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1.1 Strengths
1.1.1 Introduction to technology
The scheduling technology used at BLK is known as Smartsheet.
Each sales representative for the company is equipped with a
template, which is to be filled in accordingly each time a new order
is placed. This template is then emailed to Fijian administrative staff,
who conduct all data input. Once all the orders are entered into the
system, a report is then generated that determines what stock is
required to go to which factory. Particular codes attached to the
entered orders distinguish the delivery location. Specific orders are
then directed to specific factories that can fully cater to what the
garments require. This is because each factory operates differently,
has a certain stock inventory and may not have the materials to
carry out the required task. From here, the gathered information is
used to compile numerous manufacturing sheets, which are job lists
that each factory has to complete before being shipped to BLKs
holding factory located here on the Gold Coast.
1.1.2 Accessibility
A definite strength of using this method of scheduling is
Smartsheets accessibility. The program is completely cloud based,
which makes it absolutely perfect for BLKs intended purposes. BLK
consists of three factories located on the Gold Coast, Fiji and China
and Smartsheet allows clean, easy access to other factories and
offices to see what each is producing and its stock levels. The
factories operations can be observed and data can be edited
without all of the trouble of having to work on multiple Excel
documents, some of which may not have been shared before
updates were made. Smartsheet is available to access across all
browsers, devices and operating systems, increasing its already
astounding level of convenience.
1.1.3 File attachment
Adding to the overwhelming strength of the features of Smartsheet
is the file store option. This option gives you the chance to store
important information with any item on your sheet. File types such
as videos, PDFs, Word and Excel documents and Internet links can
all be attached to orders. This feature is especially useful when
wanting easy access to specific client information. Helpful data that
can be attached includes logos, their desired t-shirt design, order
forms and so on.
1.1.4 Production Timing
Similar to VISY, BLK caters to customers with extremely tight
schedules. When entering an order into Smartsheet, the program

can calculate the fastest way possible to complete requirements

within the timeframe in which the order has to be ready. The
program alters the line of production to make sure that jobs are not
run too early, preventing the filling of dispatch and certifies that jobs
arent being run too late, so that customers arent waiting for the
product. These considerations that BLK make every time an order
comes through are identical to that of VISY.
1.1.5 Best Practice
Smartsheet is recognized as best practice due to previous
experiences. Before Smartsheet came in to use by BLK, the
company relied on Microsoft Excel to conduct their scheduling.
According to Sharron Moore, BLKs CCO, Excel in no way at all
compares to the capabilities of Smartsheet.
1.1.6 Conclusion
BLKs many considerations when scheduling stock obviously pays off
as they have quite a vast array of strengths.

1.2 Weaknesses
1.2.1 The Cloud
Unfortunately, BLKs multiple scheduling advantages have been
accompanied by some weaknesses. The first has to do with possibly
its biggest strength, the fact that it is cloud based. Naturally, there
are going to be disadvantages to having such a large system based
purely online. The first is the speed when logging on and accessing
sheets. It takes roughly about a minute and a half when accessing a
sheet for the first time and then 45 seconds when navigating
between sheets and the home page. This makes browsing rather
frustrating, especially when rushing to check an order. There is also
another weakness that relates to the speed of Smartsheet. Because
the system is so sluggish, changes could occur, but so slowly that
they could not come through. Someone accessing the same
information in a different factory may not see the change, and in an
unlikely event, stock damage could even occur.
1.2.2 System back-up
The backing-up of BLKs Smartsheet is something that does not
occur. If an event were to take place where the companys
Smartsheet was corrupted or lost, it would be a major setback. The
loss of something so organized with such a direct link to operations
playing a crucial role in the operation of the business would be
absolutely detrimental and cost the company possibly millions of
1.2.3 Human Error
Another weakness that BLK faces in its operational management is
human errors. These errors could occur at any point in the

scheduling process including the input and access of consumer data

as well as during the manufacturing process. Any error of this type
could result in significant losses in time and money, which would be
unfavorable for the business. Human error has occurred in the BLK
factory previously whereby a sales person incorrectly entered an
order into the system and was made. The order then arrived to the
consumer with an incorrect logo meaning that the order had to be
refunded, re-made and fast tracked to make up for the mistake.
Luckily the company understood that mistakes happen and still use
BLK however other companies may not have understood it as much.

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