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TILS D (g)

Activity: Work with the site administrator responsible for the school discretionary
Description: I interviewed two different administrators at two different schools
about the discretionary budget and how and whom regulate the allocations of a
schools budget. We discussed what money comes from what areas of the local and
federal governments and how the amounts are determined. We discussed what
criteria determines how much and the reasons why schools get different amounts
allocated. We discussed all the areas in which money comes in from outside
sources. We talked over her process and personal organizational approaches to
ensuring the school budget was correct and accurate throughout the school year.

What did you learn from doing this project?

I have already had some experience dealing with money as an after-school-care
director and how the records and paper trail must be precise at all times. However,
once I spoke with these two administrators I realized once again that the money
comes from so many different areas and must be used or spent in very specific
ways with very specific guidelines. I also learned that the regulations and needs of
a school vary depending on the level if its elementary versus secondary schools. I
know that I would need someone to help guide me in the right directions for
spending and correctly using the money so I would want a mentor or an
experienced administrator to help me in time of need. I learned I need to have a
close and trusting relationship with the bookkeeper and we need to have our own
set of procedures and expectations set in the beginning. I know that you learn as
you go and as you experience new situations, however, I would want to be as
prepared as possible in the area to keep from making any unnecessary mistakes.

Given the chance to do it over, how would you do it better?

I would like to be on a budget committee that decides where the money is actually
spend and what it can be spend on under the regulations. I would have liked to be
involved in the actual break down and coding process of the software that will be
used to understand before I am put in a situation of the full responsibility. I would
like to attend meetings and read more about the regulations and areas of caution.

School Discretionary Budget Activity:

Accounting and Budget- Process at a school
The process in which a school is allocated its budget from the state and federal
components are very detailed and explicated for all stakeholders to understand
and abide by the requirements and guidelines. I have worked in two different
Title I schools over the past 10 years and have firsthand conversations, budget
requests and explanations given by the administrative team in becoming
familiar of how strict and stretched the budgets are each school year. I have
read about the guidelines, laws and strict requirements to receive state money
BEP funds and also about federal funds-Title I and then additional revenue
including fund raisers and outside of school resources.
I have interviews from two different elementary school principals that also
explained procedures and tiers of the budget. This interview and readings from
the text have explained and modeled how and where revenue comes from for
each school and how it is to be allocated and by whom.
Principal A Interview: How are allocations determined? Who decides how
much money each school receives? Every district gets a certain amount of
money from the state (BEP). Districts decide how much everyone gets
based on population or free and reduced lunch. Title I
Principal A Interview: What can you tell me about sub-budgets, such as
Title I, grant money, donations, etc.? Title I money is federal money comes
from DOE based on number of kids on free and reduced lunch in the
district this amount is presented in tiers. They will look at the tiers of free

and reduced lunch and determine how much each school gets. Per kid
(maybe $452). Grant money-Go after any grant you want as long as you
dont have to have matching fundsmust have approval from school board
(and may not get). Will have to notify the director. Grant money has to be
used for only what it is designated for. Not all grants require matching
Principal B Interview: What is the extent of your involvement in the budget
and financing role (maybe compared to the bookkeeper's)?
I check the monthly statement, meet with the bookkeeper, and sign that we
have gone over the expenditures. The bookkeeper also provides a print-out
of the monthly report reflecting how money is allocated and the remaining

How does the principal involve the staff in the Budget Decisions?
I have read, discussed, learned and experienced firsthand that a leadership
team that aids the principal in the budget decisions helps everyone feel as though
they are a part of the process and encourages their buy-in. This helps with the
situation of these members taking the information and explanation of the
leadership group back to the other staff members to encourage getting on board
with current decisions.
Principal A Interview: Once the money amount is determined for your school,
how do you determine where and how to spend the money? Committee meets
and decides how to allocate the moneyfollowing board policy and financial
Principal B Interview: How do you involve the staff in the budget process? I
schedule a meeting with the leadership team, which consist of a representative
from every department of the school staff, so each department has a voice and

can assist in the decision making process on how school funds are distributed.
Principal A Interview: Who approves the purchases for the regular budget and
the Title I budget? Principal approves the purchases for the reg. budgetTitle I
budget-Preston Gunter-Director of Federal Funding

What can a principal do or how can they handle the situation of when
expenditures exceed budget allocations.
From the readings and explanations of the requirements and guidelines, there
isnt any great ways to increase the budget other than writing congressmen and
officials on the state and federal levels to help with the division that is issues from
Washington to each school. With this educational districts are forced to do the best
with what they are given, and be creative with how they will find grants and
outside sources to help make up the lacking difference.
Principal B: How are requests prioritized when expenditures exceed budget
allocations? Requests are prioritized by instructional needs for quality student

Principal B: How would you improve the budget planning process, if given the
chance to? A more collaborative approach within the district to determine more
effective ways money could be available for funding of the schools needs.
Principal A: What is done if you need more money? Or if you go over the
amount budgeted for one area? (i.e. You have budgeted $1,500 for copier
expenses. You go over this amount. What is done)? No option for more
moneyBEP-sometimes you can talk to the director if you really need
something. As far as Title I money is concerned-you cant go over budget-They
have been known, when schools have made major mistakes-they will go in and
help out. Used to be where you could pull from to another only during

amendment time. As long as we have the money to write the check we are
finenext year make adjustments-figure out why you went over.

