 CONFIGURATION OF VO SIGNALS 3-15 (1) ARC WELDING (2) HANDLING, SPOT WELDING, GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICA- TIONS 34.4 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4xxx) 3-17 (1) COMMON FOR ALL APPLICA- TIONS (2) ARC WELDING (@) HANDLING (4) SPOT WELDING (6) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICA: TIONS (6) DISPLAYING ALARMS AND MESSAGES. (7) SELECTING MODE/CYCLE AND. CALLING MASTER JOB (8) EXTERNAL SERVO ON (EXSVON) (9) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (10) INDEPENDENT CONTROL SIGNALS. (OPTIONAL) (11) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FORJOG OFFSET FUNC- TION (OPTIONAL) (12) APPLICATION SIGNALS (13) HANDLING (14) SPOT WELDING 94.5 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (6x x x)2-41 (1) COMMON FOR ALL APPLICATIONS (@) ARC WELDING (@) HANDLING (®) SPOTWELDING (6). GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS (@) DISPLAYING ALARMS AND MESSAGES (7) SETTING OF MODEACYCLE AND PARTICULAR PLAY OPERATION (®) INDICATION OF STARTISTOP AND status (9) INTERFERENCE SIGNALS (10) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FOR JOG OFFSET JUNCTION C (OPTIONAL) (11) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FOR JOG OFFSET FUNCTION (OPTIONAL) (12) ARC WELDING (19) HANDLING (14) SPOT WELOING (15) GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATIONS 3.46 TIMER AND COUNTER USED IN STANDARD LADDER (6xxx) 3.65 (1) ARC WELDING (2) HANOUING (9) SPOT WELOING (4) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS 9.4.7 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (7Xxx) 3-69 (1) ARC WELDING (@) HANDLING (8) SPOT WELDING C (4)_GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS 3.48 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (80%) 378 (1) INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (@) INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (HONITOR) 849 PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS (82x x) 3.83 (1) PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS 34.10 DLINPUT SIGNALS (@xXxx) 9-04 3.4.11 VO EXCEPT CONCURRENT IO 3-85 (1) HARDWARE SPECIFIC INPUT (2) HARDWARE SPECIFIC OUTPUT (3) CONNECTION METHOD WHEN USING SHOCK SENSOR 34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 3-89 (1) UST OF USABLE INSTRUCTIONS. (2) ARO WELDING (2) LADDER PROGRAM LIST (b) USER ALARMS (6) USER MESSAGES (6) USER OPEN SIGNALS NE (8) HANDLING (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST (0) USER ALARMS (0) USER MESSAGES. (#) SPOT WELOING (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST (0) USER ALARMS (¢) USER MESSAGES (@) SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS FOR SPOT WELDING, APPLICATION (8) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICA. TIONS © (2) LADDER PROGRAM LIST (b) USER ALARMS ( (© USER MESSAGES 34.19 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM 3-149 (1) FLOW OF DATABY LADDER co PROGRAM (2) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONCUR- RENT VO (8) BASIC OPERATION (4) EDITING OPERATION (a) INSERTING INSTRUCTIONS. (0) CHANGING INSTRUCTIONS. (¢) DELETING INSTRUCTIONS: (d) EDITING OPERANDS (0) CANCELLING EDITING (6) COMPILATION ‘9.4.14 HOWTO MONITOR SIGNALS 3-155 (1) C.VO MONITOR DISPLAY (2) VO STATUS DISPLAY 94.15 YO MESSAGES AND VO ALARMS 3-158 (1) REGISTERING USER SECTION a (2) DISPLAYING SYSTEM SECTION Section 4 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING at 4.1, HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 43 4.2, HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION 4-4 (1) BATCH REGISTERING ALL AXES 4.4 YU (2) REGISTERING INDIVIDUAL AXES 4-5, (8) CHANGING ABSOLUTE DATA 4-6 4.3 HOME POSITION ACCORDING TO MANIPULATOR TYPE 47 (1) Ske, sk16 (2) sK120 (3) 6, K10, Ka0. 49 Section 5 SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM 5-1 5.1 OPERATING OBJECTIVE 53 5.2. SECOND HOME POSITION 55 5.3 ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM OCCURRENCE 56 ‘Section CALIBRATION FOR ROBOT AXES AND STATION AXES et 6.1 REGISTERING GROUP COMBINATION 6.3 62 HOW TO OPERATE 64 (1) CALIBRATION (2) DELETING CALIBRATION DATA () VERIFYING CALIBRATION POSITION 6.3 USING CALIBRATION JOB 67 (1) ROBOT CALIBRATION (ALI+RO) (2) ROBOT-STATION CALIBRATION (RRO) Section7 OTHER SETTINGS a 7.1 LOADING FROM EXTERNAL MEMORY UNIT 72 7.1.4 BATCH LOADINGOFFILES 7.2 72 SETTING TIME 76 7.8 REGISTERING NAMES ea 7.3.1 REGISTERING VARIABLE NAMES 7-7 7.3.2. REGISTERING VO NAMES 19 7.4 CHANGING SET VALUE ON PLAY SPEED DISPLAY 710 75 ALLLIMITS RELEASING FUNCTION 7-12 7.6 SYSTEM INFORMATION. TAB 7.7 REGISTERING V/O SIGNALS FOR RESERVED START 74 Section PARAMETERS a4 8.1. PARAMETER CONFIGURATION 82 8.2 SYSTEM CONFORM PARAMETERS 8.3. 82.1 S1CxG PARAMETERS. 83 82.2 S2C PARAMETERS 89 82.3 SSC PARAMETERS 8.35 82.4 S4C PARAMETERS 837 8.3. TRANSMISSION PARAMETERS, 839 83.1 BASIC PROTOCOL 239 83.2 FC1 PROTOCOL eat 4 APPLICATION PARAMETERS: eae 8.4.1 ARK WELDING 42 8.4.2 SPOT WELDING 844 85 PARAMETER LISTS 845 ‘Appendix CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE MODE A-1 ‘A1.1 OUTLINE A2 ‘A1.2 ACTIVATION OF CUSTOMER MAINTE: NANCE MODE Aa ‘A1.3 HOW TO ADD VO MODULES AS ‘A1.4 HOWTO CHANGE CUSTOMER OPTIONS A-7 ‘A1.4.1. SELECTION OF STANDARDIEN- HANCE (FORARC WELDING) AQ. ‘1.5 HOW TO INITIALIZE FILES Att 1.6 SPOT WELDING SETTING At8 ‘1.7 HOW TO CHANGE USER MECHANISM A.22 ‘A1.B HOWTO ADD BASE/STATION AXES —A-24 sl Section 1 OUTLINE OF USER FUNCTIONS 1-1 Section 2 SECURITY SYSTEM 2-1 Section 3 1/0 SIGNALS 3-1 Section 4 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 4-1 Section5 SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM 5-1 Section 6 CALIBRATION FOR ROBOT AXES AND STATION AXES 6-1 Section 7 OTHER SETTINGS 7-1 Section8 PARAMETERS 8-1 Appendix A CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE MODE A-1 Cc. ‘This instruction manual is intended to explain the YASNAC MRC user functions. In the user functions, the data which are the base of a system can be changed. Read this instruction manual thoroughly be- fore starting operation. In addition, read the following MOTOMAN instruction manuals at the same time for safe operation. + Manipulator instruction manual + YASNAC MRC instruction manual + YASNAC MRC operator’s manual + YASNAC MRC maintenance manual General Precautions + Some drawings in this manual are shown with the protective cover or shields removed, in order to describe the detail with more clarity. Make sure all covers and shields are replaced before operating this product. + This manual may be modified when necessary because of improve- ‘ment of the product, modification, or changes in specifications. Such modification is made as a revision by renewing the manual No. + Toorder a copy of this manual, if your copy has been damaged or lost, contact your YASKAWA representative listed on the last page stating the manual No. on the front page. + YASKAWA is not responsible for any modification of the product made by the user since that will void our guarantee. NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION Read this instruction manual thoroughly before installation, operation, maintenance or inspection of the product. In this manual, the NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION are classified as "WARNING" or "CAUTION". Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avolded, could result in death or serious injury to personnel. : Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury to personnel and damage to equipment. it may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. ‘Even items described in[A CAUTION] may result in a vital accident in some situations. In either case, follow these important items. @ ‘These are steps to be taken to insure proper operation and to avoid malfunctions, etc. . SAFETY FOR USE OF USER FUNCTIONS A\ WARNING ee epee Page + Since the various values will be correctly set with these functions, it will be 12 possible to enable manipulators to be compatible with the system to ensure their maximum performance. On the other hand, care must be taken to avoid acci- dents or troubles that may damage the manipulator or the system under condi- tions that these values can be easily changed. Considerations have therefore been taken to protect these data. Respect the followings when using these functions. + Operate under the control and supervision of user functions. + Preserve and control data each time they are created or modified. + Prepare a floppy disk system for the YASNAC MRC. + YASKAWA cannot hold responsibility for accidents or malfunctions resulting from faulty data setting or operator error. SAFETY FOR MOTOMAN OPERATION A\ WARNING bcimes A Page * Before operating the manipulator, check that the SERVO ON tamp goes out 42 when the emergency stop buttons on the playback box and programming 52 pendant are pressed. 6-2 Injury or damage to machinery may result if the manipulator cannot be stopped in case of an emergency. + Always set the teach lock before starting teaching. 42 u Failure to observe this caution may result in injury by the operation on the 52 playback box. 6-2 ~ Observe the following precautions when performing teaching operations within 42 YU the working envelope of the manipulator: 52 + Always view the manipulator from the front. 6-2 - Always follow the predetermined operating procedure. + Always have an escape plan in mind in case the manipulator comes toward you unexpectedly. - Ensure that you have a place to retreat to in case of emergency. Improper or unintentional manipulator operation can result in injury. ~ Prior to performing the following operations, be sure that there is no one 42 ‘within the working envelope of the manipulator, and be sure that you are ina 5-2 ‘safe place yourself, 6-2 * Turning the power ON to the YASNAC MRC. + Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant. + Running check operation. + Performing automatic operation. Injury may result from collision with the manipulator to anyone entering the working envelope of the manipulator. vu + Always press an emergency stop button immediately if there are problems. 42 Emergency stop buttons are provided at the upper right of the YASNAC MRC 5-2 playback box and on the right of the programming pendant. 62 * To perform verification of the second home position, pay attention to safety around you. As a cause of alarm occurrence, a fault in the PG system can be considered. From this cause, the manipulator may move to an unexpected direction to cause injury or damage to equipment. * A\ CAUTION Reference Page + Anyone operating the manipulatof; teaching or inspection should have ‘undergone all training required by the relevant governmental agencies. Gee "Safety Manual.") + Perform the following inspection procedures prior to operating the manipulator teaching. if problems are found, repair them immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has been performed. + Check for problems in manipulator movement. + Check for damage of the insulation and sheathing of external wires. + Always return the programming pendant to its specified position after use. If the programming pendant is inadvertently left on the manipulator or fixture, ‘ron the floor, the manipulator or a tool could collide with it during manipulator movement, possibly causing injuries or equipment damage. + To operate the manipulator by releasing all limits, pay attention to the safety around you. Since all limits are released, the manipulator or equipment may be damaged. 42 52 62 42 52 % Section 1 OUTLINE OF USER FUNCTIONS - A\ WARNING Since the various values will be correctly set with these functions, it will be possible to enable manipulators to be compatible with the system to ensure their maximum. performance. On the other hand, care must be taken to avoid accidents or troubles that may damage the manipulator or the system under conditions that these values can be easily changed. Considerations have therefore been taken to protect these data. Respect the followings when using these functions. * Operate under the control and supervision of user functions. + Preserve and control data each time they are created or modified. + Prepare a floppy disk system for the YASNAC MRC. ‘YASKAWA cannot hold responsibility for accidents or malfunctions resulting from faulty data setting or operator error. ‘This manual explains user functions unique to MRC. ‘YASNAC MRC controller for MOTOMAN industrial robot provides a full range of advanced and practical functions to mect the demands of industry for more flexible and more sophisticated robotics systems. User functions are also available to create a more ideal system to meet individual requirements. With the user functions, it is possible to change data affecting the basic functions of the system, as follows, + Change of /O connections with ladder program editing of concurrent 10 + Change of parameters In addition, the following operations are enabled. + Registration of variable names or I/O signal names + Setting of second home position + Calibration between robots or robot and station + Simultaneous loading from external memory unit + Setting of time By using these functions, a system can be constructed with the optimum conditions suitable for application to show the manipulator performance to its full extent. @ User functions can be used only in the teach mode 12 Section 2 SECURITY SYSTEM 2.1 PROTECTING USER FUNCTIONS BY USER ID NUMBER 2.1.1 SOFT KEY LABELS FOR [ORG] 2-2 22 REGISTERING USERID NUMBER — 23 22 ‘seounITY svsTEM 2.41 PROTECTING USER FUNCTIONS BY USERID NUMBER, 2.1 PROTECTING USER FUNCTIONS BY USER ID NUMBER User functions are protected by a security system with a user ID number. ‘This permits only authorized personnel who know the user ID number to modify settings, Select a system construction supervisor for proper operation and management. 2.1.1 SOFT KEY LABELS FOR [ORG] Use the following steps to call up soft key labels for {ORG}. © Press [CUSTOMER], [MORE]and [F5] (ORG) keys. ‘The user ID display appears. If parameters, home position, or concurrent I/O ladder program are changed : after delivery, "CHG" is displayed on the lines where the changes have been. C made. The date of the change is also displayed. GWORKA S128 LOOK AUTO STOP__GUST| ‘THIS FUNCTION IS FOR MAINTENANCE. [AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY [DATE DATA CHa} PARAMETER, s90q/09721 10.00 HOME CALIBRATION MODI 1989/04/08 09.22 C0 9909721 10.00 T Enter 10 N= Ga) | © Enter the user ID number by number keys and press [ENTER] key. ‘The soft key labels for (ORG) appear to call up corresponding displays. + The user ID number consists of 8-digit numbers. ( ‘User functions are protected by the user ID number. + The user ID number being entered is not displayed. + At the factory, "00000000" is preset for the user ID number. PRNTA JORG SETH TGP RGTAT A CALT Soft Key Labels for User Functions 22 ‘SEGURITY SYSTEM ‘22 REGISTERING USER 10 NUMBER, LL 2.2 REGISTERING USER ID NUMBER Use the following steps to change the user ID number. © Call up the soft key labels for (ORG) and press (MORE] key three times. YOUR 1D NUMBER IS © Enter the desired 8-digit numbers using the number keys and press [ENTER] key. ‘This number will then be registered as the new ID number. 23 Section3 1/0 SIGNALS 31 32 33 Ba OUTLINE 3.2 : 811 B12 CONFIGURATION OF 10 SIGNALS 3.2 ! CLASSIFICATION OF YO SIGNALS 3.3. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS — 3-4 321 B22 3.23 VO RACK CONFIGURATION 3-4 CONNECTING EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY 3.5 UO BOARD (WJANCD-MIO 04) 3-6 STANDARD ASSIGNMENT 3-7 3.3.1 382 333 384 3.3.5 COMMON FOR ALLAPPLICATIONS 3-7 ARC WELDING 3-8 HANDLING 3.9 SPOT WELDING 3-10 GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS 3-11 CONCURRENTUO 3-12 B41 342 348 344 345 B46 BAT BAS B49 3.4.10 24.11 34.12 3418 3414 34.15 FEATURES OF CONCURRENTYO 3-12 CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS OF CONCURRENT UO 3-13 CONFIGURATION OF VO SIGNALS 3-15 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4x Xx) 3-17 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5X XX) 3-41 TIMER AND COUNTER USED INSTANDARD LADDER 3.65 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (7% XX) 3-69 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (80 x) 3-74 PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS (82x x) 3-83 DLINPUT SIGNALS (XxX) 3-84 UO EXCEPT CONCURRENT I/O 3.85 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM — 3.89 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM — 3-149 HOWTO MONITOR SIGNALS 3-155 UO MESSAGES AND /0 ALARMS 3-158 3.1 OUTLINE 3.1.1 CONFIGURATION OF I/O SIGNALS YASNAC MRC is provided with terminals and connectors to connect VO signals. The number of the UO signals to be connected is limited, however, these terminals can be | utilized in the way that the signals required for concurrent /O can be selected to i connect to the desired terminals. : 3 3 2 a 8 3 i Conceptual Configuration Diagram of VO Signals ( 32 | 3.1.2 CLASSIFICATION OF I/O SIGNALS Classificatian of VO Signals 31 ouruNe 3.12 CLASSIFICATION OF YO SIGNALS Logie : ao Rang NoEE | Classification Descriptior eae oxxx | General Referenced with input instruction | 0019~0167 input signal | of the job (128 signals) avxx | General Output with output instruction of | 1010-1167 ‘output signal | the job (228 signals) 2xxx | External | Signal No. corresponding to the 2010-2187 input signal | input terminal (144 signals) xxx | External —_ | Signal No. corresponding to the 3010~3187 ‘output signal | output terminal (144 signals) a xxx | Specific input } Signal to change the operating 4010~4167 | SINAI~ signal condition of the robot (128 signals) | SIN#128 sxxx | Specific Signal notifying the operating 5010-8267 | SoUTH~ output signal | condition of the robot (192 signals) | SOUT#I92 xxx | Timerfeount- | Timer to be used in the concurrent | 6010-6047 7 er VO. Can also be used as a counter. | (82 signals) Auxiliary | Auxiliary relay in the concurrent | 7010-7327 TEX | relay vo (256 signals) 7 —|— s0xx | Control ‘Monitoring of the hardware signal | 8010-8087 status signal | status of the robot contrel section | (64 signals) 7 82xx | Psoudo input | Pseudo input relay reading from | 8210~8247 signal the system parameter (2 signals) fe DU input 9010-9167 sxx | eoal Input signal from DL board G28 cages) » 33 3.2 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS 3.2.1 VO RACK CONFIGURATION | Input and output is of the 1/0 rack configuration. For details, refer to the "YASNAC MRC MAINTENANCE MANUAL: (TOE- (C945-403), FOR ARC WELDING VO BACK BOARD (!088) = |— TERMINAL BOARD TB1 FUSE(SA) moe, ronorenanon 10H | cercu PporEeTON Phyl) aa FG | oy | my | use =a EXTEENALPOWER _-voPOWaRUPPLY onrb0 oar 0) TL wetowne vF BOARD (MEW!) oranottona wo Some TO BOARD (os) RELAY BOARD FOR POWER ON (MRYO1) ce PPLICATIONS Cictihaddesiden is WO BACK BOARD (10BB) 1 rerun. oons0 es FUSE(aA) a fenorenaron ear erecta FOR ADDITIONAL VO BOARD YO BOARD (M004) RELAY BOARD FOR POWER ON (MRYO1) Configuration of VO Rack a4 32 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS. ‘8.22 CONNECTING EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY , SS 3.2.2 CONNECTING EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY Power supplies of about 24V,1A are used to drive input-output of the YASNAC MRC. i If higher current is needed or if the inside and outside are to be insulated, use an external 24V