Utah Geek Magazine #4 (Mar-Apr 2015)

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Publisher & CEO

Dennis Lundstrom

Executive Editor & VP

Leonard Simon Nimoy, the man we knew
and loved as "Spock" in the Star Trek franchise, beamed up for the last time after his
83 year visit to Earth. The iconic First Officer
passed away after fighting a long term
battle with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease on Friday, February 27. 2015.

Adrian Broadhead

Contributing Editor
Ricky Alvarez

Contributing Writers
David J. West, Deborah Moore, Carter Reid,
Daniel Swenson, Nick Montelongo, Ashlee
Johnson, Tom Carr, Zac Johnson, Brian Wiser

We knew him best as our logical friend Mr.

Spock, but he was also a film director, singer, song-writer, poet, and photographer.
His 1967 debut album, Mr. Spock Presents
Music From Outer Space reached #86 on
Billboard's music charts and included his hit single, "A Visit to a Sad
Planet". Blending traditions of his past and his art form, Leonard
used half of a hand-shape from a Jewish ceremony to create the
now ubiquitous Vulcan gesture for "Live Long and Prosper. The
symbolic greeting spread, giving Star Trek fans the opportunity bless
one another each time they meet.

Utah Geek Magazine may, or may not, agree

with the articles, interviews, ads, or reviews
herein. Copyright Utah Geek Media LLC. Reproduction without our expressed permission
is prohibited.

Mourning the actor alongside his beloved character, fans have

gathered in chatrooms, and on Nimoy's star on the Hollywood Walk
of Fame. Theyre leaving tokens, consoling one another, and reigniting the art form of Spocking the Currency once again in Canada.

Website: www.UtahGeekMagazine.com
Email: info@ugeekmedia.com

Nimoy was a champion of women since the 1960's (insisting on

fair and equal pay for co-star Nichelle Nichols), and of body size
acceptance. His photographic collection The Full Body Project
(2007) featured images of plus-size women laughing, dancing and
staring proudly into the camera. "These women are projecting an
image that is their own, he said. And one that also stems from
their own story rather than mine."
Spock's Captain, and Leonards long time friend, William Shatner,
was seen crying at the airport just hours after hearing the news of
Nimoy's passing. Shatner was unable to attend the funeral due to a
prior commitment at a Florida Red Cross fundraiser. "I feel really
awful, Shatner said on his Twitter feed. "Here I am doing charity
work and one of my dearest friends is being buried." Fans and tabloids dug in, labeling him "Captain Jerk" for missing the funeral, but
his daughters attended in his place, and he took to Twitter to defend himself shortly after. Shatner led fans through a discussion of
Leonard's life the next day. "Leonard was a gem of a man," he said,
"Serious, practical, but unlike Spock very warm and loving."
Thoughts echoed by Rabbi John L. Rosove, who spoke of the deep
passionate love Nimoy shared with his wife, Susan Bay. "He was
unflappingly honest and warm-hearted. He was humble and a gentleman...who recognized his family as his greatest treasure and
Leonard Nimoy was a tremendous treasure and gift. He taught us
to stay calm, to trust logic, and that change is the essential process
of all existence. We may not want to celebrate this change, but we
can honor his memory with a traditional Vulcan funeral dirge.
- Stephanie Sharp
Utah Geek Magazine

On the Cover:
Photo of the Baron Woolen Mills, taken by Dennis Lundstrom, Utah Geek
Magazine, on July 25, 2014, a month after the fire.


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Page 4

Pi Time for Fun

By Deborah Moore

March has a unique holiday that is celebrated all over the globe,
and our family enjoys it, too. What holiday are we celebrating? St.
Patricks Day? Palm Sunday? Purim? Try again. Were celebrating
International Pi Day on March 14th.
So why is
March 14 so
When writing
out March 14
as a decimal,
the number
3.14 represents the first
three digits
of pi. This
year is especially unique because we can add in the year 2015 to
make the first five digits of Pi (3.1415). And, at 9:26 AM and 53.59
seconds, well hit 12 digits (3.14159265359)!
Ok, Im not a mathematician. What is pi? Pi is the mathematical
constant that represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to
its diameter, so its used to calculate one when you only have the
other. It is also an irrational number, which means that it wont take
any guff! Actually, it means that it never ends and has no pattern or
repetition to the digits, even when calculated to over a trillion digits.
People typically celebrate March 14 by buying pie, but not at our
house. Instead, were going out to The Pie Pizzeria because they sell
pizza pies, its called Pi, the pi symbol is right there on their label,
and their pizza is round! Here, Im going to share with you how you
can share the love of pi with your children, by calculating the circumference of a pizza. But beware, the following activity isnt for those
parents who adamantly tell their children not to play with their
Once you have your pizza, let your children measure the distance
from one edge to the other, known as the diameter, with a tape
measure. Be sure to help younger children with this so they dont
turn the tape measure into a new topping thats unlikely to catch on.
Photo: www.piday.org

