Goodfield Week 1 Graded

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Career Plan Building Plan Activity: Career Interests Profiler

Gabriella Goodfield
October 27, 2014
Jeffrey Gordon


Career Plan Building Plan Activity: Career Interests Profiler

During the enrollment in the Bachelors of Science with a concentration in accounting. I
was asked to do the Career Interests Profiler. This is located under Career Plan Building Plan
Activity. In the Career Interests Profiler, have four categories. Each has questions to answer and
after answering these questions, results are given. The results will be discussed base on if the
results fits in my desire careers path, was I surprise by the results.
Categories and results
The following are the categories and results. The results are what careers that are
suitable for me base on the questions I answered.
1. Material Recording, Scheduling, Dispatching, and distributing workers:
The result is is a freight forwarder.
2. Secretaries and administrate assistants
In this category, I have two careers the first one is an executive assistant, and the second
is a legal secretary.
3. Supervisors of office and administrative support workers
I have nine results, but I will give only a few. Here are some of the results:
Accounts Payable/Receivable Manager, Collections Manager, Accounting
Supervisor Payroll Manager.
4. Supervisor of sales workers
There only just one result and the result is Sales Supervisor.
Do these results fit in with your desired career path? Why or Why not?


In the most part, the results did fit in my career path. Before going any further, I would like
to define what my career is. I would like a career in accounting or business administration with
contraction in finance.
The reason the result fit into my career path is that all the results deals with accounting.
Example is I can be a payroll manager or an accounting supervisor. There are results that in my
opinion have nothing to do with accounting. Example of this is a freight forwarder.
Were you surprised by the results? Why or Why not?
Somewhat. The results surprise me the most are freight forwarder, executive assistant and
legal secretary. I cannot see or understand what these type of jobs have to do with accounting or
business administration.
In general, the result do fit into my career path. Some of the results, in my opinion, do not fit.
The career profiler did give a wide range of careers I can do. In the most part, the profiler results
are in line with my chosen career path.
Note the highlighted areas and comments that I provided in this graded paper. The errors
in mechanics are the issue rather than the content of your writing. You are double-double
spacing after each paragraph, which creates a couple of formatting issues. If you are using
RiverPoint Writer, you do not ever have to hit the return key more than once, which is
done at the end of a paragraph; the system will automatically indent for the next
paragraph. Additionally, you did not cite the source nor did you provide a Reference page
for the source you obviously had to use.
422 words
0% passive voice (excellent)
6.8 grade level of writing (must be 16.0 or greater)
80% is the grade received

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