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Determining Contamination Levels in Hydraulic Systems ° JOHN A. BRIGGS, ASLE Denly Mechine Corporation, Cler, Most sumercally controlled machine tals wsing lectohydautc serwovalees and moore require clean hydraulic stone if thee acrracy onl relay po ental are to be waz ‘lushing proetures, fd sampling teciniqus, and methods of determining predate contamination are fiscal. Facor infleicing the contamination lve, limitations of the carows methods of detemining the particulate contamination ee, ae mons of contamina ton contol ae ols considered. rom Mater Goose, we learned about the ltl gi who “when se was goo she was Very, Hey good, Bat tren ae as bad She was Roe” The he gi an ‘nonerically controlled machinery have someting in ‘common, for while most af the time the machines are very. very good” sometimes they eam be "hor However dee thir inception some Bites years af, INC machines ae icrensng in ane and thelr FQ i bright. Controls for NC machioory are. generally all tlectonie or tome combination of hycrlice and le Tronics Recent developments Indicate Gat foi inet ite a al NC cot ‘This paper wil concern lf with one of the problems rscocated with mcs that-are coutolled by one Combination of elections andl hydrasies, anda part fut, with the Bydauie Bul and fe cation tte tloctohydrlicservovalves, the servovalve boing the interface between the electronics and te hydaslice Gerhardt wiete tn connection with problems om NC snachineryasngelctrohydauliservo that “the problem ‘vasa fol wit the servovalve (1) "acpi, may 59,1909 {THE BLECTROHYORAULIC SERVOVALVE “Theva of filtration of bya an Ibrieating ols Ins been known for some Une. With ore lity and more precon being demanded of machine tok, the fnachite ool baler mist build tol with adequate Tubveation and hydale systems, ad readily serie thle means af keeping these Buds cee. Tho ast, fhe ‘rants performance a nto the nachines, mt low 1 preventive maintenance program Including such ems ti changing fiers monitoring the cil condtion, and ‘shen conor warant, changing the ol ‘Because of the many advantages of Bud poser, the evelopment of the electobydrelicservovaves Was Dioner by the aerospace indy. The high eliblty te performance demanded of srra, rockets ard as ‘Gata equip required clean fuids andthe means to Keep the fds clean wheter the fds are for ue, for lirication, or for power tsnision. Government tgencies SAE, ASTM, and eer group have doveloped povedes for determining the amount of patcuate Enetamination in fi fr aesoypce we AS the Servo Salve wat serial composont in many contol tens, the fle of contamination om servovaves wa vent fated by many persone (2 oh 4,5. Procedures forthe {esting of servovalve Sa contaminated ds were Hsed by SAE Committe A ar part af ts Aerospace Recon send Prete (87 As the technology developed by aeropace bocame avalble tothe machine too bh, NC machines tere developed and the requirements fo ean hydraulic tne heaton stems betame «part of the machine ‘Unb enany of the toes with ear model NC Inachies could be traced to 1) low dit tolerance of ‘rly types urvoralves 2 margin Brain equipment Trtatled on the machines and 2) poor maintenance proredhes by the ust, Fortunately, throug evoltion el Beller appreciation of the "nage black bor’, improvements ave been ade ty all areas and better petfocning systems ate now common (3). a. tintaon of 6 pa eye Sven A typeat NC machine receives is comand from 4 punched tape, The tape reader teafrs the commands to sletrical signals: Those signals energize a torque motor inthe serovuve and'» apper moved to conta the Mow of uid in proportion to the stength of the signa. “This How sampled in one or more stages to dive the Now of oll oud motor a elie Agu tho sigal 1s proportional tothe lsd motor or einer responses, ‘Tho servovalve signal + very low power—ehnos "en power" They are made to be sensitive so dat thelr Sponse to the input signal © rapid, proportional, and tcurte,Diametral letrances of the pool i the valve body re on the order of 001/0.002 dm. of Tass. This seats tha the elenrance per sde is then 12 to 25 x. Tt ‘would seem reasnable tht if the taxinnm sae of ‘ontanination particles in the hycale ld were kept Ilo the mickmum side clearance, the servovalve will perform properly. Most manotaturers of servovalve for ‘machine Yoo! use recommend 410 meron filter ist ee of he servovalve: Fg Han al ev ‘ave mounted on ane ofthe aes of an NC skin mil fing machine. Note the