power supply. MoB02 BOARD, . i | | INTERNAL Power i 4 | iu i | ‘Switching jig made by erovideg a heper H] | t0r connector, a¢ towne Yo SWITCHING aie External Power Supply Connection for YO Procedure of connection © Connect the external power supply to TB1-2 and TB1-3 on the MBB02 board. @ If an external power supply is used, move the plug from CN7 to CNB. (Hither one must be short-circuited.) ‘The external power input terminal is provided with a 9A fuse. Mount the external power supply outside the panel to prevent noise inside anel. the pi * 32 HAROWARE SPECIFICATIONS. {823 VO BOARD WANCD - M1008) 3.2.3 VO BOARD (JANCD - MIO 04) YANCD - MIO 04 Input :24 points Output : 24 points 36 3.3 STANDARD ASSIGNMENT 3.3.1 COMMON FOR ALL APPLICATIONS VO assignment of I/O boards prior to shipment is composed of a part common for-all applications and parts differing depending on applications. The following tables show the assignment, JANCD-MIO 04 Standard Assignment (COMMON FOR ALL APPLICATIONS) Tage] Conn near ae | oer ‘Name end Application a [Name and Arh 210 | 261 | xtraal Stan 259 | Opening on | ear — ko] Ser OW 12 | ama | Masterjob oll 210 | Top master pb 213 | 2a? | Ales emer roo 2-a10 | Alar ror occarmce ET 28 | Remote mode elect soi Batter alarm, ‘nis | 2A3 | Play moe slot a eae 2016 | 284 | Teach mode alct Sain] Teo esina ani | 2A4 | General input DVIR8 3020] a-m16 | Te eabe 1 2020 | 285 | Interference entrance provi aon_[2Ai6 | Toeabes zoni_ | _%AS _| Interference entrance pri 022 [2.816 _ | Week bom position in cube 8 aoe | ams | Work proitie 3023_[ _2ai6 | Sequence exacting 202s 2.8 | Work response 28 ioe cd a aoa [1B aa E aoe [ar u 3026 | —1-B10 20 Ea = sort [ato 19 aot | Ar = 3080_[ _1-Bu2 1 3030_[ 1.65 = 3081 [ TAI] Defined bythe 2 20 7a8 z 02 [1-813] Avlication 28 Deined by the 20a [Bt] hopes 3 3083 1A19 25 sn fea x suse | 1-86 20 2004] Bs ae = 2 2038 [1A a 3006 | —1-Bs a = zist_[ eas a a How to monitor signal status ‘To monitor a signal, verify the signal monitor display (refer to Par.3.4.14,) atus of the signal logic number in the C./O 37 RR EIS CT? {22 STAWOARD ASSIONMENT 2382 ARCWELONG i 3.3.2 ARC WELDING (1) JANCD-MIO 04, Assignment (ARC WELDING) TS | RE [Nae a cn Teg] Coes | Nan Anon i Ea ET TT sai| 2.85 — | Operating | zon | —2-ar | — son| 2.9 | Ser On za | 2m | Nase ora soz | 2010 | Top master i aoa | 9a —[ Ater/eror ea 3013 | 2.410 [Alans error oosrense zoie| 88 | Remote mode alc Gole[ 3B | Battery lar is | 2-3 | Ply mode ae 2018 [2.2 | Remse node alate \ 2016 [2-84 | Tench mode select 3016 _2B15 | Play mode selecting | aor | —a-a4—| General input IN eo oe G [288 | Tnterfrene 1 eatanc pronRe Sue| eee oat | —2-A5 —[ Intron entrance pak tee eee ma [9-05 [Work probit (re ON pei a EL C ozs | nas _| Wertzwpeen (outs oe OW 3028 | 2.16 | Soqenee esting met te aT at | —1-B9 — | Gat sorage (non) TET cu eat fa 7 as | 1-89 | Wire shortage Gone) 17 sae hn | Wenig 7 [M26 | 1.810 —| Wire king (noni) 20 ‘amt | —1-ka [Sensing pet 3 ar_[ 1ai0 | Arcshonage (oni) a8 eso] 85 Genera NOTE ‘a0 [1512 [General otpat_oTt0T 20 281] 13 Nove 5 oar_| kale ‘oro a8 nea | —-B8 Tos 3032 | 118 ‘oToa 26 na3| eae Tso04 7 088 [vars ‘oToos 25 ma | Nas 10 oat | ‘oTv0s 30 | 2035, EAS INOS, 2 ‘3035, AIS OT006 29 i ane | TNO eae | Bie ‘ore iy ‘st_[ 1A 1008 ont | hae ‘ones a1 YU (2) JANCD-MEW 01 / MEW 02 Assignment (ARC WELDING) i Name ant Apnea oe ‘Name and Appian Goa meraee 370 Totaned © Wire shore ET “Arco Are sorage a7 Wise iaking Are ozurense dk 3178 Wire retract Wire scking En Reserved Not ase a8 Tot sed Tot ase a6 Not ased ain Not wed 317 Not used 38 i 33 STANDARD ASSIGNMENT 833 HaNDUNG 3.3.3 HANDLING (]JANCD-MIO 04 Assignment (HANDLING) tage | Ser” | name and appenton Yage | Sore Name and Appliation |, ns 21 | Bator ar 3010 [2-80 | Operating oar | — 3011 [249 | Servo ON. 22 | Mawar abl 3012 | 2-B10 | Top master oo Aa | Alan eror reat 3013 | 2-A10 | Alarm error ours 2:83 | Remote node seer. ao1g [2-312 | Battory arm 3A _| Play mode valet 3015 [-2-A18 | Remote made sclocing 24 | Teach mode sled 3016 | 2818 | Play mode elsting Ad | General input IDE Sort | -£ais| Tech mods acacia 2.35 | Toesorence 1 entrance pro 3020 [15 | Tneube 1 AB | Tovererece 2 entrance probit o0ai | 2-a15 | inesbes 26 | — ‘3022 | “2-816 | Work home postion ncabe za8 [= Bors | FAIG | Sequence executing +i | — wea} [3m ams Era rar 7 ‘ws 1.09 a] 1-82 | Senor putt = 3026 | 1.810 teal valve HL a0 Az —| Sensor input @ 2 0n1_—[ “TA19—| Tel valve 19 1-83 | Sensor input 1 * "3030 [1-812 _| Tool valve 1a at} 1.43 | Sensor input 2 oi 301 [a2 | Tol valve 2 23 2052 | 1-84 | Senwor inputs * 3082 [1-819 [Teo waive zt 26 2033 —[ aa] Sensor inputs z 5035 | Ta1a | Toot valve 2 2084 | 1.85] Senwor input 6 a0 084 [1-515 | Tel waive 3 0 2035 [1.05 | Sensor input 6 2 3035 | 1-a15 | Toot valve 3 “20 3006 [1-86 _| Shek sensor (NO) oli= ad 3006 [B16 | — rn 3001 | 1-46 Air preseure lowered 11 sos [as | — a] (2) JANCD-MIO 04 Assignment (HANDLING) Tage | Sometor ] ame and Application Tepe | Songecter Name and Application 2000] 281 | Cesena inpat NOT Bo | 209 | General gat OTT zon eat Toon soa] 29 ‘oT00e aoe | 2.2 008 soa _| 2-10 To03 00a [Bae Toe 300 | 2-0 ‘oTwe aoe [2 TNo0s soee [2 mi “OTs 2006 | 2.08 Doe 36 | 2A OTo96 2006 | abe TN00t a006 | 2-8 ‘roo 2067 | ana x08 gor [2 ai8 _otooe 2050 [286 os 3050 [2 Bis ci s1_[ a8 TOW mom _| eats oTeIe 20s [ane NOT soz [2.16 ‘oro 2050 [ 200. INO 3053_[_2Ai6 ‘oro | Bie [ ar TNO anse[ 1B ‘ows 2055 | Tar Noi 3055 —| “aa ‘ores 2056 | ne Tvo16 ET ETT ‘oTeis 2057 | a2 Tvoxe ‘3057 _| ato ‘oTwe 20 [ks wor? 3080 [ ai ‘OTe Bar| as Sa | ae ‘ora zone TNo%9 ‘some 13 ‘oTois zon [baa won soar [AI dee20 oe [ns oz 20 Bs ‘roar 2055 [Tas Tyo? 06s [Ais ‘oT 2066_| 16 woes} [Tavee—[ —iaie ‘oT029 2087 | a6 nyo} Cave [are ‘owas 39) £23 STANDARD ASSIGNMENT 2.34 SPOT WELDING. 3.3.4 SPOT WELDING (1) JANCD-MIO 04,Assignment (SPOT WELDING) TE | ORE |__ wane nd ration | a Ba ala at Opes our [par soit San ot foir_[ sn | Nanas ea Sr ae ons | 2Az | Alarm errr reset 2013 "Alara eror omurrense oe ee En Awe ois eas —| Fry ode was = en seis | 3 tech teat zoi8 Py wee aig 7 coral ipa nn 28s [tes aterm] ach ode lene sar_[ ene [vs Ferme pa] | 229 oe zou [ene T= a2 Work toms pa aS a ee er 9003) Sequence excating a nant Sa an Raima Teremememe | Fae = =" = seas irk no ‘2087, Aa 3 aan — 2050, TBS ‘General inpat_INOOT so C2 CE wot as ine 203k ‘oro a3] 2092, 14 TNOOs s ae T0083. 2033 Aa TN004, 7 a OT004 25 Serf oe] Came ‘ron 30 oe [a hoor Sar ore — 35 Saft Toor ——tz—} [acer ‘one Se oor [ Ae noes} Caer orine a1 (2) JANCD-MIO 04 Assignment (SPOT WELDING) [RE ORE eee cnt arate Tage | RE [__ ame ent Aptinion ee ec PT soat_[ eat ior] [aon a one oa mon] Caea[ Fa oro a wow] [Caos pao oroiz a moa] Gea] a oni soas iro] [Canas—[ pa roi eat mois] [Cans ps OTHE soar mow] [Canar[ pas oT Sat Tat] Canes oroiT st mon] [sero ons —] pote Trois] [sone [ 6 ors —] 2083 TN020_ 3053 TAIG OT020 | oes ea] [Case ie ona —| ae mee] [Goss | 2056 Nozs_ 3056 1B OT023. ] Seer ino] [Cost et oToat ony a Tees Fa roe] [Secp cae oat soe ines] [seer] We reat 068 Fa TE ‘Sin fost ina] [Goer] Tate ‘roar ee treat] | 3eer_[ Tea ‘tse es FS A ET ort et mos] [eer] par ross ttt toot) PP TT PP PP COOL O COOOL CD r eer | 33 STANDARD ASSIGNVENT 13.35 GENERAL PURPOSE APPLICATIONS rr 3.3.5, GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS (1) JANCD-MIO 04 Assignment (@ENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS) Te | maar ed Avtcation TRE | aS | __ Name an Aplcnion zo10 | zr 300 | 289 —| Operating zou _[ 2a sot] 2.49 | Serv ON. aon [ 282 3a_| entra 2013 | 2a 3018 | 2.a10 | Alar [ror ocarence gous aie [ B12 | Battery alarm gous [eas 3018_|B-A12 | Remote made sling a ee Geen ean 3016 2BI3 | Play mode selecting | Ee ! BOR | A8 | Ttarforence entrance prokiie 022_| 2-06 | Werk prot ea Hecate pe {aus [ve oa | ene [wet ematiaao ese | eee ere are ‘atza| —1Bo | In eube 3 wee caoas | van | ‘BetereceTeatance prohibit 3 _| TA —[Tnted at = . [ees] Wot ae a 027 | 08 [= 3 sen_f ao | 28 3030__| tna | ene '3000_| 1-512 | General oapat_Ofo] 20 ar} how see [ate ‘onom 23 fae ape Thor ca2_| B18 ‘oto 25 est [ in ——3—| Toa | “ae one a mee as 100s 10 acoe [1s ‘oT005 30 2035 | Las T0068 3036 | ras ‘otto 29 2036 | —1-b6 8 az 3056 | 1-6 ‘oto ae 3087 [eae TRO] ane ore a1} (2) JANCD-MIO 04 Assignment (GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS) ee | ‘Name and Application Tepe | Conpecter ane and Application 2040_| 2.51 | General inpae —Evo00 S00 [21 | General sutpat —oTo09 zon [2a NOLO ‘onn_[ AL ‘oTo10 os = tee = sa—| aE seep cr 704] 2s ByoIs sue | 2 ‘oTo1s. 2045 | 2.03 Tyo so [209 ‘oro. 2048284 Dyo16 soe [tba ores 20a? | 2-a0 Dyo1e soe? | 2-4 ‘ores. z0s0] 2s Nor s060_[ 8 ora%7 aoe [as TOTS sos | 2A oro z062 [2.86 DNOIS sos | 2.86 oTo18 2053_| 2.6 B20 ‘oss | 28 ‘orzo 304 | 1 TNR EE ‘oToar 053 [ Tat oa 086 ‘ores 2056 [pe N02 036 ‘orees 2087 | _1.az__| TNoz ‘3057 ‘oro 2000] bs TNO 3060 ‘oroas. Zot —| cas TNoae so6i | ras orate 2062) 184 Noa 3062 ne | ‘oro7 2065 [| _1-ae TNO25 ‘068 | .A8 Oras poe | 1.5 Ts029 3064 [ns oT moos [Las TNO 3965 | — kas ‘oTo00. 2056 | 1 TNL 086 [1.08 ‘Toa a TNO oer [TA ‘OTD a 3.4 CONCURRENT VO Concurrent 1/0 control is an 1/0 control function that processes controls relative to MRC 1/0 independent of the mafiipulator operation (in parallel with manipulator op- eration). 3.4.1 FEATURES OF CONCURRENT 1/0. + Terminals and connectors to which I/O signals are connected can be used effec- tively. i ‘Terminals and connectors are provided for connecting /O signals. Although the number of connections are limited, the terminals can be used effectively since only the necessary signals can be selected and connected to the desired terminal. + Instructions relative to /O (Robot language: INFORM II ) can be simplified for smooth manipulator operation. Fixed procedures relative to /O can be registered as independent ladder programs thus enabling simplification of 1/0 instructions of the job (operation program) and reducing interruptions. + Reserved signals can be accepted, while manipulator is operating. Reserved signals can be accepted during operation since manipulator operation processing and I/O processing can be executed at the same time, 312 34 CONCURRENT UO ‘34.2 CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS OF CONCURRENT YO " —————$— 3.4.2 CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS OF CONCURRENT I/O Concurrent 1/0 consists of the following two blocks. ‘SYSTEM LADDER SECTION (PART 1) o USER LADDER SECTION (PART 2) Construction of Concurrent UO Ladder Program SYSTEM LADDER SECTION ‘A standard ladder selected for your applications is prepared at the fac- tory. For more information, see "3.4.12 STANDARD LADDER PRO- “ GRAM". The ladder program cannot be edited. USER LADDER SECTION ' Specification of signal connections and interface signal with system lad- der are prepared at the factory. The ladder program can be edited includ- c ing these signals. 184 CONCURRENT 10 1 ‘242 CONSTRUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS OF CONCURRENT VO Concurrent VO General Specifications Contente 1 Tom i | ‘Contrel Method Sean contra by stored program Programming ‘Relay ladder dlagram eymbolony Sean Tine [Piece ete eee ee ree Memory Capacity [cibomenat EEE Pe rt ere ree eet ee ‘General Input Port Specific Input Port ‘Specific output Port Hardware Stans Sad © Panis Pesado Tnpat Signal Pointe Function Dingnostic Functions CG ‘Monitor Function CU General Output Port ei Power Faure Praecive | 128 points (Concurrent YO Manipulator contral ection) 128 pointe (Concurrent VO-Manipulator contro section) | 126 pointe including unapocfed signals (Concurrent HO —> Manipulator | control eection) contrl esction 192 points including unspecified signals (Concurrent UO ~Nanipulator contro socton ‘64 points (Concurrent UO Menipalator control setion) Asliary Relays 256 pointe External Inputs 144 pints sternal Outpute [ia pats EEE EEE eee Time 16 points (Timer 0 10 28.5 ve) Counter 16 points (Counter: 0 to 258) {32 points (Concurrent UO —Spatem parameter) | Ladier program Gatiery Bade) ‘Output statue i rast. ‘Brror detection of CPU, aystom program and ladder program Ladder programming error detection as follows: Double ane of output rly [No END instraction Circuit errr * Rormat error + Copacity of program exceeded ‘Monitor each signal lates in concurrent UO on CRT display. a4 134 CONCURRENT YO ‘34.3 CONFIGURATION OF HO SIGNALS 3.4.3 CONFIGURATION OF I/O SIGNALS (1) ARC WELDING YASNAC MRC \WeLDEn vF BOARO ANCD MEWO 2uo-2177 S097 ornonayososso | “ino ere ‘CONCURRENT 10 LADDER PROGRAM VO Signal Configuration Diagram (Are Welding) How to monitor signal status ‘To monitor a signal, verify the signal status of the signal logic number in the C./O monitor display (refer to Par. 315 84 CONCURRENT vO 134.3 CONFIGURATION OF WO SIGNALS ‘YASNAG MRC. (2) HANDLING, SPOT WELDING, GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS ‘CONCURRENT YO LADDER PROGRAM VO Signal Configuration Diagram (Handiing, Spot Welding, General-Purpose Applications) How to monitor signal status ‘To monitor a signal, verify the signal status of the signal logic number in the C./0 monitor display (refer to Par.3.4.14.) Roe eee ‘34 CONCURRENT UO ‘344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4x0) | 3.4.4 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4xxx) (1) COMMON FOR ALL APPLICATIONS. on [oe [on [ow [| an | «a [on] on ovoren | sarery © [a [usm [usin | sven | sveren nv | Shue wiser | wsonta | almnta | sisoneg | ALE G eae [ee ea Sue Tas | UBER ALARA CODE GNA STEN ALAR CODE INAS ALARM ( iat |e a o ® @ Bi © YG wor [oo [was | coe] os [am [an | amo Sun tax [USER WESEROE CODE GINARY SYST MESSAGE CODE NAR 2 ALARM iat | a a 0 « [@ a © woe [0s [oa | oa | wa] on] oo or emo] euay | teacn mar | system SERVO amore | moor | ‘Moor ‘ ON START ani ‘SEL ‘SRL ‘SEL | wor [os | os | om | om [wa [on] om 308 | sum swum | noua | aston | oasmee | maser | 28 | rove | SR 10 | resox | “ose” | “on™ | soncau | eves | “OIF | even ea | ca, e wt [ oe [os [om [we [ae [ar oe ext orgoxs | np | cacx | warrson | sree How ern | weavina | Ron | “sega” | naci ms wom ame [ws | «on | oe [ «a [an [om a, orsoxa | sveren | svsrme | wareson | _ aver myo men | ww | nav | “sige | saci os wo [wes [oes [om | om [on [or] om eer |e) en | er ext | gyersu oS | on | otter | ontser | onsen emia RSV ENABLE | ENABLE i : ns ore wove | evasen | Seog | seeat_| senso — 317 £24 CONCURRENT vO 844 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4000) EE EE (2) ARC WELDING oewce [er ae oe ee | omsmicn|neray 022] ereyaq) sous | ne | rae |wortenn| worn | a |e QED | calm | wlan [RE | ph c a _[ ae eae ae cana | gaSiley [ar zem| aera | megraw | arn | sama SouN | mesg fOUNSTY| Mama | maar | naga | mesa CG aut 4116 4115 aud 4113 ane aut 4110 | a [toa nea = wi cences CT EET EE ST TT ea cae eer sees | lee Toe artitian |The | ae | Ct | cultien | ale c anit ones rane eee aarti reais reatit|e ( cana | gpSitc, Jean nerny| mesramr | nearany | aserary | nesta | au | anager [US| Maza | agra: | angrae | ome | | aes [a nea = othe 318 eee eee eee ‘34 CONCURRENT VO. ‘844 SPECIFICINPUT SIGNALS (40 NE (3) HANDLING evicet 2 A : rae | wom | SOR veustne | evans | SAM _—_ o wor] ae [aw [oo [aw [am [aor] ao saxson [sensor | smisor | smoor | smcon | amon | sensor | Sinsor ‘ weer | “amor | “wor | Stor’ | Gnor | “heor | Ske | Seon co an [ae [ae [aw [an [aa [an] wo on [ame [aa [an] am a an am ad DEVICE? aa ase [am | aw [oa [an [an] aso ace | wore | WORK easine | ekoans | STA CG aur 4106 aus a 148 ry aa 4100 sensor | sensor | sensor | sensor | sexson | sensor | sensor | SENSOR inpur | spur | inpur | pur | pur | inpur | ineur. | inpur Yo ast 2156) iss ais 4158 ase ab 50 a7 ey 4166 4104 4165 62 4161 160 | 134 CONCURRENT 10 ‘344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (som) Device! Device2 (4) SPOT WELDING om a a Te =| a ane orate omee | Saar | San | Paar wae [as ae ions [wean | ar Pam] aa | aa Payee [ore GE” [TERN | alle | nie | cee | ame [Rar | a [eee eee wae ee aa aver ismoon iia COMPLETED |COMPLETED ccHancEp | cHaNaep | SYSTEM | SYSTEM | SYSTEM epee a a od oe THe | RR | mae |e | Be | he [mE | oa meet [aes [mies | netoe | ABR | oc |S | aa ae [eee ea 3:20 5.4 CONCURRENT UO ‘344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (400) (5) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS ewes won| ame [aa [ ao [oo me | wor | NOR MEASURE | emp ans | STAR am [ae [aos [ao [aoe | a] ao [noo a [ae [ns [an [an | on [on | ao an_[ ae [am [am [am | am | an | ono oewcea aa [aw [aw [aa [an [an [an [a TIME WORK — START measure | ENDANs | STAR’ aur 108 aus ane au na aa au a7 4156 155 a4 46s 462 51 150) a167 105 3165 4164 168 ne 61 4160 * 321 34 CONCURRENT 10 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS ton) ‘The following symbols are used in the explanation to represent the signal conditions. ‘The signal takes effect [FES] Tesisingedzeis detected while itis in ON atate. IF] asthe signal (6) DISPLAYING ALARMS AND MESSAGES Various information items about the application can be displayed as messages on the programming pendant display of the MRC. This section explains how to select already created messages. ‘Somsee OR LONGER — pispavnequst = gS LL i eS Somase OR LONGER messacuno. —! L ‘SIGNAL TIMING @ Display request signal is a state signal, which continues to update the dis- play while the signal is ON. 3-22 34 CONCURRENT UO 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (6m) UU 4010 SYSTEM ALARM REQUEST ‘When this signal is ON, a system alarm occurs and the manipulator stops. At the same time, an alarm message corresponding to the alarm code of the specific inputs (4020 to 4023) appears on the programming pendant display. 4020 to 4023: System alarm No. (binary) Up to 16 system alarnis can be specified. Assign messages by coding decimals from 0 to 15 into binaries. GU soe # No, | Seting Value 0: OFF_1: ON [io —} a7] jon | om | on | om ( 0a] @[efel[olo 1 pepe pe] YU 2 fefel[:sfe facet [ross] eeotafere cea [eeaecee lee ea eee ee “s 4012 USER ALARM REQUEST ‘When this signal is ON, an user alarm occurs and the manipulator stops. At the same time, an alarm message corresponding to the alarm code of the specific inputs (4024 to 4026) appears on the programming pendant display. 4024 to 4026: User alarm No. Up to 8 system alarms can be specified. Assign messages by coding decimals from 0 to Co into binaries. Pee ia, | Satine Value 0: OFF 1: ON i 4o26_| az aos | 4025 | som | ote] fo ~te[e> [os i 2 [e|,.]o a ee se | ence Eero ee 5 1 0 1 - eg eesete [erent eo 7 fr >t]o i 323 {14 CONCURRENT UO 1344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (60) el 4011 SYSTEM MESSAGE REQUEST When this signal is ON, the message of the corresponding message code of specific inputs (4030 to 4033) appears oh'the programming pendant display. Manipulator ‘operation will not be affected even if displayed. 4030 to 4039: System message No. (binary) Up to 16 system messages can be specified. Assign message by coding decimals from 0 to 16 into binaries. co a wo, Latin Vas © OFF ON YG ae om [om | on | 000 aos | a8 7pepepele Thee pe ba c 7 pepe ps] uC a o 0 1 1 «foto to 10 & 4013 USER MESSAGE REQUEST ot When this signal is ON, the message of the corresponding message code of specific inputs (4034 to 4036) appears on the programming pendant display. Manipulator ‘operation will not be affected even if displayed. 