Now, show them how to multiply the diameter by pi and they will
have the distance around the entire pizza, known as the circumference. You can do the same thing with their plate, assuming it is
round and not one of those modern square ones, which would probably be a bit less messy.
If this is all a bit low tech, or messy, for you, have no worries.
Bring up YouTube on your smartphone and have the kids watch The
Pie Episode: Math Bites with Danika McKellar. McKellar is an actress, math major, and education advocate. The video will teach you
and your kids a few more fun facts about pi by using a Star Trek tiein and a song with guys in tutus. Needless to say, my daughters love
the video.
Im looking forward to enjoying the pizza and showing my girls
how fun math is. So what about you? Go ahead and have some pizza from The Pi, or any pie that you love, on March 14 and enjoy it in
the name of mathematics! Whats not to love?


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Page 5

he feeling I got as I walked into

that building was like being hit by
a bolt of lightning. It was more addictive,
and more thrilling than anything you
could imagine. The rush I felt would become an obsession to me. The Baron
Woolen Mills would become my
hunting grounds of the paranormal for

the next eight years.

I recall the first time I saw it, the mix of
old and new architecture. It had a soul
that could not only be seen, but felt. Regrettably, one of Brigham Citys oldest
historical sites, along with one of Utahs
most paranormal, burned to the ground
last year. Videos of it turning to smoke
and ash can be seen online, but the feelings of those who loved it, as much as I
did, can never be felt.
The Baron Woolen Mills was built in
the eighteen sixtys and was the crown
jewel of the city of Brigham. The small
community put its faith and hopes into its
foundation, only to see it burned to the
ground, the first time, on its opening day.

Five years would go by before it would

open again, but only to fall under government bureaucracy. It wouldnt produce a
single product until the early nineteen
hundreds. Thats when a pioneer family
who had come across the plains took
ownership of the building and began a
family business, a
textile business that
would last almost a
hundred years. Their
blankets would be
owned by Presidents,
Heads of State and
even Kings and
Queens. They kept
our men at war warm,
gave women jobs in
sales for the first time,
and employed hundreds in a time of
depression. The Baron
Woolen Mills was not
just a place to work; it
was a place for families to come together.
Many would hold their first job at the mill,
and retire from it many years later. This
building would not only become my second home, it was like finding a long lost
As a Paranormal
Investigator, just
having the chance to
walk in a building like
this was an honor.
Later, I would be
given keys. I would
become one of its
caretakers, and I felt
as if part of me was
in this place as well.


Many people gave their time and energy

to keep this great historical site alive, and
not all of them were of this plane.
One ghost we believed still walked the
halls was the original caretaker himself.
We called him Phil, and he would be the
first spirit I saw in its halls. Not long after I
was given keys to the Barons, I, and many
others, were there doing yard work and
general cleaning. Years of being empty
had caused the property to fall into disarray. It was late afternoon, the sun was
setting, and we were done cleaning. I was
climbing some stairs, heading towards the
front of the building, when I saw him for
the first of many times. He was a little
over six feet tall, had gray hair, wore an
old baseball cap and dirty coveralls, and
had a shovel in his hand. It was more than
just a flash, or a trick of the eyes. He
stood there watching me, as if not sure
what to think of this other man doing the
job that used to be his. I could only stop
and stare at this full apparition, this ghost
from another time. I would see him time
and time again, as would many others,
over the years to come.
Phil is not the only ghost I would encounter in these spiritually filled halls.

Mary was a young woman I believed to

be about sixteen, who met her untimely
death by the hands of a local man. He
abducted her and dragged her into her
into the darkest and coldest room this
factory had, and kept her there. The
building was abandoned, with no one
would care for it, and she spent a week in
her own, personal hell. Her torment
would last long after her death, though.
When on ghost hunts at the mill,
women who approached the area where
she was held captive would find themselves turning away. Some would feel
sick, others would be brought to tears
and not know why. Marys spirit spent
almost a hundred years trapped here.
After his death, the man who took her
life would spend his own hell here, too,
keeping her stuck in fear and judgment
for what he had done. I, along with others spent many nights trying to let her
know it was not her fault, and that it was
time for her to move on.
Not all of the spirits that haunted the
mill were sad; some played and sang. A
young boy was seen playing down the
halls. A young girl was heard singing, and

even felt, holding the hands of women

who had come to the mill for ghost hunts
late at night. Others are darker, trying to
strike fear into those who walked though
this building.
I called him Lurch. He would only ever
be seen as a dark shadow, and he had
this twenty-year experienced ghost
hunter running away from the mill one
night. I never felt as though he was demonic, but he sure was evil, and he enjoyed feeding off others fear. Not far
from where Mary died, a small room
would be Lurchs hole. He waited for
others to come in and feed off their fear.
It was as if he would wrap you in a cold,
wet blanket, with no escape. The air in
the room would become thick; your temper would grow the longer he seemed to
cling to you. Even feelings of hate would
fill your mind. I recall standing in this
room losing my breath and feeling as if I
was slowly drowning in my own sweat. I
ran from that room and would not return
for months.