ite that i mowed js aed ofthe servovalve, THE CONTAMINATION PROBLEM ‘The mechan by which s contaminant partie af fect the performance of servovalve was investigated by Oxgond (8) and hecussed in more detail by Wher (in), A contamination parte night case spool to sein, allow movement in one diestion only, ase Felctional dag. When the trgue moter fevered, @ Valve faire sil asl i my of the conditions exit within the servo. As applied to «machine tool namie Jamming would caee the servovalve spool overeat #0 lag the torque ator sige and rel for example, 1 & machine movement hut forthe commande postion ‘When any of the above malfunctions occur, servovalve carina tthe prime siopect and if thie Ir the ‘step ae taken tp render the valve operable gas td ta prevent the recurrence of particle contamination. “Rerogprce sina serwovaver operating today where the spotbore clearance per side ron the onder of 25 ft Gearances this sal are required not only of the ervovalves but abo of the other components the Iryeule rstem so as to reduce leakage and come uel to Inerease syst efeteney, relly, ad re ‘pone. I canbe expected thit when the machine toot Fads can take advantage ofthis techaology, the mn chine fool builder andl weer wil be forced it cleaner td cleaner hydraulic sstoms, REDUCTION OF PARTICULATE CONTAMINATION The filers recommended by some servovalve sane Factores for machine tool we ae surface type 10 micron nomial rating without « bypass valve (20, 12) Ie uo recomended thatthe iter be placed ahead of and ts clove to the servovalve as practical. Ax a prec onary sesire, must servovalve manutactuets hive ‘oe ornare Alters built within the valve body. rir to Installing servovalve is hydeulie sytem, the system ‘ate purged s ato clean contaminant spite tthe cleaning precios taken ding the eeston of "new machi, any contaminants are present and mst te removed. Atypical hydrate ystern wil ave ase tio ine kor abou ofthe hyde pump a 10 igh presire filler after the pump, and 10 p Str jst then of enh servovalve ted. Hijdraulie reservoirs with, pats of 00 lof ell more are wot uncommon. ‘One procedare requires thatthe hydrant oll must cone fon rlnry sealed 5 gal drums. Ax moon as machine oretion reaches the point vthere il can be Pt inthe reser, of pumped from the drums into tho simp through a 2» iter. The creating pump on the Hydrate ol heat eacnger Is tated Co tthe Inet exchanger. An aulsry pomp draws ol ot of the ‘mp and pomp through 02 ter and then retwms {he wot up. Tt wy saya ow amplet sytem purge tine can bo saved by pre-cesning the hydaie othe reservoir, ad the heat exchanger TAs the hydrate syst Is bolng stalled, bypasses ave pol around each of the ervovaves to temporally Alscomect then fromm the cielry. The 10 ples ust head of servovales are left im the chew When the oi eontamination level in the reservoir with allow ‘le limits, the main hydraulic pump ts started and most Of the hoes, tings, and Hud lines are Hushed A shat ‘of valve fs paced fn each servovalve circuit ahead of "he filter to provide # means of changing ltr elements withotshating the machine of, During the prolitinary Th, all hutllYaler are open so tht the hydrate Fi cutng in exch servovalve erent oop. With he al veloty in this fish Tone Tes Fon that present inthe new oi, the reervou, an the heat "hanger was mah larger than the csntantaton fa the ‘ain pump aul servovalve erat loops. By ing the lay Gerng epspment and paging the yen ol Sump, and beat exchanger fist, eboidrable time could he aed and tatroduction of new contamination re deed, The 1 ieronhydeuali sytem Bers would elo, rapidly diving the Thabing operation. By pre-esning ‘simuch as posse efor thing the complete tem. the filters ahead of the servovalves id not require ‘hanging. Each filter change trace contaation by the opening ofthe flier housing and even more conta nation die tothe filter element isl eng contained ‘Ale about two hours of the pear’ ishing, sl servovalve sta valves except one are closed. With nly ome lop fo accep the ofl volume and by ng, the pump presare to atleast 1000 pal high velaty fll # ciedated throng the dd lines io further east any seal it, et. tat aores tothe ier sr lees Under these conditions ease mat bo taken that the ‘eran tance to give a appoiation of the drgree ‘of partite contanintion preset in «Bud Ode seh feample i ASTAE22TS67T (20) In this est 2 100 ml Hid sunple divide nto to 80 ml samples, pheed fn centre tubes ated with salvent and sp. It tmewsrable amounts of precipitable