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CASE STUDY we W/i8!251Y [ Nae: Dominis Gresbach ‘Schoot Genial Middle Schoo) ‘Bithdate: 8-23-2002 rade: 7 ae 12 Dale of Report 9-16-14 REASON FOR REFERRAL (Gnformation from parent) |, Emicment ‘CASE HISTORY (Gnformation from parent) A. fn Data "Apparently Noma: _X ther 8. Reading Oats x ‘eon GineletiRencraAtiny x Sate Wor rotors, {Conprehansion Peters x 8. Development ton: ‘Apparently Nea: x wing rooms othe: feat carnage Ineporoprste Speling Kooeeage Cesc History: ‘ppareiy Noma 1. Lstning Comprehension Protiems ae = Time on Took Prolene Spectcaly F._ Study Statgy Prelons eee G. Poor tude Towed Specialy: mad Resangiing 1. Poor Atude Toward Schoo! ‘on Medzatons: 10 Specialy: L Laekottrestin| Reacting (ther Physical npsiments no Comments: Doms mem sid ne nas aways srugled i rating and wring. She sald they have pt or {i fortim on and of sever! mes tvoughou the Years since he wae in second rae. ie foots EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. oove Ge nul Acheemeriagee "te Tovar Schoo - Gana ‘Spec coat t avcnge e Poce__ On Gade Lev Acieverenaradee spect ‘made Tovart Seat et age Lave Acheron ‘50ce0_——B) Average RC) Poor "pacha Boon ore Reding Sens comment: ijt es Py Ean Sconce ‘est ina nebo hearse croaafom Fat stg he says eponda nwt he ecupored tenes Mie Than Ore Sis 0 Some siod FAMILY HISTORY (etrmatio tom parent lve Wh: Mom, Dad, sri Nunber of Sings (WF) and ABE: F, a0 16 Relatonstipto Care Ges: estonia Skibo: "Apparently Norms: _X. ‘Roprenty Neat: _X BEHAVIOR DURING TESTING AND. LIMITATIONS OF RESULTS ‘parent Noma Ditty Understanding Engh ‘Ay Delis wth Test That Wous ect Rolabiyvatisty of Test Rosuts ASSESSMENT RESULTS ‘Assessment: ORLS Indopandent Fest Intuctonal Second though ith Friestonsi Soon Independent Inewuctoral Frost itera Expository Independent tractona Fit Faison ‘Srowed Evian of Arley Refused o Cooperate Possible Hearing Problems Comments ary cooprave and wee! boy He was Wel erous. PHONEMIC AWARENESS / PHONICS. RESULTS Words Their Way Speling Inventory Recut: Primary Word List: Correcty speed 22 ou of 26 ‘word Sorc nd places in the Mio thn Word Speting Stage! Elementary Word List: Corecty speed 17 ou of 25 wor ang placed nth Ery Syaoles and Aeaee Speling Stage ‘Comments: For Doms second assessment I chose the Words their Way Spelling Inventory. He scored low in most vowel patterns areas so T chose that as the Word Work focus, INTERPRETATION OF INFORMATION COLLECTED (QRS and Weds Thal Way Speting iver) 8. General Capaciy (+1) FHph ison Lovel Conga Reng ive! +. (Gisenng Lows ComaestsResdng taal = ©. Prognosis for Reading improvement) Rand Average Slow Commarea tty as beganing assessment esuts ol ending Improvemort nay be sow 1 Reading Achievement Irotuctenal Reading vet ‘Auge Toward Comptoncen Readira Good Average X.— Poor. , Word Analyste Sle "APPLICATION ( Sonat; - Wesknoss) rag Comoe creat en Sc he ‘Grace Level Achieve comments 2 srtenaes F. Comprehension + Strongth; - Weakness) fears Ente estors = fret decors Nowe Comments: Dan's assessments have shown hat he can seuggl win eteling and conpreension 6G. Goneral AchievereniGrades ‘Seong Making perenal connectns and having near out 2 ok \ieakoesses Fuerey and reeling when he has odo itbdoperery watt 3 book a Help Attudes-Vary postive and hard working Inappropriate Attuses None ‘grade levalage. Do re-reading of passages fr huency and hav bok las andreas aid" Emprenenaon, Inapeling he sugges wh some vowel pattems Do aces which ell be Pacing rena wn, tng words wa iferenl vows pales. INTERPRETATION OF INFORMATION, COLLECTED CONTINUED Learning Styl: Dom does wll wih vera! {civbos whore he can vrbake hs haut ater ‘han have foe fem oun. Hos eomsonsbia avg conversations abou wate Mae red snd ‘an make tonto se conection abt conten ie era H, Speciazed Aas era a “npety Noma vet RECOMMENDATIONS A. Word Analyse Skis: Do actus that procioe ‘acing a inci vue! ptr ote 8. Comprehension StratagesSkil: Pracce Reeling and aso having bok tks and ‘onworetons about mate and paseges thet he ©. Witing _Shiletrategies: 0 actites that Praaten wing wore wth efron vows pen ._Loaming Style Mody: Does we wth boo nk pes of comprehension ‘Saves where space duestons con be ated and ‘Srewored Toop rect iformaton Wide Range Reading: Scropies, Advert, ‘pers CCommerts: Use a bok hts of high ites! o Dom ‘sept conser he std the reacon the ‘Sean ke resting at bung’ don tke ebooks he chosse rot Panipat os ae Name: Nicole Zuge _( Address: 1304 Glacier Court, Hartford, Wi 53027 PRACTICUM EVALUATION RUBRIC: Nicole Zuge UC a in ka ab er oa ra Se ee renee ree [rete Ol ee ia = Sa pee Es = ia ont 3 ahs ei sarin lea | a i | en a Ea ms foe Sa. (Se ae Ee Seen [Sepaettieres [oemmeve” | Seer So |Bcenie |Stces. |e, Somos [Sem = a Acme |utecereiee (Ra ee tee |acss ee | Se. ia Snes. | Eeeeraeee™ | Sots = |e eee eee Ss _.