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Analysis and interpretation knowledgeable to knowledge-able

1. The beginning of the presentation starts ex abrupto, the speaker is already known so he stars the
speech directly , entering in the theme
2. He appeals at the pathos argument, talking about the self destruction and about the destruction of
the world. Also he is slowing the vocal rhythm when he is talking about youth care and attention
3. He introduced the comic in his speech, oratorical speaking, in this way he can captivate the
attention of his public
4. He is putting in the attention of his public, the hedonic argument, that can be very hypnotic for
example the pleasure satisfaction through entertainment
5. Antithesis between the mental terms : to know and to be able to do that thing
6. He is using a binomial hierarchy between education and mass media
7. Also he is promoting the good global language of mass communication and he stands for the
critical thinking
8. In his presentation appears the motive of the apocalypse, through this way he is making his public
sensible, also inducing the auto thinking and the compassion
9. In his presentation appears the motive of catharsis , the purification through art (the virtual choir
symbolize the global unity), in our case through music
10. He is using the puer senex argument, because he is always talking about the new technology
and how the old generation see this thing, and how the communication and the inter human relation
evolves in the virtual area (for example the free hugs video clip)
11. In the end, he finish his presentation talking about a genesis that never ends, and he is putting in
the center of his auditorium the locus amoenus that is the Earth. The people are the only group in
charge of keeping the Earth in harmony and peace
12. He appeals to stories, the cadence is slow when he is using pathetic arguments and when he
give examples, he is using the power of the right had, the yang power, to concentrate the view of his
auditorium to his own face. Also he is an experimented speaker, because he is a teacher and a very
good orator. Even if he is using his verbal and non verbal language, the most important part is that
he is showing images in his presentation and this action helps the meta communication to remain
active in the brains of the listeners

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