conaniation oF Sciment can be fod, the contamination lve the hid sap exprened as 0 many lies of con tamination per TAD wl of fi. Unfortstey, though {he test rsp, the acumey in meaning the vl ‘contamination fond nthe Rui through the conte ‘method fs too low to give bt rough gue as to the Contamination level. Rebert (21) describes how the patie count method of ARP 538 ean be related tothe flected particle vole and sggeste Bowe eeainess Teves of fds canbe related to the parte volun, ‘Anoter tet, moti ead the "patch ts ters 1 olme of Hid through itera sae or depth type fier. The color of the Ber allowing the ferig k somewhat related to the level of contamination ong. finaly present te Hid. The more discolored the ter cones the higher the contamination lve: ARP-575 (22) a pate test procadae is wed to evaluat ellbity fof puripe. By using plotodeustometer to determine the des of discoloration, the sett of He path {eae fcreaed Lt the difrnce fn eel of cota tation between fd that are satiactry ad ati {actory for wwe kn NC machine tools iso sight fo be Vitaly undetectable butlers of NC rachis tls ba to chose a txt to determine the level of contamination In lyeeaie fa st would probably be the particle connt method of AID 58, FLUID SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Long fore machine's hdl hid fread to be analyrd, prisons net be made t obtain the samples Gnd to minimize the chance of aio coatannntion geting foto the sample, A sampling valve 6 stale in tach servo lop jst after the filter and elre the sev {Gee Fig) as eath servo Toop shouldbe checked. Four ‘ouce map plate cap las tar were found toe the ‘ost stefatory i which to collet the hid samples Asservovalesare usually not cated where good working space exits, the sample bottle size becomes portant When it time to-stple the hydra dad in 2 machin, sample bots an the tet eqn reqed {or ARP-598 are thoroughly cleaned flowing the te Commend) procedures. The bots are marie or entiation purposes ‘When eich of the srvordve lps has been ped, sit rma tll valor aro open and Had ees ‘rough the entre machine, THe ol tempore as noe reached equim To make sure that contuinants ‘do eot re-cllet So previo purged Toop, the ere system i vena inal purge for about two hours, fer which tie Bid sumpling ean begin. Jost porto rctual taking of «sample, the sping valve ot plug is removed snd the valve dacharge port ands Fouting mirlaces ae washed vith sen of Bred Freon TP. The sampling valve 6 ful) opened. After spproninatly one gallon offi ows out of thesamping ‘ale, the simple botle ea removed, the bot filed with o owing directly oot ofthe sample vale, and {hen sealed” An al stmple from each lop i taken In the manwer deeribed above, A additonal oi sample i ftracted from the simp so tat the cotton of the bulk oil can be determined, The procede a: rosa ‘ended by ARP.S98 followed in proesing te samples ‘Upon completion ofthe test, theft isremavel from the appaati end stored bn a covered pet sh Each ‘di is marked withthe test date, job mamber and serv loop cod. In this way the misosepie examination of the Biter can be made at stane later Une An exp once tciniian can scan the iter sila with, ef 4 0X and IOGX mcroscope and soon tel the approx! imate condition of each lop witht acta! patie counting. It regres sbout 15 min to wash the exp tent, proces the sample, and examine the iter Each Joop requiring an adetional purging is gven another too how purge When the cntannation level fn all ofthe loop are within an scceptable rane, the sere ‘aves ca be installed. Cleaves in ey the sample bottles, taking the sample, and proces are very ant Beer contention ofthe Bt ony nd tate that lop rains farther peri when in ‘he citer within acceptable contamination at, ‘When conditions require that a particle coont be btsine for partils in various ie ranges the micro. ‘copie counting procedore ef ARES is we. AMonal techniques and apparatus to obtain samples plas pete Sequence of mrascopie counting techaiques can he found inthe Milipore Corp. ADMES. (2) ‘CONTAMINATION LEVELS ‘Table 1 shows several attempts to catagorie degrees ‘of contamination fn Akl The chart tthe top, labeled cy {CONTAMINATION BY PARTICLE COUNT ‘STANDARDS FOR HYDRAULIC FLUIDS. PARTICLES PERIOD ML SAMPLE ‘Sytem Casper Tentative SAE-A-SD" ie probly the most widely Known. When technical papers dealing ‘vith the contamination problem discuss the stem eas ‘of contarination without defining las, dhe cass as ley" the SAE-ASD system lass SAB