|scaree” (See Sores Sores Secteheady |Sctommda™ omen erect [Stee |S So Seance : = fa == eee [eee a (eee Secs, [mec ; | oa Moca : eS a En Sane ierionr [Ealagiees [etme [aa an ee Sram [eects |Semair alld runing ocd ned able fete leno te Sly town pane ‘Record dead tine cetacean ah ‘hector mento! ‘Sve elton nt ‘ection Each sain followed a consent feat Each, ‘ean word st ‘ene. and ‘cmrebenson aves ier amir. Usodaalaee of ative sales ote ‘Conference! Parent | Cle snd comely ‘Monty cearend wouste | Someubat otiing Connection Report | prised Alleseatsl | previo, withmon | ming an seal ote ‘Semen inchded Easily | Cental hanes ride one about case study | talented by snus | Anoutiirmiilmwes | s2ore smudce afer pest | #8 ‘qsion pon reading testing iscompeed 6 Comparison | Clenly an accuaely ‘Monty dew andacauate | Somewhat oacing = Report resent All eset ‘wimost | misong an emental ‘pts Semen incl (Seo camens lal | Gop Mut incade gras | 47 a tere fl other ssosment deena ae of your oie. Must te administered 0 case study sue 7. Overall Reflection | ler sadin dephetiaston | Some clo easton | Benen oon or bah {opts ‘ssuling ought now ts | inloing Howls onion | paso he refcion How this ‘eqenencs shaped our | thsexpreme sped your_| miseng or confine ‘xpelencs shape your | posite AND bow wll | ponpesive AND ow x wil | $2ere Dnpetve? How wi | Sopeced stale | imped sadn hves ‘impact your a ‘Some prs nye ess sudo Hives inthe ep hn hrs frre? # Nicole, "enjoyed reading about your work with your two students during your practicum: its apparent that vouthave taken what you've learned and applied i to your work with these students Some highlights: (© Youused your students formal and informal assessment to strategically Inform your Instructional moves. Your lessons were well-developed Your reflections on your lessons were clear and concise, demonstrating thinking around your Instruction and next steps. © Your parent report was professionally presented. Some suggestions: ‘© You want to give more than one pass from the QRI when assessing a student, in order to {determine more information. (independent and frustration level; narrative verses expository, ete) © Imyour comparison report, you lst a pre and post QR Word list. The purpose ofthe word ist isto know where to begin testing and is typically only used on the pretest. For the posttest, ‘you already know the students level, so you begin with what you learned from the pretest © When reporting onthe QRI its helpful tit the pasage tile in reports along with te level ‘This comes in handy for future testing, and reveals possible influence of background knowledge. v few edits to your case sign it 28 ur artifacts for Your portfolio. (if you'd lke to make these edits before sign it, you can emall mean edited version. | can then print/sign it and return It to you. Otherwice, let me know and sign the one currently have.) ‘+ Here are afew things 'm suggesting on your case study document: ‘© Page 1 (remove prompt in parentheses and type in source of information) Do this for both ‘eason for referral and family history” (© Page 2(remave/add appropriate tests) Remove San Diego Quick, and possibly replace ‘ewith Words Their Way title and scores received (see comment below on ‘Phonemic Results. © Page 2 Remove the prompts 2-3 sentences” In Assessment Results and under Phonemic Results. age 2 Add in WKCE/NWEA type results from records check. age 2 (under Phonemic Results) f you'd rather include Words thele Way under Phonemic Results ist the results specifically. Otherwise, state no phonemic assessment given. © Page 3 (remove prompt in parentheses and putin names of assessments used to make ‘hese udements) © Page 3 (Remove prompt “describe strengths” and describe the students learning style strengths. Answer yes or no to specialized areas and remove prompt. Ris obvious that you have learned a great deal and provided a service to these students. Your sll with these assessment tots wil grow as you cntinue to use them. Best wishes as you continue your ‘good work! Becky GRADE: 92 Points -AB

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