a fire. The old dry wood and wool was no

match, and it quickly turned into a fivealarm blaze that could be seen for miles.
The mill was destroyed.
I have not returned to the mill since its
fatal night. The city of Brigham has not
only lost its crown, but we as paranormal
investigators have lost a home. Trust me
when I say I could have spent the rest of
my life caring for and loving this great
historical site. If you had the chance to
explore it with me, I am honored to have
walked its halls with you. If you never
had the chance, I am sorry you missed
out on so much history.
What will become of it now? I dont
know. There is a small part of me,
though, that hopes Phil is still trying to
keep it alive, that Mary has a smile on her
face, that the little girl we heard singing,
and who held the hands of women who
visited the mill, has found some peace.
But most of all, I am happy I had the
chance to explore this haunted spot of
Utah history.

On June 29, 2014 a young man entered the Baron Woolen Mills and started


Page 7

By Daniel Swenson

After Batman vs Superman, they will release nine

more films, and then
rently holds the movie
launch into the Justice League universe,
rights to the publishers
starting with the 2016 Suicide Squad adaptamost recognizable hero,
tion. Whats Suicide Squad? Why do you
Spider-Man. So, Marvel had to go a different want to watch Suicide Squad? How does
route to counter DC Comics The Dark Knight, Suicide Squad work with Batman, Superman,
released the same year, and still considered
or anything else?
by many to be the greatest comic book film
Batman vs Superman will likely explain the
ever released. As a result, we have a Robert
connection, but DC is taking a gamble that
Downey Jr. film about a billionaire playboy
audiences across the country will buy into
with a fancy red suit as the foundation for a
an entire franchise after spending a mere
two hours with them. On the other hand,
And let's face facts, Iron Man isnt a nobody Marvel hedged its bets, and spent careful
The plans for Phase 3 of their movie
in the comic book universe, but he isnt near- time on feature films for the core of its frandevelopment calls for scripts featuring a
black lead character (Black Panther in 2017), ly as mainstream as some of the other Marvel chise. Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and
heroes like the The Hulk, Captain America, or The Incredible Hulk were all given their own
and a woman (Captain Marvel in 2018).
films before The Avengers in 2012, which
There are other things to note, like the fact even Daredevil. Thats exactly why he was
the perfect place to start the Marvel Cinegave the audience multiple windows into
Marvel plans to release three films every
matic Universe. Fans could like Iron Man, and the franchise. Not big into Iron Man? Try
year, and when you factor in the existing
still have plenty of room for other heroes as Captain America. Like your comics with a
television show Agents of SHIELD, and the
upcoming Netflix series, Daredevil, you real- well.
dash of sci-fi? Have a little Thor.
ize that they have really decided to truly
Commitment to the Marvel Universe
There will always be a market for good
make their mark on the future of entertainmovies
Nolans Dark Knight trilogy was segregated
to a fault. These were movies about Batman
The inevitable worry that the comic book
In contrast, DC Comics has failed in capital- and only Batman. This segregation worked
genre would grow stale by the end of Marize on its success with Christopher Nolans
for Nolans purpose, but left DC Comics and
vels 2019 run is understandable. It will have
brilliantly done Dark Knight trilogy, muster- Warner Bros. with absolutely nothing to build been 11 years and 21 films since Iron Man,
ing just one film since the 2012 release of
on. Not so with Marvel.
and that might be just too much big screen
Dark Knight Rises. DC will be starting its own
geekdom for anyone to handle. But what
With the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there
offensive on the box office, but not until
also must be considered is that each film
2016. I fear this is just too long of a wait for were subtle clues sprinkled throughout the
Marvel has made is excellent on its own,
films hinting at the stories to come, including
fans, and ultimately it will be too late for
while still fitting in to an epic series.
Batman, Superman, and the rest of the Jus- examples of Captain Americas unfinished
shield and Nick Furys query about the
Some films are better than others, of
tice League.
Avengers Initiative. They had a plan from the course. But collectively, they have always
Marvel has taken an expansive universe
beginning, and has always aimed for more.
been at least good, if not great, films. Ultiwith near-limitless dimensions and layers,
mately, thats the key to any franchise. Peoand has made it accessible to even the most Timing is everything
ple want to watch quality entertainment,
casual of viewers, including those who
Since Iron Man in 2008, Marvel has reand thats what Marvel is offering. They
arent comic book fans. Theyve made their leased an additional nine films, and at least
have compelling characters with nuanced
cinematic universe financially bulletproof
one every year, except 2009. By staying con- storylines, and it just so happens that their
and virtually indestructible. Its an achieve- stantly relevant, they have also built up an
particular brand of entertainment also inment unlike any other in the entertainment audience that not only wants a new comic
cludes superpowers, spandex, and Norse
industry, and theyve managed to do it with- book movie every year, they expect it.
out the three most popular superheroes of
DC Comics plans are to release Batman vs
Marvels foundation has always been qualall-time.
Superman: Dawn of Justice in 2016, four
ity, and its their quality has won over HollyNo Batman, no Superman, no Spider-Man. years after The Dark Knight Rises, and three
wood execs, has continued to make them
years after Man of Steel. Theres absolutely
money, and has made it easier for all the
The Marvel revolution started back in
no continuity here Batman wont even be
comic book fans, like myself, to once again
2008 with the launch of Iron Man starring
revel in our comic book geekdom in public.
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. Sony cur- played by the same person.
I remember
growing up
loving comics, but back then it
wasnt something
you really told your
buddies about. With Marvel's latest movie
announcements revealing another five years
of comic book movies, culminating with the
Avengers: Infinity War in May of 2019, the
scope of their plans are completely unrivaled. However, the most impressive move
that this comic book publisher made has
been in its diversity.