4034 to 4036: User message No. (binary) Up to 8 user messages can be specified. Assign message by coding decimals from 0 to Pate into binaries. oe [a ‘Setting Value 0: OFF 1: ON 4035 at No. « ee 400s | 1005 | 4008 i @ o ° 1 7 ¥ 3:24 84 CONCURRENT VO 1344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (boo) ALARM RESET 4014 ol Eee ere ep eee eee erent failure, system alarm, user alarm or user error. Use this signal when desiring to reset an alarm or error from the outside, 7 ‘ARC INSTRUCTION WIRE SHORTAGE © a0 ‘ABC INSTRUCTION GAS SHORTAGE i ed (0) SETTING(ALWAYS c o MALWAYS OFF) a (©) SeTTING(ALWAYS OFF) #43 aga #4011 (SYSTEM MESSAGE REQUEST) eon 7 ‘countur ‘4011 (SYSTEM ALARM REQUEST) COUNTER a #4030 ; fe 31 co ‘ALARM RESET : NOTE: If wire shortage or gas shortage occurs, the message is displayed every time at are ON, When the message display exceeds the allowable frequency, it becomes an alarm. 3:25 MESSAGE CODE 34 CONCURRENT vO ‘144 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (60) 4040, 4041 a 4040 (7) SELECTING MODE/CYCLE AND CALLING MASTER JOB TEACH, MODE SEL 4041 ‘PLAY MODE SEL SELECTION OF MODE ‘These signals have the same function as the mode select key on the playback box. Use the signals when desiring to change mode specifications from the outside. If two or more modes are specified at the same time, the teach mode will have priority. ‘These signals are invalid when "EXT. MODE SWITCH PROHIBIT is ON on the teaching condition set 2 display. 4042, 4056, 4057 SELECTION OF OPERATING MODES Cx 4os2_| REMOTE SEL. TNHB. 4056 _| pp = PpOx “4067 | INABIT 10 CMD REMOTE SEL ‘This signal selects a command remote function such as transmission. When the system transmission function (optional) is valid, "CMD REMOTE SETTING" (6055) signal goes ON and the MRC gets ready for transmission with the master computer. INHIB PP + PBOX When this signal is ON, mode/cycle, start and servo ON master job call from the playback box and programming pendant are prohibited. However, when "IO" is selected for remote function, this prohibition is released by setting PBOX - PP operation validated parameter «s20057). INHIBIT 10 When this signal is ON, the following operation from external input is prohibited. + Gelection of mode (4040 to 4041) + Selection of eycle (4050 to 4052) - Calling up master job (4053) + External Servo ON (4045) - External Start (4044) When this signal is OFF or "COMMAND REMOTE SETTING" (6055) signal is ON, "REMOTE" lamp on the playback box is blinking. 3-26 84 CONCURRENT VO ‘344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (00) OPERATION MODE PROCESSING STANDARD LADDERS (Effective from version 1.400) Press the remote key on the playback box. (Press again to cancel.) Remote mode i] selected Turn ON the "REMOTE MODE SELECT EXTERNAL GO INPUT” (2014) signal. = — Nankod ‘ (Turn OFF to cancel.) © [+ | ¢ | simeito |0:0FF 1 1 [Speers |1:0N STEP CYCLE} 4080 [Cae rever sr] CONT CYCLE al «ose | SON 4053 [na EERO + Remote function selection is set by the user option in the user maintenance mode. + Transmission function is an optional function. 4050 to 4052SELECTION OF CYCLES ‘These signals have the same function as the eycle select key on the playback box. Use the signals when desiring to change cycle specifications from the outside. These can also be used when desiring to fix a specified eyce. Iftwo or more cycles are specified at the same time, or itis operated with the playback box at the same time, the cycle will not change. ‘These are invalid when "EXT. MODE SWITCH PROHIBIT" is ON on the teaching condition set 2 display. MASTER JOB CALLING ‘This signal resets the operating sequence. When the signal is ON, the head of master job (Line: 0) will be called up as an execution job. This can be used for executing system initialization automatically when power is turned ON. However, it is invalid in the following cases. (1) While the manipulator is operating (Job is executing). (2) While the "ENABLE" lamp on the programming pendant is blinking. * (3) While setting the teach mode, (@ "MASTER CALLING UP PROHIBIT" on the play condition set 1 display is ON. 3-27 124 CONCURRENT UO 1244 SPECIFIC INPUT & SIGNALS (oe) (8) EXTERNAL SERVO ON (EXSVON) 4045 4077, 4087 EXTERNAL SERVO ON ‘This signal tuts ON the servo power. Use the signal when turning ON the servo power from the outside. ‘To use this signal, connect the external servo ON signal (EXSVON) ‘on the RY board (JANCD-MRY01) to +24V. For details, see "3.4.11 ‘VO EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0". For safe use of the robot, it is ‘recommended to use the above external servo ON input on the RY board without intervention of the ladder. ‘This signal is invalid when "EXT. MODE SWITCH PROHIBIT” is ON on the teaching condition set 2 display. EXTERNAL SERVO OFF When these signals are ON, the servo power supply is cut off and the manipulator stops. Use the signals when desiring to cut off the servo power supply from the outside or by ladder conditions for reasons other than emergency stop. While these signals are ON, the servo power remains OFF even if the servo ON reference (from playback box, programming pendant or outside) is turned ON. EXTERNAL START ‘This signal has the same function as the "START" button on the playback box. Automatic operation starts in accordance with cycle specifications. When this signal is accepted, "OPERATING" (5070) and "PERMISSIBLE WORK OPERATING" (6077) signals will go ON. ‘The signal can be used when starting from a panel other than the MRC playback box such as an external operator's panel. Since only one place on the playback box or external input can be specified as the "starting" place from the standpoint of safety, specify “EXTERNAL START PROHIBIT" on the play condition set 1 display. ‘This signal is invalid under the following conditions. + Servo power supply is turned OFF. Play mode is not selected. - "EXTERNAL START PROHIBIT" is ON on the play condition set 1 display, « Manipulator is still operating. (When "OPERATING" (5070) signal is ON] * When "HOLDING" (6071) signal is ON. - "EXTERNAL HOLD" (4067) signal is ON. 3:28 aa 4067 34 CONCURRENT UO 344 SPECIFCINPUT SIGNALS (400) EXTERNAL HOLD ‘This signal has the same function as the "HOLD" button on the playback box. se the signal when instructing "HOLD" from a loca- tion other than the playback box or programming pendant. While the signal is ON, the "HOLD" lamp on the playback box is blinking and the "HOLDING" (5071) signal goes ON. 3:29 {34 CONCURRENT VO 244 SPECIFIC INPUT: | ty SIGNALS (420) (9) OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 4016 e 4062 ROBOT JOB. 4063 & 4060, 4070 ROBOT 1508 066. 3070) ‘ROBOT 2 JOB IN-GUARD SAFE OPERATING INSTRUCTION ‘When this signal is ON, the playback operating speed is limited by in-guard safe operation speed. If approaching the manipulator during operation is unavoidable, the operating speed can be limited by turning the signal ON. It will therefore be convenient to interlink the signal with the safety guardrail or safety mat. ‘This signal is only to limit speed. Since the manipulator operates as taught, prepare the "EMERGENCY STOP" button so that it ean be pressed at any time in the event of an emergency when one approaches the robot. CHECK OPERATION ‘This signal is not a start instruction. When the signal is ON, the work instruction in the job is not executed. Use the signal to check taught steps and motions. This signal is invalid when "CHECK! MACHINE LOCK PROHIBIT" on the play condition set 1 display is ON. WEAVING PROHIBITION When these signals are ON, weaving in the job are not executed. Use the signals to check taught steps and motions with weaving OFF, 1-STEP BACK OPERATING INSTRUCTION ‘When these signals are ON, at start-up the manipulator moves to ‘one step before the displayed step at low speed and stops there disregarding the cycle. ‘These can be used for performing the operation one step before since some operations are difficult to be executed. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 4060. 3:30 re 4061, 4071 tel] ROBOT JOE 407i] ROBOT? JOB Co c ‘34 CONCURRENT vO ‘844 SPEGFICINPUT SIGNALS (400) SEQUENCE WAIT ‘The manipulator pauses while this signal is ON. Although it ig functionally the same as "HOLD", it differs in the following points. 1, When these signals are turned ON while the manipulator is operating, the manipulator pauses temporalily, but itis still in operating state. é ‘If these signals are turned ON during an instruction other than a moving instruction (MOV), the instruction is continued, The “START” lamp remains lit and the "OPERATING" signal remains ON. ‘Ifthe manipulator is operating at high speed when these signals are ON, the manipulator reduces its speed and stops. 2, The status of these signals are controlled. Motion of the manipulator is automatically resumed when changing from ON to OFF. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No, 4061. ‘The following is an example of using the signal to check S-axis / cube interference. OPERATING nar IN;A INAAREA AAREA RELEASING |, SEQUENCE WArT| ‘OPERATING ‘OPERATING IN;B INRAREA_B.AREA ‘OPERATING By; _INGAREA™ C-AREA AAREA SEQUENCE Warr OPERATING Jy A-AREA| BAREA SEQUENCE WAIT OPERATING By B-AREA| AREA SEQUENCE WAIT OPERATING IN C-AREA, eg Sans right), Cube 1, et. “IN.A, IN-B, IN-C: Status of the combined equipment input externally. Area A, B, C Individual status signals (within the area or not; special output) Operating signals in A, B, C : ON when operating in the area, ‘This signal is assigned to the combined equipment, the combined equipment is outside the area when the signal in the area goes ON, ‘it turns ON the signal operating in the area and continues operating. the combined equipment is in the area first, the SEQUENCE WAIT signal goes (ON and robot operation i stopped until the combined equipment leaves the area, ‘When the combined equipment leaves the area, the SEQUENCE WAIT signal goes OFF and manipulator operation resumes, 331 84 CONCURRENT HO ‘244 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4) YU U | | 8 Co © 4064, 4074 ROBOT HOME ‘The following is an example of using the signal to detect wire sticking in are welding. DerecnoN erect ARC INTERRUPTED: ok INSTRUCTION | {seco Src wine ‘rescue DeEINeSiL __evecrngavcroy NER Sans smex Mick Derecmion DETECTING SIGNAL mur OK T2 DETECTINSTRUCTION yg — SEQUENCE DETECT INSTRUCTION USER ALARM WAIT ‘SEQUENCE WAIT i ‘USER ALARM WIRE REQUEST DURING STICKING USER ALARM, USER ALARM REQUEST Explanation of adder ‘Monitor the state of welding when an ARC OFF instruction is issued, o i the are is interrupted while the instruction is being issued. When detecting wire sticking the ‘SEQUENCE WAIT REQUEST goes ON and the manipulator pauses. Normal Detection OK will be determined when the OFF state ofthe wire sticking detection signal continues for the preceribed time. ‘SEQUENCE WAIT will hen be released and the manipulator will resume operation, Abnormal ‘Welding is determined abnormal ifthe ON state ofthe wire sticking detecting signal continues longer than the prescribed time, ‘User alarm will occur if welding ie abnormal, and SEQUENCE WAIT will then be cleared, WORK HOME POSITION RETURN REQUEST The manipulator moves to the work home position at the speed of parameter SICxG056 at joint operation by starting up these signals in the play mode. During returning to the home position, the "START" lamp is lit ("during start” is entered) and the message “Operation origin returning" is displayed on the programming pendant display. Do not use these signals unless interlocking to check that the manipulator is at a position from which it can return to the home position. » For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 4064, 3-32 4027, 4037 aT SOBA RE 40a7_| SUB2 ALM REQ U YG 3] 4054, 4055 J [_s05¢ [sus sR CALL, 3.4 CONCURRENT VO 3.44 SPEDIFICINPUT SIGNALS (6x) (10) INDEPENDENT CONTROL SIGNALS (OPTIONAL) SUB1, 2 ALM REQ ‘These signals are used to stop the specified sub task with an alarm when system section alarm request (4010) or user section alarm request (4012) is issued. Input the alarm request after setting the conditions of individual requirements. a or ‘When Ge sensi s0i0@40% ON] 0:OFF o | Stop all tata 1:0N T 0] Slope eb ak F ° T | Sipe ib oak TOT [Bea ate Ted SUB1, 2 MASTER CALL Operation sequence is reset. When these signals are turned ON, the head of master job in sub task 1 or 2s called up as an execution job. ‘These signals are invalid in any of the following cases. (2) The manipulator is under operation (during job execution). (@ When the (ENABLE] key lamp on the programming pendant is blinking. (@) During teach lock. @"MASTER CALLING UP PROHIBIT" is ON on the play condition set 1 display. (©)Master job is not registered. 3-33 84 CONCURRENT 10 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (oom) (11) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FOR JOG OFFSET FUNCTION (OPTIONAL) 4 4083, 4084 EXT OFFSET ENABLE ENABLED ‘EXT OFFSET ENABLE i ‘oo | ETOFRSETENABLE |, Input data from an external position correcting unit is valid when these signals Go are turned ON. (Use these signals for a deadman switch of the external position correcting unit) 4080 to 4082 EXT OFFSET FRAME SEL @:0N QO: 0FF Selected Coordinate Definad ia 540100 Defined in S4C102, Defined in 54004, Defined in S4C106. Defined in 54C108. Defined in S4C110. Defined in S4CH12. Defined in S4CT14 Tetestod Signal Specie Tapa) wes. oa [0 © o . . © © lelolelole|cy e| 3:34 © Sr 34 CONCURRENT 10 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4x8) (12) APPLICATION SIGNALS Signals from 4090 to 4167 are classified into two blocks and assigned to input signals that have different meanings defiending on the application. Most of these inputs are used by the system and they cannot be used from the outside of the MRC. This section. explains exceptional signals available for using from the outside. 4090, 4130 4096, 4135 4096, 4136 DEVICE 4 4091, 4181 aoe DECET aia | Devices 5 4097, 4187 Te DEEL aist_[ bevice? WORK START RESPONSE RETRY REQUEST RETRY RETURN REQUEST ‘The "WORK START RESPONSE" signal is used for response to the "WORK START INSTRUCTION’ (5170 or 5210) signal. When the “RETRY REQUEST signal is used simultaneously, retry operation is performed; when the "RETRY RETURN REQUEST" signal is used simultaneously, retry return operation is performed. By responding individually, the work start instruction is completed. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4090, 4095 or 4096. WORK END RESPONSE AUTOMATIC ANTI-STICKING REQUEST ‘The "WORK END RESPONSE" signal is used for response to the “WORK END INSTRUCTION" (5171 or 5211) signal. When the “AUTOMATIC ANTI-STICKING REQUEST signal is used simultaneously, anti-sticking operation is performed. By responding individually, the work start instruction is completed. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4091 or 4097. 3:35 34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘844 SPECIFICINPUT SIGNALS (xx) 4092, 4132 ee DEVICET “41s2_| DEVICE? amy 4093, 4133 35, DEVIGET DEVICE? 4094, 4134 DEVICET aa ai ‘DEVICE? 4100, 4140 4101, 4141 4102, 4142 ow “101 “nor DEVICE 1 140 ala ae DEVICE 2 @ WORK TIME MEASURE ‘The time during which these signals are ON is measured as the working time,:This working time will be displayed on the system monitoring time display. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4092, TIP REPLACEMENT COMPLETED When these signals are ON, tip replacement time is reset and the “TIP REPLACEMENT REQUEST" (6173 or 5218) signal goes OFF. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4093. NOZZLE CLEANING COMPLETED When these signals are ON, nozzle cleaning time is reset and the "NOZZLE CLEANING REQUEST" (6174 or 5214) signal goes OFF. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4094. RESTART REQUEST (ARC SHORTAGE) RESTART REQUEST (GAS SHORTAGE) RESTART REQUEST (WIRE SHORTAGE) ‘When these signals are ON, restart operations are requested. The restart operation differs for each restart mode. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4100, 4101 or 4102. ‘Multiple restart requests can not be made. ‘The priority order of requests is arc shortage — gas shortage wire shortage. {4 CONCURRENT VO 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (tom) SSE EUU ENE EUNREEeemeenn 4103, 4143 S| DEVICET “4143 DEVICE? 4104, 4144 aioa_[ DEVIGET “aid DEVICE? 4105, 4145 06 | DEVICET “14s | DEVICE 4106, 4146 DaVICRT DEVICE? 4120, 4160 aiod_[ DEVICE “160 | DEVICE 2 RESTART AND RESET PROCESS When these signals are ON, restart process is released. When "manual interyention method” is selected as a restart method, use these signals to release the restart process after manual intervention. For the initial value, OT#126 (user open signal) is connected. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4103. RETRY TIMES CLEAR When these signals are ON, number of retries is cleared. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4104. ARC SHORTAGE RESTART TIMES CLEAR When these signals are ON, number of are shortage restarts is cleared. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4105. AUTOMATIC ANTI-STICKING TIMES CLEAR ‘When these signals are ON, number of automatic anti-stickings is cleared. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4106. SENSING PROHIBIT ‘When these signals are ON, sensing is not performed in the started job. Use the signals to check taught steps and motions with the sensing function OFF. * 3.37 t 1) Go 34 CONCURRENT 10 344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (0) (13) HANDLING Signals from 4090 to 4167 are classified into two blocks and assigned to input signals that have each differentsmeanings depending on the application. ‘As most of these input signals are used for the system, they can not be used from ‘outside of MRC. ‘This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 4100 to 4107, 4140 to 4147 SENSOR INPUT ‘These signals are specific inputs which can determine the signal [GSR SORNATTET] **#ths using the handling specific instruction “HSEN". When using “Aon ‘SENSOR INPUT2:1 | the "HSEN" instruction, connect it to the specific input of the MIO04 ry 08 ‘SENSORINFUTS1 | board which is connected to these signals. aioe ‘SENSOR INPUT 4-1 For a system with one manipulator, use signal Nos. 4100 to 4107. 4105; 106 “aio7 ‘SENSOR INPUT &-1 ‘SENSOR INPUT 6-1 ‘SENSOR INPUT 7-1 ‘SENSOR INPUT #1 “1a SERSORINPUT ED ‘SENSOR INPUT 2:2 aa SENSOR INPUTS: 2 aus ‘SENSOR INPUT 4:2 ae ‘SENSOR INPUTS: au. ‘SENSOR INPUTE:2 ue aur ‘SENSOR INPUT 7:2 ‘SENSOR INPUT #2. 3:38 SE UTES Ene 34 CONCURRENT WO {344 SPECIFIC INPUT SIGNALS (4n) (14) SPOT WELDING Signals from 4090 to 4167 are assigned to input signals for spot welding application. As most of these input signals are used for the system, they ean not used from outside of MRC. ‘This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. ‘No? 4093, 4094, 4183, 4134 TIP REPLACEMENT COMPLETED ‘When these signals are ON, tip replacement time is reset and the “TIP REPLACEMENT REQUEST” (5173 or 5213) signal goes OFF. 3:39 34 CONCURRENT UO ‘SPEGIFIC NPUT SIGNALS (409) a (15) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS Signals from 4090 to 4167 are classified into two blocks and assigned to input signals that have each different meanings depending on the application. ‘As most of these input signals are used for the system, they can not be used from outside of MRC. ‘This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 4090, 4130 DEVICET, 7 4091, 4131 aor BEIT “aa DEVICE 4092, 4132 woe Device a] DEVICE? WORK START RESPONSE | These signals are used for response to "WORK START INSTRUCTION" (6170 or 5210) signal. ‘The work start instruction is completed by the response. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4090. WORK END RESPONSE These signals are used for response to "WORK END INSTRUCTION’ (6171 or 5211) signal. ‘The work end instruction is completed by the response. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4091. WORK TIME MEASURE ‘The time during which these signals are ON is measured as the working time. ‘This working time will be displayed on the system monitoring time display. For a system with one application, use signal No. 4092. 34 CONCURRENT vO 345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (0a) . SL 3.4.5 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5xxx) (1) COMMON FOR ALL APPLICATIONS won [we [ws [an [as] we] en] mn EBBCDR ‘MEM ‘USER SYSTEM ‘MINOR MAJOR sve | iy’ | mney | sano | Wage | SMM | Migr | Me Weak | Wank obctn | o6ttx | ob@in | ofttn et cm [ wow [ss om [ams [er] am [em cum | vay | teacir | —cowr oma Lec | amore | mone | Moor | cra | St | crate ser” | ‘ser | or | ee oer co wer [ som [woes [oom [ one [ teen a [ om rosmon | avon | svox | avon | tnar | wacimve | omeaun | svoram GenoaeD | staruss | staruse | smarvsa | orussr | toocser | “ser | senaet ce wom | we | ww | wa | sn | om | on | wo moRK | socom | sonsoer | svar | seavo | wou on | MOURN | garry pera | iwrome | “inrome | “asv™ | “owe | MG | ioe | Sate, wort [ oor [ewes [coor [ons |e am mm mow] toous. | cuz | sor | seanou | avon | con | watson peucs, | onvave | year | wasten | “xen” | woos | sow. Seo * 341 134 CONCURRENT YO 1245 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (500) a Tous Top au conT store svszeM esncun. | nerso8 wart J0B nov | Doviane | Say" | master | Sat | opens | 398882 | “Spans srsreu | svsren | TOSUP [syste srsre | svsrew mov | aw | Masten | iy ov | aay aoe [ae [aw [an [aa [an [aw i | oe. ts | ie | ma | me |e | ze costs | cuser_| conte | cunts | cose | cuss | cust | cose wai [ sas [ous [eras ome [aro ua | ue | ee | un | mn | mn | mn | in cvses | cuser | cuss | cunts | cust | cuss | coer | cust aa wa ae a7 5166 5165 3164 365 5162 ar) 5160) ae UB, system | system | sysrem | system | SUB, | masrene | system | system RSV SV SY RSV ‘ALARM | RSV RSV ieLD | occur 3-42 4 CONCURRENT vO 345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (50a) LS (2) ARC WELDING ewess an [ae | ans [an [am [am [om] ero RETURN: CLEAN, ‘CHANGE DNB END ‘START mem | evRact | aveuwe | ore | nme" | wore | sore | one us [se [ es [tis [as [ae] an] memy | _oven over | oven | werunw | nestaxn. | musta | nastaxr. REPLAY RESTART | RESTART | RESTART | ING/WIR | ING/GAS | ING/ ARC ose | “Wo” ur [ ae [es [tie [as ae am wer [toon [aes [toes [aoe vevicez wr we [ae [a [au [a] an [mo naurs | seraor | came | ooze | onavce | 8 | pp | stan xen sows | “nr | wose | omc | Soak war [ toes [sos [om | me en Bere | ove | ov [ov | nerunn | nestor | nestarr. | nesranr wey | ngorane | neorane | RETRY | eorant | TNorwin | tNovans | inerane oT 3286 5 ae sas me Sa 300 3-43 134 CONCURRENT VO 1345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (52) (3) HANDLING : pevicei an_[ ae [aw [am [sn | om [am] ao He vA : wore | work | Work cont Gu 5187 5186 5185 5184 5183, 5182, 5181 5180, roo. | ror | roo. | roo. | roo. | roo. | too. | roo. vatvess | valves | vabvesa | valvees | valveas | vatveoa | valveze | vabveia Yu an [use aime wm [ae] a 90 wor [soe | ame | omos_[ cms [um | oom _[ como a ome SESS av [ee [as |e | we [ee [en [mo ssn wt | ano | sranr VALID work ] wore | Work Y 5227 5226 5225 5224 5223 5222 S221 5220 ror | roo. | roo | roo. | toon | roo. | too. | roo vatve's2 | valves | vatves2 | vatwess | vabveze | vatvm a | vabvere | valve‘ cr [ me [es [an | on [en | om [emo on [| ae | #8 | «a [#0 | ee | on |e ¥ 3-44 (4) SPOTWELDING 184 CONCURRENT 10 84.5 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (ex) vewices an [an | on [an | aw | om [om [av apor_| aun | canon | cHance sere | svsren | svsrex ansraue. | msreuc. | nm | mp TION No. 1 | TION No. 1 No. 2 No. 1 isstl baad eal Go 5187 5186 5185 5184 5183) sin [sit [8180 'IMER CONDITION (No. 1) (Binary or Discrete (Parity-bit/No Parity-bit)) : a & & a o @ a. # YU si [| 1 | ows | sm | am | sim [im | so WELDING TIMER CONDITION (No. 2) (Binary or Discrete (Parity-bit/No Parity-bit)) e « a a a 2 a © wor [soe | ome aw | am | oom [an | om eh DEVICE2 on | oe | m6 | aw | wn | om [on | eo seor | aun | cance | cHANGE wssrnve. | asrave. | Me™ | CHASE | sume | swore | svorew TONNa 2 | TONNs2 | Noa | Nod © TO WELDING TIMER CONDITION (No. 3) (Binary or Discrete (Parity-bit/No Parity-bit)) a ]« [s ]« ]|« | # |] a] war | 0 | os =~|~e | em | ee ee WELDING TIMER CONDITION (No. 4) (Binary or Discrete (Parity-bit/No Parity-bit)) a [T«[s« «fs |e] « >» wa | ms | 25 | ou | wa | sa [wa [oo ¥ {34 CONCURRENT vO 3455 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (50a) (5) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS, evices : we |x | star | work | work | Wonk we [ae [ae [am [we [me [ne wm [ sw [ses] am [as [ar a ae 207 206 6208) S200 5208) 5202) 5201 5200) we | am | sean wous | mx | WOME wan ame ae ae ee eee ' a ao_[ ae [ae [aa [aa [ae [an] me . 346 34 CONCURRENT UO ‘845 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (ax) ‘The following symbols are used in the explanation to represent the signal conditions. (4 The signal takes effect while “4 The rising edge is detected Lo] itis in ON state. [f J asthe signal. (6) DISPLAYING ALARMS AND MESSAGES (4 5010 to 5014ALARM/ERROR OCCURRENCE UW} ‘These signals indicate the occurrence of alarms or errors. The "MA- JOR ALM OCCUR" (5010) signal remains ON until power is turned HORTON ALS OGOR ‘wen MINOR alt occuR—| OFF. son] svi Aa OCCUR 01s USER AL OCCUR. 014 [ ERROR OCCUR 021 | at 5020 to 5097: Alarm codes (binary/BCD) oe [ee fan alarm occurs in the system, the corresponding alarm code is san ae output. If there are two or more alarms, the code of the first occur- ‘005 | as ring alarm is output. To switch binary and BCD data type, use the a parameter (S2C098). Factory setting is binary. 2000] a8 ‘a1 ae e032] aio 3093] aun san4| az suns—| als 3096 —aie Casas mao [ao soa ar ‘5040 to 5047: Alarm data (binary) oo ‘These signals are detailed information added to the alarm code, For site| as example, decimal 3 is represented as follows, with 5040 and 5041 5005 a5 ON. 5016 [ a6 soa? a7 a ao PhP PEE Ep * 134 CONCURRENT 10 245 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (500) 5016, 5016 | = RTE : 5016 | ENCDR BTRY WEAK BATTERY WEAK ‘These signals are ON when voltage drops in the memory protection battery and the absolute encoder memory retention battery, to indi- cate that batteries need replacement. Loss of data in memory due to a weak battery causes much damage. ‘Take the signals as a kind of alarm and take appropriate action. 3-48 34 CONCURRENT VO {245 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIONALS (S00) (7) SETTING OF MODE/CYCLE AND PARTICULAR PLAY OPERATION (4 5050 to 5052 CYCLE SETTING a 550 STE CYCLE SET 5081 [1 CYCLESET. 5052 | CONT CYCLE SET 5053, 5054 3058 TEACH MODE SET Epa | "FLAY MODE SET 5055 5 5056 5060 a 5061 5062 5063 ‘These signals indicate the status of specifications of the current operation cycle, ‘The signals are synchronized with the cycle select key lamps on the playback box. The signal corresponding to the selected cycle is turned ON. MODE SETTING ‘These signals indicate the status of specifications of current mode setting. The signals are synchronized with the mode select key lamps on the playback box. ‘The signal corresponding to the selected mode is turned ON. COMMAND REMOTE SETTING ‘This signal indicates that the command remote function such as transmission is valid. When this signal is ON [or "PROHIBIT 10" (4057) signal is OFF], the "REMOTE" lamp on the playback box is blinking. TEACH LOCK SETTING ‘This signal indicates that teach lock is set. IN-GUARD SAFE OPERATION SETTING ‘This signal indicates that the manipulator is in the in-guard safe operation status. DRY-RUN SETTING ‘This signal indicates that dry-run is set. MACHINE LOCK SETTING ‘This signal indicates that machine lock is set. SOFT LIMIT RELEASE SETTING ‘This signal indicates that soft limit is released. Switching to play ‘mode automatically releases soft limit and turns OFF this signal. * {34 CONCURRENT vO ‘345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (600% Ce 5085 CHECK OPERATION SETTING ‘This signal indicates that check operation is set. (8) INDICATION OF START/STOP AND STATUS 8064 to 5066SERVO ON STATUS 306i FACTOR T 3065 | TACTOR 085 | FACTOR = 5 5067 5070 & 5071 5072 ‘These signals indicate that the servo power is ON. With the signal ON, the servo power for robot which is connected to its servo power ‘contactor, is ON. POSITION CHECK COMPLETED ‘This signals indicate that position check operation has been com- pleted after an alarm occurred indicating that the absolute allow- able range was exceeded, The signal stays ON if the alarm does not ‘occur after power ON. OPERATING ‘This signals indicate that the manipulator has been started. ‘That is, the manipulator is either executing the job, ready for re- served starting, ready for multi-series starting, or performing test- run. This signal is synchronized with the state of the "START" but- ton on the playback box. HOLDING ‘This signal indicates that "HOLD" is being instructed and the ma- nipulator is being held. The signal is synchronized with the "HOLD" lamp on the playback box. HOLD BY PROGRAMMING PENDANT ‘This signal indicates that "HOLD" is being instructed with the pro- gramming pendant and it can only be released with the program- ming pendant. Check this signal if the manipulator does not oper- ate, 3-50 34 CONCURRENT V0 13.45 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5% x) 5073 SERVO ON ‘This signal indicates that after the servo power is turned ON, in- ternal processing such as current position preparation has been ‘completed and the system is ready to accept "START" instruction, ‘This can be used for determining whether the system is ready for external start. 5075 JOB EDITING OPERATION INDICATION ‘This signal indicates that the job to be executed has just been ed- ited, searched, or manipulated with the cursor ON. ‘This can be used for determining starting conditions after editing. 5076 JOG OPERATION INDICATION ‘This signal indicates that the manipulator was made to move an GU axis or FWD/BWD operation on the programming pendant. This signal goes OFF automatically when playback is started. This can be used for determining restarting condition. 5077 PERMISSIBLE WORK OPERATING ‘This signal indicates that the manipulator is operating at actual workable speed. ‘This signal is turned ON synchronized with "OPERATING" (5070) | oa signal. The status of this signal during other than normal playback operation are shown below. cd Biate_0:0FF 1: ON ~ Daring in-guard safely operation + During continuous operation with the on teach pendant. | STATUS | - When adjusting epeed during operation. + Whon epee is Timited by the sensor. + Machine-lac operation, | OFF + Dry-ran operation, | Ye SATUS | | [ebtyed sareop opanion 3.51 {44 CONCURRENT V0 1345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (6%) 5080, 5090 3050 | ROBOT 1 JOB ‘5090 | ROBOT? JOB. 5081, 5091 =) . Sos _| ROBOT 1 JOB ‘5091_| ROBOT 2 JOB © i AR Occurrence SEQUENCE SECTION CONTINUING. SEQUENCE WAITING These signals indicate that the manipulator is stopped by the “SEQUENCE WAIT" (4061 or 4071) signal. After accepting the above signal and the manipulator has stopped, these signals go ON. ‘These signals go OFF before the manipulator starts operating when sequence wait is cleared. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 5080. SEQUENCE CONTINUING ‘These signals indicate that manipulator operation is in executing state in the sequence of instruction as taught. ‘These signals go ON when the initial job is executed after power is turned ON. “FWD" and "TEST" operations on the programming pendant are the same as the above. ‘These signals go OFF in the following cases. When the cursor is moved by operation change such as of the line No. from the programming pendant when the manipulator is stopped. + When job is called up. *When edit operation (addition, change, delete) is executed from the programming pendant. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No, 5081. ‘These signals can be used for intentional reset of work section information as shown below. ARC ARCON ARC OFF fae 3-52 5083, 5093 U_} 5083 _[_ROROT 1 Jon 5093 | ROBOT? JOB 5084 5086, 5096 ROBOT T ROBOT? ‘84 CONCURRENT vO 1345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (63% %) SEARCH START ‘These signals indicate that "SEARCH" instruction is being executed. ‘These signals, can be used as effective sensing signals for external For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 5083. HEAD OF MASTER JOB ‘This signal indicates that the execution position is at the head of the master job. ‘These can be used as check signals calling for a master job. LOCUS DEVIATION ‘These signals indicate that the corresponding manipulators are deviating from the natural locus, such as jog operation after ‘emergency stop or motion stop. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 5086. 353 ‘24 CONCURRENT 10 345 SPEGIFC OUTPUT SIGNALS (6%) (9) INTERFERENCE SIGNALS 5110 to 5127IN-CUBK. ‘These signals indicate the area in which the current control point is positioned in the initially set area, Set the area by parameters (S2C003 to $2C021, $2C024 to $2C071). These can be used to prevent interference with other manipulators o jigs. mo] in CURE 4 ' ni [is CUBE5| For a system with one manipulator, use signal Nos. 5110 to 6117. in CUBE 6 in CUBE in CUBES in CUBE L ‘in CUBE? sue S15, 5n6, S17 354 84 CONCURRENT vO 345 SPEGIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (6%) 5132 to 5137 STATION AXIS INTERFERENCE (Garon 185_| STATION? Sia_[_sTaTions 5135_| STATION « 6196 | STATIONS sist] STATION, ‘These signals inform at which area among already set areas the current station axis is located. Can be used to prevent the manipulator and the station from interfering to each other. By setting the maximum and minimum values to the positive and negative sides of the manipulator, respectively, the status is output ‘as a signal depending on whether the current station position is inside or outside of the area. (2) ON when the station axis (both axes when the second axis is used) is inside of the area. (2) OFF in other cases. 1st Axia Tiside [Outside Max. value © Min, value Positive side (+) Negative side(—) | inside] on | orr Setting values can be made either by inputing the values with number keys or by registering the positions by actually moving the axes. ‘The data of set areas are stored in the following parameters. S1CxG094: Station Ist Axis Positive (+) Side Interference Area (unit: pulse) 'S1CxGO0965: Station 2nd Axis Positive (+) Side Interference Area (unit: pulse) 81CxG102: Station 1st Axis Negative (—) Side Interference Area (unit: pulse) S1CxG103: Station 2nd Axis Negative (—-) Side Interference Area (unit: pulse) * When the values are 0 pulse on both sides (positive and negative), the specific output signal is ON. 355 34 concumRENT UO 245 SPEDIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5%) 5140, 5141, 5150, 5151 S-AXIS INTERFERENCE AREA ‘These signals indicate the area in which the current S-axis is 5140 TEAMS] positioned in.the initially set area. Set the area by parameters Rm i ($2C002, and $3C018 to $3C021). sat SANE ‘@__| These can be used to prevent interference with other manipulators 5160 or jigs. nL & a8 Relation between the aroa and the signal “e 5144, 5146, 5156 MOVING SPHERE INTERFERENCE AREA ‘These signals indicate that interference exists by the moving sphere interference check. si44 | SPHEREINTRERI | Area is set by parameters (S2C192 to S2C194, and S3CO78 to © 830075). ‘SPHERE INPUT suas | RL-ADVANCE ‘These signals can be used for the manipulator interference check. R2INTRE SPHERE INPUT suse | Re-ADVANGE Co Rime 3:56 34 CONCURRENT VO 345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5% x x) (10) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FOR JOG OFFSET JUNC- TION (OPTIONAL) 5094, 5104 TOP SUB1, 2 MASTER ‘These signals indicate that the execution position is at the head of int_[TOFSUATATTER | the master job in sub task 1or2. Ur asa checking signal of master e101 [ Tor suszMasTeR] job in each sub task call. Stare) «5145, CRD WORKING Ri R2 ‘This signal indicates coordination jobs of R1 and R2 are working Cre [WORT ETAT] This signal is turned OFF when the jobs stop or the start lamp is extinguished. re 5152, 5162 SUB1, 2 ALM OCCUR UW} ‘These signals indicate that the sub task is generating an alarm a individually during system section alarm occurrence (6012) or user B16 section alarm occurrence (5013). aa [ae | Rg en Be ° © _| altos alarm ocur 1 © _| Subtank i alarm cure ° 1 _| Subeant 2 alarm acore t 1 | Sub tasks 1 and 2 larme occur (js 5153, 5163 SUB1, 2 HELD WT} ‘These signals indicate sub task 1 or 2 stops the operation by alarm TESTE] eeurrence or the PAUSE instruction. 616] SUB HELD] Operation can be restarted by pressing the [START] key on the play- back box or inputting external start (4044). ‘These signals are turned OFF when all tasks stop or the sub task is released, 387 ‘24 CONCURRENT VO ‘24 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5%) (11) SIGNALS DURING OPERATION AND FOR JOG OFFSET FUNCTION (OPTIONAL) 5 5082, 5092 INT JOB MODE (EXTERNAL POSITION OFFSET UNIT) soe | INTIOB ‘These signals inform that an instruction for jog offset function under TRITGE—| operation is being executed and that the manipulator is ready for 5082 | MODE R2 moving by an input signal from the external position offset unit. at \ | * 358 34 CONCURRENT vO 345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGRALS (6x x) a (12) ARC WELDING Signals from 5170 to 5247 are classified into two blocks and assigned to output signals that have different meanings depending on the application. Most of these outputs are used by the system so they cannot be used from the outside of the MRC. This section ‘explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 5170, 5210 WORK START INSTRUCTION ‘These signals indicate work starting and wait for inputting of the ra) DEVICE "WORK START RESPONSE" (4090 OR 4130) signal. 5210 DEVICE, ar sar For a system with one application, use signal No. 5170. 5171, 5211 WORK END INSTRUCTION ‘These signals indicate work ending and wait for inputting of the ae - oe DEVICE "WORK END RESPONSE" (4091 or 4131) signal. ‘DEVICE? For a system with one application, use signal No, 5171. 6172, 5212 WORK CONTINUING PROHIBIT INSTRUCTION DEVICE ‘These signals indicate whether to continue the operation after oe stopping during the operation. When the signals are ON, the operation is not continued. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5172. 5173, 5213 TIP REPLACEMENT REQUEST ‘These signals indicate that the preset tip replacement time has come. DEVICE ‘The signals are reset by the "TIP REPLACEMENT COMPLETED" pa12 ‘DEVICE? (4093 or 4138) signal. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5173. 359 Pee 34 CONCURRENT LO ‘848 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5% x) 5174, 6214 NOZZLE CLEANING REQUEST ‘These signals indicate that the set nozzle cleaning request time has a Sa come. These, signals are reset by "NOZZLE CLEANING Em DEVICE? COMPLETED* (4094 or 4134) signal. