2-20-15 Minutes

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D2 Council Meeting Minutes

12:00 1:00pm
Room 609

1. Call to order
a. Meeting was called to order by the meeting facilitator, Billy Kwon
2. Roll Call
a. Billy Kwon Present
b. Vandeep "Vinny" Bagga Excused Absence
c. Carolyn Chang Present
d. Melissa Lass Present
e. Sara Zeidan Present
f. Christina Chun Present
g. Rola Abduljabar Rabah Present
h. Nabil Khan Present
i. Erica Heller Present
j. Maham Siddqui Excused Absence
k. Atiya Bahmanyar Present
l. Daniele Orellana Excused Absence
m. Ava Navasero Present
n. Bobby Brugnone Present
o. Sean Carey Present
p. Thomas La Present
3. Quick Announcements from:
a. Happy birthday Atiya! (03/01)
b. BK/VB - Deans Meeting Update
i. Updates on white coat ceremony
ii. Leadership track
iii. Exam move to 433 instead of Septodont
iv. 433 First Ave relayed concerns including:

1. Learning Commons emphasis on need to have a quiet

a. Dean Ripkey has a meeting with nursing and
hygiene students affairs to discuss logistics of this
space; space regulations undefined at present.
v. VA usage requested for use until end of academic year
vi. Curriculum and Clinical Affairs
1. New approach (blended learning and how impacting
2. Clinical scheduling and workload and transition into
clinic and what to expect
c. RA/NK/CC/AN - Curriculum/ Clinical Affairs
i. Presented the congested curriculum
ii. Clinical idea proposed to have clinical tutors in lab (to
hopefully be set up through Student Affairs)
1. Update from Dr. Antonoff about protocol re: pass/fail
2. CEE requirement clarification to be given at a later date
d. CaC - Scrub sale distribution
i. Maroon scrubs complications with order sorted out
1. Deliver expected in approximately 3 weeks
ii. Pens - appreciated by students
e. SC/BB - Greening Mugs
i. D1 initiative D2 reps are getting involved to help them
ii. Trying to get a recycling bin in proximity of Septodont
f. SZ - Happy hour proposed for after Systemic Pathology
g. RA/NK - Dental Decks
i. Negotiated group rates
ii. To be paid in cash
h. MS/DO - Alumni event
i. To be discussed in upcoming meeting
i. Adjournment

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