The USA Now: Dropping The Bomb On The Nuclear Deal?

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The USA Now

Chula Vista, CA
Monday, March 19, 2015
3 pages

Dropping the Bomb on the

Nuclear Deal?

Senate attempting to reject nuclear deal with Iran.

During March of this year, the Israeli Prime

Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Is debating w/
the US to drop the nuclear deal weve been
working on with Iran.
Then, G.O.P. sent a
letter to Iran about avoiding agreement with
President Obama. Now, the White House is
accusing them of undercutting foreign policy.
Republicans signed an open letter addressed
to leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran
saying that any agreement without legislative
approval could be reversed by the next
president with the stroke of a pen.

The letter appeared aimed at unraveling a

framework agreement even as negotiators
grew close to reaching it. Mr. Obama, working
with leaders of five other world powers,
argues that the pact would be the best way to
keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. But
critics from both parties say that such a deal
would be a dangerous charade that would
leave Iran with the opportunity to eventually
build weapons that could be used against
Israel or other foes.
While the possible agreement has drawn
bipartisan criticism, the letter, signed only by
Republicans, underscored the increasingly
party-line flavor of the clash. Just last week,
the Republican House speaker, John A.
Boehner, gave Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu of Israel the platform of a joint
meeting of Congress to denounce the
developing deal, and Senate Republicans
briefly tried to advance legislation aimed at
forcing Mr. Obama to submit it to Congress,
alienating Democratic allies.

G.O.P Senators.

Whether the Republican letter might undercut

Irans willingness to strike a deal was not
clear. Iran reacted with scorn. In our view,
this letter has no legal value and is mostly a
propaganda ploy, Mohammad Javad Zarif,
Irans foreign minister, said in a statement. It
is very interesting that while negotiations are
still in progress and while no agreement has
been reached, some political pressure groups
are so afraid even of the prospect of an
agreement that they resort to unconventional
methods, unprecedented in diplomatic

Other Democrats were sharper. Josh Earnest,
the White House press secretary, called it just
the latest in an ongoing strategy, a partisan
strategy, to undermine the presidents ability
to conduct foreign policy. Senator Harry M.
Reid of Nevada, the Democratic minority
leader, said the Republicans are undermining
our commander in chief while empowering
the ayatollahs.

Ferguson. It is unlikely, however, for them to take

the entire station down. The police in Ferguson are
currently trying to find and arrest the murder,
questioning everyone living near the PD.

evidence leads to one thing and one thing only:

Ferguson is one city you dont want to visit.
Shootings, murder, drug dealing, its just a bad
influence in the US.
What I believe should be done is simple; We
enforce every law as much as possible in that
location. We stuff that place to the rim with police,
not a corner unguarded, not an alleyway unseen. If
we put that place into maximum security, Ferguson
might become a better place. But for now, its
all just going downhill.

Citizens praying for peace in Ferguson.

Get Away from Ferguson

Earlier this week, two Ferguson policemen were
shot while standing outside the Ferguson Police
Department. To me, that is the last straw. Ferguson
is known for its crime and injustice, and this takes
the cake. Not only is that murderer still out there,
alive and running; This caused protest, to find the
murderer. Now, citizens are randomly being shot,
as if hunting for animals. The police had cooled off
the protests down to silent prayers outside of the
FPD. And as if anything could get worse, DeRay
McKesson, the head and chief of the FPD, quit. Now
we need someone to take his spot. This is causing
citizens to want to dissolve the entire department
and be in peace. If the citizens manage to remove
the department, it will cause chaos in all of

This gives Ferguson a reputation. Not one theyd

want, if any. This happening may be linked to the
riots and police brutality in LA. In addition to
corruption, the New York Police Department was
caught editing the Wikipedia page for Police
. Really, how low can you get, to try and
wipe the police brutality page? I believe this shows
fear, from the NYPD.
Today, March 17th, 2015, a man has risen from the
others saying that he was the one who committed
the crime of shooting the policemen. 20-year old
Jeffery Williams explained, he wasnt aiming for
them. This man has a heart of stone, to have the
guts to go up and say it was him. I congratulate him.
Not for the murder, but for speaking out. This man
was arrested today.
This evidence alone rises many other questions. If
he was trying to shoot someone else and not the
policemen, who was he aiming for? And why was he
aiming towards them if the only thing behind them
is the building?
So, what does this leave us with, you ask? All of this

[1]The New York Times, Peter Baker, March 9th, 2015, G.O.P. Senators Letter to Iran About
Nuclear Deal Angers White House
[2]The New York Times, Julie Hirschfeld Davis, M
3rd, 2015, Netanyahu Speech Raises Burden for Obama on Iran Nuclear Talks
Steinbuch, March 13th, 2015, NYPD Computers used to Change Police Brutality Wikipedia

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