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5174. 5175, 5215 INCHING UJ ‘These signals go ON when using inching of the work instructions, si7s_{Devicer 7 ou 5218) For a system with one application, use signal No. 5175. NOTE: For normal inching, use signal No. 1156 or 1166. ¢ Go 4 5176, 5216 RETRACT ‘These signals go ON when using retract of the work instructions. aire DEVICE e216 DEVICE? For a system with one application, use signal No. 5176. NOTE: For normal inching, use signal No. 1157 or 1167. 5177, 5217 RETRY RETURN PROCESSING 1 ‘These signals indicate that the retry returning is executed by the "RETRY RETURN REQUEST" (4096 or 4136) signal. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5177. oy 4 5180, 5220 RESTART PROCESSING (ARC SHORTAGE) C 5181, 5221 RESTART PROCESSING (GAS SHORTAGE) 3-60 YU C aa 5182, 5222 ao _] pao sis [ Device aia | DEVICE i229 | —pevicer ‘S221 | —_bevices saa | Device? 5183, 5223 & aE [ acer ‘saa Devons & 5184, 6224 ae_[ pacer sz | Device? & 5185, 5225 [pace e5_[ Devices 5186, 5226 ae B26 DEVICE ‘DEVICE? aa 5187, 5227 ae [ bavi ea | DEVICE 34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (8x % x) RESTART PROCESSING (WIRE SHORTAGE) ‘These signals indicate that restarting is executed by the "RESTART REQUEST" (4100 and 4102, 4140 to 4142) signals. These can be released by the "RESTART PROCESS RESET" (1168) signal. For a system with one application use signal No. 5180, 5181 or 5182. RESTART RETURN PROCESSING ‘These signals are one of the signals related to the restarting operations and indicate that the restart returning is executed. For system with one application, use signal No. 5183. RETRY SETTING TIMES EXCEEDED ‘These signals indicate that the accumulated number of restart times hhas been reached or exceeded the set value. For a system with one application, use signal No, 5184. ARC SHORTAGE RESTART SETTING TIMES EXCEEDED ‘These signals indicate that the accumulated number of are short- age restart times has been reached or exceeded the set value. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5185. AUTOMATIC ANTI-STICKING SETTING TIMES EXCEEDED ‘These signals indicate that the accumulated number of automatic anti-sticking times has been reached or exceeded the set value. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5186. RETRY REPLAY MODE ‘These signals inform that arc retry is being executed in the replay operation mode. For a system with one application, use signal No. 6187 * | 3.4 CONCURRENT VO | ‘345 SPECIRC OUTPUT SIGHALS (5%) 5 (13) HANDLING Signals from 5170 to 6247 are classified into two blocks and assigned to output signals that have different meanings depending on the application. Most of these outputs are used by the system so they cannot be used from the outside of the MRC. This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 5177, 5217 SHOCK SENSOR INPUT | ‘These signals output the status signal to show whether the shock ‘am 5217 DEVICET sensor input function is valid in the teach mode for the handling | application. When concurrent 1/0 is the standard handling ladder, an alarm occurs by shock sensor input when these signal are ON; only a message is displayed on the programming pendant when these are OFF. "JOG" and other operations can be executed. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No, 5177, 5180 to 5187, 5220 to 6227 TOOL VALVE OUTPUT ‘These signals are specific output signals for valves which are turned a0, TOOLVAWWET Ta] ON/OFF by handling the specific instruction "HAND", When using 5181 TOOLVANEL21 | the "HAND" instruction, connect it to the specific input section of sia "TOOL VALVE? 13 S185) TOOL VALVE22i-] ‘the MIO04 board which is connected to these signals. S164 "TOOL VALVES 131 oe Sas FOOL VALWES-23 FORA NES2.1 For a system with one manipulator, use signal Nos.5180 to 5187. "TOOL VALVE «2:1 320, Poor vatvE ie 5221 5222 VALVE 12:2 [TOOL VALVE 21-2 [TOOL VALVE 22:2 YU tase 7 VALVE $.1:2 325 [TOOL VALVE 32°7 5226) 527 )OL VALVE 4:12 OL VALVE 422 3-62 34 CONCURRENT YO ‘345 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (6%) Ce UE EE Sa (14) SPOT WELDING Signals from 5170 to 5247 are assigned to output signals for spot welding application. ‘Most of these inputs are used by the system go they cannot be used from the outside of the MRC. This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 5178, 5174, 5213, 5214 TIP REPLACEMENT REQUEST ‘Thede signals indicate that the preset tip replacement time has come. ‘The signals are reset by the "TIP REPLACEMENT COMPLETED" (4093, 4094, 4183 or 4134) signal. 5173 [No.1] [srr [No.2 | [Nos I [Nova] [213 | For a system with one application, use signal No, 5173. 3-63 24 CONCURRENT VO {445 SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS (5% x) & (15) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS ‘Signals from 5170 to 5247 are classified into two blocks and assigned to output signals that have different meanings depending on the application. Most of these outputs are used by the system so they cannot be used from the outside of the MRC. ‘This section explains exceptional signals that are available for external use. 5170, 5210 WORK START INSTRUCTION ‘These signals indicate work starting and wait for inputting of the 0 Device "WORK START RESPONSE" (4090 or 4130) signal. 5210 DBVICE For a system with one application, use signal No. 5170. 5171, 5211 WORK END INSTRUCTION ‘These signals indicate work ending and wait for inputting of the I © ot DEVICE “WORK END RESPONSE" (4090 or 4130) signal. ‘san DEVICE? 5172, 5212 WORK CONTINUING PROHIBIT | For a system with one application, use signal No. 5171. | INSTRUCTION sm see ‘These signals indicate whether to continue the operation after | stopping. When the signals are ON, the operation is not continued. For a system with one application, use signal No. 5172. 3-64 134 CONCURRENT vO {946 TIMER AND COUNTER USED IN STANDARD LADDER (00 3.4.6 TIMER AND COUNTER USED IN STANDARD LADDER (6xxx) (1) ARC WELDING [TIMER] co co we a we oz wait Bai, WIRE NO ann smicxine | arc ans OFERATION| srickina | STICKING | “cyeck | “ERROR cH | oaseo | CHECK | aosso | costo 05 5B (0286 a ca oe ose oa om con wa {COUNTER} or 36 088 , Ba, wo a B80, STICKING Restart | RETRY RELEASE RELEASE | anime) | ci TiMte) oa ae as wae aa oe, co wa SYSTEM RSV ‘Noto (indicates the intial value * 3-65 34 CONCURRENT UO '846 TIMER AND COUNTER USED IN STANOARD LADDER (610), (2) HANDLING [TIMER] oor woe can wo wos ee ou ie aor as a ae ao ao ar co {COUNTER oa B36, cn ae aa ae ma Soa war wae oe wo wo woe oar mon ae ‘SYSTEM RSV 3-66 24 CONCURRENT V0 13.4.6 TIMER AND COUNTER USED IN STANDARD LADDER (6020) CE (3) SPOT WELDING [TiMeR| wir wag os oie wos eos eon eo wm os, os co os ae oar co [COUNTER] ar. oe a5, ma co oa oa co war wae ae wou os we wa oa SYSTEM mV * 3-67 ‘34 CONCURRENT VO 246 TINER AND COUNTER USEDIN STANDARD LADDER (600) (4) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS [TIMER] ar wis ws wd we we con cou Ba 28. we, we wos wz, wa a [COUNTER] Se =e | cr 046. cn was we, ood ea, oO, SYSTEM RSV 34 CONCURRENT VO 1347 INTERNAL SIGNALUSED IN STANDARD LADDER (Too) SEES a VT SYSTEM syst REMOTE KEY] REMOTE START POWERON sm | nemore [REMOTE KEY RecHIviNe siomiddze | Umsv" | nev | key) Sssce | fenton) x7 START on a a ase Wann EMOTE ‘emp SEQUENCE neote ‘owt | mame SELECT ninore warn cu SELECT |spuncr io] REMOTE, alte | mts [odes ( a | 88] ss om ss a a There] avers inter 2 | wre 1 (a nrcuse< | acupes | wcuse2 | mvcuse: | exmunics | skreacs | exruasce | RTRANCE row | exowinrr | rove | PROM Tot | as | re os woToR | ane a8c seuvo ard smexine | we | oas | anc ‘ror, |oocttsence ooadtltace weStdey |Ooeuimence |PS*GN “89 cimcerion| suortcce]| suottnace | sudttacs | OCR 7057, 7056 7055, 7054 7053 7052. 7051 7050, wire | wine |woron rvs toon Fwo)woron nvs pwovon Fwo) MOTOR Dit | MOTOR DIR " nermacr | mouse |'soranion | noranion | Rovamon | nomaTion | cance. | cnanae Request | mequesr | “oawar’ | “pasar | haawony | ‘wawonr | sacs | ean et] 066] at et 6s 868 fanc ocoun Fane occur fare occuR| aac ANS anc | ascon | wine | wine {conprsion| covprrion | CONDITION fenton tim] CONDITION} CONDITION }CONDINION ahs | nrsava | aetmacr | INCHING © 2a | as on is a SCN a antcane. | smcra | sticianc |perscmox] STRING | | atom a| ane jar oNor| “aos | arors | ar ; ocectins orm ffnon| Reuter | Stunon | mon YU "at | 088] 08s | 8 es as at THeKINT | —ang | UTO [are creeKeD | aA, | sticanc | M2 | sncxive | smcminc | wo | emma lstanc ans] sHoRtcE| Signa | sttcxana | Grist | “Cunce” | snickma | “Cnn EMO ‘couNT 98 | as rs st es a a TaSTART Tenaya ans nerey | nerey | are RETURN | nermnNG negutsr | “Enon MEMORY Coun PROCESSING) TESTED | UManony | OUTPUT a TT wins —-—cas —} —ane atc suonrsar | suontace | suowtace | nestatr besrxamwal RESTART | sHowTace iso” | HCRegOP | SHCERO® | Eva Minronr | Kesrant conpimoy | conprtiow]| controx urns nese} 3.4.7 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (7xxx) (1) ARC WELDING 3-69 $34 CONCURRENT VO '847 INTERWAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (7p) a a a a tie cuarince | enomtace | PRSTAST a arsoes | Sistcas . suotttan | syottnon warring 2_| wating i_| INVALID. ee ee eee TT VT rans oror a] wast —} — wane —|— Gas —] — tas ormaamoy | ane "| exvericr | anomnon | euorince | auctor OAAERG | endBGon | EAGT | GumnEscE | suomae | Sewn | wares: | ware? | wanmes | wamnse! a ae se 227 7226 | 7225 Ta2h 7223, Ta22 72 7220, me ee * 3-70 ‘84 CONCURRENT ¥0 {3.47 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (70) ———— (2) HANDLING a | a as on a an roweroy, | svsmac | sysrem | newore |2EMOTEREY| newore aroenic SommuaTme | RSV Sv sv | SIGNAL DOR) ey PULSE pteeaion on To Toss __[ 7005 | 7 To REMOTE nemore | REMOTE seLecr |,f&MOTE | REMOTE XT. HOLD ToT ony ae 7, oss 7038. Tear 7650 inree.a | INTRR.S | INTRE.2 | INTRF.1 incurs | wcuses | cuses | iv cune; | ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE Prouiarr | Proxisir | PROHIBIT | PROHIBIT Tar Tos Te To om Taz Toa “oan INTRF.7 | INTRF.6 | _INTRE.6 mv cuse7 | mouse | IN CUBES ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE | ENTRANCE PROHIBIT | PROHIBIT | PROHIBIT a Toe Ee a) Tos Tost Toi nt varssine | SHOCK | woreer | work | wom mma | SENSOR Jeon | ppt motlEtiON eet [66 7085 Toes T7065 ome Teer 7a] Puay? | pLayy | pLay? | PLAY cor | conn | rover | sovoue seucr_|seuecrine) SxLECT | sELecrING 7a 7a TE, Ta aS. a, 73a 7 37t ‘84 CONCURRENT VO {347 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANDARD LADDER (70) (8) SPOT WELDING Tir Toe Tos Toe Fey az or 70 cemnox | s¥sTem | system | Remore [REMOTPKEY| Rewore | _ START SIGNAL DIR necervina | EXT. START ocmunusti>, | Rv RSV Key | SQIALDI | ey Putse | Ree Toa 726, 73. To 728, To Toa 720. "REMOTE ‘i warming zewore | Rewbre ALAR SELECT UNTILINTRE, b srLEct | seuuctqo) | skuecr TLINTRE | occURRENCE, Tos Te3e. as Tose Tas 7a Tar 7036 memes | inraes | nem? | meer weuses | mcunes | mcuse2 | incuse: | mermance | extmance | eNTRANCE | ENTRANCE aot | ‘rrommr | ‘Paonia | ‘PRoMRT Tat 7 io 70 a 7000 froeea coauma| frouz coouna) wane | waonc | weuone | waLome ‘ara oR vearen enon | ccupsreo | couterin | couruimmy | contr ar 7054 705 Tz Ter 7050 ‘amrnassone | aim rarssune | am rasssune | am pxussuns | cus cooune | cux coounc | aux coouine | Gun coouwe eqns | "towns |"towanea | "“towmneo™ | wangy san | ware tnox | women mor | Watns ERROR os oss 706s "sa 706s 8 os Tost ‘mncane | emckwa | smcmye | snouo | 7S {Tuan [ims [mnie pergeron | omrgenon | vergenos | oergcrow | TRGB | “uuor | “aur | mor 07 Te 70s aia 77s a on Toi aon | wanna | waone | wou re agpigcap|rnaniacen| iv nsn.aceo|m nace one pr] anorthite] ono cr NOH NET ea net ne Oke "ei —| tons —[ tons [vase | — rons | oer —[ noon — — 7000 courtiman | courtames | couiuinio | coururrey [oMOFy oxtevy owore ovrruyjowory ovrovr|oworr ovTeUy ¢ 7 a oan rears — areca [aroma] aon —| WR Sane] ee orga | oman | omemow | ommenon | tre courare | come See | fas] eS |S Net mt mt Tia a a Tc VT Honma)” | SERICTON fags agny waren aan | wanen sate PeNROR Aa} iat | aaa ena] ecco | "Seavast™ [anecase mi _[ ae [is a a i a a Tonia —[araessons | COR coon frome oom Wats | “temo” | Ceara | ™asoee eur | leur | seitnds | sadace meauesr | rower | teaver | traunsr ns a as as eee 3-72 ‘94 CONCURRENT 10 {347 INTERNAL SIGNAL USED IN STANOAAD LADDER (700 (4) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS a as as a Sora ram rons os swore ner ammeox, | yore | syste | xaore nawore_ | necetviva aR? | sen | asonve | “REG | SRALDM ) EPSGre | ovary) 230 Stary om Tae] 658 a TENOTE ware xewore | newore pan Seuect ne spigct |aitero)| SELor RCRA oc tce| a TT ine | aivrers| arma | rari mecunes| mcunea| nvcume2| mune: | evmance| enmeaves | exrmaice | exuACe feowart | exowtbrt | Fnorasrr | Peomsrt Tot [1046 Tos. Tou 7oa3 To Toa 7040, WORK _ | WORK INST. WORK WORK prontirr |OMUIG |optativa| SE ee a | at ss * 3-73 34 CONCURRENT UO 5348 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (=x) 3.4.8 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (80xx) (1) INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL +: NC contact. war wa mp wis ws wo, won cn system | sysrem | sysTEM svon | exsvon | xore | SYSTH isTe sre RyaD ore OT_R —_Overtraval Recovery RY1D ——_Relay-1 Board EXOT-R — External Axis Overtravel Recovery EXSVON Exterval Servo ON SVON Servo ON (OR Signal for Playback Box and Programming Pendant oc B08 028 oad wo oy oo aoa system | system | svsrew SYSTEM vOK ulin oo fav. | Fanon | SYSTEM | sock: | exon *EXHOLD External Hold *SHOCK2 ‘Shock Sensor Operation Hold *PBHOLD Playback Box Hold 24V0K External Power 24V OK Signal ma 036 oy oo wo wa war oo psesp | resp | ExEsP or sxor | Fuorr | urrsv | sHocK. *SHOCK1 Sock Sensor Emergency Stop *ERRSVM. CUP Rack Servo Exror *FUOFF Brake Fuse OFF “EXOT External Axis Overtravel *or Overtravel *EXESP External Emergency Stop *PPESP Programming Pendant Emergency Stop *PBESP, Playback Box Emergency Stop 374 34 CONCURRENT YO 3.48 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (ox) war or we, a was wie Boa 080 systeM next. | svsren SYSTEM sync: | svacxe | SYST no | svete | gexe ow | SYSTE U BRX2_ON Brake Group 2 Release Check ‘ BRXI-LON Brake Group 1-1 Release Chock SVMXX2 Servo Power Group 2 ON Check Cc SVMXX1 Servo Power Group 1 ON Check oc me oo won| oss om wos 080 pws | owe | pm | ono on " *HARDHOLD — Hard Hold (OR Signal for 8020 and 8021) DINO Direct IN 0 DINI Direct IN 1 DIN2 Direct IN 2 DINS Direct IN 3 war oo 2056 wor [oss mse co 060 sysrem | svsrem | system | sysrem | svsrmm | svsrew | sysrem | system Sv RSV RSV HSV nv RSV RSV RSV ‘34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘248 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL 022) en) 3-76 oa wie we wo ws wre won wor | avro | eves | step STEP Step Cycle Select : 1CYCLE 1 Cycle Select ¢ | AUTO Continuing Cycle Select ! ‘087 2086 2085 084 co 8082, oy 3086 | sewvo.ov | stan | SYSTEM reac | ray | nemore | somsoce EDIT_LOCK Editing Prohibit i REMOTE Remote Mode Select | PLAY Play Mode Select TEACH ‘Teach Mode Select START Operation Start SERVO_ON Servo ON from Playback Box ( 24 CONCURRENT 10 ‘348 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL 20x) ‘The following symbols are used in the explanation to represent the signal conditions. [FAS] The sienal takes effect (FES) Trerisine ede is detected LT} while it is in ON state? \£] asthe signal. (2) INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (MONITOR) 8010 OVERTRAVEL RECOVERY ‘This signal indicates the operation status of the overtravel recovery signal. This signal is turned ON by pressing the OT recovery button. in the subpanel of the playback box. 8011 RELAY-1 BOARD This signal is for checking the RY board (JANCD-MRYO)) function. 8015 EXTERNAL OVERTRAVEL RECOVERY ‘This signal indicates the operation statue of the external overtravel recovery signal. ‘The signal is input from the RY board. Refer to the "3.4.11 I/O EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0" for connection. 377 34 CONCURRENT YO 3.48 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (800) 8016 8017 8020 8021 8023 EXTERNAL SERVO ON INPUT This signal is ON when servo power ON instruction is input from the outside. The signal is input from the RY board. Refer to the “3.4.11 /O EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0” for connec- tion. SERVO ON INPUT ‘This signal is ON when servo power ON instruction is input from the programming pendant or playback panel. *EXTERNAL HOLD ‘This signal indicates the operation status of the hold signal from the outside, ‘The signal is input from the RY board. Refer to the “3.4.11 10 EXCEPT CONCURRENT W/O" for connec- tion. *SHOCK SENSOR OPERATION FOR HOLD ‘This signal indicates the state of the shock sensor operating detee- tion cireuit. This signal is input from the RY board. This signal is valid when connected to occur "HOLD" at activating the shock sen- sor. For details, refer to "8.4.11 10 EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0”. *PLAYBACK BOX HOLD ‘This signal indicates the operating status of the hold signal from the playback box. 3-78 8027 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 3.4 CONCURRENT 10 {848 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (6000) EXTERNAL POWER 24V OK ‘This signal goes ON when 24V power for /O is supplied normally. For details of connecting I/O power, refer to "3.2 HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS". *EMERGENCY STOP AT SHOCK SENSOR OPERATION ‘This signal indicates the state of the shock sensor operating detection circuit. This signal is input from the RY board. This signal is valid when connected to occur emergency stop at activating the shock sensor. For details, refer to "3.4.11 /O EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0", *CPU RACK SERVO ERROR ‘This signal is OFF when system trouble is detected (Servo power is. OFF). *BRAKE FUSE OFF ‘This signal is OFF when brake exciting circuit has broke down. *EXTERNAL OVERTRAVEL ‘This signal is OFF when the overrun limit switch of external axis is operating. This signal is input from the RY board. *OVERTRAVEL ‘This signal is OFF when the overrun limit ewitch of robot axis is operating. 3:79 134 CONCURRENT UO 1348 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (0) 8035 8036 8037 8041, 8043 GROUP “a0ee GROUP 8046, 8047 wore GROUPS ‘047 GROUP 1 *EXTERNAL EMERGENCY STOP This signal is OFF when the emergency stop signal connected to the external jpput (RY board) is operating, Refer, to the "8.4.11 I/O EXCEPT CONCURRENT 1/0" for connection. *PROGRAMMING PENDANT EMERGENCY STOP ‘This signal is OFF when the emergency stop on the programming pendant is operating. *PLAYBACK BOX EMERGENCY STOP ‘This signal is OFF when the emergency stop on the playback box is operating. BRAKE RELEASE CHECK ‘These signal indicate the operating status of the exciting current drive relay of the brake in each axis. For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 8043. SERVO POWER ON CHECK ‘These signals indicate the operating status of the servo ON auxiliary relay in servo power supply circuit, For a system with one manipulator, use signal No. 8047. ‘34 CONCURRENT vO ‘848 INTERNAL CONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (60x) ' a 8050 EXTERNAL CAUSE HOLD ‘This signal is the OR signal of the hold cause (8020 or 8021). Hold from the, playback box is not included. 