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Student Name:

EAP_OFT Assessment 4 - Oral Presentation Plan (5%)

Presentation topic:


General statement/Hook: (notes)

Issue/Question: (notes)
Position: (Full sentence)

Argument 1

Full topic sentence

Supporting ideas/data for argument 1 (notes)


Referenced sources:
1. Name of author/s or organization & year

2. Indicate the specific point which you are using the source to support (e.g.: the
number of people who fall into a certain category, the financial cost of something,
the results or outcome of an event or situation)
3. Indicate the type of support (e.g.: research findings statistical date/interviewee
responses, government report statistical data/survey results
Type your full name here

Argument 2

Full topic sentence

Supporting ideas/data for argument 2 (notes)


Referenced sources: as per Argument 1

Argument 3

Full topic sentence

Supporting ideas/data for argument 3 (notes)


Referenced sources: as per Argument 1

Recommendations Optional section (based on research findings)

Full topic sentence

Supporting ideas/data (notes)

Type your full name here


Referenced sources: as per Argument 1


Restatement of topic and position (Full sentence)

Brief summary (notes, no details or minor examples; no new idea)
Final comment/recommendation

(minimum of 4; provide ALL bibliographic details of the sources used in preparing your
presentation in alphabetical order).

Type your full name here

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