Page 8


by David J. West
The story so far:
Kenaz, an information broker, can step
outside his own body to gather secrets. He has
been blackmailed by multiple sinister parties. If
he doesnt give them what they wanta powerful artifact known as the Reliliqymany lives
besides his own will pay the price. He has less
than a day to get it all together

Chapter 4. Burning Ice and

Freezing Fire
Feeling like a lamb led to the slaughter, I
was guided up the hundred and one steps of
The Salamanders tower. At the top we entered a circular stone room devoid of any
furniture but the rectangular ensorcelled
Lay down on it. Lysandra commanded.
Please? I said, smiling at her, but shed
have none of it.
Behind these bizarre preparations, Pike, a
wastrel conjurer, finished his final evocation
of ice.
Black sewers of Shahor! Do I have to be
this frozen? I shot up.
Yes, Lysandra answered sharply, forcing
me back down.
How did I get into this mess? Witches,
thats how. Now I need all sorts of assistance
from law-challenged people such as The
Salamander, Pike, and Lysandra here.
I forced myself to lie across the platform
as Lysandra put thick leather straps over me.
If she wasnt known for cutting things Id
probably enjoy being this close to her.
Ah, the lovely Lysandra. Beautiful, tall, cut
-you-like-a-dagger-for-looking-at-herwrongLysandra. She and her Moon Sisters,
are near the top of, lets call it the redistribution ladder. In Tolburn, where You worship what you can afford, they have made a
fortune by stealing from the rich to sell to
the richer.
Hold still, said Lysandra. I dont need
you conscious.
Sorry, Love.

Lysandra frowned. Dont you dare call me

that again.
I dont rub shoulders with Lysandra and
the Moon Sisters much. We do each other
favors on occasion. Presently, Im not happy
with the Witches of Vavath, and I need Lysandras skill to help retrieve the Reliliqy, along
with the current pressing matter that requires
immediate attention.
Die and Rise! I cursed. Its cold!
Relax, Lysandra said, tightening the
straps on my limbs. She put a tourniquet on
my left arm just above the bicep cutting off
circulation. Did I mention Im laying upon a
platform of magically crafted ice? Something
awful hard to come by here in the summer
month of Quong, no less.
My grandmama used to ask me You
know why its called the month of Quong?
Because its so hot we all stink like giant
Have I cut the blood to your brain? Youre
talking about your grandma? asked Lysandra
Pike snorted.
Dont know why Im thinking of her, I
Good memories, not like now. A demon
wormcourtesy of the Witches of Vavathis
burrowing through my arm to feed on my
brain. My new employer, The Salamander,
was almost as upset about the situation as
me. He said Lysandra had a formula to rid me
of the vile thing. Apparently, it involved torture of bindings and conjured ice. Lysandra
said the tower was the most advantageous
place to deal with my unwelcome guest.
Dont you ever shut up? How can you be
an information dealer if youre always telling
everyone everything? she asked.
All right, you tell me something. Youre a
thief with the Moon Sisters, how did you
come by this freezing remedy for witchcraft?
I asked, trying to make her smile.
She doesnt smile. Lets just say some
bitter people have cast hexes. Not the first


time Pike made an ice bed.