subcommittee ‘ASD ‘esd this clasieation a “Recommended Com tamination Levels", dated Apu 1961, but the SAE has tot yt formally fad the claneation as am Aerospace Recommended Practice. ‘The lower chart, NAS-16%8 (20, shows part of the teuifcation ystems sued ly the National Aerospace Standards Commitee, System cases are numbered fom (0 through 12. From the geometile progression used in tetbling the sytem elas, the ven munbered system thus can be easly determined. A fequenty” wed hyde Mi io aerospace work i MIL-H-S006 B and {he pute contamination lnits fr new fais is shown far eomparstive purposes. No new distal hydraulic tal checked by the author even approaches that level of eles ts important to note tt in each patie size ange, the clas determined by the number of particles oad Jn that range, Ths, if Bias 2 petite cout in the 25-50 range, that would place i inthe NAS-1638 ‘Chas fa apatite count in Ue 15-25 grange of an INAS-1638 Clas tho lad mst he considered Clas 5. Sone NC machine too builders follow the SAE-A-6D contamination lite for 5-10 and 10-25 4 partie ‘counts to determine the system cls. The stem cas is better than the particle count the 10-25 p ange ‘determined bythe SAE-A.BD clas limits and is down igrded if the 3-10 p particle count exceeds the cass Tims by nore than fw clases “Table 2 shows NAS-1638 standard nits for particle se by wight) MIL-S60SB id has, in addon to Date ie range count lis, roquremet that the {otal reside Weight shall nt exceed 0.3 mn per 100m of Bid, As NAS-1008 sates, “A contelaton between ‘Tale ¥ and Table 2 is neither expend or imped ‘The densty of contamination particles varies co widely that it hs not been possible, us ft, to velate particle simu and particle weight forthe many ston involved ‘with contamination of lig gues 2-5 are photomicrgrapte of contamination found in hydraulic cle under diferent circumstances as deposited on the membrane fiter following, ARP-5I8 ” ‘shunubdomlantSaitaacou ey on Tasue NAS 1098 STANDARD FOR PARTICULATE PARTICLES PE TOD ML SAMPLE procedures, Figure 2 (50X magnifation) shows «large ‘umber of particles in the 10-95 see range, A particle sunt revetled that over 5,000 10-25 x see prtices fe present and Sndiats that the loop from which the sample was taken is badly contaminated. The picture Sates the reals of poor sampling procedures forthe ‘contamination war traced to a les carrying enteral pipe contaminants ito the sample bot, A. recheck fof the Bud made ft evideat that the loop was setualy (Case or better Figure isa typical picture ofthe contamination found ‘when testing new hyUrauie oi. Each divion on the sale is 20 Figure 4 shows & representative sample taken from a loop following the recommended paring ie ee See feeroioaaababiatesitontaofanitay and sampling procedares. Each dvision is 10 mirons {Sethe cae ws tabled ob better than Clas 9 re 9, each dvson represents 10 and very large ‘mamber of pats les than 10 mean be sect This at ‘ipl was taken froma machin hat had been operating for several! monks, No parties over 25 pcould be oud From the ema rier of 5-10 y_ partes, he syste clas beyoa an yo particles over 25 nero ound, the sytem cast cold be considered 0 ‘Upon examination of the Scope of NASB, ‘lealnes restements ate for as recelved yale hid or for the Tis when placed Ito a ese “The Sop us thi to do with the id after in the sub und ht been operating. The SAEAD recommened contanination tins alo apis to ew fic "When the machine tel aller puts lan yee Mi nto a machine for the fst tie, the Ail ats ara solvent an earl forthe conten tants tht are preset inthe lateral pats. Afr afew frases throughm newly avembled machine tht bas 0 Firion quinn, clean fd wonld son become sey. cntamiated With Hering and following Drging proce, the builder can rece the particulate ‘Satan present inthe lt some predetermine level that content with the lvl of filtration wed stalled mot NC chine tol bilder recommen to tor caomers that before a machine Is mae ready {0 nn, the hydric ld be fered ni the partie late contamination levels at leat SAE-A-6D Clas love or euivaent "An NC machine tol in production generates partie: tte comaization in the fic Mt the rest of swear avalon, erson, fd breakdown, et. Pate Ite contaminants enter the hydric system through Uathers and sea As cootamionnts ae aed tothe ‘yaa fi, the filters are ating to remove the par cles to the extent of their expaiity while Deskdown lng pti foto sal piles acento the shearing action of pun, valves, ahd other