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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Application for title elearance ‘ded through the Head of Department/Institution of Research) 1. Faculty 2. Subject 3. Broad area of research 4, Title of the thesis To The Registrar Gujarat University Ahmedabad 380009 Dear Sir Tam submitting herewith my proposal for title clearance of my Ph.D. thesis. The required details are as follows 1, Name in full (in Capital Letters) (Beginning with Surname, if any) Yours faithfully, (Applicant) Date : Name of the Guide: (Signature) Date Enel: Proposal (8 copies) FRESH REGISTRATION/RE-REGISTRATION FOR Ph.D. DEGREE (In case of re-registration, students are requested to give their previous Registration No. and Date along with his/her application through the guide) N.B» 1) Persons who hold qualifying degree of other Universities have to provide themselves with certificates of eli this University before applying for registration as Ph.D. students, 2) The registration and tuition fees will be accepted after the approval of the tte. 3) Tuition fees must be paid regularly for each term by the student. 4) Certified true copy of the mark statement should be attached of the Master Degree Examination, ity from Reg. No. Date:___f GUJARAT UNIVERSITY FROM OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION/RE-REGISTRATION AS A POST-GRADUATE STUDENT FOR THE DEGREE OF Ph.D. To, The Registrar, Gujarat University, | Ahmedabad-9, Sir, T request that my name be registered/te-registered as a Post-graduate student leading for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of he Gujarat University in nomen Subject and in. soo Faculty. *1 intend to offer myself as a candidate for the Examination for that Degree in the year. My name has not been registered as a Post-graduate student or for any other Degree or for any other branch ofthe Ph.D. Degree am enclosing the receipt for the payment of the required fees. ‘Yours faithfully, Date: .. emo (Signature) *The faculty in which the candidate wishes to obtain the Degree of Ph.D. PRATICULARS OF THE CANDIDATE Sex Male/Female Race and ae Religion : i Fee Receipt No. Father's! Husband's Date = ee & Amount = Residential Address Date of application for the cerificate of eligibility and the ®- Coe : number ofthe provisional or final eligibility certificate issued IrTelephone No. |) ). ‘The Name of the Institution where the appli “The name of the University eacher under whom the applicant is pwork : es |working or proposes 10 work Date of Retirement ofthe Teacher: "Tis fall til ofthe Problem of Research : in which Language the Synopsis & thesis will be submited EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS. “The examination for the Masters degree passed by the applicant withthe date of passing, the name ofthe University, optional subjects, if any, and the class obtained be mentioned. Name of the Examination Year University Subject/s Class | ] | | Present No. of students registered and Working under a teacher 7 soe (To be filed in by the guide) (Signature ofthe University Teacher under ‘whom the applicant proposes to work). {Signature an! Stamp ofthe DitectorPrinipal ofthe Institution where the teacher is attached) Placer. For University Office Sit, ‘The application is in order and he/she may please be registered. For Regi Ph.D, Ordinances, Gujarat University Page 20

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