For the Moon Sisters? I asked, gritting
through my teeth. She tightened another
Pike nodded behind Lysandras gaze, his
turban dipped sideways. He caught it just in
time to set aright.
Be silent and still for once, if the worm
thinks youre even a little bit alive, it wont
leave, she snapped, before straddling me
and making sure I was pressed firmly against
the ice everywhere. She attached the last
strap across my forehead and tightened the
chest strap once more for good measure,
until I could hardly breathe.
Is this my last ride?
Pike chuckled.
Lysandra drew a Nybo dagger and like the
old saying about looks killing . . .
I was joking. Instinct said to raise my
hands but I couldnt move anything but my
mouth at this point.
I told you to shut up! She waved her
blade dangerously close and on a whim let
the edge shave a swath across my cheek.
She stuffed a silken rag into mouth. For a
smart man Kenaz, youre awfully stupid. You
cant shut up to save your own life.
Pike stroked his beard and yawned.
Only my eyes could move now.
She looked her handiwork over. If this
works . . .
. . . it will all be over in a moment. I must
be swifter than eagles, stronger than lions,
she said to herself.
The ice beneath me burned, searing my
soul. My arm felt dead from the tourniquet
and I wondered if this wasnt a worse fate
than just doing the job for the witches in the
first place.
Lysandra poised over me, blade at the
ready. She looked beautiful and deadly as
the Furies. I was momentarily in love and

Page 10

fear of her.
She looked me in the eye and said, Its all
right if you want to step-out, as you call it,
the absence of your spirit might even assist
in the worm deciding to leave you.
I was in that strange place I go when the
pain is too much and I leave my body. I let
go and stepped out.
Everything is more authentic when you
step out of your body and into the spiritual
realm, its so genuine and beyond the pale
shade of reality. You sense things greater
than you would ever consciously think possible, you feel thoughts and know things on a
level where you are in touch with the full
universe, sometimes its too much and you
can only let so much in at a time. It can be
like taking a drink from a waterfall but far
more quenching than I possibly have mortal
words to express.
You also see ghosts. I saw my grandmama, she stood watching me, somehow on a
level above me. I waved hello and she waved
Outside and above my own body I saw
Lysandra ready to pounce with her Nybo
blade, a knife with an edge that cuts sharper
than anything else known to man. I felt her
dedication and skill, her thoughts focused on
but this one task and for that I only found
myself more enamored of her. I could feel
Pikes deep hunger for his next cup of wine
and the startling fear he held for Lysandra
bidding him wait until this was done. I was
even aware of the demon worm with its own
completely alien thought and hunger.
It bore me no animosity, it merely craved
more than I was willing to give. I felt its confusion and disappointment as it began to
sense the cold within my flesh and lack of
blood flow. It believed its host had expired
and it must now find a new one, and Lo!
There was a pair of warm bodies nearby, and
it would feed on either of them.
Grandmama watched attentive but silent.
The infernal worm pushed its way
through my muscles and used its jaws
against my skin. It did all of this in moments
and I now worried about my body, lying
there cold and dying, the ice and bindings
trapping me in frozen claustrophobic embrace.
Then I sensed another presence, one
behind me, farther into the shadows.
It was the same black demon form I had
seen the very first time I had stepped out
years ago! That horrible creation who
attempted to steal my body. I had barely
managed to regain myself before the demon
took hold of my body! I knew that it had

been watching me for years and yet this

time it seemed to stand afar off, as if simply
waiting for the right time. There would be no
struggle this time. Perhaps it wanted to be
sure I would not die at the hands of the
worm? That was unsettling, that even a body
-envious demon waited to see if I would die.
I looked to my spectral grandmama and
she made a power ward against the Shadow.
The worm writhed through my flesh on its
way to escape my corpse and find a new
host. Its struggle through my skin was hindered by the very ice that Lysandra used to
persuade its evacuation.
Pike watched with a slight raising of his
bushy brows.
I looked again at my ghostly grandmama
and she held a garland of purple flowers.
Odd, they looked like poisonous Kingsbane.
Turning back to face the Shadow demon, it
had vanished.
Come on out you fiend, said Lysandra,
with a growl.
I glanced back at my grandmamas specter and horror! She was eating the garland
of Kingsbane flowers. No! Theyre poisonous! Wait, shes dead? Why is she eating the
Pike coughed, drawing me back to look
upon my own body.
An inch above my exposed elbow the cold
flesh spasmed.
Glancing back to grandmama, she held
out the garland of Kingsbane. No!
A tiny black beak cleft through my skin
like a chick pecking its way out of an egg.
Blood ran like honey, slower than I have ever
seen, but the worm itself was not sluggish. It
jumped as Lysandras blade arced. Ice flew
across the chamber. The puny monster
evaded her strike and launched itself over
the crags of ice about my arm.
Nine hells! Pikes staccato curse was
the first fully audible sound he had made
since his conjuring. He tripped over his own
stained robes in a panic.
Lysandra slashed at the diminutive nemesis. I was thankful she was skilled enough
not to be slicing me to ribbons with the keen
Nybo blade.
The worm hid in the ice beside my stiff
corpse, its white segmented body perfectly
Lysandra chopped at the ice blocks, making my body lurch to the side as one of the
straps holding me gave way along with a
corner chunk of the ice platform.
I was slammed back into my body.
Strange, I have never been forcibly taken