8054 to 8057 DIRECT IN ‘These signals indicate the status of the input signels of "DIN". DRT —] —_The signals are input from the RY board. DIN DINE DING fF 8075 to 8077 CYCLE SELECTION ‘These signals indicate the status of the cycle selection of the playback ors | STEP box. ‘e076 | 1 CYCLE ‘go77_| AUTO state} = 8080 EDITING PROHIBITION These signals indicate the operating status of the "EDIT LOCK" ot key on the subpanel in the playback box. 4 8081 to 8083MODE SELECTION UJ ‘These signals indicate the status of the mode selection of the playback box oat] ROT Ye woar_[ “THAT | [085 [TEACH 34 CONCURRENT vO 340 INTERNALCONTROL STATUS SIGNAL (800), 8086 OPERATION START ‘This signal indicates the operating status of the "START" key on the playback box. 8087 SERVO POWER ON a ‘This signal indicates the operating status of the "SERVO POWER" key on the playback box. u C UG ve u ( Go | 24 CONCURRENT vO ‘349 82XX PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS, 3.4.9. PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS (82x <) ‘The following symbols are used in. the explanation to represent the signal conditions. (FAH Thesienltakenctect while (ESRB) The ssing edge ie detected UW] _itisin onrstate. A] asthe signal (1) PSEUDO INPUT SIGNALS oO (F54 8214 to 8216 REMOTE FUNCTION SELECTION Ww Setting whether 1/0, commands, programming pendant or playback ( box is to be used when the remote mode is selected can be made in sx18 | CONDERND the user's maintenance mode, c 2216 | PPPBOX, ‘Those signal indicate the status sein the user's maintenance mode 1s shown below. (0: OFF, 1: ON) vo 0: Used, 1: Not used Command 0:Not used, 1: Used PPIPBOX 0: Used, 1: Not used ait Cc YG 3-83 34 CONCURRENT vO 124.40 93% % DLINPUT SIGNALS 3.4.10 DL INPUT SIGNALS (9x x x) DL input signals are related to optional ME-NET. For the detailed information, refer to "ME-NET FUNCTION OPERATION MANUAL”. Yu c ~u | ca] u C | Gu 1 384 34 CONCURRENT UO 34.11 HO EXCEPT CONCURRENT YO 3.4.11 VO EXCEPT CONCURRENT I/O. ‘The following signal is connected directly to the manipulator control section without passing through the concurrent HO. Adequate care should be taken for switch setting and method of connection when using this signal, (1) HARDWARE SPECIFIC INPUT nyo cro EXTERNAL ANS OVERALN --'o-4 semvoon FOR FUTURE EXTENTION Connection of Specific Inputs * 3-85 134 CONCURRENT 10 341 YO EXCEPT CONCURRENT UO. 1.2 [2.9 | 2 | Only the input from the playback panel board's efecive! 23 [12 [25 | Only theinput from tho RY board is effective (FOR EXTERNAL CONTROL OF CONTROL POWER ON/OFF) If an optional playback panel is used and the workplace is remote froth the controller (YASNAC MRO), this ON/OFF power switch can bbe used to turn control power (CPS power) ON and OFF. ‘The control signal to turn control power ON and OFF is input from the playback panel board and the RY board. Inputs from these two locations are set up on the IOBB board. The setting follows: “NCD wane C8) one 200) Soe tw ne us Power ONOFF Switch Setting Beplenation 23 [25] 23 | Both input ar efetive ‘oreowrcn @eontaet To use only the ON switches to turn power ON or OFF (*2) Tara] Tipiemation Froscte sw 12 [29 23 [12 ‘nly the input from the RY board is elective, (er 2a [es Both inputs are effective ‘To use the main switches (NFB) to turn power ON or OFF (*3) ie orang Explanat oneereo m aT Re TNE. 2 12 at rT is elfective. {| room = ‘Only the input from the playback panel board ff eerie TSCA NOTES: 1. Connection of the ON and OFF switches depends on the setting. (See *1 to *3.) 2, In the tables, "1-2" stands for short circuiting pins 1Nind 2 with a shorting plug; "2-3" for pins 2 and 3. 3-86 EXESP EXHOLD EXOT EXSVON EXOT-R (FOR EXTERNAL EMERGENCY STOP) When this signal is not used, be eure to connect it to +24V. (FOR EXTERNAL HOLD) When this signal is not used, be sure to connect it to +24V. (FOR EXTERNAL AXIS OVERRUN) ‘When this signal is not used, be sure to connect it to +24V. (FOR EXTERNAL SERVO ON) This signal turns ON the servo power. Use the signal to turn ON the servo power from the outside. Apart from this signal, specific input (4045) for external servo ON signal is provided. For safer use of the robot, use ofthis signal (EXSVON) which has no intervention of ladder (software) is recommended. (EXTERNAL OVERRUN) 3-87 34 CONCURRENT vO 4.11_UO EXCEPT CONCURRENT VO (2) HARDWARE SPECIFIC OUTPUT ‘PROGRAMANG PENDANT ENERGENCY STOP PLAYBACK BOX EMERGENCY STOP Connection of Specific Output (3) CONNECTION METHOD WHEN USING SHOCK SENSOR How to Set Shorting Pins Seria] 1085 Tw MRYOI i 123 123 | Not Used = ols[2 eu ! HOLD sans Used ofa} -—a 2 i SERVO OFF sans | Ene ag eh socamge sucovenm voir: wor [ me ¢ LH yy Bas ‘Connection Diagram when Using Shock Sensor NOTE: Shorting pins (TMS, 6, 7, 8) are set to short-cireuit between Pins 1 and 2. For future use: Not to be changed) 3-88 3.4.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM (1) List of Usable Instructions 34 CONCURRENT VO 34.12 STANDARO LADDER PROGRAM ‘The following table shows a list of usable instructions in concurrent /O. List of Usable instructions in Concurrent VO Taviricion | _ Nene Symbel Potion Format ° “Tagle Tne waving “Temporary xoring af sre Sere $A} | REESE Sen | 978 0 cpeten SNC contact uns tart the Toyiline smRNoT | Store not tor “Temporary storing of STRANOT KK intermediate rutin gia] persion AND AND —4 ~~ | teicat ano AND #00 axonor | apne | —yf2— | wane axo.NoT mock on oR Logeal OR oR s0KK Ease orxor | oR nat ORNOT #xKKK anpsra | AND Store eal a axosTe onsm | onsure Laie ORfor intermediate | op gop our J owe | —( 4] strat orient ontpat | our sxx TR Ter TR { ON delay timer DR yon Ty ae or woamxyvy owt | counter NE J —| subtract counter san reY com — | o Sure woxee | |, ali cose #0 tH one | | Sen soen ti cour G Output beet) GOUT #XXXK exp | tea Program end exp #XXKX : Relay No. * H601X — : Timer / counter No. YYY —:Set value 3-89 ‘34 CONCURRENT UO ‘3412 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM Ce (2) ARC WELDING (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST System Ladder Section Standard ladders are prepared for each application prior to shipment. Ladder programs cannot be edited. 4-4 iH, 2010 i are Kb} aad 4053 os A SUE Pe 2013, 4014 R-] -S 2014 7026 Rg] aois 40a Hq aele 4040 Fa 2017 0187 Po pn sie 7030 KA _ i 2021 Boren beg oors 7086 FH po ee 2023, 704s Be J aaa 2026 4063 Pq pr a 4120 H bt 44 2170 5180 5182 7067 04a HW 44-44 St 2imt 51805181 7067 7043 Hb | 21727067 peel Kb 275 ro40 be -_ — H aie rose jh} $A 4 7014 rors 3-90 EXTRRNAL START sven 03 CALL SELECT a0) seuner EerRANCE Power ‘TERPERENOE 2 Powis WORK PROHIBIT (ARC ccURRENCE Prominin WORK RESPONSE ‘@szuDoAKCON RESTONSD ‘wears rRoMT ‘senso ROK ‘as snore ‘wane svontace winx srciane * ‘REMOTE KEY SIONAL DIRECTION CHANGE: 34 CONCURRENT VO 124,42 STANOARO LADDER PROGRAM bs —i som roi HR ei yoie 7013 5 von Pi LA O 30177012 1057 | 026 1027 He WH 30277012 3035 ~HeR tos BA] a 7027 1025 Hi 1026 Pt] A tors ante 1037 pe Jers PAR Rs yors ais 4042 FA 10234216 4036 tt —¥t—HF EF -+ { } 7030-7034 «$110 | 5063 oer Ht year si H K++ H 703270363112 H ba 7033, su 391 REMOTE KEY PULSE Riwore asLEcT 00, REMOTE SELECT rornonaer ‘ow RENOTE SELECT ‘ppoxorenarion sequence WAIT i mEquEST {34 CONCURRENT UO 3412 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM. UE RA ( siio | 7022 fat Hi + sun HH LH H ret 7021 $076 $070 Pa et $110 7021 ae baat _—_§_——o Siti 7021 buat fe eee reeeereeereeceaeeece eee Pod suiz 7020 Sicha PJ Suns 7028 fee Ho soie 7020 HH sort HEH sour rH sora kA bk et ht | $054 5073 5014 1020 ad A 7010 3073 fee 4777 Gt yo1 rH 7017 4 $$$ yo16 yore 3:92 wwaring umn ‘DeraRYERENCE Is wveuses wrevae mouse Mama OccURRENCE sur necenmsa PREPARATIONOR SSXTERNAL STARE ‘compute. (@ORMALEY ON ssveren RESEaVED 34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘24.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM rr i 7051 te ( rors | asol 7015 ent Ly -eo24] 701s i. 4 F744 I ( 3070 S08! $073 7020 mas Ly anas +444 4 Toso 7061 7066 roar rt t—4+—J 10877050 1 { roe? Is gl 7050 obi 1 K++ { 7047 7050 70s! Pe ( 7060 | 7061 7052 Ly 1066 Ly J 1082 HH Hy44+-—414 1061 | 7060 7066 70s HH 7033 p+ Oo jos Tose He 7051 9] 3082 7055 3-93 Sse RESERVED opeearion ‘ona Moroe piRECTION ‘cuaNOE Pema? MoroR pimgomox oToR FomwaRD ROTATION EMORY Motor REvERSE ROTATION MENORY ‘Moron romwaRD Ronn Pema MoToR REVERSE, Rotanion PERT 134 CONCURRENT vO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM G 5176 co 7086 HK L4H 4097 Tone 7062 | 7036 7057 7054 4H CG 5070 pi 7062 | 7056 7037 705s HH 5070 4 K-44 yos1 7096 5077 H 44444 sah 5170 7090| 5171 sost 1 4087 ee ee 7062 ri tH GC 70625172 $070 sizt 7072 | 70817080 es ee yous sama dt rH4t-4+4 “ 166 5053 5070 7036 i bp RS 1166] sora 7 Hi sins ro t 1 ( 1167 $083 $070 7087 Hq Ka 1167 | s070 HH +44 a 7 t#A KS bR__ i cet Le | 7096 Pa kat by 4t+ 4K _1-4 was rt Kai 3-94 7060 7061 (4 708s 4 7062 (4 7071 7084 4097) REQUEST REQUEST wee ven wineneraacr: ‘ouRING ARC 0% sxc commana ( Avronaste wine aurowsme wine ‘SrcING RELA REQUEST 34 CONCURRENT UO {34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM Ht : Pet bhatt 4 5050] 7062 7086 1124 7021 reat Hi 4 5053 $085) 7046 = 5077 7065 1-4 +4 q rose 7065 p054 7o6e KA -}—r 066 tebe KR Rs HR Rd Ly rgpiaaetan 090 HR -R——__________,, ] roeo |] 2066 wae HH tt Rs si10r090] 7093 9125 094 Hi -K—— o94 HRA Rt BH] ras7 | 1094 09s s170 4035 HH 1095 HR} Hi 1092 3:95 ARC OOCURRENCE conmmon exc anc oocunsence ‘onDITION NODE AKC ODCURRENCE, conpmmonon work rade eAsuRE ues sricxna Chieex conPabre> TARE RESPONSE noe ancresroxse ‘RROR NAL) RETRY PROCESSING RETRY REQUEST seray REQUEST NEWRY EEE See Cee ee Oe Ge eee Oe Oe Oe eee eee Oe eee eee oe reer eee ‘34 CONCURRENTUO ‘24.12 STANOARO LADDER PROGRAM yess 7002 7093 4 7090 = Earp amEEEESES 3070 1 A tt < 3092 7093 | 5177 sit? 4096 4036 P44 © yess 7062 | 5170 4090 409s Ly G 4096 a 7070 Gee eee 4050 7094 W098 7 a a ose a rt KH |e oer 3070 Sis 7067 3-96 REQUEST wore stat tinonouert ( ane nEsronse ERROR GUD) 84 CONCURRENT 10 24.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM H \ anc oceunesnce 1 -—++ (09 Moone 7072 7083 eee 1066 | 4 ( wine sncane AO] einceneavesr 7072 7066 {yp __] 7067 ti t— + { ascmssine 7073 7062 7063 7063 4014 S053 1 avromaric wink 1 (| freemen r066 [8 oss | couwror JA003 yore vans sricrao va t { DETECTION AT OFF ree | 7044 Tore] 08 HH 1067 ie J] aerey cous ur 0s 091 4021 Ly pis x r sore spoTION i t ‘NIARM CODE 2 mio} 7091 7105 4022 on 3.97 ‘ 34 CONCURRENT vO 34.12 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM SN el t {Stet seer $ oro | Mamenecuesr 7091 HH 7105 HH mie 1 4 mu ‘} (| anmernsesae 3 7106 HH] 7 Ly roto ¢ Hb At (| SRE oO 7100 $182) S180 71858 oat oe eee sit 1H +4 7107 7106 —— 7080 H 4444+ 4 (Se Moy] Messaae cope at sis2 | S181 siso 7115 H yio8 H 44 He Yu n1o8 ¢ be $__§_|——— saan, aie 4032 3-98 134 CONCURRENT UO 34,12 STANOARO LADOER PROGRAM ress ri 9 Sane sino ps LH +4 ss LH 7100 Fitts WARE STICKING AT OFF) ove toxr fs 7075 707) 2 is YU sor ete Fh ob 4-4 0} wrt srcrano arom 5033 SoRL 70747084 7076 HK +t (| vaneencxne aro Ye [here ] sete ier] HH HH von Ab bb (| wnmsnomxc ey sore ons | 3074 7080 Lee] p++ « No wins sricxmNa yor 7082 of you it ( wine eickana cick vor fed vos? oot 3:99 | 34 coeannsii¢ | 3.2 Si nen ncn LS i Mae cox tars | 7073 rear ae H . td +t 1 [SPQUENCE WAIT a) pore 7070 188 HH ort | anes HH bf 7 by pe crt ncn C tt $ 1 Fy + 4 eee HA 4 Sun t097 sia H +-— sue ooo u K..-———_-_——_| emma o * 3-100 | 3.4 CONCURRENT UO 516.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ‘as suowaae mine sist sia 7097 104 SP) Whssssessa 106 7120 4108 { MESSAGE r106 | coxomon Fb] $04 orion nario mat? ‘xs sHoamae. PS RR reac 7120 | conomon ware mi23 S182 HAH Sues p09 T104 }4 KJ 1107 (4 wmestoance pssaae. 7107 | counmon siz 7102 1 + mm rit L, co] wauomee nn 7123 1 ( 4102 na ot { sist 7102 m0 Hi -—_ m0 AA Bt HY] tiasccroon mu stko HH sis) tH 5182 3-101 7103 184 CONCURRENT 10 34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM SS (14 yous 7108] d105 7103 4100 Ly 4100 if KH Rh dt ht yoa270x6 1104] 7106 7103 sto 4 - 4101 . MH bk44+4—4-4+#4+ 441+ 4+ ()- ross 7x6 7062 T1048 | 7107 7103 4102 a 02 Peale Oo aro] sits. a103 | 7105 710 ni00 i Hot r100 3180 ri H+ + ( nin] sis3 sito nw HH nae HRS suas | 7103 1097 Hi 7097 1 bt ‘ ties 70974103, 7110 THE n102 Ly Oo 7103 Sow 7104 Ly 4003] F082 7096 poy pe 3070 soto 1 ( 5073 son Kt sone 3012 3-102 estan REQUEST GrcsHorcH EsTART REQUEST (eaxssnonmcm esraer nequest ‘KE skORTAGH) anc eHORTIOR AncsHoRTACE RESTART ARC STOR eswaRr BEUR RESTART EMORY ‘ropmasten oo £34 CONCURRENT UO 124.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM t ( 7020 yon ri sous * lH | 5 sous sors HH sots t+ Q 4052 ors HH soss tA] 5054 nore 1 -h-AH ——————14 5053 3017 1 ( 7034 3020 4 -—-.H HH, 1 }} 1035 3021 oS -—_ H sui7 3022 aA sont 3023 KS 2170 3024 A an 3028 ht +A tH 7080 3026 he tH 2172 3027 K/h 7066 ain 1b ¢ 7060 ain A 7061 3i73 3-103 ‘SccunmeNce BATTERY ALAR. PLAY MODESETTING ‘react MODs Sermo POsmON In cus sequance EXECUTING oconto ‘ontTOR wanx sricxne uoxrToR) ‘roxetom ‘ARON 34 CONCURRENT WO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM User Ladder Section Signal connection specification and interface signals with system ladder are prepared prior to shipment. Including these signals, ladder programs can be edited. anc SHORTAGE, 4 (5) anstarr exon ESE 1164 not Ly 1165 a103 (restart nese EQUEST 3-104 {84 CONCURRENT VO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 3-105 134 CONCURRENT UO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM. 109 10 3-106 eee eee 24 CONCURRENT #0 24.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM (b) USER ALARMS ‘Alarm No.,J Register No. | Alarm we Sytem Section | SE Se S010 1 MISSING ARC GENERATION CONFI on ca [ARC SHORTAGE oan os Eo o4 | CS SRORRGE 050 te WiRe SHORTAGE RESTART 2 te S70 a 8 te 99 @ o Eo a ane eee eee sip 2 5190 3 sia 1a a i (o User Section ae : 7 ra om is 3190 o 200 = ‘$210 21 0 2 30 = ws (c) USER MESSAGES Tai ‘System Section Wine SHCENG ‘ GAS SHORTAGE GC WIRE SHORTAGE [RESTARTING FOR ARC. TRESTARTING FOR GAS RESTARTING POR WIRE [END OF ARG RESTARTING. User Section Pe eee 34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘24.12 TANOARD LADDER PROGRAM (d) USER OPEN SIGNALS: Editing of system ladder is impossible, however, the seven signals which are necessary for user's operation are available. For example, wire inching can be programmed as shown below. ‘SYSTEM LADDER SECTION (EDITING IMPOSSIBLE) WIRE INCHING REQUEST USER LADDER SECTION OT#125 to OT#128 USER OPEN SIGNALS OT#117 to OT#120 Output No [Ladder Input No, Meaning ‘onwiz5, oTmnI7 1104, 1156 _| Areahortnge restart memory eset ofe6, oTa118 1185, 1166 | Restart reset va (o7e127, OT#19 1166, 1186 | Teh ust | Retmsct OT#125, OT#117 ARC SHORTAGE RESTART MEMORY RESET ‘These signals are connected to signal Nos. 7101 and 7301 in the user ladder. Go ‘When these signals are ON, the are shortage restart memory signal ! Nos. 7100 and 7300 are reset. Use the signals to reset the memory after taking necessary action, when "1: Output error and continue operation” is selected for the are shortage restart method. For system with one application, use output No. 125 and signal No. ‘7101 or 7100. 7100, 7300 ARC SHORTAGE RESTART MEMORY ‘These signals are turned ON at inadvertent are shortage if"1: Output error and continue operation." is selected for the arc shorBage restart method. When these signals are turned ON, a message "END OF ARC RESTARTING" is displayed on the programming pendant. Use the signals to check arc shortage during operation. 3-108 |24 CONCURRENT UO ‘24.12 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM OT#126, OT#118 RESTART RESET ‘These signals are connected to signal Nos. 4103 and 4148 in the user ladder. When these signals are ON, restarting process is cancelled. Use the signals to cancel restarting when "manual intervention” restarting method. For a system with one application, use output No. 126 and signal No. 4103. elected for the OT#127 to OT#128 WIRE OPERATION OT#119 to OT#120 ‘These signals are connected in the system ladder. When these signals are ON, the ( wire operation output to the welder is executed. Use the signals to control wire in the job. The feed speed is determined by the last welding current output value in the co playback. To control this speed, place the "ARCCUR" instruction before the wire operation. For a system with one application, use output No. 127 or 128. 3-109 34 CONCURRENTUO 134.12 STANDARO LADDER PROGFUM (3) HANDLING (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST System Ladder Section ‘Standard ladders are prepared for each application prior to shipment. Ladder programs cannot be edited. — ()— exrenar stan 2010 507, ante Poy pense som cats a 4053, fag pnt aaiE aoue | maser [segs tes et C 4t the] suuacrco, 1 + (] nunvsonesezcr 201s anet HH 7065 4 7067 Pp] tence 2016 feats eae 4, Fortin Dn ae Be _ at) einer Nay rere | Pb} nrc rte 2011 70 | bag _ I srnson 0s ¢ a aie6 beg pt nso j 2027 aio? | Py pF sensor irr ! ise tito bay pe hd crrcor aru 1 aa wor eg pF emo ntrt i ne wi02 by -_—_— tf ton rr aa aos EEE eae eae ae EEE eet eet alice a 2034 bila » at et acide ei ess “108 3-110, 34 CONCURRENT vO ‘24.42 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ES H+ (7 moxsrson S177 | 2036 70352 HH 5053 ~ R $< ritr 2037 7034 ster secnon H 4-4} see rose 05a so10 fee j@ $5 ders toe 7033 4007 feet 1022 Pb | Sane 3177 5053 4030 Hi KAR bt i tition, vost $053. 51777083 4031 Ly +—i | CO srmpeasonon tH | Stoeoe nego Sizrs0s3 wort HH yose 5053 feo pec 7083 mraore cer a eta ic thn TOLe TOS eauanied tore cr aT yore | Bama 1+ RENOTE KEY PULSE rors vi Ly x— yaaps (] samoresnscr yor? 7012 4037] 7026 very | H RH HH 20277012 3033 Hy soa L4 4 |] anuoresextcr 7027 1023 Ly 4 7026 » St 34 CONCURRENT vO ‘34.42 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM — 1 1-4 | ( 702s 214 025 7025 arts 4037 by py |_ 4042 3412 ce rors 216 sass 1 Roa rosa rose 5110 5003 ost 4 4 yes) 703251 rez 70385112 H H tes 7037 $113 Hi H Toso von 3114 Hi H fear 7043 S148 Hi te re12 7048 «3116 Hi HI ( suo | 40s ro HH un ia yi H 4 si HH sa LH suis LH sie {A yer 30765070 PP PBOX OPERATION PeomsiT SEQUENCE WAIT 34 CONCURRENT HO ‘3.4412 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 1 1 € sito To2n bund Pe Ste | sun 7028 " roxs ba Et} Aaa sua 7021 7036 Hb sins 7021 7037 Hy p44 + 1 sue 7021 yous FA suis 7021 ros Jib bo ne eee suis 7021 048 tH + i 010 7020 HH son HH sor re sors BP He ost 1 ( 7087 4032 Hq + $084 5031 7084 HR bt sosa 5082 2088 HAA bh 34 4h s0s4 $073, $014 7020 ro10 i+ ( yor7 vou Hi reir 1+ yo16 r016 3-113 INcuBE SRE roveueseusct ‘conmsung PuavicorNe FRETARATION OR CONTROL POWER oncommusre eioRALLY ON syerex {34 CONCURRENT VO ‘24.42 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM TS rik Oo 7016 ast 701s a Ly oor IH 4444 ( sivo| 1713082 7030 He 3050 be) Ra 5170 4090 hy Rt si sont Ky Ra yos0 5070 70s 1 ¢ ost 4092 RA Rt vaso $172 $070 7082 re ql 5070 3010 ee 5073 sot ooo sous 3012 J | 2020 3013 LH sore } ( ois sore Hi 5016 i+ ; ‘os 301s 3033 Hy }- $1 4 sos 016 3114 won stant RESPONSE: work exD RESPONBE. wore rau rroutate PLAY MODE SETTING 34 CONCURRENT VO ‘24.