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Sydney, Australia
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
2 pages
five cents

The Australian dollar (AUD)

Economy Going Bad

Australia has recently increased their
interest rate to about 4% more. It has made
a huge impact on the Australian dollar, but
there was not a lot of reaction to it because
people were already expecting this.
According to Reuters from The New York
Times, the interest rate is now at its
lowest level since 2009 but it is still much
better than in the United States, Japan, and

What foreigners have been lending

Australia has been helping us a lot, but
according to Greg Canavan from The Daily
Reckoning, when our next global financial
crisis hits we will have no more solutions
and there will be more and more debt
which will lead to economic growth hitting
to what you call an escape velocity. When
the next crisis hits Australia, which will
happen, they will begin to restrict credit to
our households and if they restrict our
credit, they will be restricting our ways of
Australians usually consume around $50
billion on goods and services and if we
depend on foreigners lending us more
money, according to Greg Canavan from
The Daily Reckoning Australia, it will lead
to foreigners lending us an additional $50
billion to keep on living the way we do.

economic problems is how high our

unemployment rate now is. According to
The Guardian, their rate increased to
about 6.3% and their is now about 78,000
people unemployed.
Only one good thing has happened to our
country and that good thing is mainly for
the rich. According to Greg Canavan,
property is also becoming an export market
and Tony Abbott, the prime minister, is
now selling citizenship for $15 million.
Australia has an opened economy and
when the next big crisis hits the Aussie
dollar will drop and interest rates will rise.

Another problem there has been happening

to Australia that as a result reflects on our
Graph on how interest rate has been increasing

also be impeding someones ability to leave
or return to their country.

Tony Abbott giving a conference on all sudden attacks that

have been happening.

Australia Terrorism Attacks

Australia has recently had more than a few
terrorism attacks and the best things
leaders in Australia can do is enforce their
laws. There has been many people saying
that they are planning on attacking and
killing people in Australia. Tony Abbott is
doing good on enforcing rules because he
cant just risk peoples lives and he cant let
something like 9/11 happen to Australia.
Enforcing rules in Australia is the best
decision they can make because if someone
is an immigrant, Tony Abbott is willing to
withdraw their citizenships and send them
back to their countries. According to
Michelle Innis from The New York Times, if
youre Australian, he is willing to suspend
their citizenship entitlements, this could

To be considered a terrorist, you would

have to threat the country or people and
you would also have to plan an attack and
make other offenses. According to
Aljazeera, there has already been about 100
Australians supporting extremist groups.
The biggest attack in Australia was actually
something planned by individual
australians who were already suspects.
This happened on September 18, 2014 and
they were selecting random members of
the public and killing them, it was the
biggest counterterrorism raid yet. Also,
according Michelle Innis from The New
York Times, they arrested two islamic men
who allegedly were planning on carrying
out an attack.

machete and a hunting knife in their home.

They also found an Islamic State militant
group flag hanging in their house and a
video in which they said they were
planning on carrying out this attack. With
all this evidence that they gathered they
were able to arrest both men.
In my opinion, there are not many crimes in
Australia as there is in the United States.
They should make laws and enforce them
more as they do in the USA. What the USA
does is capture them and keep them in jail
until they have further evidence. If they
cant find any evidence of the suspects to be
innocent they are sentenced for life. If they
have few evidence but they still manage to
be released, they will be under probation
and with just one small offense they can be


The Australian police went on a search to

their house and they supposedly found a

Public alert system.

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