back before. What happened? OhIm

dying from the cold and confining straps,
receiving bizarre visions of my grandmama.
Is this what happens? One last moment
before I am ejected from this mortal coil-insanity? One more breath of burning pain
from the imprisoning cold? One more moment of silent suffering.
Lysandra grunted curses at herself for
missing the creature. She scanned the
glittering ice field, blade ready.
I raged but the gag held me mute.
Be silent. Dying is the only thing keeping
you alive! Lysandra snapped.
She kicked at the ice globules and swore
Pike watched attentively but stayed back
several paces, lest he become a host to the
Enough of this, Lysandra growled, striding toward Pike and out the doorway.
I seethed vainly against my gag and bindings.
Shocked, Pike stared after Lysandra.
Mistress, are we done? he called after
her, still watching for the threat of the
worm hidden somewhere in the jumble of
ice. He was just about to follow when Lysandra pushed back thru with a blazing torch.
Mistress, no! Pike chided. Ignoring him,
she swept the floor with the torch, her Nybo
blade ready to slay. Firelight glistened on
blade and ice.
You mustnt! Back away with Pikes
words were extinguished in a blinding ignition of greenish-white flames as the worm
exploded in size, just as it had shrunk when
the Witches of Vavath had conjured it in
that demonic fire but a day and half ago.
Lurching upright, the giant worm
attacked. Cold lime fire swirled around its
diabolic bulk. Its multi-hinged beak dripped
bile, snapping at Lysandra who had been
knocked aside with its explosive growth.
Pike recovered himself, slapping hands
together evoking dagger like ice at the monster.
Its beak champed at the reaching icicles,
shattering them.
I strained futilely against my bonds.
Lysandra leapt up, slashing her Nybo
blade across the flaming aura of the gargantuan worm and wounds burst open upon its
fiery, squamous hide, releasing fetid ooze.
The foul reek of the grub tore into my
nostrils. Its cold witch-fire destroyed another block of my icy platform beneath my right
shoulder. I lay with my shoulders near the
(Continued on page 14)

Page 11

Utah Browncoats
was founded in
2005 by Brian
Wiser and Jeremy Neish,
after being inspired by
Joss Whedon's TV series
Firefly, being extras in
the sequel movie Serenity, and producing the
documentary film Done
The Impossible.
Browncoats are fans of
Firefly and Serenity, as
well as great supporters
of charity especially
Joss Whedon's favorite
charity Equality Now that
works for the protection
of the human rights of
women, and ending violence and discrimination
against women worldwide. Every year Utah Browncoats show Serenity in a
theater with proceeds going to Equality Now. William
Pace and many other local Browncoats have been instrumental in making that happen. Their next "Can't
Stop the Serenity" screening is May 16.


In addition to the

By Brian Wiser existing Utah

Browncoats fan
group, they recently created Utah Browncoats
Society to be a nonprofit extension for aiding our charitable fundraising efforts.
With over 1,000 members, they have shindigs,
as well as booths and
panels, at local events to
keep the Firefly community connected and inspired. Visit them
online, and join them for
Can't Stop the Serenity
and Comic Con.
Stay Shiny!


Page 12

By Nick Montelongo and Ashlee Johnson

David J. Butler is a Utah local.

He is also an author in a state of transition.
On February 14, at the LTUE writers symposium in Provo, UT, he told Utah Geek Magazine that he is shifting from being an indie
author, to working with the bigger traditional publishers. Butlers self-published his
previous works, but many will soon be republished by Wordfire Press. This means
that we should be seeing his books on the
shelves at Barnes and Noble and other
mainstream locations in a year or so.
David Butler is a family man who loves
music as well as writing. Even as kid he
would get enviable remarks from his school
teachers about his story-telling ability. Rather than actually writing once he actually
reached adulthood, he worked as a lawyer
for 13 years. He took his opportunity to
start writing full-time in 2010 when he received a severance pay from his last job, and
he hasnt looked back since.
One of his early books, City of the Saints,
is a Mormon Steampunk novel. As a member of the LDS Church, Butler wrote this
book as an action-adventure story, and as a
way to celebrate the adventurous, risk-

taking roots of the Mormon pioneers. Its

hard to imitate the way in which he pitched
his book to us, but heres an attempt. . .In
1859, Sam Clemens is on a mission for the
United States government to secure the
alliance of the Kingdom of Deseret, with its
fleet of air-ships and artillery, against the
confederacy. Up against him is secret agent
Edgar Allan Poe (the rumors of his death
were greatly exaggerated, it would seem)
and Captain Richard Burton, a subject of
Queen Victoria.
Butler also wrote a series of pulp-horror
stories called Rockband Fights Evil, in which a
group of damned rockers fights against the
forces of darkness to reclaim their souls.
Hes also very proud of his sci-fi young adult
novel, Crecheling, about a girl who is to become a leader of a planetary system but not
before having to pass an onerous test: murder. And finally, coming in 2016 from Knopf
is Butlers newest book, The Extraordinary
Journeys of Clockwork Charlie, a story that
takes place in an alternate London. Charlie is
a boy who wants to become an adventurer,
but his father barely lets him out the door.
When his father is kidnapped, Charlie goes