moving ‘components igre 6 taken from the work of Fitch £25 an stows the resus of 25 lter coupled with the efecto partie breakdown on hye ld of & SAE-AGD Cla 8 contamination fvel Note tat as the her pleks up contamination from the ithe fer set fever i wer re paises 0p ay {ie dri noma operation, the hyrai ud parte Contamination dtrttion eave il be somewhat" shaped As noted, the photomicrograph in Fig 5 was obi {oom hye il sample that fad been eulating ina machin for several mouths, Filtering of te oi sample through a 047 pier as vequied by ARP-S8 took any hos 1 i apparent then that atu ‘Wut a prt avenge mabe of particles 1 hydanlie Bid from operating equlpment not the “ame athe dttion fond inthe cleanliness level ‘ues of SAE or NAS ad tht the SAE aed NAS con tamination lovee donot apy i thi sitaton “The eb of partite contamination fits based on gravimeter preicament Wear 1 particles that sppear only after & machine In se are ‘owl ion. Estates of the weight of ron preset in the partite contamination on new off saps for gravimetric analysis vary Dt so toe about IO, AS the ir content of the contaminants erases due to the ation of wear particles, gravimetric anabsi proces show a iceease in the weight of contam fants preent In 4 smple even Dough the manber of large partiles decreases (26, MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEM CLEANLINESS "The yee ia at et mac, bc ep ‘lean by the mechanical scion of fers and by the ‘hemical aston ofthe additive package placed the fui. The types of ltrs wed in mos instances remove sol or ylantinossparles to the lit of the hes. "These ttersdo nat generally remove toil r gaseous contaminants Most servovalve manufactures and {machine tool builders recomend that the hydralc Abi ler be rated at 10 nomial particle ize. Note that in Fig, 6 the na Hint of uation in sytem protected with 1 potnnal 25 ler i about 18 p. A ‘ominal 1 je Blter shold ive etter than 10. firstion Stor many” pases Urowgh the filter, Saver ines ve backed aay from alraine Slzation not because ood filtration i. tant at that's stern wl ‘loan Hl with high-quality kes somewhat coarser han ial not disturbed (27). “Alubrcation engineer might thenask whether efectve contamination contol of hydraulic ful Is posible se fo, what Tits of contamination should be placed. ‘on Rois for we in electrchyralle servovalve controled INC machine tol fective contamination contol snot Just a mater of ler as Walthall 28) esr. Stem planning ostion of iter, heat exchanger capacity, te fre uta few of the tems that have been considered ina machine's design to redce the generation of pat {slate contamination. Servovalves isle ten years ayo are probably df {ere than servovalve wed tday—even from the be manufacturer, Because of diferences indesign, the 4 ston ot coma gie sie dion 6 tolerance of servovalve operating in contaminated Buide ‘avis from menulecwer to macufacirer, In general, nos servovelves made today will operat tn Fu with high amounts of particulate contamination. The nomial 11 icon tation requested by met sanufactrer of indus servovalve will, vader novel wage, Keep servvalves wear toa tolerable minima, ‘Ara general rule, no mean of the degree of conta nation allowable, ether by particle cout o by gravi- tis i apecfed by the manulactarer. William (2) Contes that with today’s servovalves and Matin, ‘ontannation i no longer a pralem. When considering the warranty Mf of «servovalve, Wallan sys farther {Oat the soamioaton level rater than the degen of Silraton ie the deiding factor, Inaerapucesvovalver operate at higher prewar and under wide range of environment. Ashman ile may Alepend spo the prompk and accurate response of s¥o- wales, the needs forthe est practice in hydra Bl Clesalines are necoary. In Fejard to machine took, ‘lurablity tthe major consideration, Ae mentioned pre ‘iosy, when machine Is operation, prtelatecon- {amination generated asthe esl of Wear, cavitation, ‘rosin, ete, These particles are generally of fon com postion adhere arenbresive. Abrasive particles cried Ing velocity ll ean generate more abrasive particles. High veloty oll would be ound in pumps and valves ‘Within serves, lan, clearances, and nozzles are par lav subject to high velocity ofan erosion ean cme «problem in time. An approximation of the eflets of ‘wear by ersion as fant of partie size canbe made the particles ae asmved spherial. A 10 1 portile vill have elght mes more hong effect than 5 x par ce, Noemally the high capital cost of a NC machine tol