Principal A: How are requests prioritized when expenditures exceed budget

allocations? Title I doesnt allow you to go over. BEP- as long as you write the
check. This question is same as number Bookkeeper lets the principal know
that you are going overCentral office doesnt ask much unless you are in the

Principal A: Can budgeted money roll over to the next school year, or do you
have to use all of your amount in that school year? It does roll over as long as
its not in restricted fund. Can use it for things within reason. Rolls into
general instructional piece, office administration, prof dev.

What is the principals involvement with the Budget?

Through experience, readings and class discussions I have learned and
witnessed the principal is very much responsible and has great accountability
placed on them to be in control and aware of the situations concerning any budget
transactions or decisions. Any problematic activity and mishandling of the funds
are grounds for dismissal and legal action.
Principal A: What are your roles in the bookkeeping process to assure that
the budget is adequately maintained? One day a weekbookkeeper. Every
week I get a report that lists all the accounts and available money. Break
down for each section (general, instructional). Then breakdown of
restricted accounts.
Principal A: Who approves the purchases for the regular budget and the
Title I budget? Principal approves the purchases for the reg. budgetTitle I
budget-Preston Gunter-Director of Federal Funding

Principal B: What is the extent of your involvement in the budget and

financing role (maybe compared to the bookkeeper's)? I check the monthly
statement, meet with the bookkeeper, and sign that we have gone over the
expenditures. The bookkeeper also provides a print-out of the monthly report
reflecting how money is allocated and the remaining balances.

Principal B: Careful monitoring and understanding of how schools funds

can be allocated is very important for the building Principal. Any
questionable activity must be reviewed immediately. If not, school finance
and mishandling of funds is at the top of the list for grounds of dismissal
from the school district.

What are some of the principals frustrations with the budget?

Everyone is affected by the lack of and restrictions of the budget across any
school building. It always seems to be the first area to check for regulations, or an
idea/project can be determined by the money available or not from the budget.
Principals speak of the budget regularly in meetings and plans for materials or
trainings, etc. If controls the extent of a schools ability to improve and prove for
the students. Students, teachers, community members, parents and principals all
share the frustrations of limits of the budget. The principal has to come to terms
with what they can do and provide within that budget and relay the results to all
stakeholders whether positive or negative.
Principal B: What are some of your frustrations when it comes to budgeting
and finance?

The lack of money provided and the restrictions on how the money can be

How would the principal improve the budget process?

I would agree with Principal Bs answer and feel that is what most educators
would hope for as it seems to be the only way to improve. This process would also
include congressmen and legislation from the government down to all branches of
Principal B: How would you improve the budget planning process, if given
the chance to? A more collaborative approach within the district to
determine more effective ways money could be available for funding of the
schools needs.
How does the principal manage the school activity fund?
Principal B: How do you manage the schools activity fund and monitor
fund-raising and financial resources of outside/booster groups? Through the
monthly report provided by the bookkeeper, followed by a collaborative
conversation with the bookkeeper and school secretary.

How does the principal monitor fund raising and financial resources of
outside/booster groups

Principal A: Bid list- actual list of approved vendors and certified by

board generally give a good price.

Principal B: How do you manage the schools activity fund and monitor
fund-raising and financial resources of outside/booster groups? Through the

monthly report provided by the bookkeeper, followed by a collaborative

conversation with the bookkeeper and school secretary.

In conclusion, I have learned through this project after the interviews and
readings of budget and finance, that this area that the budget, revenue, allocations
and principals role in all of these areas are critical daily for an administration to
manage a school effectively. The Principal is the sole connection for the school
from the district, state and federal levels. He/she must be aware, fluent, and
properly informed of all areas of regulations, laws and guidelines of the budget and
money matters involving the school. They must stay current on these expectations
and implement them into their school building with high regard and organization of
records. This seems to me to be one if not the main area of critical care from the

Baker, Emily. Personal interview. 19 June 2014

Freeman, John. "EDAS 5770 Powerpoint ." UTC . Chattanooga. . Web. 21 June
2014. hamilton county board of education,

n.d. Web. 21 June 2014.

"Handbook for Comuptation BEP Handbook." Tennessee Basic Education

Program 2.0 (2012). Print. tennessee department of education, n.d. Web. 21
June 2014. <>.
Johnson, Stacy. Personal interview. 16 June 2014
Schilling, C. A., & Tomal, D. R. (2013). Resource management for school
(pp. 38-63). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education.

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