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM SHS eee eee tte EEE EEE EEC -E reer 5053 3017 Looe Pen CE CE ECE Cran PR PEELE CP CCE Soon pol Hou 7034 * 3020 Kt 7035 3021 | bg} $$ $$ $$$] atone sun 3022 rt Oirrn sont 3023 Bg Rt rccn rarer $186 a036 u eq pt toon saree ( sis7 3027 by poor tates sito 3030 GU Pag pt rocratren sin 2001 Ke _ trot ines 3032 { ‘TOOL VALVE 2-2 302 fy proc atvess “8 sige 3034 be too tv sis 303s * 3415 34 CONCURRENT VO 134.12 STANDARO LADDER PROGRAM ‘User Ladder Section Signal connection specification and interface signals with system ladder are prepared prior to shipment. Including these signals, ladder programs can be edited 204! lore 001 20s lore : oon 3-116 2164 lone or fai) ore or hv BHi7 {34 CONCURRENT VO ‘24,42 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 184 CONCURRENT UO '34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM, 3118 84 CONCURRENT UO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM (b) USER ALARMS Arm No. ‘System Section 5 | |? Riarn Message “AIR PRESSURE LOWERED % OL 0 08 0 98 08 of oy o 10 o ‘oer Section a (c) USER MESSAGES ar Tara Sytem Scion 36 FOO OK SARTO WORE i || TOOL SHOCK SENSOR IN. RECAST | a [At PRESSURE TOWERING rm oF U 06 oe oF 06 a 70 User Section 3119 84 CONCURRENT VO ‘34,12, STAKDARD LADOER PROGRAM (4) SPOT WELDING (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST System Ladder Section ~ do rerat cranr 2010 ‘O10 jp | 2012 $053 CG btn 2013 aod i Ly ped rtxcorm cn 2014 ‘ro2g| CTC fy pt mua one scr ! 2015 40a KA $i + mrcanont str | zis 040 28 fy pe aor ier by jp} iti Ls a] (NTERFERI | a e Ly jp} ttn fay jp >) an 12) 2 bf} 2) ti 2025 "7033 >) moron cna vou 7013 FS] etre rt 3081 Tou * KR rrvore vrs qo1s 7013 700 3-120 | Wy Hi-VH ‘o27 ror | 5055 8081 U H ‘ox Ly co 028, L$ toes eat ‘0s? Ly4— ns i Hy py ps oasis ‘2 25 8218 Cc HRY yp + ro30 7034 s110 —— Tosi 5111 Ht H sz 7036 5112 Ht }—4 7033 5113 bee yo27 tore | 40s7 | 7026 5063 3421 34 CONCURRENT UO 124.12 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM 02 Hb -@—______________, > 4056 4061 4 Renors seict @n0% orRoKIB am apwors woos pox orenanion rowan sequence warm 34 CONCURRENT KO ‘24.42 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM dt > Minera sro | soe font | Ova L, om Ly ona u Hi su3 Ly CG ‘ro21 5076 5070 ep a 1) ern 50 7021 7084 Yt + | scum ers sit 7021 7035 wn ‘roa 7084 | 5176 "7090 Ly Hg |} wc ens 7090 45096, py pe | enero wei 7 "oad eg pep rpm -& [ross ta | te ‘ot | rs Fee "os eRe REE Ree Het tsa nO ng ‘7091 4097 HH }_ $$$ | mavouswaone 70, 7095 yen >| mative m0 012 7086 | 5175, ‘1092 * Ly 092 3.123 | 34 CONCURRENT VO j ‘3442 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ws, 1 rnin rion ‘7092 4136 Ky RY rrevious wero oss “ose | Sone : Ly pq >t rip ni ois 7087 | 6176 soap] swore Go — 78s fk] _@A@@$a@$pa$ap$p$p mt mtorr s G 7093 437 [oe cE ee Eee eee eee ee eee eee eee EEE EEE ge no 7043. Cogr] moe Ly >| wean reson 10s | 5176 5175 ‘rioo | MOMTORMAR Ly | 4107 ly 446. 14 A AV; yf rae cooune co ‘road | 5070 5085 5054 5176 5175 ‘no. | “eam 3124 34 CONCURRENT LO 4.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ‘WATER MESSAGE, 7 A J ‘Tou | 5083 mo HK EM Ee | curenouane ware ‘7050 | 5070 5085 5058 5178 5175 non | “Am HH ‘081 7052 HW 7053 a 7050 | 5053, m™m HH 7051 HH 7082 HH 7053 3125 34 CONCURRENT UO 2412 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM 4 ‘054 | 5176 5175 7105, Be R$ $$. rae, tos 5053 ‘ruag_| PRESSURE MESSAGE 7057 re 7060 | 5176 6175 mos |“ ‘061 HH “o62 He 7063 3-126 24 CONCURRENT vO {2.412 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM a 5 StggNa pracnon ‘7064 | 5176 6175 50585070 04 G Hi ‘067 Ht Ky «| mip oworr C 5054 S070 6085 | 7070 1020 7089 | CUPP NOY Hr — 1155 6053, Hy Yon oworn 5054 $070 5085 | 7071 7020 Tosi | OVTUDN* wa Hii -— 1185 6065 HI bY YY | mapa ovorr 5054 5070 6085 | 7072 7020 posz | OCTFED Nos c Hirait— Tiss 6088 HK KV 4} 4 | anc ovorr C 5054 5070 5085 | 7073 7020 7083. ae H +4 -— 155.6058 3-127 134 CONCURRENT VO ‘24.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM fd eee Eee EEE Pree err ereeereerereerE tae ‘ro30 | 5083 m3 ‘7083 Jy pF To 1088 A _ 707 4094 [| |} 76 was $a 70 4134 Hh 4 700 4010 nor no 03 704 7105, 3.128 sauAL-WELDING (COMPLETED Ne 1 ‘npaeruicener ‘nprervactarnt ‘me nePLaceuRNt ‘ALABDLRERUTEST 124 CONCURRENT VO ‘3412 STANOARO LADDER PROGRAM J Sere svn ‘no. | 7100 7104 ood] NARI CODE Ae 14 nos : H |}——— moa j GU RY rerio 102 7100 7104 7101 doa, | “APECODE A Foe ssn u H ps | srmeccucri / nos Tos 7100 ‘402g | MARMCODE Se | ‘7105 7102 pester cetera aT | wre 4h «| SESS HH mo a hy mu [ue © HH ma Fb] A$ | rare arcrcn mo gf] MassaaReoDE® HH me 3-129 It Pe ‘34 CONCURRENT UO ‘2442 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 4 ant | 70 L, me >| searseonon ms mo 7h 72 sa | ETECODE u fy pt crs coro 010 Py JF cr0 08 3073 20 G Ly jt sopra on 5084 3012 Ly pp yf atararnon 020 soig | Counc “a HJ ‘014 Ba fee rr aa 5015 a0 e fos ¢ Ly 1} more noe 4087 ois | NO He 5055 pd arma serene 5054 3018 (pe (eee 4 rexca mone 5053 aor | | fev een TEE i ‘x | 3-130 34 CONCURRENT UO 3442 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM $A + varnes 7038 soa ff pescee rece cee eee eeee eee eeeeeeeeeeereee | Wo ar of] Posmon comes Pe ee aero pa {| teecimia Cc Kb] | cues 036 3024 Ly $$, rere 3131 134 CONCURRENT vO 13.442 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM Assignment of ladder program in dotted lines, may be changed in accordance with the customer maintenance mode. Pe -_- > 2030 “040 HB _&_ + 2036 7070 rt -}-———.—NNNNN 2087 014 [oe perenne a ren oF 2038 ‘a2 2052 4100 a} 2034 “054 Py pt 80 $030 6181 3031 fy pt sis tose 4} »| sia $035 BR A 7080 3038 qe }A sua aoa7] fee Sasi SIANOARD LADDER PROGAAL User Ladder Section 2030 Jere }oo10 2050) co lone 2060 GRP. ooo [2070 jaRP e050 Go lore ooo 3133 {44 CONCURRENT VO ‘1432 STANOARO LADOEA PROGRAM SS 2100 cRe ano loRP fa120 larP 100 2180 RP ono [ano GRP 0120 2130 cRP 0130 2160 orp or40 3134 r - = =—~—}--- 4 CG I ‘Assignment of ladder program in dotted lines, may be changed I I in accordance with the customer maintenance mode. I | Hy a ! | ious ‘004 1 i Cc | ! | ! Jy Pe *7 | | | 1015, 2086 | | | \ | | | | ! 1020 | | lore | 1 040 1 ! | | | | | | | 4 3-135 34 CONCURRENT VO 134.42 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM Assignment of ladder program in dotted lines, may be changed in accordance with the customer maintenance mode. Sate 1030) orp 3050 1040 lore 1050 lone 1060 cRP 2080 1070 GRE 1080 GRP 3100 1090 Rr ano I | \ | | | I | | | | | | | i I | | I I | | | | i | I | | | | | \ | | | I I I I I | | | | ! 7 I i 4 3-136 34 CONCURRENT UO 134.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM —— Assignment of ladder program in dotted lines, may be changed in accordance with the customer maintenance mode. 1100) lore 120 fax0 lore 3130 1120 lop lasao 1130) lore /a1s0 fio lcRP 3160 t | | 1 l | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | | 1 1 ! | | | 1 1 | | 1 | 1 ! | ! i | | ! | 1 1 ! | 1 | | | = | | | | | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | | 1 | ! i | i | | 1 t | I i | | | I | 1 ! ! | I { I | | | | | | | | | L 3137 94 CONCURRENT 10 ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM Assignment of ladder program in dotted lines, may be changed in accordance with. the customer maintenance mode. py Ry Theo a Ppa eee 181 sit [yp 182 ain I pe 118s aia 1163 3183 64 314 Bb] + 1165, 5188 - I | | | ! | | | | ! | | ! | | | ! | | | | | | 1 1 | | | i | | | | | | | 1 ! 1 1 1 1 i | 1 | | | 184 CONCURRENT VO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM LT (b) USER ALARMS ‘Alarm No, | | “Hine Mee Sytem Section 00 WEEDING ERROR, TTINER COOLING WATER ERROR, “GUN COOLING WATER ERROR "TRANS, THERMO, ERROR. "WIRE STICKING "AIF PRESSURE LOWERED 020 9050 oo o1 2 m m1 05 cs or co om oO oer Section ee (c) USER MESSAGES, Teer ‘System Section POLISH OR REPLACE TF. "TIMER COOLING WATER ERROR ‘GUN COOLING WATER ERROR. GC ‘ATE PRESSURE LOWERED. ‘MANUAL WELDING POSSIBLE. ‘User Section 3139 Pee eee eee {14 CONCURRENT U0 34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM (d) SPECIFIC OUTPUT SIGNALS FOR SPOT WELDING APPLICATION iis7_[_11 6 | 1155 | 1154 [ 1153 [ 1152 [ 1151 [1150 WEEDING ‘ON/OFF IN TEACH 1167 [| 1166 | 1165 | 1164 | i163 [ 1162 | i161 | 1160 L WELDING ON/OFF (In Teach Mode) € u aa 1155 c [Tiss Tratomnc onone YU Ye Inteach mode, pressing [*] and (F5] (WELDING ON/OFF) keys turns this signal ON. ‘This signal can be operated by programming pendant, In teach mode, this signal outputs welding ON/OFF signal to all the welders (TIMER) connected in the system ladder. 3-140 54 CONCURRENTIO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM OE (5) GENERAL-PURPOSE APPLICATIONS (a) LADDER PROGRAM LIST System Ladder Section Standard ladders are prepared for each application prior to shipment. Ladder pro- grams cannot be edited. 1 { fie 7o10 KH a-A- — 2012 4053 Py 7 2013 wore _A_ h 2018 7026 Pl eee eee reer eee eee 201s oat Ps bai yoso FA ba 2020 7030 Fa a ao 703) Fa Rt 2022 Toss Le 2oze 7032 Ly OF 202s 7033 (4 yore 7013 Hi O-4 ton vote Hi KH OF yore 7013 yo Lit | 44 ( 30217012 4057 | 026 1027 a) HH 70277012 oss oa oe soe at41 TOXTERNAL START MASTER 08 ‘AARWERROR RESET ‘Teac moe seLect srenreen 1 renrERExce 2 ENTRANCE PROMONT work PRowurr syrenrenence 3 [ENTRANCE PROHTIBST vrereRsxce RIDE KEY SIGNAL REMOTE KEY PULSE Riwore seLecr 24 CONCURRENT 10 24,12 STANDARD LADOER PROGRAM | 1 (amore seuscr , 1027 02s iH : 1026 | 1-4 k (} roman | rors 4214 4087 | 7025 | 4 + 4 + ( CMD RENOTE MODE. 1-H + : nos 215, woe | | LP 0 | sro oO renititianic in | pe et | nemermir | attest rall aes ir C —ae U 7034 sun Hq K++ H 703270365412 Ht 1H 4 t (| marrmo wen. 5110 | 4061 702i | Bape HH aH ioe U fare eetice ( 4-44] er H t-te HH -44— | rues sind 7021 7036 Pp coe {24 CONCURRENT VO ‘84.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ri ty 4 ae 7020 HH sour fee HH so HH so13 PR be t$ | $054 5073 $014 = 7020 pee Fb 7010 $073 bias) H+ «4 yo17 7017 HH ro ea 016 7016 Ht < 7016 230] ene. Ly st ois Pt de ht ht 3170] 5171 7062, 7043, 040 HH yoso FA A 5170 4090 Pq sim 4091 a Joao 5070 1041 PA a yea 4092 IK Ieee ER EERE eae reso $172 S070 7042 3.143 ana oocuRRENce SaRr RECEIVING PREPARATION OF EXTERNAL START CONTROL POWER oO (oRMALEY Om Worx mNsmucrioN work END Work OPERATING work mez ‘work INSTRUCTION ‘commune Prout Pee eee eee eee eee 12.4 CONCURRENT 10 {14.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ES a. orm 3070 sor0 Lg _ 1 H sarvoon 073 i son fe pj} torres sone sor? aha (| samamon 2020 ; Sanat ioeere HH sou — (| nerrere aca oe sets saa sae C rit ¢ REMOTE MODE r & 4087 sors | seme | tH | 3035 | bg} 0] rerenone serene sose 3016 bg pd rrxcr roo sos3 so17 | = $F vcore 7034 3020 Pp j= 7 rere 7035 3021 PO rot su7 3022 | & H.-F Or ¢ sor Soaat create | es ces 7036 aor ro KA irc 7037 3025 __ a 7 wrore nesrnvcrion 7040 3026 3144 User Ladder Section £34 CONCURRENT IO ‘3412 STANOARD LADDER PROGRAM ‘Signal connection specification and interface signals with system ladder are prepared prior to shipment. Including these signals, ladder programs can be edited. 031 lone 01 aoad, lane ' aos jaxe 03. 206i lore [peed 07 lore [oasq oni lore 006 ros cnr oor aod zi lore loos. aia ne 0 aisd lore on avd lone ona 3145 SESS eee eee ‘34 CONCURRENT VO ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM 2s jane ors: 216 aRP lors a1 7 lore lors: : ian 2180 (4 160 ores (Jf ¢ ‘1s niet Ly i aa, 018 { }- (4 0165 ( 167 107 09) 3146 3147 34 CONCURRENT V0 ‘34.12 STANDARD LADDER PROGRAM ‘84 CONCURRENT UO ‘34.12 STANDARO LADDER PROGRAM SN (b) USER ALARMS “Hiarm No System Section 7 ho User Sction ai (c) USER MESSAGES Alarm Ne. System Section User Section 3.148 Pee eee eee eee eee $34 CONCURRENT VO 134.8 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM, CS UE UE EEE : 3.4.13 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM (1) FLOW OF DATA BY LADDER PROGRAM Flow of data in editing, storage , and execution areas by operation of ladder program is. shown below. | ; a INTERMEDIATE pen execuTow Anca | EOmTING AREA eee, SE “aro sours pe 7 eae Une SAVE | cyscon-naM ledjammmenmaaml CMOS CIO-RAM (MCP 01) (MIF O01) (MIF 04) LADDER PROGRAM DISPLAY EDITING et ‘COMPILATION ! (ave progr soma) | ( mo | NOTES: + Only the user ladder program can be edited. The system ladder program cannot be edited. YU + When the system ladder program is changed, the ladder program from the external memory unit cannot be loaded. + If control power is shut down while the ladder program is being edited, the edited ladder program is lost. The intact program remains in the execution area. + During editing of ladder program, “EDITING” is displayed on the upper right of the C. 1/0 user section display. This indication appears only when the program in the editing area and that in the execution area do not match. Nothing is displayed after compilation of cancellation of editing when the programs in the two areas match. a 3149 24 CONCURRENT VO {4.38 EOFTING LADDER PROGRAM (2) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONCURRENT I/O ‘The following table shows a list of usable instructions in concurrent 1/0. st of Usable instructions in Concurrent VO Instruction Format ie ‘ “Temporary storing of a om s ee en a operon SNC contact cel to tar the Tog ine steNoT | Storenot ean “Temporary storing of STRNOT #IOK intertediate raul in gil perton AND ano |] Fe _| tagcat ano AND #300 anpwor | aNDact | —_j42 | Nand AND-NOT #00 on oR Logie OR oR 0K ornor | onse Nor oRNO? soo ‘opie AND for intermediate anpsre | end sire becaae axpsTR ‘Loieal OR for intermediate onsme | onsere aioe ont our coup — |-( 4 external or interna output | OUT #000 TR woo1K, WY THR Timer TR 4 ONAsay timer sry CONT Honk, YY ont Counter cnr Subtract counter peor csr | sure 700 | | a ean sna josTR moo Fre | | Sree mer 9 cour — | cour cour soa END End Program end END #O00K Relay No, 601K: Timer f counter Now » YY: Setvalue 3-150 34 CONCURRENT vO ‘34.19 EDMTINGLADDER PROGRAM (3) BASIC OPERATION Ladder program is protected, so it cannot be easily changed. The following operations are authorized only to those who,can input a user ID No. © Call up the soft key labels for user functions and press [MORE] and [F5] (C.1/0) keys. + Pressing [F2] (SYS PT) key checks the ladder program in the system section. ‘The C.UO system seetion display appears. wont 2053 Selector [USER PT SYSTEM || SEARCH] NST [[OPERANOE= ‘CO User Socfon play @ Edit the ladder program. + See “(4) EDITTING OPERATION” on the following pages. + ‘The system ladder program cannot be edited. OA After completing editing, press [F4] (COMPILE) key. ‘The edited ladder program is checked for syntax error. If no error is found, the new program is written into the execution area to run. + Ifany error is found in the edited ladder program, the erroneous step is identified. In this case, the program stored in the execution area is left unchanged. » 3151 £24 CONCURRENT U0 134.19 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM fe (4) EDITING OPERATION | (a) INSERTING INSTRUCTIONS ® Press [F4] (INST) key on the C. I/O user section display. Tue_il_ext_ll_esta cour I_auir-1 allon-stall_on _llor.norll ® Move the cursor to the line immediately before where the instruction is to be u registered and press (INSERT] key. © Press the soft key of the desired instruction and enter the relay numbers using the ¢ number keys. @ Press {ENTER} key to insert the new instruction. (b) CHANGING INSTRUCTIONS 1 © Press {F4] (INST) key on the C. /O user section display. | BTANOT] AND [faNoNoTIT our {|} @ Move the cursor to the line to be changed and press [MODIFY] key. @© Press the soft key of the desired instruction and enter the relay numbers using the number keys. @ Press [ENTER] key to change the instruction on the cursor line to the new instruction, * 3-152 34 CONCURRENT 10 ‘3.4.13 EDITING LADDER PROGRAM . re (c) DELETING INSTRUCTIONS © Press [F4] (INST) key on the C. 1/0 user section display. @ Move the cursor to the line having the instruction to be deleted and press [DELETE] key. @ Press [ENTER] key to delete the instruction on the cursor line. (d) EDITING OPERANDS © On the C. VO user section display, move the cursor to the line having the operands to be edited and press [F5] (OPERAND) key. | © Enter the desined numbers using the number keys. =>IMR_ #6010 > 2008 “Two operar @ Press [ENTER] key to change the operands on the cursor line, 3-153 Bee eee eee 4 CONCURRENT vO £34.18 EDMINGLADOER PROGRAM SS (e) CANCELLING EDITING Use the following steps to cancel-editing during the ladder program editing and to. return to the preceding program. | © Press [MORE] key on the C. UO user section display [caNceg 1 Teowenell_aurr = i © Press (F1] (CANCEL) key and [F5] (EXECUTE) key to return to the ladder program before editing (current executing program) . c + Pressing [Fé] (CANCEL) key stops cancelling the editing and display the editing ladder program. Cc (5) COMPILATION ‘Use the following steps to compile the ladder program after editing. @ Press [MORE] key on the C. V/O user section display. @ Press [F4] (COMPILE) key to start compiling the ladder program. + ‘The edited ladder program is checked for syntax error. | If no error is found, the new program is written into the execution area to run. + any errors found inthe edited ladder program, the erroneous step is identified. ( Yu In this case, the program stored in the execution area is left unchanged. » 3154 Pe eee Leen i 34 CONCURRENT 10 £24.14 HOWTO MONITOR SIGNALS. NN 3.4.14 HOW TO MONITOR SIGNALS Signal status can be monitored in the following displays. + To monitor by logie No. (2010, 2011, etc)... C.YO monitor display + To monitor by /O No. (IN#001, OUT#001, etc.)....: ZO status display (1) C.VO MONITOR DISPLAY ‘The following shows an example of /O monitor display. The example indicates the display of general input signals, which can be also applied to other displays. {Select tem wn | waver [erm | eroup am p> ‘C.V0 Monitor Display 00 Select any desired display by using [MORE] and soft keys. Corn) COKGENERALAPUTS TOOLGENERAL OUTPUTS 200 EXTERNALINEVIS SKAKEXTERNAL OUTPUTS 00 SPECCHE NFUTS ot Oe OE Ge oR SOK SPEGRC OUTPUTS OX TIMERCOUNTER TOK AVLARY RELAYS @OQLCONTROLSTATUS —@XXXOLINPUTS © Press [DISP] key and then [F5] (DIAG) key. After pressing [MORE] key, the next soft key labels are displayed. Towon we Tact [Te _amwore P| @ Press [F1] (/O MON) key to display the desired display by using [MORE] and soft keys. Pressing (F6] (DIS CHG) key returns to the soft key labels shown in. 3155 '34 CONCURRENT UO 234,14 HOWTO MONITOR SIGNALS. — el (2) VO STATUS DISPLAY Signal status can be monitored by using input number (IN#) or output number (OUT#) in this display. In addition, sigfidil names can be also monitored. | rr YU me fact D0 [moe] General Output Status Diapay a 8 In the general output status display, an output signal ON/OFF status can be changed. Once the status is changed, that status ie maintained unless the next output instrue- tion is executed, Genera Output Stat Display 3-156 {24 CONCURRENT VO 34.14 HOWTO MONITOR SIGNALS. ‘The following shows the relation between corresponding logic numbers and VO Hl numbers. General Input Signals * taviene. | oor | core [os | oor | os | onz | on | ono wos. | mswoos | aveoo7 | woos | ivwoos | uwooe | twoos | rswoo2 | mivoor | Logie No. | 0027 0026 5} 0028 ooze 0023 0022 021 0020 wos | mors [| mtors | uvwore | nvtors | msoiz | iswom | mero | isos General Output Signals | Logie No. ros | 112 | som | i010 VO No, ‘outva0s | ourwons | ourwooe | ourHoo: LogicNo. | 1027 | 1026 | 1025 | 10% | 103 | so | 102 | 1020 v0Ne. | ourwis | ourvans | ovr | ovrwoia | ovr | ourvou | ourwor | ovrvone Specific Input Signals ul Goat c=] sai) seas tol ant woNe. | snetoos | siswoor | smvtcos | sivaoos | srvtoos | smuwoos | stnwooe | stswoon LogieNo. | soar | 4026 | aos | sors | ozs | com | aor | 020 WON, | sims | sinsors | smvsore | sinvors | steoi2 | sinwo | sunsoro | sinsooo Specific Output Signal : vereno | sor | oe | os | sow | cos | so | som | 010 o 10Ne. | souTH008 |souTw027 | souTH00s | sourwo0s | souTwa0e | souTwo0s | soutmona | soUTHaOL vowieNo. | soxr | ones | oes | som | coz | som | som | som woe. | soutws |sour#ers | soureois | sourto:s| soutso12 | sourwon | soutsoro | sour¥009 3157 ‘34 CONCURRENT vO 2.4.18 UO MESSAGES AND VO ALARMS 3.4.15 VO MESSAGES AND I/O ALARMS | (1) REGISTERING USER SECTION ! User section 1/0 alarms and 1/0 messages can be displayed or registered by the following . procedures. ) Call up the soft key labels for (ORG) and press [MORE] key two times. U VOMSG [1 VOALM IIVAR NAW] Press [F1] (I/O MSG) key or F2 (I/O ALM) key to display the I/O message name (user section) of 1/0 alarm name (user section). = WOOKA $2019. [J WORKA $= 019 LOOK OP _ UST VO ALARM (USER SECTION) ). NAME TINAWE TOUT co VO Message Name Display (User Section) VO Alarm Name Display (User Section) ¢ Move the cursor to the desired numbers and press [F4] (NAME) key. Message and alarm must be within 32 characters, CG + Up to 8 messages can be registered. 