off to save
him, not
knowing that
he isnt even
human, but
actually a
During our talk
with Butler, he
about how the
world is changing for writers.
Being an author is like one
part carny
freak and one part shaman, he said, when
describing the modern writer. The author
remains the storyteller who conjures tales
for people that will help them with their
daily lives, but in order for the shamans to
get any attention, they need to be performers as well. Writers are no longer recluses.
They still write, but nowadays they need to
meet and greet with the public too.
Butler definitely played both parts when
speaking with us, seizing our attention with
his imagination and keeping us involved with
his amiable personality. He strikes a good
balance between the fun side of a creator
and the focused side of a professional, and
he is a joy to speak with.

diamond cutting, 3D printing, and other tech

applications. It is one of the many ways that
the council piques teenage girls interest in
this field.
Cyndis own career is a testament to the
places that tech can take you, and she has
received recognition for her dedication. She
was listed as one of the top 30 businesswomen to watch, she was a Finalist in the Stevie
Awards for Top Women Entrepreneur, and
she received recognition as a v100 Top Venture Entrepreneur. She is honored by the
recognition that she has received, and how it
has given visibility to women in technology,
though she did not actively seek after these
awards. Ive been taking this path of building
great companies, being passionate about
what I do and building a great network of
people, Cydni said.
I think that its important that you have
these great women role models, that we talk
about and showcase them, Cydni said. Her
support of her peers, for those who have
come before her, and for the new rising generation, make her a truly inspirational example. She exemplifies the power of passions,
working hard, helping those around you, and
trusting in your own abilities.

iconic super heroes from Marvel and Warner

Brothers, to sports stars from Major League
Soccer and Baseball.
This isnt the only place in Cyndis life where
By Deborah Moore
she helps to empower individuals. She is the
Cyndi Tetro inspires and empowers wom- Cofounder and Executive Director of Women
en and girls with her career and volunteer
Tech Council, a non-profit charity she runs with
work. She has spent her career building, pro- a team of volunteers. Their goal is to mentor
moting, and selling technological products.
women in technical fields, to give them netIve always had an affinity for technology working opportunities, and to support technoltrends, what they enable, and what new mar- ogy companies that women either run or own.
They focus on the economical impact that
kets they create Cyndi said. During her cawomen have on technology, and giving women
reer, she also cofounded NextPage, was the
in this field opportunities to showcase their
COO for a social media network called Famihard work and skills.
lyLink, and worked at Disney Research.
Cyndi loves creating platforms to highlight
Currently she is working as the director for
the work that women are doing with technolo3DPlusMe, a
gy, and one way she does this is by hosting the
company she
Women Tech Awards every September. Its
also founded.
not just about a career. Its about giving back to
They use 3D
the community, she said. Over the past eight
printing techyears, they have recognized over 115 women
nology to crethrough the program.
ate action figures with cusThe council is also hosting an event for High
tomers faces
School girls on March 13 at the University of
Read more about Cyndi on our website at
on them, every- Utah. Students will have a chance to have
thing from
hands on experiences with technology such as ugeek.us/cydni-tetro

Creating Heroes:
Cydni Tetro


Page 13

(Continued from page 11)

ground, and what curdling blood I had left

pooled inside my brain, making me lightheaded.
Pike again tried his frozen attack with the
same fruitless result.
Try something else! cried Lysandra,
stabbing at the eyeless horror.
I dont have any other offensive spells!
Pike shouted.
Now it knows that! Lysandra shouted.
The demon worm flailed across the room
smashing me and my icy pyre against the far
wall. Free at last!
It tried to bite at Lysandra and clobber
Pike with its tail.
Tearing out the gag, I took a deeper
breath and felt about to faint with the
effort. The worms tail slapped down beside
me as it repositioned itself against Lysandra
and I was almost thumped senseless. Ripping the tourniquet from my arm, no feeling
remained, but now the worms exit wound
gushed freely.
Pike conjured a blinding white light and
directed a force beam at the worm.
Lysandra shouted, It doesnt have eyes,
you idiot!
Freeing myself from the bindings about
my legs and struggling to stand, I promptly
toppled over.
Lysandra sliced off a piece of the worms
beak, but this didnt hinder the beast. The
other wounds she had dealt didnt faze it.
Whatever wretched god had dreamt up this
monstrosity had intended this demon son to
be immortal.
Pike coughed and invoked a bizarre cantripdark smoke in impossible quantities
suddenly billowed from his nose, filling the
room as if an entire opium den had been
concealed inside his turbaned head. He
shouted, Now! Run! Let us escape down
the stairwell!

