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Daphne Grier
Instructor Baker
Interdisciplinary Project
March, 21, 2015
Earthly Housing Company: Construction Proposal
In the city of Raeford, located in Hoke County North Carolina, the people use 1077 kWh/
month. Which is 19.27% more than the average in the US (which is 907 kWh/month). Costing
them around $141,000.84 each year in electric bills ("Raeford, NC Electricity Rates." Electricity
Local). Considering the average income that households receive each year, the city falls under
the working class. Building a home that is energy efficient and environmentally friendly would
be the start to the future of a city with lower the cost of utility bills.
The way the construction of this new house will proceed will be done as the following
information directs. There has been included an extra two weeks to the completion date of the
construction timeline, due to the fact of the possibilities of delays. The house will be built within
a course of 3 months (see Table 1 for the full timeline). The starting date of the project will be
April 17 and the ending date is July 31. Finishing about a week or so early is a possibility, but
unlikely. The blueprint / floorplan of the house can be seen in figure 1.
(Table 1) Timeline For The Process of the Construction.


April 17

We will begin to clear the site for


April 24 - May 9

We will begin to lay down the base of the

house. (Footer, Foundation, and the Framings)

May 1

Inspection of the footer. If this does not pass

then the process of the foundation and the

framings will be a week behind.
May 10 - May 29

The inside of the house will be getting built.

This includes the plumbing, the electrical
system. insulation, and the drywall (ceiling
and interior walls).

May 30 - June 20

The inside of the house will be done. This

includes the installation of the floor. doors.
windows, and cabinets.

June 21- June 28

The appliances will be put into the house.

These being dishwasher, lights, plugs /
switches, etc..

June 29 - July 13

Final touches to the inside of the house. This

means that we will be making sure the lights
and everything is correct.

July 14 - July 17

Solar Panel installation

July 18 - July 30

Extra time (in case of delay) and finishing


July 31

Open House

( Fig. 1 ) Floorplan/ Blueprint of the house:


Unfortunately, there are possible delays that could happen during the time of
construction. These delays being due to weather conditions, and inspection failure. The weather
conditions that could lead to setbacks would be rain or inclement weather. These setbacks due to
weather conditions could cost the company approximately $30,000. The inspections that could
lead to a delay in the opening of the house, would be the inspection of the footer, floor joist , of
the electrical system, of the plumbing, and the of the overall house itself (see Table 2 for full
chart of possible delays and the cost of it all).

Table 2 Delays/ Setbacks

Delay Type:

Approx. Cost:



Inspection Failure


During the process of your home being built, its going to come with possible risks to the
ones who are building it. These factors being broken or fractured bones, minor and/or major cuts
and bruises, respiratory problems, brain trauma, eye irritation and sometimes death. Many
incidents that happen on a jobsite occur from fall hazards. They are the cause of most of the
injuries that happen on the job. There are many ways for a worker to fall while on duty when
working at a construction site, a few of these ways being they can fall from high distances if
proper procedure isnt followed, they can fall off the roof and a ladder ("Woodhazards."). In
order to try and keep these incidents from happening, there are laws, rules and regulations put in
place for every worker to follow to lower the chances of having them happen. The laws, rules
and regulations that are set in place to keep from having these incidents are the crane operators
certifications requirements, the requirement to wear the hard hats, inspection of ladders before


the worker uses it, and the rules for the Personal Fall Arrest System. The reasons for the crane
operator certifications is that it governs crane safety, the operator is trained in operating cranes
(this ensures the safety for the operator and others). The reasons all workers are required to wear
hard hats is because it lowers the risk of brain trauma. The hats must be either a type 1 hat
(which is a full brimmed hat) or a type 2 hat (which is short brim only in the front), and must be
3 classes in electrical performance. The reason for the inspection of the ladders before using
them is to ensure that the ladder is sturdy enough for the job.
Lastly, the reason for the Personal Fall Arrest System is to keep the workers safe when
they are 6 feet or higher, vertically, above ground. The requirements for the Personal Fall Arrest
System is a connector, body harness, and anchorage. These tools help the worker do his job and
ensure safety while doing so ("A Home Construction Timeline to Keep You Sane - SafeWise.).
According to OSHA (The Occupational Safety and Health Administration) , the primary agency
that is responsible for the fall protection of the workers, set the following guidelines about injury
Employers must set up the work place to prevent employees from falling off of
overhead platforms, elevated work stations or into holes in the floor and walls.
OSHA requires that fall protection be provided at elevations of four feet in
general industry workplaces, five feet in shipyards, six feet in the construction
industry and eight feet in longshoring operations. In addition, OSHA requires that
fall protection be provided when working over dangerous equipment and
machinery, regardless of the fall distance. ("Safety and Health Topics | Fall
Protection." Safety and Health Topics | Fall Protection).


Moreover, with the price of the possible delays included, the overall price of this project
will be approximately $550,000. This is due to the fact that materials will cost approximately
$273,957. There has been $52853 put aside for extra material for just in case purposes. The cost
of each item has been included in figure 2. The price for the solar panels will be approximately
$9,213 The cost for the solar water heater will be approximately $50,000 ("The True Cost of
Solar Power." HGTV.). The market price of the house will be approximately $650,000. All costs
have been provided in the diagram below (see fig. 2).

Total Cost of Project:

Fig. 2

Overall, even though this house will be costly in the short term, in the long run this house
will be the beginning to a bright future for the city of Raeford. The house and more houses like it
would help decrease the energy consumption in the city. Despite the fact that this city is
relatively poor, this could be the way to it becoming financially stable, due to the fact that solar
energy powers the house itself. There are possible setbacks that can happen during the process of

this project, however we as a company are prepared for these setbacks. Thank you for choosing
to cooperate with our company by giving us a chance to build on your land.


(Links have been included just in case you cannot access them with the citation)
"A Home Construction Timeline to Keep You Sane - SafeWise." SafeWise RSS.
N.p., 20 Feb. 2014.Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Cost of Home Solar Power Systems." Cost of Home Solar Power Systems.
N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. <
"Green Building Facts." The Overall Green Building Market (both Non-residential and
Is Likely to More than Double from (n.d.): n. pag. SloCounty. U.S Green Building
Council. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.$!
"Green Construction Techniques." Happy Living.
N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
"NAHB: Valuing Green Homes for What They're Worth." NAHB:
Valuing Green Homes for What They're Worth. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.


NAHB: VISION House at Armory Park Del Sol." NAHB:

VISION House at Armory Park Del Sol. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Raeford, NC Electricity Rates." Electricity Local.
N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Risk Factors." 'Risk Factors'
N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2015.
"Safety and Health Topics | Fall Protection." Safety and Health Topics | Fall Protection.
N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
"Solar Power! Do It Yourself. Links to How-To Information on Installing Home Solar Power."
Do It Yourself Solar. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"The True Cost of Solar Power." HGTV.
N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2015.

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