3-158 234 CONCURRENT VO 134.15 VOMESSAGES AND VO ALARMS a © Enter the message or alarm by characters. © After entering characters, press (ENTER] key to register the name. WO MESSAGE (USER SECTIONS No. NAME 1 2 READY FOR OPERATION 3 CHECK TOOL (2) DISPLAYING SYSTEM SECTION Use the following steps to check alarms and messages in user section. Editing is not available. @ Call up the soft key labels of step @ in the "REGISTERING ALARMS AND MESSAGES (USER SECTION)" and press [F2] (SYS PT) key. VO message name display (system section) or I/O alarm display (system section) appears. + Up to 16 meséages can be registered. 3.159 Section 4 | HOME POSITION _ CALIBRATING 4.1 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 43 42 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION 4.4 4.3 HOME POSITION ACCORDING TO MANIPULATOR TYPE 4.7 /\ WARNING Before operating the manipulator, check that the SERVO ON lamp goes out when the ‘emergency stop buttons on the playback box and programming pendant are pressed. Injury or damage to machinery may result if the manipulator cannot be stopped in ease of, an emergency. Always set the teach lock before starting teaching. Failure to observe this caution may result in injury by the operation on the playback box. Observe the following precautions when performing teaching operations within the ‘working envelope of the manipulator: + Always view the manipulator from the front. + Always follow the predetermined operating procedure. - Always have an escape plan in mind in case the manipulator comes toward you unex- pectedly. + Ensure that you have a place to retreat to in case of emergency. Improper or unintentional manipulator operation can result in injury. Prior to performing the following operations, be sure that there is no one within the working envelope of the manipulator, and be sure that you are in a safe place yourself. « Durning the power ON to the YASNAC MRC. Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant. Running check operation. + Performing automatic operation. Injury may result from collision with the manipulator to anyone entering the working envelope of the manipulator. «Always press an emergency stop button immediately if there are problems. Emergency stop buttons are provided at the upper right of the YASNAC MRC playback box and on the right of the programming pendant. A\ CAUTION ~ Perform the following inspection procedures prior to operating the manipulator teach- ing. lf problems are found, repair them immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has been performed. + Check for problems in manipulator movement. - Check for damage of the insulation and sheathing of external wires. Always return the programming pendant to its specified position after use. If the programming pendant is inadvertently left on the manipulator or fixture, or on the floor, the manipulator or a tool could collide with it during manipulator movement, possi bly causing injuries or equipment damage. * 42 BEE Se eS eee eee eet i HOME POSITION CALIBRATING (41 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 4.1 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING Home position calibrating is an operation in which the home position and encoder zero position coincide. Although this operation is performed prior to shipment at the factory, the following cases require this operation to be performed again. + Change in the combination of manipulator and YASNAC MRC controller + Replacement of motor or encoder # i + Clearing stored remory (by replacement of MIFO1 board, weak battery ete) | + Home position deviation caused by crushing the manipulator against a workpiece, | | ete. u \ Hi HOME POSITION Home position is pulse position “0” for each ai Gu ‘The deviation values between home position and control reference position are set to parameters. The deviation values are specified by an angle in units of 1/1000" , and vary for different manipulator types. See “4.3 HOME POSITION ACCORDING TO. MANIPULATOR TYPE”. HOME POSITION CALIBRATING. Position the manipulator at the home position by axis operation to calibrate the home position. There are two ways of home position calibrating: + All the axes can be moved at the same time + Individual axes can be selectively moved If the absolute data of home position are already known, set the absolute data again after completing home position registration. Yo NOTE: ‘Teaching and playback are not possible before home position calibrating is completed. Ina system with two or more manipulators, home position of all the manipulators must be calibrated before starting teaching or playback. 43 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING |82 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION, 4.2 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION (1) BATCH REGISTERING ALL AXES © Call up the soft key labels for [ORG] and press [F2] (ORG SET) key. + Robot axis registered in the system is displayed on the soft key labels. [poor [ROBOT all Stat Wl sta2 I] cum T ® Press the soft key of a desired robot axis. The home positioning display appears. c f qs aT ° L mt @ u wor 0 0 a ‘a7 3 8 ™s @ ° T 1st ° T Soi [27 a @ Press [F3] (ALL) key. @ Press [F5] (EXECUTE) key to register the displayed current value of all axes as a home position. + Pressing [F4] (CANCEL) key stops the operation. HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 42 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION LE (2) REGISTERING INDIVIDUAL AXES @ Call up the home positioning display by stepand @of “BATCH REGISTERING ALL AXES” and press (F 1] (EACH) key. SELECT] I [cance [exeoure| @® Move the cursor to the axis for which the home position is to be registered. Each time [F1] (SELECT) key is pressed, the setting of “SELECT’changes “@ (elected)” to “© (not selected)”. @ Press [F5] (EXECUTE) key to register the current value of axis displayed “@ (elected)” as a home position. Pressing (F4] (CANCEL) key stops the operation. 45 HOME POSITION CALISRATING 442 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING OPERATION (3) CHANGING ABSOLUTE DATA ‘Use the following steps to change the absolute data of axis for which the home position calibrating has been completed. © Calll up the home positioning display by steps @ and @ of “BATCH REGISTERING ALL AXES” and press (MORE] key. eowevih T i 1 T © Move the cursor to the absolute data to be changed and press {F1] (NUM KEY) key. @ Enter the desired numbers using the number keys and press [ENTER] key. ¢ If there are some absolute data to be changed, repeat steps@ and@ . 4.3 HOME POSITION ACCORDING TO MANIPULATOR TYPE (1) SK6, SK16 U-axis angle against horizontal line on tne ‘ground (0° ) axis angle against vertic to the ground (0° ) 47 Brexs conta tine angle against U-nis conto tino (90 ) HOME POSITION CALIBRATING “43 HOME POSITION ACCORDING TO MANIPULATOR TYPE (2) SK 120 “ 8-2 contr in angle U-exis angle against agains Uns conte horizontal tine on the ling (0° ) Laxis angle against vertical ting tothe ground oy 48 HOME POSITION CALIBRATING 43, HOME POSITION ACCORONG TO MANIPULATOR TYPE (8) K6,K10,K30 Beaxis contor line angle 5 agalnst U-axis center tine (90°) . vertical line to the ground (90°) U-axis angle against i horizontal tine on tne A] ‘ground (90° ) i fe as | (4) K60,K100 ane angle againt B-exs contr ine ange horizontal tine on the: against U-axis center ine ground (0" ) or) L-axis angle against vertical ine othe ground @o") 49 Section5 | SECOND HOME _ POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN "4 AFTER ALARM 6.1 OPERATING OBJECTIVE 53 5.2 SECOND HOME POSITION 55 * 5.8 ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM OCCURRENCE 56 st /\ WARNING + Before operating the manipulator, check that the SERVO ON lamp goes out when the ‘emergency stop buttons on the playback box and programming pendant are pressed. Injury or damage to machinery may result if the manipulator cannot be stopped in case of an emergency. + Always set the teach lock before starting teaching. Failure to observe this caution may result in injury by the operation on the playback box. Observe the following precautions when performing teaching operations within the working envelope of the manipulator: + Always view the manipulator from the front. + Always follow the predetermined operating procedure. + Always have an escape plan in mind in case the manipulator comes toward you unexpectedly. + Ensure that you have a place to retreat to in ease of emergency. Improper or unintentional manipulator operation can result in injury. + Prior to performing the following operations, be sure that there is no one within the ‘working envelope of the manipulator, and be sure that you are in a safe place yourself. + Turning the power ON to the YASNAC MRC. + Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant. + Running check operation. + Performing automatic operation. Injury may result from collision with the manipulator to anyone entering the working envelope of the manipulator. + Always press an emergency stop button immediately if there are problems. Emergency stop buttons are provided at the upper right of the YASNAC MRC playback box and on the right of the programming pendant. A\ CAUTION ~ Perform the following inspection procedures prior to operating the manipulator teaching. If problems are found, repair them immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has been performed. ~ Check for problems in manipulator movement. + Check for damage of the insulation and sheathing of external wires. + Always return the programming pendant to its specified position after use. If the programming pendant is inadvertently left on the manipulator or fixture, or on the floor, the manipulator or a tool could collide with it during manipulator movement, possibly ‘causing injuries or equipment damage. 52 ‘SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM [51 OPERATION OBJECTIVE Sy 5.1 OPERATION OBJECTIVE If the absolute number of rotation detected at power ON does not match the data stored in the absolute encoder when the last time power was turned OFF, an alarm is issued after the control power is turned ON. ‘There are two possible causes of this alarm: Error in the PG system | “The manipulator has beon moved after power was turned OFF. If there is an error with the PG system, the manipulator may crush when GU playback is started by the start button. To prevent this, if the absolute data allowable range error alarm has occurred, playback and test run are not possible and position checking is performed. Lu Occurrence of absolute data allowable range error alarm ‘Alarm reset Servo power ON Action to be taken after alarm Position checking G Comparison of pulse numbers at the second ‘home position and the arrent position Abnormal Alarm again ‘Normal @Aetion to be taken with erroneous axis + Replace PG system + Home position calibration * Sovond home position ‘means the position checking point ‘SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM 5.1 OPERATION OBJECTIVE | | Explanation on © to @in the figure | © Ifthe absolute data allowable range error alarm occurs, move to the second home position by axis operation andtvheck the position. Playback, test run, and the forward operation are not possible before position checking. ®The pulse number at the second home position is compared with that at the current position. Ifthe difference is within the allowable range, playback is enabled. If not, the error alarm occurs again. + The allowable range is the number of pulses per rotation of the motor (PPR data). ~ The initial value of the second home position is the home position (where all axes are at pulse 0). The second home position can be changed. For details, refer to “SETTING SECOND HOME POSITION’. @ If the error alarm occurs again, there may be an error in the PG system, Check the system, After taking action with the erroneous axis, calibrate the home position of the axis, then check the position again. Notes + Home position calibration of all the axos at the same time enables playback operations without position checking, + Sometimes with a system having a manipulator without a brake, it is possible to enable playback without position checking after the absolute data allowable range error alarm occurs. However, as a rule, perform position checking. co Under the above special conditions, the manipulator moves as follows. ( After starting, the manipulator moves to the step indicated by the cursor at a low speed (1/10 of the maximum speed). If it is halted and restarted during this motion, the low speed is retained until the © step at cursor is reached. Regardless of cycle setting, the manipulator stops after the cursor step is reached. Starting the manipulator again then moves it at the programmed speed and cycle of the job. » 54 eee eee ‘SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO 8 TAKEN AFTER ALARM '52 SECOND HONE POSITION SU 5.2 SECOND HOME POSITION Apart from the normal home position of the manipulator, the second home position can be set up as a check point foF absolute data. Use the following steps to set the second home position. If two or more manipulators or stations are controlled by one control panel, the second home position must be set for each manipulator or station. @® Press {CUSTOMER] key and [F3] (SPEC PT) key. © Press the soft key of robot or station axis to set the second home position. TWORKA $1026 TEACH CYCLE STOP GUST [SPECIFIED PONT ‘SPECIFIED «CURRENT -—_DIFFERENCE| rts. ° 200 000] i u ° ° | u ° ° Ql RB ° ° ol ® ° ° ° T ° ° ° laasex ° ° ° r [psu] i T Tour ‘Spectied Pent Postion Display ® Press [F1] (SN CHG) key to move the manipulator to the new second home position by the axis keys. “HOME POSN CHANGE? is displayed during changing the second home position. The display is blinking if the current manipulator position and the second home Position are not the same. © Press [MODIFY] key and [ENTER] key to change the second home position. 55 ‘SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM {82 ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM OCCURRENCE 5.3 ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM OCCURRENCE ~ A\ WARNING + Toperform verification of the second home position, pay attention to safety around you. : ‘Asa.cause of alarm occurrence, a fault in the PG system can be considered. Therefore, the manipulator moves to an unexpected direction to cause injury or damage to equipment, (1) CHECKING POSITION Ifthe absolute data allowable range error alarm occurs. Reset the alarm “Turn ON the servo power After above operation, use the following steps to check the position. After checking the position, if it is found that the PG system is out of order, replace it or take necessary action. Sce the diagnostic power ON and OFF position displays to check the current position of the robot with the main power ON and OFF, respectively. © Press {CUSTOMER} key and (F3] (SPEC PT) key. © Press the soft keys of robot or station axis to check the position. ‘SPECIFED PONT, SPECIFIED CURRENT DIFFERENCE Aus ° 5000 5000 L ° ° ° v ° ° ° R ° ° ° 8 ° ° ° T ° ° ° BASE! ° ° ° t snouGl GHeccT_our ‘Spectfed Point Position Display ® Move the control point of the manipulator or station axis to the second home position by the axis keys. ‘SECOND HOME POSITION AND ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALAR 553 ACTION TO BE TAKEN AFTER ALARM OCCURRENCE @ Press (F4] (CHECK) key. + Pulse number at the second-home position and that at the current position are compared. If the difference is within the allowable range, playback is enabled. + Ifnot, the error alarm occurs again. ( Moving to the second home position by pressing [FWD] key ) The [FWD] key can berused for operation in step ® . Press [F1] (PSN CHG) and [FWD] keys to move to the second home position. + The axis moves at the selected manual speed. + The [HIGH SPD) key is not available. Section6 CALIBRATION FOR _ ROBOT AXES AND STATION AXES 61 REGISTERING GROUP COMBINATION 63 62 HOWTOOPERATE 6-4 6.3 USING CALIBRATION JOB 67 * ot ‘A\ WARNING + Before operating the manipulator, check that the SERVO ON lamp goes out when the ‘emergency stop buttons on the playback box and programming pendant are pressed. Injury or damage to machinery may result if the manipulator cannot be stopped in case of, an emergency. + Always set the teach lock before starting teaching. Failure to observe this caution may result in injury by the operation on the playback box. + Observe the following precautions when performing teaching operations within the working envelope of the manipulator: + Always view the manipulator from the front. + Always follow the predetermined operating procedure. + Always have an escape plan in mind in case the manipulator comes toward you unexpectedly. - Ensure that you have a place to retreat to in case of emergency. Improper or unintentional manipulator operation can result in injury. + Prior to performing the following operations, be sure that there is no one within the working envelope of the manipulator, and be sure that you are in a safe place yourself. - ‘Turning the power ON to the YASNAC MRC. + Moving the manipulator with the programming pendant. + Running check operation. + Performing automatic operation. Injury may result from collision with the manipulator to anyone entering the working envelope of the manipulator. Always press an emergency stop button immediately if there are problems. Emergency stop buttons are provided at the upper right of the YASNAC MRC playback box and on the right of the programming pendant. A\ CAUTION Perform the following inspection procedures prior to operating the manipulator teaching. If problems are found, repair them immediately, and be sure that all other necessary processing has been performed. * Cheek for problems in manipulator movement. + Check for damage of the insulation and sheathing of external wires. + Always return the programming pendant to its specified position after use. If the programming pendant is inadvertently left on the manipulator or fixture, or on the floor, the manipulator or a tool could collide with it during manipulator movement, possibly ‘causing injuries or equipment damage 62

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