rete thatthe utiation of tho machine be at a tion Ht hus be ettate! that the normal wea find tear on an NC machine tol fs tome three times Higher than onthe stme type of conventional machine tool In terms of elapsed te, the wear on hydraulic sgstem components of NC machine tools seems high i ‘Compara to the conventional sachin) ‘CONTAMINATION LIMITS Barring lated instances, itis generally recogized that sorvovales will erate in Suds with «high particulate ‘contnintion lel (20 31) 1 abn grand that ‘loan Bly servovaves will give liter, prformance fd more relat than a contaninated Mea at “hanging ler elements at rela time Sterva sot ‘esiable nor vequted. iter elements shuld ho changed ‘whenever the diferent] presire arom thee exceeds the syste maxinun diferent. Opinions begin to Aller when & demarcation line mst Be drawe the Aogree of iva. ‘The absve partie generation cycle can he reduced by ving Be fran. It ean be Inoken Dy caging the hydealie hid. Many other bene wil occur by changing the hyiaulie td Por ove thing, water Wat fay have entered trough the reervoie eather or though leakage in water! heat exchanger can be renoved. Fld contaminants resting fom ossdation ‘an be Bed Sr the sso, Ondation products Lead to varaish and shade depots (2). The adtve package placed in many Bde chs eal deartiatrs, st {ahitr, foun soir, oiaten into at-wear yen, te can ecome depleted tough se la shor, ‘any contin cannot be removed by zation al tod so, dhe Mad elf mst epic “The lbrieston engineers plant sig NC mache took, mst operate within the managements alte toward maintenance. If nasagamat sys fx It when it breaks" then the best tat ean be hoped fr eo Change Bltee when the dileenial sere the Alter ‘exceeds recommended ints 1 mmagerent looks 3t total cos and not fs sintenanes, then the Iabviaton ‘engineer shold procure the equipment to meanare the “mount of prelate contamination by the particle count method inter the of condtion ever Si of machine tee apply a wary clvo-yp pump-ier with 2p ‘ements to the Hd the reserva when the patie ‘at forthe 510 range xed the SAE- AD Clase Teves an change the 10 fers whenever the diene Ail pres encede the axinen working ifereta Monitoring the ol edition aso shou inh checking the water content, which should be less than 0.9%, the nso, and the neatalization number any of these eae fadiate thatthe Boi i becoming contaminated swith gus, the Bid should be changed iri nother ‘outaniant that usally cannot be removed with Hes. “Anion agents are added to hyale lds to get « ‘api separation of si, While the efecto air are beyoe the intent ofthis dcson, should bo noted ato trained ae tn May, when compres fe, 2000 ps ‘or more, can bocome very hat local. This generated Treat causes the fd surzounding the bubble to burs. As the products of combustion ate both Aud ad solid ontaminants, more contamination can be generated ‘CONCLUSION “The tate ofthe ti ch that wo conchsive fad ‘ontasination loves canbe ves a Hew of standart the author fas presented a stuation 10 a Ibviaton fngincer with a minions and dale approach derstanding the partelste contamination problem. ‘The paper replete wih relevenes to enable the lubrication engingor to decide what best for his own lation and to make him aware of the prblens ad ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “The author whes to thask the Ons. Machine Divison of Danly Machine Corporation for the we of {scien au infonmtion io preparing > paper J. Corrigan and W. Prange fr photography assistance: CAT Anderson for artwork, and hs we Mary for -reparng the manent Gator J. fa at ve eer Eom ee USES ian tl Pt int, Wel SA ty ee Timi eve Wren ean Rn 2 ‘Mie tb Sh A, “Cotati dS Valetta” Mya ecmae Ca and Sher EA “Cantatin ad {ten Cesnation” iy on Prame SSL, ace «cnt ere Shs Sue ocean at oa certs ome roa ars Eat tc ses pss Sere tr ean ee aa cites SE rR renemea tee ey ee 2 Guage pea ena @ o sey ack ro SA seu Tl Te Meo Sd Ree Nd 15 “Pre fr the eter sikh a (U9 “Mate Te fo Patente Cantino inn Fenster eee cng ta (in Sogn Appt Pipl. a Opie Ini wpe erp lS cE a a Tad eas “a at in aig Of" 4ST RTT. Gna ht Pm Hever ik, fee ey rr Mie al bi 29 "i a i Cam (2h “Chalo Rents of Part id Hye Sysos™ eS Naat" Colonne “td” Pos aca a 99 Soe et ae Som” Mae Di ‘en yr aod Prat 11-0 et a9 Mins Uf tain Ea Src Fe stn? Hats and Raat HI 09 DLR, “nye ty ed Rese Ga of Fine fon fda a Pr, t (re 8 can Ramah “Hegde Sao Yen” aes and Presto 18) ‘ert ron Cig © Spee @

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