I was blind and could not see, but felt a

gust of air about my neck swirl as the
worms beak snapped a hairs breadth away
from my throat.
A strong grasp took my shoulder and
yanked me backward to the stair.
The gluttonous monstrosity lurched after
us, smashing through the doorway a mere
second after our escape.
Lysandra pushed me beyond my own
capabilities, keeping my falling descent upright enough to continue down the spiraling
stairwell. I dont think that in my plummet I
could have stopped had I wanted too.
We tumbled down the darken stair swifter than eagles, weaker than kittens with the
blubbery worm nipping at our heels.
Daylight shone false safety at the bottom
of the stair as we exited the tower and were
ushered into the fragrant courtyard of our
host and employer, The Salamander.
Bolt that door! Now! shouted Lysandra.
A pair of Valchiki guardsmen, looked
askance at each other but did as they were
commanded. They laid a bar across the oak
and jumped as the door frame beat like a
drum to the monsters tune.
Lysandra pushed me to the edge of a
bricked flower bed, which in my collapsing
daze looked like a stone crypt filled with
earth and replete with bright purple flowers.
Was I about to die? At least this would be a
more beautiful place than the lonely tower
Worthless Mancer! Smoke? For a fiend
without eyes? Youre useless! shouted Lysandra, at Pike as she turned to face the
shuddering door.
The demon worm slammed its bulk
against the doorway, and for a frozen moment longer, it held. Then stone catapulted
from the entrance.
Lysandra slashed at the monster joined
by the pair of Valchiki guardsmen, but the
monster was not dissuaded by their savage

Ever the pragmatist, Pike was out of
spells and knew it. He turned and ran for his
The worm batted a Valchiki guardsman
aside with its tail and lurched toward me.
I couldnt run anymore, I could barely
breathe and my left arm hung uselessly at
my side.
Lysandras Nybo blade cut a gash across
its back which oozed more putrid filth, but
still the monster was intent on me. It
heaved and champed its wicked beak.
Sitting beside the purple flowers, I remembered my grandmama. These flowers
surrounding me were Kingsbane! Thats
what her specter was trying to tell me! I
plucked a handful of the brilliant stalks and
tossed them into the worms terrible maw.
The Kingsbane went down its infernal gullet
with a wretched snap.
For a moment there was no change but a
halting to its attack. Then the bizarre witchfire extinguished and the worm lost a shade
of blank color I hadnt noticed before. It
choked and cringed, curling and writhing
into itself until it was still.
The Salamander now stood beside me
and clapped his massive hands. Wonderful!
Everything has a weakness does it not?
Lysandra was breathing heavily but nodded.
Fetch Pike back here, he needs to heal
Kenaz immediately or Ill have his hide.
There is still your third task yet to complete
before the day is through, said The Salamander with a sardonic grin.
All I could do was nod before passing out.
Next time
Chapter 5. Silence Falls on Tolburns Walls

About the Author

David has been writing as long as he can remember, winning a number
of secretive awards too prestigious for you to have heard of. He lives in
Utah with his wife and children. Among his
other published works are Heroes of the
Fallen, Bless the Child, Whispers of the
Goddess, the sci-fi horror collections of
Space Eldritch 1 & 2, Weird Tales of Horror
and his latest The Mad Song and other
Tales of Sword & Sorcery.
You can visit him online at:


Page 14

Reprinted with permission

By Zac Johnson

1) "Theatricality and deception; powerful
agents to the uninitiated... but we are
initiated, arent we?"
2) "A good death is its own reward."
3) "Their bones will turn to ice! Their
blood will freeze in my hands!"
4) "If it's all the same to you, I'll have
that drink now."
5) "I have lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to
die among my friends."

7) "My journey took me some what further down the rabbit hole than I intended
and though I dirtied my fluffy white tail I
have emerged, enlightened."
8) "Everyday I wake up knowing that no
matter how many lives I protect, no matter how many people call me a hero,
someone even more powerful could
change everything."
9) "I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling
down the rabbit hole?"
10) "Men get arrested. Dogs get put

A) The Matrix
B) Dark Knight Rises
C) Star Trek into Darkness
D) The Watchmen
E) Batman Forever
F) Man of Steel
G) The Amazing Spider-Man 2
H) The Avengers
I) Guardians of the Galaxy
J) Sherlock Holmes 2009
Answers at www.UtahGeekMagazine.com

Match the movie quotes

to the movies:

6) "I wanted you to know why I couldn't

let you die... why I went back for you..."

Submit your own Quiz Questions at www.UtahGeekMagazine.com/Contribute


Page 15

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